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Chapter 42 Twenty o'clock

 "The academy probably thinks so too. After all, I haven't heard of any newly enrolled correspondence class magician who can obtain a Keeper-level [Relic] at once."

Dr. Schneider also agreed with Miss Louisa. When it comes to fate, ring magicians are quite cautious after all.

Just staring at the dice, Shade had a strong urge to take it out of its inlay. But fortunately, the dice was still in a containment state, so Shade could completely resist this temptation.

But he still put a finger on the dice, wanting to feel its cold metal touch.

In my mind, a murmuring female voice suddenly sounded:

[Although the road of destiny forks at your feet, if you have good tools, you may not be able to choose the right path. From 1 to 20, and then from 20 to 1, you see your own unique destiny from the rolling dice.

Now is the time to flip the dice...]

"Are you sure you want me to throw the dice now?"

Xia De asked in surprise, and a murmur sounded in his ears:

[Outsiders, when you embark on this road of destiny, the choice is always in your hands. But sometimes, some reasonable attempts can allow you to more fully understand your destiny. I see it for you through my vision.

Interesting things, do you have the courage to challenge your luck?】

Shade thought for a moment, and he was quite aware that his "other self" had something strange. Although he didn't know whether it was a trait of a foreigner or something wrong with the other person. But any behavior of the murmuring voice so far was credible.

Although he is full of worries and suspicions about this mysterious and weird world, Shade is also willing to give some trust occasionally.

Before the doctor and others could object, he rolled the dice and let it fall on the coffee table.

The sound of the metal dice hitting the wooden coffee table startled everyone present. But the dice quickly stabilized, with the number "20" facing the top. Shade didn't feel that he was that surprised, he just heard the woman in his ear

A sweet laugh.

【Although you always don’t believe it, I am you.】

The four of them looked at the number and said nothing. It took a long time before the doctor reminded him seriously:

"This time it's 20... This is your [relic], we have no right to interfere. But I must remind you, Shade, people are not always so lucky. This impulse brings fate

gift, but it won’t necessarily be the next time.”

"Every gift that belongs to fate has already been marked with a price. This time 20... will probably consume your luck for a long time. I have always believed in the 'Law of Conservation of Luck.'"

The writer also said that, but as a clergyman, the old priest Augustus pointed out that the conservation of luck is an unfounded superstition.

Shade accepted these warnings, but he was not going to explain his motives for doing so. The uniqueness of the woman's voice in his head was a secret that belonged to him only, and was the characteristic of a foreigner. It was enough for him to know this, at least for now, he

I won't tell anyone else about this.

The "good thing" of throwing 20 points cannot be observed yet, but according to the characteristics of the dice, Shade will know it sooner or later, so he just needs to wait.

After all the matters regarding Shade's official joining the academy were settled, the doctor opened the bottle of champagne to celebrate that the group finally had five people.

Shade didn't like drinking very much, but since it was a celebration, he didn't refuse. When the doctor poured wine for everyone, he also curiously asked if these books were taken back by him and accidentally lost, would it be regarded as leaking the college's information?

A secret, but the doctor told him not to worry about it:

"First-grade textbooks and materials do not have any precious value. It does not mean that this knowledge is not precious, but it can be obtained through other channels, so even if you lose it, you will only need to spend more gold pounds.

Go to the college and buy another set. Some books will not be encrypted until you are in the second grade."

Now Shade felt more at ease. Doctors, writers and priests all encouraged Shade to study hard as people who had experienced it. They all agreed that his main task now was to carve the first spiritual rune for himself.

"The "Theoretical Basics of Spirit Runes (Part 1)" course will give you recommendations for engraving the first rune based on the talent of the Ring Warlock. What recommendation did the academy give you? Is it [Light]?"


Shade said as he turned over the book in his hand.

"Generally speaking, the academy recommends that the first spiritual rune be engraved with the rune representing the element, because it will be easier. You have [Silver Moon] yourself, and the compatibility with [Light] and [Stars] is quite good, and even

I took the initiative to create [Light Technique]. But [Star] was too complicated for first graders, so it turned out to be [Light]."

The doctor smiled, then stood up and took out a book from the pile of books and handed it to Shade:

""Crazy Light Chaser", a crazy novel written by an unknown writer in the fifth era, has [enlightenment] because of civilization. This is a translated manuscript. By reading it, I try to engrave [light], which is the most

Appropriate means. Of course, few people can directly obtain light. If you can obtain any extended concept spirit rune, you are considered qualified."

Before today's party, the doctor had already shared the news about the sage-level relic [The Box of God] and the Mercury Blood Organization that Shade had obtained through letters in advance to other people in the same group. They all agreed to accept this news.

Each person pays Shard a fee of £1.

Shade did not take away the four pounds, including Luvia Anat, who was not in Tobesk City, but used the money to pay off part of this month's arrears of 10 pounds. The remaining 6 pounds had to be paid later.

Wait for some time, after all, he still needs gold pounds to support himself and little Mia.

It is said that orange cats have good appetites, so Shade should be prepared.

The doctor was very efficient. Before the meeting ended that morning, he told Shade another piece of good news:

"I found out from the real estate agency that the house at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, the entire three-story house including the land, was the property of the original detective Sparrow Hamilton. Did he leave a suicide note?"

"He stayed, and I locked him in the cupboard."

Shade was in a daze because of this good news. He couldn't believe that he had inherited the entire house. All the haze after coming to the steam age seemed to dissipate because of this news. He didn't know that he was so eager to own it.

A home of your own.

Priest August's expression was normal, and Miss Louisa looked at Shade in surprise:

"Mr. Hamilton, you will never be short of gold pounds in your life."


Shade did not get too happy too soon, but looked at the doctor. As expected, the doctor continued to talk using this conjunction. His expression was tangled, and he didn't know what tone he should use to say:

"But don't be too happy. There is something wrong with that house. No. 6, Saint Teresa Square, was bought by Sparrow Hamilton for 300 pounds when he came to Tobesk two years ago."

"Is this cheap? Even if it's a haunted house, it won't..."

Miss Louisa frowned and asked. Although 300 pounds is a lot, you must know that this is Tobesk City, the capital of the Kingdom of Delarian, one of the two major human kingdoms in the material world, the Pearl of the North, the City of Fog, and the civilization of the Old World.

Meeting point, these are the names here.

And at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, you can see the "Jodel Palace" building complex directly from the window, and the soil there is more valuable than gold.

The doctor has a clinic, the priest lives in the church, and only the female writer lives alone in a rented apartment in the Tobesk University District. She is very sensitive to housing prices. Not counting the land, it is just the entire house in St. Teresa Square, not to mention 300

There is no place to buy even 20,000 pounds.

This chapter has been completed!
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