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Chapter 415 Sunrise Cold Water Harbor

 Regardless of the terrifying scene created by the "Godcaller of Tobesk" behind her, the sea breeze ruffled the witch's long brown hair. Miss Aurora, who was chasing the enemy on the sea, even had the mind to recall what happened in the temple.

That strange man who didn't want to catch up.

She vaguely guessed that it was Tobesk's Godcaller. Now that she thought about it, that person's sudden appearance in the temple seemed not because of the fish-men or the chosen one, but because of the temple itself.

The thirteen-ring warlock who was supposed to summon the gods in Tobesk was seriously injured and could not recover at all within a few decades. He stayed alone in the temple for less than five minutes and actually recovered such terrifying power. This means a lot of things.


"Is there anything else in the fish-man's temple? He just wanted all of us to leave. It's really despicable."

But before she could figure it out, Darkness in front suddenly turned around, and a curtain wall of darkness appeared out of thin air on the sea between the two. The running witch stretched out her finger, and the light broke through the darkness with difficulty.

Unexpectedly, after the darkness, Darkness actually abandoned the boat and used the transfer in the dark vortex to jump high above the witch's head.

It's hard to say whether this inspiration came from Shade just now.

Darkness' right hand expanded rapidly, and he used the new power he mastered when facing life and death in the temple skillfully. Black pus flowed from the palm of his hand, making half of his body thick and strange.

The huge right hand that seemed to be flowing with pus, accompanied by Darkness falling from the sky, hit Miss Aurora's head. Unexpectedly, the opponent dared to fight back, so the witch could only raise her hand to block it in a hurry.

The strange right hand carried an astonishing power that could easily dismantle the temple, forcing the witch from the water into the water. The surrounding mermaids screamed and fled. Darkness wanted to continue attacking the witch, but suddenly saw

In the direction of the Fallen Temple, a fish-like figure was swimming quickly.

"What is this?"

Without even thinking about it, the middle-aged man who had experienced too many things today jumped into the black vortex around him without even confirming who was coming. Then he jumped out of the vortex above his boat and drove it farther away.

and sailed away from the coast. The brown-haired witch, who was forced into the sea by the huge force, continued to sink in the sea.

Although he only came into contact with Darkness for less than three seconds, the disgusting black pus on his right hand actually infected the witch's arm and spread throughout her body like a spider web.

She could feel how terrifying this materialized viscous darkness was. It was actually absorbing her negative emotions, gradually getting stronger, and wanted to kill her.

"The devil that absorbs negative emotions, combined with the power of darkness, is so troublesome. Such a terrible thing as human pus still exists in the Sixth Age, so it is indeed the right thing not to kill him rashly."

After taking a few sips of water, the witch wanted to fight with the pus in the sea. But she didn't expect that with the sound coming from the water, her somewhat cold right hand was suddenly held by a strange yet warm hand. Afu

Miss Laura spit out a string of bubbles from her mouth, which represented what she wanted to say.

Looking through the long brown hair scattered in the water, his golden eyes saw Shade's blurry figure in the sea. Shade's voice could reach the witch's ears normally because of [underwater breathing]:

"Please close your eyes."

She closed her eyes following Shade's instructions, and then heard a soft sigh in the water:

"Silver Moon."

The light was refracted by the turbid sea water and did not hurt the eyes too much. When Sivi Avrola opened her eyes again, the strange black pus had disappeared.

Shadra took her hand and led her in front to swim to the sea.

The witch, who had never experienced anything like this before, didn't know what to say for a moment.

The two of them emerged from the rainy sea one after another. The witch was soaked all over, her hair stuck to the side of her face, and her clothes stuck to her skin. Then, she saw that Shade was dying and could hardly keep her eyes open.

Open your eyes.

He just changed his clothes in the sea to hide the traces of the battle in the temple, and then inserted the fishing rod into the seabed to prevent the witch from seeing the clues. Therefore, as the ten minutes of overflowing divinity came to an end, huge power gathered with him.

Soul, he might close his eyes and faint at any time.

"Hamilton? Why are you here?"

The witch also saw that Shade's mental state was not right. Shade shook his head while holding back his sleepiness:

"Good morning, Miss Aurora. I found the pearl I wanted from the fish-man, and then I was accidentally swept here by the waves. Oh, did you see the scene just now? It's really an exaggeration, Da

Kniss ran away."

The two of them looked at the back of Darkness who was gradually moving away. The witch randomly shot a ray of light in that direction, but was immediately swallowed by darkness:

"The chosen ones are too troublesome."

