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Chapter 373 Feilianna Notes

 After sighing, Xia De officially began to tap on all his gains after the second key disappeared.

In addition to the unexpected [Tree Kiss] spirit rune and the puzzling truth about the time key, Miss Feliana also said that if she could remember Shade, she would leave him a gift.

It's a pity that Shade hasn't found anything after a month and a half of enrollment. Maybe Miss Feliana forgot about him, maybe the gift is in the castle of St. Byrons, and he needs to actually arrive at the academy to get that charming lady's gift.


However, Miss Felianna's notebook was successfully brought to the present time by Shade. Although the pages were a little yellowed after coming from the past to the present, it did not prevent Shade from standing by the window and flipping through the notebook. Then he unexpectedly

I found that there was actually a small amount of blank space on it. The notebook that had been filled with careful writing by the witch now had a small amount of blank space, probably only one-tenth of the total.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I have gained a large amount of knowledge from the past."

Although the father of the Infinite Tree is far away, Shade can feel his presence all the time.

He lowered his head and looked at the remaining leaf, because the one just now contained the thaumaturgy of [space stabilizing halo], so it must be [the truth of a period of history (the Witch War at the end of the fifth era)].

Shade thought for a moment, closed his left eye, and placed the leaf in front of his right eye.

The cat raised its head and looked at him curiously.

Shade saw some floating lights and shadows, and then saw a long and narrow masonry corridor.

The ground was covered with white ash, and two women in gorgeous long dresses walked along the corridor one after another. The place was extremely dilapidated, like ancient ruins that had gone through the years.

At the end of the corridor, there was a very familiar white fog door, and the women walked in together.

Behind the door was shrouded in white mist, and two women stood together, one showing a ring on her right hand, and the other holding a golden button.

As the two pieces of jewelry emitted soft white light, the white mist was gradually dissipated.

This is like a sacrificial site or a conference hall. There is a large gray-white stone round table in the open space, surrounded by thirteen stone-backed seats.

Around the circular open space, dilapidated stone steps ascended step by step until the white mist blocked the view at the highest point.

The two women sat down, and Shade's field of vision was always behind them, so he couldn't see their faces clearly.

"The Fifth Age must be over."

One of the voices said, and the language used was naturally not the common language of Delarion.

"Yes, witches are the product of failure, and it's time to start the next era."

Another voice said.

"But the other eleven wouldn't agree."

"They betrayed their promises, abandoned the parliament, and forgot what mission they shouldered. Now we are the only two with the right to vote. That's enough."

"Do you really want to do this?"

The tone was very anxious.

"Yes, if it continues, the problems faced by people in the Sixth Age will be even greater. For the future of this world, it is time to end it."

After a moment of silence, the two of them said together:

"In the name of the Witch Council, the voting for the thirteen seats has begun. There should be thirteen people, but there are actually two, and two people have the right to vote, meeting the minimum requirements. Open the vote for the 3419th meeting of the Witch Council, the content of the vote, whether you agree to participate in the meeting

Those who borrowed the power of the Parliament to forcefully end the Fifth Age in the form of a witch war."

"The sixth seat agrees."

"The Thirteenth Seat agrees."

"There were two valid votes and zero invalid votes. There were two votes in favor and zero votes against. The resolution was passed."

Some firelight burst out from under the round table, igniting the two women sitting on the ancient stone armchairs. But instead of being injured, they seemed to become stronger with their violent breathing movements.

Shade put down the leaf, and all the scenes ended. He tried to look at it again, but he could no longer see the repeated scene.

His brows furrowed even more:

"So, there really is a space left by the ancient gods, which is called the [Witch Council]. The Witch War was started by two witches in order to end the fifth era. Since the [Witch Council] has been passed down, the current witches are very

Maybe he still controls that space."

He held two pieces of [Eternal Youth Leaves] in his left hand, and patted the cat standing on the window sill with his right hand. Shade was in a daze, looking at the halo of the gas street lamp outside the window. The halo was ambiguous and blurry, illuminating his side.

His face could not illuminate the confusion in his heart:

"There are more unknown things."

He was not in a good mood, of course, not only because of the farewell to the two witches who were very kind to him.

It seems that every time I go to the past to witness history, I find more unknowns when I come back.

The clock in the corner clicked:

"So, is it the sixth era now? Speaking of which, it's Monday again. What will the gift box give me this week?"

(Little Mia is running)

"So, is it the sixth era now?"

These were the first words Shade said when he saw Dorothy at the door of his house on Monday morning.

