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Chapter 310 encounter

 "Just now"

[The woman who gave you something is a ring sorcerer.]


Shade looked at the direction in which the police disappeared, and then at the paper bag that was forced into him, which looked like bread from a bakery:

"Are there any dangerous items in here?"

[There are no traces of elements or spirits, you can take a look at what is inside.]

Shade thought for a moment, then looked in the direction where the young girl and the police disappeared, then turned and walked into the alley where the group of people ran out just now.

There were two-story buildings on both sides of the alley, so the lighting in the alley was not very good. After confirming that there was no one else here, Shade took a look inside the heavy paper bag, which was full of books and documents.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

Shade didn't want to get into any trouble in a strange city, and he had no curiosity about the paper bag that was forced into him. Now that he had confirmed that the contents inside were not relics or bombs, he thought about spending some money to leave one side of the alley.

The tailor's store is temporarily keeping the bag of items so that the lady can take them away when she comes to find them later.

But when I looked carefully at the outside of the paper bag, I found a small blue ink mark on the upper right corner of the bag.

The mark is circular, with a circle of vines surrounding the inner edge, and the center of the mark is an ancient rune that represents the meaning of "words".

The style was very simple, but it made Xia De subconsciously frown:

"The school emblem of Zarath Academy of Literature?"

Zarath Academy of Literature, also known as Zarath School of Magic, together with St. Byrons Comprehensive College and Serkeses Higher Medical School, are known as the three major thaumaturgy academies in the Sixth Age. St. Byrons

Specializing in the storage of relics, Zarath Academy of Literature is proficient in the development of thaumaturgy and incantation, and Serkses Higher Medical School has made great achievements in potions and alchemy.

Not long ago, when they and the doctor broke into the residence of the leader of the Rydwich Field in Tobesk City where he kept his lover, they met a correspondence magician from the Zarath Academy of Literature. However, Shade did not talk to him.

Other students from the School of Thaumaturgy are not familiar with it.

"Is the girl just now a correspondence chemist from Zarath Academy of Literature in Coldwater Port City?"

Thinking of this, he lowered his head and looked at the paper bag in his hand. After hesitating, he reached out to look through the documents in it, and then pulled out one of them.

The school emblem of Zarath Academy of Literature is printed on the top, and the title says [Academy Bounty Order]. After a cursory glance at the content of the bounty order, the general idea is that a sage-level relic [Mermaid's Dream] has appeared locally, and the city of Coldwater Port

Correspondence ring magicians in and around the area have issued bounties, hoping to provide relevant clues to the academy.

"If she didn't snatch this bag of things, then there is a high probability that she is really a correspondence magician from Zarath Academy of Literature."

Thinking of this, Shade was a little hesitant to leave immediately.

He has no acquaintances in the local area. If he can find a correspondence magician who is familiar with the local situation, it will definitely be of great help in finding blood money and even other monetary relics.

The three major academies do not require their students to be good people, but they must not be bad people. This ensures the other party's basic character. However, Shade decided to be cautious when he rashly contacted an unknown ring warlock.

But before he could make up his mind, footsteps sounded again. The real owner of the paper bag, the girl in a black and white gauze skirt, actually walked in from the alley.

At this time, less than five minutes had passed since she gave Shade the paper bag.

"Sir, I'm so sorry just now."

Wearing small black leather shoes on her feet, the young girl in her twenties stood there and looked at Shade. Her long blond hair, which was carefully taken care of, hung down her head (note), and on her right ear was a ruby ​​earring:

"Now, can you return the things to me?"

She looks very beautiful when she smiles. She is a very beautiful girl with fair skin and an outstanding temperament. She reminds Shade of the noble girls of noble birth he had seen at the banquet at Lakeview Manor.

No scars or flaws can be seen on the face, neck or hands. The black and white gauze skirt on her body looks ordinary, but if you look closely at the cutting method, you can confirm that it is a purely handmade custom skirt.

Shade couldn't find the right way to express his feelings when he saw her for the first time, but in short, she must be a girl of noble birth.

[Circle Warlock. Ruby earrings are very powerful relics.]


Shade said softly, looking at the strange girl:

"Were the police chasing you just now?"

She came back a little too quickly.

"I just accidentally appeared in a place I shouldn't have. Don't worry, sir, I didn't break the law."

She said with a smile. Seeing Shade step forward and hand the paper bag to her, the strange girl also took a step forward.

At close range, Shade could smell the perfume on her body. Nowadays, outsiders also know many girls from different origins and have the ability to easily identify perfumes. Shade cannot tell the quality of the perfume used by strange girls, but he knows

That must be very expensive.

"I'm really sorry to bother you. Goodbye then."

Seeing that Shade didn't want to say anything, the girl wearing ruby ​​earrings took the paper bag, nodded slightly and turned to leave. She walked a little slowly, but Shade, who was thinking, didn't notice this.

Looking at her back, after hesitating for a moment, Shade stopped her:

"Sorry, ma'am, I forgot to ask for your name."

The young girl turned around immediately:

"No, you'd better not know my name, otherwise you'll get into trouble. Sir, when you talk to a strange girl, you must pay attention to whether the other person is dangerous."

She said with a smile, as if to persuade the admirers she met by chance to be careful of the danger.

"You're absolutely right."

Shade said, and then asked softly:

"Just, can you satisfy my curiosity? I noticed that this paper bag is full of books. I wonder which school a lady like you goes to?"

"Me? Have you read my book?"

She raised her eyebrows:

"I can't tell you this, sir, it's a secret."

From this, although there is still the possibility of misjudgment, Shade basically confirmed that the other party was the correspondence magician from Zarath Academy of Literature.

From a simple conversation, it seemed that the other party was someone he could communicate with. And Sha De's question also aroused the other party's alert, which was exactly what Sha De wanted. He decided to continue testing, after all, he was not available anytime and anywhere.

Find correspondence sorcerers from the three major thaumaturgy academies.

"Sir, you haven't looked through my things, right?"

The young girl asked with a frown.

"of course not."

"That's good, after all, it's here"

Unexpectedly, she suddenly raised her head and looked into Shade's eyes:

"Who are you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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