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Chapter three hundred and sixty-six words and gold ring

 The witch did not recognize the badge that was emitting heat in front of her. She just narrowed her eyes and looked at the coat of arms belonging to the duchess on the badge:

"Earlier, there were rumors in Tobesk that the Duchess of Saladir has a man who can spend the night in her manor."

Lesia glanced at Shade.

"I originally thought it was just a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Although he was a little surprised that the other party recognized him directly, Shade did not panic. He had already thought about what he should do if he really had to face the witch:

"Ma'am, could you let go of my hand?"

Anyway, he was sure that Xiwei Avora had no intention of killing him directly.

"Mr. Hamilton, are you really a man? Or, what exactly are you?"

The witch asked softly, getting closer and closer to Shade. Shade could even count the number of her eyebrows.


Lesia suddenly coughed:

"Miss Aurora, I don't know what you are doing, but please don't embarrass my...friend."

The witch turned to look at the princess:

"Friend... Oh, Your Highness, I admit that I am a ring warlock, so please tell me whether he is a man? If you give me the answer, then I can agree to the deal you proposed tonight.

, all transactions.”

The witch's obsession with the curse is far stronger than business.

"Of course Shade is a man."

Lesia said, raising her head slightly, exposing her white neck. Although she guessed that Miss Aurora was also a witch from Miss Carina's identity, she didn't understand the problem because she didn't know about the witch curse.


"Of course it's a man? It seems like you haven't done anything yet..."

The witch thought about it, then shifted her gaze to Shade again, and then moved down very rudely, just like Miss Carina. Shade narrowed his eyes, then disappeared out of thin air, and appeared next to the sofa behind the witch.

I have already prepared the casting materials.

"Ma'am, this is not polite."

Shade shook his head and said:

"Space movement... Raglai's space jump."

The witch said the name of this thaumaturgy, then looked down at her palm:

"Interesting. Really interesting."

She laughed a few times, then shook her head and sat back on the sofa. Lesiya then also sat down, and both ladies looked at Shade who was standing there, so Shade sat next to Lezia.


"Have you slept with Carina?"

This was another quite impolite question, and Lesia frowned and looked at Shade.

"of course not."

Shade immediately shook his head:

"This is really rude, ma'am. I originally thought you were a well-educated lady. Miss Carina and I just have a cooperative relationship."

Thinking of the badge around his neck and the kiss on his forehead, he added:

“A deep partnership.”

"Then she is so sure that you are not affected by the curse...or is she so sure that you are really a human being?"

Sivi Avora asked inquiringly.

"What else can I be if I'm not a human being? A person made of stone?"

Shade asked rhetorically, and then gave another example:

"I escaped from that fishbone pirate ship..."

Miss Aurora looked at him suddenly, her eyes no longer filled with helplessness and confusion, but with vigilance. She came to Coldwater Port to be the second chosen one to escape from the fishbone pirate ship.

The wind outside the window was very loud, and Xia De's thoughts were very clear:

"But I haven't been infected with any damn mermaid curse, so maybe I am the kind of person who is immune to the curse. Ring magicians will always have their own unique abilities. Madam, what do you look like?"

"You...escaped from the Bone Pirate Ship."


Shade knew what she was thinking of, and he succeeded. The witch was no longer obsessed with what he was, but was attracted by the news of the second chosen one.

"Lecia, please take the maid to another place first. I have something to discuss with this lady. It's not suitable for you to hear about the Ring Warlock."

Although the tone was slightly commanding, the princess still stood up. She knew that Shade had many secrets, so she was not surprised.

"Miss Aurora, Shade is my friend."

The princess said to the witch before leaving with the maid.

After the door was closed, Sylvie Aurora squinted her eyes and looked at Shade again, with a dangerous look in her golden pupils.

"Miss Carina told me about the second chosen one."

Shade said, looking at her.

"She actually even told you this?"

The witch's voice was very soft.

"Of course, but I shouldn't be the kind of person chosen by fate."

"How do you prove it?"

"No need to prove, because I am indeed not the second chosen one, related to darkness, and I have no special power related to darkness."

The witch didn't say anything, and Shade smiled:

"I am a student of St. Byrons. Before entering the manor just now, I met our vice-principal, Mr. Sanchez, and used my special ability..."

Point to your ears:

"...I learned some very interesting things. Madam, aren't you curious as to why there happened to be a team of natural church ring magicians at your banquet?"

"what do you know?"

"I have friends in church."

This is true.

"The Church of Nature received a letter from the Thirteen-ring Warlock God Caller three days ago or two days ago."

The witch looked at her feet, which was the direction of the second floor.

"Of course I don't know the content of the letter, but when I think about it, at this banquet, there happened to be a group of ring magicians from the Church of Nature, and the two professors from St. Byrons happened to be nearby, and they talked about some dark things.