He had dark circles under his eyes, a pale face, chapped lips, messy hair, and even dull eyes.

The female writer excitedly holding the "Steam Bird Daily" stood at the door of Shade's house and nodded hesitantly:

"Of course it's Shade. Didn't you say that you only went in the past three seconds? Did you experience more time this time? You can't tell the current time clearly."

Looking worriedly at Shade's poor image at this time, a red-haired girl wearing black leather shoes walked in. Her long red hair swept over Shade's shoulders. She pursed her lips and asked:

"Then let's test it, Shade, what did you do before we separated yesterday?"

Shade rubbed his face and managed to return to normal. He closed the door and recalled:

"We had dinner together. I mixed some expensive cod liver oil into Xiao Mia's cat food to make the cat forget about taking a bath at noon."


The orange cat, who was standing on the stairs waiting for Shade to go upstairs, immediately raised his head and barked when he heard his name. The movement of raising his head made the hair on his furry chest face the early morning sunlight that came in through the door that had not yet been completely closed.


It was very lively outside the door. On Monday morning, there was mist on Place Saint Teresa, and gentlemen in boots were rushing to work.

"That's right. Now of course it's 1853 in the Sixth Age's Universal Calendar. Shade, what's wrong with you? Losing the correct sense of time is also a sign that a ring warlock is out of control, especially since you still control the power of time.


Speaking of this, Dorothy became even more worried.

"No, I'm not out of control, I'm just curious."

Shade shook his head. He did not intend to tell Dorothy the information he had learned from God, because it would be meaningless and would easily involve Dorothy in strange things.

"Then why do you seem to be in bad spirits?"

she asked again.

"I stayed up very late reading last night. I didn't go to bed until two o'clock. I was woken up by Mia at seven o'clock. I planned to make an interesting alchemy item soon."

Shade yawned and thought of the notebook that was now placed on the dining table. Although one-tenth of the content was missing, the rest was still valuable.

Miss Feliana patiently and carefully wrote down her adventure experiences, ways to gain power, knowledge of extraordinary beings, strange and interesting rumors, and some formulas for magic potions and alchemy items in dense small characters.

Currently, there is only one alchemy item that Shade has heard of, which means he can make it. Miss Feliana did not write the name of the item, but its only function is to detect witches.

After the alchemy item is made, just hang it around your neck like a pendant. The pendant will automatically heat up within half a mile (about 804m) of the witch. And the more witches there are and the stronger they are, the more obvious the heat will be.

This detection distance is much farther than the witch's detection of Shade, and it is very helpful for Shade to stay away from those troublesome women.

Of course, in addition to the knowledge itself, notebooks are also valuable antiques.

Although it is just an ordinary paper page, there is Miss Feliana's handwriting on the page. This is a very remarkable item for St. Byrons Comprehensive College. If Shade is willing to sell it, he guesses that the college can even

Ask for five or even six figures in gold pounds.

But Shade will not sell it, he will treasure it forever as a memory of the two witches who helped him.

Today, as agreed, Shade will go to Coldwater Port again to see Princess Lesia, and Dorothy comes to help Shade take care of the cat and look through the remaining detective records.

In this morning's "Steambird Daily", the first short story of Dorothy's serial detective novel "Hamilton Detective Stories", "The Overdue Murder", occupies a large space because it is the first issue.

Allowing her to send out more content.

Among them, the appearance of "Detective Hamilton" is a relatively important part, which will be related to connecting the future stories together.

The main distribution area of ​​"Steam Bird Daily" is the central Delrayon region centered on Tobesk, but it can also be found in large cities such as Coldwater Port.

If Dorothy's story succeeds, it means that her career has reached a higher level, which is much more meaningful than the Kingdom Literary Award, which has been won by 35 people.

Leading Dorothy upstairs, Shade also shared his experience this morning. The blonde girl didn't want to hear the whole story, so Shade only told the story of "The Kiss of the Tree" and the connection between it and the God-Calling Ceremony.

"Miss Feliana."

When Shade showed the notebook and described the story of the founder of the college, Dorothy had a look of envy on her face.

But when she talked about the ancient god - the father of the Infinite Tree and the old god - the Yaobian Gate, she couldn't hold it any longer, and shook her head so that Shade didn't have to talk anymore.

Shade then summoned the life ring, and now the second spiritual rune of the second ring - [Kiss of the Tree], was shining with golden spiritual light. After [Greed], Shade once again obtained a rune related to the name of the fairy tale,

However, the story this time is not the story he tells.

This chapter has been completed!
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