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Chapter 305 The key to the door

 Seeing Shade's determination, Miss Felianna chuckled and shook her head:

"It's not your responsibility to help us. Although I don't know who gave you the task, I'm afraid the task is not mandatory, otherwise you wouldn't be so relaxed. Just try your best. Although you are willing to call me teacher, I am not

What do you think of that kind of very strict tutor?"

She suddenly turned her head to look at the Moon Witch who was covering her mouth and laughing. The young girl with long yellow hair immediately covered her mouth and shook her head, looking frightened:

"Of course not. Teacher, you are the kindest and most considerate witch I have ever seen."

The giant tree witch also nodded, and Shade almost understood Miss Feliana's character.

The key of 3002 allowed Shade to stay for half an hour at a time. The conversation with Miss Feliana about the God-Calling Ceremony took a long time. After that, Miss Feliana finally asked about Shad's duel with the Evil God.

The result seems to be that he wants to use Shade's experience to improve his novel "The Adventures of Mana" and give future witches more experience in escaping when facing evil gods.

Therefore, when Miss Feliana had no other questions, Shade only had about five minutes left to stay.

The task of searching for lost ritual items in the woods certainly did not require Shade, a lowly sorcerer, to do it, so he planned to use the remaining time to ask the witches about things related to the ancient gods.

It will appear at least two thousand years later, so he cannot ask, and the witches dare not listen to modern things, so he can only ask this. But what is very disappointing is that although Miss Feliana knows the secret of the Wanxiang Impermanence Card,

But the witches don't know much about the ancient gods, and they have only heard about the special white mist space left by the ancient gods that Shade said.

"I don't know what you think of me, but at least I am not what you know right now. From our conversations, I always feel that you think I am a know-it-all."

This is what Miss Feliana said when Shade showed a regretful expression.

According to the college's historical records and legends, Miss Feliana was still very young when St. Byrons was founded, and lived as the first principal for many years after the establishment of the college. Therefore, the Miss Feliana that Shade met this time

Although he is already at the thirteenth level, he is probably still in the early stages of his life, and is not the nearly omniscient principal in history and legend.

"In fact, when I traveled through time, besides seeing more stories and completing some necessary tasks, the most important purpose was to discover the secrets of the ancient gods."

Shade briefly explained his thoughts. Miss Felianna nodded and did not express any opinions. She probably just listened to the young man's story. But on the side, she finished copying the information that Shade brought and was helping him pack his suitcase.

The Moon Witch suddenly spoke.

The real age of these witches is definitely older than their apparent age, but their personalities are very close to their apparent age. In Shade's view, Miss Feliana is the kind of intellectual and steady lady, while the giant tree witch is less talkative.

She is calm, while Moon Witch has a more active personality.

This time, the young witch was very melancholy:

"Is this your life?"

"No, time travel only accounts for a small part of my life. My main occupation is detective, but my most time-consuming activity is raising cats."

Shade explained, and the Moon Witch sighed, lowered her head and sorted out the documents in her hands:

"Walking through time to witness different stories, and living a fulfilling and peaceful life in your own time. Sir, the life you have is probably the best life I can imagine."

"It sounds like you mean I'm not good to you?"

Miss Feliana asked rather dissatisfiedly, but this time her student did not deny what she just said:

"Teacher, before I met you, I was just an orphan girl selling flowers on the street. Only after following you can I have the life I have today. I am very satisfied with my current life. This is the best life in this era. But sometimes I

I think about what my life would be like if I didn’t live in this era, but in a more peaceful world without wars, conspiracies, or even mystery and extraordinary things.”

Miss Feliana shook her head and said to Shade:

"Look, this is the instability of mood and character caused by being eroded by this forest for too long. Now it is just intermittent depression and sentimentality like an ordinary woman during a special period of the month. The situation will become more and more serious later.


"Teacher, I just heard this gentleman's words and suddenly sighed."

The witch with long brown hair defended herself in a low voice, and her companion patted her hand to tell her to stop talking.

"Actually, my life is not that good. Do you think it is a good life to be forced to face the evil god?"

Shade asked back. He understood the Moon Witch's thoughts. When he was in his hometown, Shade occasionally thought about what life would be like if he lived in a world with extraordinary power. But when he really came here, he missed the past very much.

peaceful days:

"You have only seen the good side of my life, but you may not have imagined that I was almost shot to death by an unknown person when I was walking on the road a few weeks ago."

