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Chapter 435 Time Curse

 In Shad's story, Lesia is a pen pal he met occasionally, and she only recognized her identity after the "Cold Water Harbor Holiday". And Iluna cares more about the mass of flesh and blood that Shad ate, and even Until that evening, when three people and a cat went to a restaurant on Silver Cross Avenue to eat, Iluna sighed softly while cutting the steak;

"After eating the flesh and blood of a level 0 relic, you can still chat and laugh with us. Sometimes I even wonder if you are a human being."

She joked and winked at Shade playfully. The skirt and hair accessories prepared for a high-end restaurant made her look more charming than before. The purple-eyed female fortune teller smiled and looked at the cat who was feeding it. Shad.

This time, in order to celebrate the successful conclusion of the Coldwater Port incident, Darkness was injured and escaped as expected, so they chose a high-end restaurant. The ladies wore formal dresses and Shade wore formal clothes.

"The gift of fate always has a corresponding price, but this time, someone else paid for it."

Luvia refers to the person who died while writing "The Puppet Operator's Notes".

"But can you really control your desires?"

Iluna asked Shade worriedly, and Shade said confidently:

"Of course, from this afternoon to now, have you noticed anything wrong with me?"

"That's because you are calm and not stimulated."

Luvia said, and Iluna nodded in agreement.

The seventeen-year-old girl suddenly blinked at Shade, then looked around:

"How about we try it out."

"what you up to?"

Shade asked warily, and Iluna smiled playfully at him again. A few seconds later, Shade felt something rubbing against his leg. He raised his head and looked at Iluna, who asked softly:

"How do you feel now?"

"Are you reading some unhealthy book?"

Shade asked hesitantly, Iluna's face turned red, and Luvia looked at them helplessly:

"This is a public place."

"I know."

Shade said, and then motioned to Iluna, who was sitting opposite him, to put on her shoes:

"Besides, what kind of stimulation do you think this is?"

"But that's what it says in the book."

Iluna defended in a low voice.

"What the hell are you looking at?"

Shade asked curiously again, but Iluna blushed and refused to tell the title of the book. According to Shade's guess, it should be a low-quality novel that is not published publicly, has poor printing quality, and is produced in underground workshops.

"Xia De, you can't ask girls this kind of question casually."

Luvia helped Iluna block it, and then looked Shade up and down:

"But we can't do such risky things in the future. After all, it's a relic, and it's still level 0. I've only seen it once with the priest."


Shade still wanted to ask, but the waiter brought new dishes, so he could only stop the topic for the time being.

Although Darkness is still on the way here, the three of them cannot relax and prepare in advance what to do when he arrives. Luvia did not assign tasks to Shade. He has already done a good enough job in Coldwater Port.

The next preparations were completed by Iluna and Luvia. Whether it was the means to fight against the devil, the situation of the out-of-control angel-level relic [Darkness] outside the city, or the countermeasures to decipher the strange dark power, the two

Women will find ways to be prepared.

What Shade needs to do during this period is just to deal with his own affairs. Once Darkness arrives, they will probably be busy again, so they will finish what they need to do before the end of the Flower Moon.

Only then can he concentrate on facing the second chosen one.

Luvia and Iluna both agreed to let Shade take a break. They were companions and Shade could not do everything. They could not intervene in the affairs of Coldwater Port, but there were prophets to deal with Tobesk's affairs.

Girls with backgrounds from the Association and the Church of the Sun have more advantages than Shade.

"Also, sometimes it is better to control desires than to choose appropriate methods to vent them."

This is what the purple-eyed fortune teller suddenly said to Shade when Shade and Luvia said goodbye in St. Teresa Square and left Iluna in a carriage.

"What's the meaning?"

Shade put his hands in his pockets and asked, looking up at the starry sky. The night was already getting dark.

"If you feel that you can't control your desire to rise, you can choose some means to vent it instead of holding it in all the time, which is more likely to cause trouble. For example, you can choose"

Purple eyes looked at Sha De, his eyes flowing on Sha De's face:

"play cards."

