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Four hundred and twentieth chapters means against the devil

"As a result, my savings are close to 2,300 pounds. It's time to renovate the third floor. But I still need to find a reliable renovation worker. Maybe the church can help."

After leaving Princess Agelina behind and having breakfast, Shade sorted out the documents left by Detective Sparrow and planned to officially start working on "Finding a Cure for Eye Diseases" before Darkness came to Tobesk.

"Doctor" and "Looking for Miss White's runaway sister".

In fact, these two commissions were not urgent at all. Detective Sparrow had actually found the ophthalmologist, and the lady who ran away from home actually had a quarrel with Miss White and was hiding in her apartment in the North District of Tobesk.

No danger.

After confirming the plan for next week, Shade left the lazy cat at home to look after the house, and then got on the carriage and went to Dawn Church. There were not many people in the church on Thursday morning, and Ou suddenly became free after the Feast of Holy Prayer.

Priest Gus also had time to meet with Shade.

I heard that Shade wanted to find a team of people to renovate his house, and the priest was happy to help. The church had a regular decoration team that it cooperated with. The priest directly gave Shade his business card and asked him to contact him.

After Shade took the business card and thanked him, he asked the priest a question in a low voice:

"Priest, does the church have any outstanding methods for dealing with demons?"


The priest was stunned.

"It's not a strange creature or a demon, it's something weird, like an evil spirit."

Shade explained, and a look of horror immediately appeared on Priest August's face:

"Shade, what happened to you? Come on, follow me to the main auditorium to pray. If you are contaminated by something like that, you will definitely be in big trouble."

Pulling on Sha De's sleeves and trying to pull him up, Sha De shook his head hurriedly:

"No, no, I am not so unlucky to encounter such a rare evil thing. Priest, I just want to know how to deal with it if it is confirmed that a person is possessed by an evil spirit."

"Do you care about the life of the possessed person?"

Seeing that Shade was really fine, the priest asked.

"I don't care at all. It would be better to die."

"Then apply to the church and let the high-level warlocks deal with him."

The priest proposed a very practical plan.

"What if I want to deal with a similar enemy myself?"

Shade asked again.

"What happened to you?"

The priest was quite worried, but seeing that Shade refused to say anything, he still gave his own suggestion:

"People possessed by demons, whether they are swallowed directly or form a symbiotic relationship, are not easily dealt with by low-level warlocks. But such weird things are extremely afraid of the power of the righteous gods. Note that this is not

I am bragging because I am really afraid. Therefore, if you can lead the other party to the church of the righteous gods, the other party will be greatly suppressed."

But in the temple of the evil god [Lord of the Scarlet Spiral], Darkness was suppressed almost the same as others. This shows that the special damage effect on evil spirits and demons is not possessed by all gods, but is unique to the good gods.


"I have written down the church, what else is there?"

Shade took out his notepad and started recording. Looking at his serious look, Priest Augustus continued:

"Also, divine magic and magical rituals have very good effects on demons. If similar demons appear in the material world, even if the academy is the first to discover it, the church will handle it. This is because the church's methods are more effective.


"divine magic"

Shade nodded again, so [Sunshine Spear] can hurt Darkness, not only because this power belongs to the real chosen ones, but also because it is a high-level magic that is very good at fighting evil spirits.

"Is there anything else besides, such as knowing the real names of demons, or sprinkling them with refined salt?"

Shade asked again, and the priest immediately shook his head:

"Those are all the conjectures of country folk. They are ridiculous superstitions, even more ridiculous than using garlic to fight vampires. Ring magicians study real mysticism, so they can't believe in those things. Certain relics have no influence on such terrible things.

Things work wonders, but you can’t find those things.”

Priest Augustus frowned, as if he was thinking carefully, and Shade did not disturb him. After a full ten minutes of silence, the priest whispered:

"Since you don't want to tell me what happened to you, I won't force you. But I can make a very effective potion that can fight against demons. I named it Weak Angel Potion, which is really very effective.

.Xia De, do something for me, I can prepare a bottle for you."

"No problem at all."

Shade nodded immediately, but the name "Angel Potion" made him curious. Ring magicians are very strict in naming potions. The registration and patent application of each potion will undergo strict review.

The name is exaggerated.

Although the magician is in the field of occult science, the academic atmosphere is still very rigorous. Therefore, Shade can't imagine what kind of potion can be called "angel potion".

"Priest, what do you need me to do? Investigate, kill, smuggle, steal, play cards, I can do all of these!"