.Miss Witch, do you think why the professors came here? Just because this is an important ritual node?"

In fact, the two professors appeared here originally because of the ritual node.

"You mean..."

The witch muttered, and Shade showed a satisfied smile. The other party did not doubt the source of his information at all:

"Yes, I was originally resting in Sophia Mansion and came here in the rain. It was really because I was worried about Lesia. Although I am not her lover, she is really my friend. But the unexpected information obtained made

My trip is more valuable. The news I overheard was not even told to Miss Carina. I think she will be interested in my information."

"What level of warlock are you?"

The witch suddenly asked, and Shade hesitated:

"Second Ring. However, it was a month and a half ago that I officially took office as a Ring Warlock."

"Promoted to the second ring in one month...I probably understand why Carina wants to keep you by her side. You are indeed very capable."

Having said this, it means that Sivi Avora will not be entangled in the issue of Shade's identity for the time being. After all, the chosen one is much more important than him.

"So Mr. Hamilton, who is the other party?"

she asked again.

"Sorry ma'am, I don't know either."

In fact, no one knows better than Sha De. Seeing the witch and wanting to ask, Sha De added:

"However, I did hear some interesting rumors. Although they are just rumors, I have already confirmed them from the professors."

"It's okay, what's the news?"

"The second chosen one has a devil in him."


She asked in surprise:

"Demons of a different race, or..."

"A horrific remnant of the Third Age."

Shade replied softly that he didn't want to talk too much about such evil things.

"Oh, my God."

Miss Aurora leaned back slightly, with a serious expression on her face. She didn't speak for a long time, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The Witches' Council is courting female chosen ones, but they will definitely not accept male chosen ones. Therefore, the purposes of the Witches' Council and Shade are actually the same, and there is no conflict of interest between the two.

This is the reason why Shade revealed this information to Miss Aurora. Although the divination showed that Darkness will go to Tobesk, if the witch can seriously injure Darkness in Coldwater Port, just like Shade did in Lakeview Manor

If the silver-eyed one is seriously injured, Shade, Luvia and Iluna will be able to better handle the follow-up matters of the second chosen one in Tobesk City.

"From the church's perspective, the second chosen one is here. So what are you going to do?"

Shade asked cautiously:

"Do you need my help?"

"No, I don't need you."

She shook her head and frowned:

"If there really is a demon in the other party, then you cannot deal with it as a second-level person. It is very dangerous, very dangerous...Hamilton, I still doubt who you are. The witch curse cannot go wrong. But

You are Carina's person, and you gave me very crucial information, I will not let you have problems with me."

"Then I want to go to the wine cellar under the manor and see those fishmen. I wonder if you can help?"

The reason why I didn't ask the witch to go with me is because the witch probably doesn't want to pay attention to those ugly things at all. And now she has to go find trouble with Darkness, and she doesn't have time to play wine cellar exploration with Shad.

Miss Aurora thought for a while, then took off the gold ring in her hand and handed it to Shade:

"The sage-level relic [Ancient Witch's Golden Ring, first on the right] can enhance the power of the Ring Warlock. Its negative characteristics are... Judging from your expression, did Carina lend you her necklace?"


Shade looked at the ring in surprise, took it carefully, and put it on his hand. Touching the surface of the ring gently, a sense of power surged up. This ring, and his role in [The Truth of a History (Part 5)

The ring used by the witch to summon the [Witch Council] after entering the white mist seen in "The Witch War at the End of the Age" is very similar.

So he tentatively asked::

"Could it be said that this is a complete set of relics? If a single piece is of sage level, what is the rating of the complete set?"

"I can't tell you this, it's a parliamentary secret."

The witch shook her head with a faint smile on her face:

"But there are indeed thirteen pieces, one for each person. Six rings, two earrings, one necklace, one hair accessory, two bracelets, and one button."

Now Shade was sure that these things were the keys to enter the Witches' Parliament. But having the keys was not enough. He also needed to find the white mist door to enter the Witches' Parliament, so that he could enter the [Witches' Parliament] like the witches. Therefore, Xiwei

·Only then can Aurora give the ring to Shade with confidence.

Now that I think about it, about thirteen witches often meet there to share information, which is why Miss Aurora said she communicated with Miss Carina who was far away in Tobesk yesterday.

"That's all right. But aren't you interested in how I got here from Tobesk?"

"Compared to whether you are a man, compared to the second chosen one, this is not worthy of my inquiry at all. Thaumaturgy? Relic? No, no, it is not important."

She said, and as she shook her head, her long brown wavy curly hair also swayed.

The witch sighed and stood up to leave, but after thinking about it, she said to Shade seriously:

"Anyway, your news helped me. Mr. Hamilton, I still care about whether you are a man, but from today on, you can be regarded as a friend of the Aurora family."

This chapter has been completed!
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