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Chapter 376 Demon Scholar

 "Special rules cards?"

Shade looked at the man across the table in surprise:

"Of course I'm interested."

But he didn't think that the people he met at the dock slum hotel could easily pull out a special card.

The man lowered his voice and spoke with a strong accent. He liked to press the last note downward. He touched his scalp:

"I heard the conversation you just had with the boss here, and I saw that you could patiently read your notebook here for half an hour. I bet you are definitely a Rhodes player, and an experienced player. This kind of temperament is what makes you a good player.

It’s not allowed to be fake. Are you interested in playing a bet with me? Using special cards?”

"Sorry, I don't have any special cards."

Shade shook his head, not wanting to get sidetracked during the investigation.

"It doesn't matter, then let's bet on other things. If you win, you can buy my cards at a cheap price of 20 pounds. If I win, you have to give me 20 pounds directly."

This is a big number. Shade wanted to refuse, but the man had already put the card on the table. The corners of his mouth were raised to both sides, and his eyes were bright:

"Look at this."

Shade looked down and his expression changed.

[Devil·Soul Stealer Bishop], Flower Moon 9.

When this card is drawn, if the opponent does not stop, he must draw two cards in the next round. If the two cards are of different suits, the opponent can choose to give up one of the cards. If the two cards are of the same suit, he must accept both cards at the same time.

of numbers.

"Is this...a demon series?"

Shade lowered his voice and held his hands on the table. Even the outsiders were surprised at this moment.

The prosperity of Rhodes cards has a history of several centuries. In addition to the founding series, the other five special cards in Shard's hand are actually from the series within the past one or two hundred years.

In fact, at the beginning of the release of Rhodes cards, the Prophet Association was more inclined to use folk tales and legendary things to select themes for the series of cards. Only in modern times, it became more inclined to natural and civilized series.


The Demon series is one of the famous early Rhodes card series. This deck was later reprinted many times, but each special card was only released once. The next edition is a new Demon card. The one in front of you is the top one on the front.

The logo shows that this is the first edition of the Demon series of Rhodes cards.

Shade could not tell the exact date of the release of the first edition of the Demon series, but he could be sure that if this card was genuine, its value would definitely not be less than 1,000 pounds.

In addition to the [Foundation] series, demons, angels, saints from various churches, and legendary heroes from ancient legends are all quite valuable Rhodes cards.

"Are you sure this is authentic?"

Shade asked hesitantly, and the long-faced man smiled and asked:

"If I can confirm it, do you think I will bet you 20 pounds? Sir, I got it by chance. Although I am a Rhodes player, I have always avoided the devil, so this card

I won't hold back. I happened to meet you, so why not make a bet with you."

This is very similar to what happens in a classic scam.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am a demonologist. Sean Asmon. I was recently in Coldwater Port investigating the ancient rumors here."

With that said, he extended his hand to Shade.

Shade shook hands with him and received the reply that the other person was an ordinary person:


The kerosene lamp between the two people had a yellowish light, and a black flying insect flew into the lampshade at some point. It crashed into the flame, causing the firelight to sway, and the light and shadow on the stranger's face intertwined.

"Yes, I don't teach in the university, but I accept commissions from nobles to investigate ancient rumors that they are interested in. In fact, my main research is demonology. Oh, of course I don't have this knowledge. I created it myself.

Phrases. Although I study demons, I personally avoid things related to demons, and I will never carry items related to this with me."

Mr. Asmon said, still looking at Shade. He touched his bald head again, which was his habitual action.

Shade nodded to express his understanding. He had heard Doctor Schneider mention this type of professional as mystical scholars among ordinary people. Most of them serve the nobles, and a few are private researchers. They are a group that even the ring magicians are tired of.

Only God knows what damn things these people who don’t know how to fear have come into contact with.

"So did you find the devil in Coldwater Harbor?"

Shade asked with great interest.

"Of course not, and I'm not looking for demons. I'm looking for knowledge and stories about demons. But in this harbor, there are only the rumored smelly fish-men and the mermaids who are said to have been witnessed by fishermen."

The long-faced man shook his head regretfully.

"Well, I'm John Watson, detective."

Shade continued to lower his voice and introduced himself:

"I'm doing a commissioned task here, please don't make any noise."

"Of course, I know you are definitely not from the slums."

Mr. Asmon said politely, and then asked:

"Want to play a game of Rhodes? I know it's risky, but for a real Rhodes player, it should be worth it for a suspected genuine Rhodes card."

Shade didn't want to play. If it was confirmed to be true, he might still be interested, but the other party looked like a liar no matter what, and the reputation of professions such as demonologists was not good.

Seeing Sha De's hesitation, the long-faced man said again:

"Since you are doing research, why not do this? Regardless of whether you win or not, I can tell you about the situation of this hotel. Since you are doing the commission here, you must be interested in it. Although I don't live here, but

I met with guests upstairs and stayed there all morning, so I am very familiar with the situation upstairs."