"No, no, no, no need to be so exaggerated."

The old priest immediately stopped Shade and signaled him not to say such things in the church:

"I will provide the ingredients for the potion. You need to meet me at this location at midnight tonight. I need your help. It's just a small matter."

The priest wrote down an address and handed it to Shade. Shade took a look and found that it was actually a rural cemetery in the north of the city. Although it was not the one guarded by Mr. Copps, it still belonged to the kind of unnamed rural cemetery in a small village outside the city.



Although he didn't understand what to do, Shade still nodded:

"Do you need to prepare anything in advance?"

"Are you afraid of corpses and ghosts?"

asked the priest.

"Of course I'm not afraid. What are ghosts compared to the things I've dealt with?"

"That's good. If nothing else happens, we can complete the work in two hours. At midnight, we will meet under the dead tree on the Hanged Ghost Road outside the city. Oh, if it is convenient, please bring your cat

, of course, you can do it without it.”

Shade didn't really care about the requirement to bring a cat. He was more concerned about who would name a remote path "The Hanged Man's Path."

If possible, Shade would never want to approach a place like this at midnight.

To fight demons, in addition to the methods provided by priests, there is actually another way, which is to fight demons with demons. Although Shade doesn't know how powerful the demon in Dr. Schneider is, the demon is definitely stronger than Darkness.

The demon is much stronger.

After all, even Shade, who has a sensitive soul, couldn't feel anything weird about him when he met the doctor.

But the demon in Dr. Schneider is like a time bomb after all, and Shade doesn't know when it will explode. If the doctor is really involved in this matter, and the demon in the doctor finally changes, Shade will definitely

You will feel guilty.

Therefore, after leaving the Dawn Church, Shades thought about it over and over but still did not go to Dr. Schneider for advice. If possible, he would even try his best to prevent Darkness from meeting the doctor.

However, Tobesk was so old, and doctors were not a profession like detectives that required traveling around. Shade hoped that his worries were unnecessary.

After returning home, except for Dorothy's visit in the afternoon and a message from Lesia to Shade, no other guests came to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square today.

The blonde girl told Shade about Her Royal Highness the Princess's train travel schedule, and Shade expressed that he had been out of business recently, so he was in a distressed mood.

"Although there is no business, haven't you made a lot of money recently? From Carina."

Shade felt that Dorothy said this on purpose, and thus began to wonder whether the soul sitting across from the coffee table was Dorothy or Lesia.

"I made a lot of money, but my detective career made little progress."

He was extremely distressed and decided to think of other ways to advertise himself recently. Advertisements in newspapers have a certain impact after all, and outsiders planned to distribute leaflets or post small advertisements.

"Oh, Dorothy, speaking of which, Queen Diana's birthday is at the end of the month. Miss Carina suggested that I give this to the Queen. I also want to ask for your advice."

"Gift? What do you want to give?"

Dorothy was very curious.

So Shade got up and went to the study, and then took out the round pearl that was half the size of a fist.

After putting it on the table, the orange cat who was sniffing something in the kitchen immediately ran over happily, and then lay down on it as happily as if it were hatching an egg. The soft cat immediately turned into an arc shape, but

Shade immediately picked it off again.


Looking at the perfectly round pearl, Dorothy groaned like all the women who had seen it. She reached out and touched the pearl, as if she wanted to confirm whether it was Shade's illusion.


He looked at Shade with wide green eyes:

"Is this the pearl you told me about the day you came back? I didn't expect it to be so big."

"Yes, and I'm pretty sure this won't be associated with the fish-men. The fish-men's pearls are golden and larger than this."

Shade grabbed his hair:

"Originally I didn't know about the Queen's birthday, but Miss Carina said that there was some political turmoil in Tobesk recently and asked me to seize the time to give gifts. So I want to ask you, what happened recently? Wasn't it just that a prince was arrested?


"Carina did a good job this time. This advice is very useful to you. Oh, my Mr. Detective, although you are very politically sensitive, you still don't know enough about the royal family. Every prince who takes over government affairs

and the princess themselves will form deep-rooted factions in Tobesk. This time it is not only a prince but a political group that will be in bad luck."

Dorothy said that she knew most of the things Lesia knew:

"You saved the queen, and you have already announced your political leanings. This is a good opportunity. If you can win the queen's favor again, let alone the knighthood, no matter what you do next time, you may be directly banned.


This chapter has been completed!
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