"Is your era also chaotic?"

Miss Feliana said in a low voice, and then motioned to Shade that there was no need to explain.

"As for there being no extraordinary world"

Shade looked at the bonfire in front of him:

"The burden of life will crush people like us without a home."

The crown of the giant tree overhead blocked the night sky, and the red-gold bonfire cast the shadows of the four people in four directions. Looking at the burning and crackling bonfire, Shade thought of his two lives:

"When you don't get it, you envy others, and when you get it, you think it's the best. So, it's right to cherish your current life. I envy you, madam, I envy you for having such a good teacher."

Miss Feliana, who was praised by Shade, smiled at him, and the Moon Witch also raised her head and smiled:

"You are very good at complimenting people. Teacher likes to hear such words. Okay, teacher, I won't say it anymore. But this gentleman, are you willing to accept a gift?"


Shade didn't know why. He looked at the witches in the light of the bonfire. All three of them smiled at him:

"We discussed it after you left last time. Your power is too weak. No matter what, we should give you some power. But the barrier of time makes it difficult to do many things, not to mention that our mystical power system is different.

Fortunately, the teacher knows something about the Ring Warlock system and understands that for you, the stories of gods are also powerful."

"But it doesn't mean you gain strength by listening to stories."

Shade wanted to explain the elements in detail, but Miss Feliana interrupted him:

"Understand and listen over and over again, and capture the traces of God left in the world at the moment when the light of the soul blooms. This is how to obtain the so-called [miracle]. Of course, the story we tell you will not work, but it is recorded on the divine token

The story may be useful. By coincidence, in order to prepare for the ritual of contacting the gods, we do have some similar items in our hands, which record the story of the gods [Yahua Gate], please listen carefully."

The two young witches each went into the single tent to get items. Miss Filiana was assigned an exquisite seven-stringed lyre, the Moon Witch held a wooden spindle, and the Tree Witch held a green spindle.

Buds of branches.

All three items have strong miraculous elements, and there are detailed texts on the surface to write stories.

Miss Feliana touched the strings with her hands. I don't know whether it was the power of the lyre itself or the power of the witch. The sound of the piano was like water droplets falling into her heart, spreading in the forest with the wind.

"In that long time when there were no mythological records, the ancient gods walked the earth."

Her singing voice is very soft, but exceptionally beautiful. Her fingers pluck the strings, blending perfectly with the witch's singing:

"On the first day, He met a deer and gained a loyal servant."

Miss Feliana stood up from the bonfire, came to Shade, and asked Shade to reach out and touch the lyre on which the story was written.

She continued to strum the strings, and amid the sound of the piano, the Moon Witch held a spindle in her hand and opened her mouth, singing in a low and vicissitudes of voice:

"The next day He picked a flower and added bright colors to Himself."

The Moon Witch stood up from the campfire, came to Shade, and asked Shade to reach out and touch the spindle on which the story was written.

Miss Feliana continued to pluck the strings, and the Giant Tree Witch spoke amidst the sound of the piano. Her song seemed to come from a distant place, distant and quiet:

"On the third day, He encountered the tree of wisdom and harvested the ancient mysteries."

The giant tree witch stood up from the bonfire, came to Shade, and asked Shade to reach out and touch the branch where the story was written.

The light of the fire swayed, Shade sat by the campfire, and the three witches stood in front of him and sang softly together:

"At the end of time and space, He turns into a door to guard the deer, the flowers, and the big trees. When everything comes to an end, He will return with everything he left."

The last sound was so low that it was almost silent. The tree crown above the head swayed with the wind and made a sound. The fire on the ground swayed with the sound of the piano, creating light and shadow.

The witches closed their eyes together and let the tail sound tremble continuously. Shade felt the pull from behind, and it was time for him to go home.

[God once walked here, God once stayed here. He also had servants, and He also had colors. At the end of time and space, He has been watching here.]

[You have listened to the story of the old god’s “Year-Changing Door”, and you have learned about the miracle of the old god’s “Year-Changing Door”. ]

"Spell or spiritual rune?"

[Outlander, you have obtained the spell - the key to the door. When you encounter a lock, you can open it. 】

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