He continued to bewitch Shade.

But his words mean that he is not Mr. Darkness's companion.

"In addition to the information about the hotel, I also want to ask you for some knowledge about demons."

Shade thought for a while and felt that this was appropriate. Darkness's information was worth the price. But even if he won, he would still have to pay twenty pounds, so he made another request.

In his heart, he didn't believe that the card was genuine.

"No problem, we can ask while playing cards. I like to share those strange knowledge. Let's play with some interesting rules. Each time we draw four cards, it is not more or less than the number of points, but to see who can do it three times without busting the cards. If you win,

The kingdom and queen, no matter what the other points are, are considered to be non-explosive cards."

The long-faced man suggested.


Shade has never played this kind of game before.

Mr. Asmon took out his deck, and Shade also took out his deck.

While shuffling the cards, he spoke cautiously:

"Mr. Asmon, what do you think demons are? Rumored alien creatures like elves and fish-men, or the product of people putting together weird and evil things?"

"Mr. Watson, this is really an interesting question. My research shows that both of your answers are correct. There are indeed alien creatures and demons, but demons also include some evil entities that people cannot determine their real existence. Those in the countryside say

The evil spirits, or the foreign objects in the nobles’ mouths.”

Shade nodded. Miss Feliana mentioned these things in her notes. It seems that Mr. Sean Asmon still has some abilities.

He continued shuffling the cards:

"Can demons inhabit people's bodies? Just like in the rumors, if they inhabit beautiful women, they need to be removed by male exorcists using special methods."

"Those people are all liars, money-hungry and lustful liars."

Mr. Asmon smiled. Under the light of the kerosene lamp, although his smile looked normal, it felt a little uncomfortable:

"How about I tell a story about the devil?"


Mr. Shade and Mr. Asmon slapped their respective decks on the table at the same time. They both pulled gently, and the cards spread out on the table in an arc.

Shade used [Treasure Object] to control the Rhodes cards to ensure that the deck would not scatter this time. From this point of view, this ability derived from [Greed] is really useful.

[You also said that you chose this ability not for playing cards.]

She chuckled.

Shade ignored the voice in his ears, because Mr. Asmon's story had already begun. The hoarse voice seemed very accentuated in the yellowish kerosene lamp and the intoxicating smell of alcohol:

"I have forgotten which ancient book I read this story in. It was a very long time ago, so long ago that the sun was brighter than it is now, and so long ago that the three moons did not appear in the sky at the same time."

Shade was not surprised. Some of the documents accessible to ordinary people did record the number of moons.

"A strange existence was born out of lies, deception, betrayal, hatred, and death. People didn't know what it was, so they called it a devil. Because of people's thoughts, it really had the power of a devil.


Both of them drew four cards, and when they were revealed, Mr. Asmon showed Moon 9, Star 2, Star 7, and Flower 13. It was a bust without counting.

Chart is Sun 1, Moon 13, Flower 2 and Flower 5, exactly 21 o'clock.

"You are really lucky... That weird demon has no name, because it was not even a demon originally. It has traveled to many places, and whenever it stops, there will be a conspiracy of deception and betrayal."

The second set of four cards, the middle-aged man with a long face is Sun 3, Sun 7, Star 3, Flower 7, 20 o'clock.

Shade is the sun 7, the moon 1, the stars 4, and the queen.

"Tsk, queen, it seems that I have really met a formidable opponent."

Mr. Asmon shook his head and skillfully selected the third round of cards:

"It is evil in nature and enjoys the disasters it brings. It prefers to sign contracts with people under the pretext of helping people realize their wishes, and then exploits the loopholes in the contract to take away everything from people."

This is quite consistent with ordinary people's views on "devils".

"But according to rumors, this demon failed once."

Mr. Asmon stopped talking and opened the third set of cards with Shade.

The first picture of the former was actually [Demon Soul Stealer Bishop], which made him smile. The picture of Shade was Sun 4, Sun 5, Sun 6, Moon 5, twenty o'clock.

Shade didn't bust his cards in three games, so he won.

"How did it fail? Someone saw through its contract trap?"

Shade threw the cards on the table, he was very interested in this story.

"No, the man said - I have no wish."

Mr. Asmon looked at the cards on the table, shook his head and laughed. Shade also laughed and took out 20 pounds from his pocket:

"This is yours."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm just using fake Rhodes cards to deceive you?"

He stretched his head slightly, with an inexplicable smile on his face, and his bald head seemed to be reflecting under the kerosene lamp.

"If you can tell me the situation on the third floor, then the twenty pounds information fee is well worth it."

Shade narrowed his eyes and said.

"I like people like you."

Mr. Asmon took the banknotes, clamped them in his notebook, then passed the kerosene lamp and handed the cards to Shade.

This chapter has been completed!
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