She complained dissatisfiedly, and then looked at the right hand held tightly by Shade.


He yawned and closed his eyes uncontrollably. He missed the warm bed so much, and he was swaying as if he could no longer control his body:

"Let me give it a try, Miss Aurora. I am seriously injured and may pass out soon. Please take me to Her Majesty Lesia. Please tell her that I will probably wake up after I sleep for more than ten hours."


Different from the first time, this time he learned to control his power and knew how to use the overflowing light of divinity, so he did not completely exhaust his power.

"what are you up to?"

As the witch said this, she saw Shade actually "climb" out of the water to the surface of the sea with funny movements. He stood carefully on the surging faded tide, looking at the beautiful mermaid girl who swam back around and poked her head curiously.

Under the gaze, the foreigner raised his arms high in the face of the eastern sun, his eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted:

"Praise the sun! Praise the old man with the lantern!"

After saying that, the sleepy Shade yawned again and took out the brooch with the sacred emblem of the sun from his pocket.

His boots stepped on the sea surface, and his crouched body tilted slightly to the right. At the same time, golden thunder jumped on the surface of the holy symbol held in his right hand.

Shade suddenly stood up and made a throwing motion forward. At this moment, the thunder in his hand gathered into a golden spear in his palm, and then left his palm to cut through the air, leaving a bright light mark above the sea.

Leaving behind bursts of jumping golden arcs.

At this moment, his eyes opened again as if they were reflecting back on the light, and Shade finally said what he had wanted to say for a long time after seeing this scene:

"Sunshine Gun!"

The astonishing heat caused the mermaids to shrink back below the surface of the sea again, making them look even timid than little Mia.

And that golden thunder actually easily broke through the distant sea surface, appeared in the three-layer dark area behind Darkness, and hit the middle-aged man's back.


Ivan Darkness trembled all over and screamed, and he fell from the boat into the ocean. Even his right boot was scratched and fell on the boat. He obviously suffered a lot of injuries in the chase with the witch just now, but

The damage caused by this blow seemed to be particularly serious.

After all, he didn't scream just now.

Iluna Beas, the chosen one of "Balance", said that only the chosen can better fight against the chosen. This holy emblem contains Iluna's strongest power, although it cannot kill the "darkness"

The first candidate is Ivan Darkness, but this kind of injury may be difficult to heal with that strange dark talent.

"Hamilton, are you a believer in the Old Man with the Lamp?"

Sivi Avora looked at Shade's back curiously and asked, and then she was surprised to see the young detective fall backwards, his whole body fell on the water, and then sank.

The witch hurriedly dived into the water, grabbed his hand and pulled him up, so that the stranger would not drown here. Looking at Shade's face again, he was breathing evenly and his eyes were closed. Compared to being unconscious, he was more

As if asleep.

Sivi Avora found this scene inexplicably funny.

The sea breeze blows by, and the fishy smell on the sea gradually dissipates. The dazzling sunlight shines from the top of the head to the sea, and the sparkling waves are impossible to see. A few dozen minutes ago, this place looked like a doomsday scene.

The sunlight also shone on Shade's handsome face. The witch looked down at the man's face. Somehow, she felt her face heat up and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated:

"Although there is a big gap, you are much more charming than that God Summoner."

Smiling to herself, she raised her head and ordered the mermaid girls who gathered around and were discussing Shade curiously to recover the boat and the boots on the boat, and to look for Darkness who fell into the sea.

She had no hope, so she didn't bother to join the search. Instead, before the church discovered what was going on here, she personally held Shade and swam to the seaside, muttering in a low voice:

"You dared to go into the sea to save me, you provided effective information about the chosen one, and you were able to use alchemy items from nowhere to cause effective damage to Carina. Where did you find this man?"

She suddenly stopped swimming and looked around alertly. After scolding the young mermaid girl who was lazy nearby, she made sure that no one was watching, and then she lowered the hand holding Shade into the sea water.

Soon, a layer of red glow rose on the witch's face, but it was like the traces left by the rising sun on her face.

She squinted her eyes slightly and looked towards the sunrise in the direction of Coldwater Harbor. The city was waking up. To ordinary people who didn't know the truth, this would be an ordinary morning in the steam age. And further away, in that direction, was also

Directions to Tobesk.

Behind the scenes, the mermaid and the church are clearing out the remaining fishmen, while the church and police on the shore must also be doing the final cleanup work.

The sun has risen and it seems to be a good weather today.

"Carina, where did you find this man?"

This chapter has been completed!
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