"I feel like I'm in control."

"That's impossible to say."

Standing under the street lights of Saint Teresa Square, Luvia shook her head:

"I suggest that before the influence of that piece of flesh and blood ends, you do some hedonistic things to a limited extent instead of immersing yourself in work. Shade, your life is actually very monotonous."

"I know."

"So why not relax?"

"Because I don't have time, I'm still reading the first-grade books intensively, and I've only read through the second-grade books once, and I don't have much desire."

Luvia thought for a while, looked around, and found that except for the cat looking out of the second-floor window, there were no other eyes on Saint Teresa Square at night.

"No desire?"

She put her arms around Shade's neck, then stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.

"What now?"

After the two separated, Luvia asked again. Her cheeks were slightly red, but she was smiling happily:

"Do you still dare to say that you don't have any desires now?"

Shade touched his lips and looked at her seriously:

"Why do you always like to force kisses?"

"Who else have you been forcibly kissed by?"

The girl with short brown hair asked, but she didn't seem to care much about this question:

"Shadow, you must protect yourself and stop doing those dangerous actions. I heard all about your experience in Cold Water Port today, and I am really worried."

Under the gas streetlight, she touched her lips, her purple eyes looking bright.

"I have some reasons why I must take risks."

Shade pursed his lips and said.

"I know, I know you're seeking something we don't know."

The girl with purple eyes said softly, the smile on her face disappeared and became a little depressed:

"But at least promise me, you must pay attention to safety. This is like a dialogue in a knight's novel."

The smile on his face at this moment is not sincere at all.

"I'm not the kind of person who actively seeks death."

Shade nodded, and Luvia looked up at the moon above her head:

"Before I met you, Shade, I always thought that I would never find someone with the same goals."

"Isn't it Iluna?"

"She is still too young, a little idealistic, and a little too optimistic."

There was also the smell of burnt pollutants in the city's night wind. The wind was warm and blew Luvia's short shawl hair. Shade looked at her profile and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"You promised that you would go down with me and witness the thirteen chosen ones."

Luvia said.


"So, be sure not to leave before me."

She was still looking at the moon over Saint Teresa Square, not looking at Shade. Shade didn't understand why the topic became so serious after a kiss, but he still nodded:

"I will accompany you until the end, just like the silver moon above your head, I will always be there."

"Xia De, I am actually"

The purple-eyed girl suddenly turned her head to look at De, and the stranger blinked:

"What is it actually?"

"I have nothing."

She shook her head, and then she and Shade looked up at the three-wheeled moon above their heads.

The silver moon is half full, the red moon is in its remaining phase, and the yellow moon is gradually becoming full. Judging from the moon phases, autumn is getting closer.

"The moonlight is so beautiful tonight."

Shade commented.


There was a slight smile on her face.

"So Luvia, can I kiss you? It's really annoying to be forced to kiss by girls all the time. I also want to test how much [desire] I am affected by."

He looked at the moon and asked, and he was surprised that this was what he said.

"Of course you can, and I hope, even more, that you ask this question because you really want to do this."

She also looked at the moon and said.

"Also, there is one thing I have to admit. I am actually very fond of others."

"It's like having women's shirts hanging out on your balcony. Does it matter?"

she asked softly.

"Probably not important."

Shade said, and then gently held Luvia's shoulders. Seeing that she had no objection, the two kissed each other again.

The sea of ​​stars is vast, and three months hang together. The moon at this moment seems to be brighter than at any time. The bright moonlight shines on them, as if they are covered with three-color gauze.

Quiet night, quiet corner, only the cat at the window saw this scene.


It screamed dissatisfied and wanted Shade to go home quickly.

【Tsk tsk~】

She screamed in his ear, but Shade hugged Luvia and smelled the faint scent of perfume on Luvia, ignoring her.

[Outlander, when you really enter this world and create your own story, have you ever thought that you have also entered other people's stories and broken into other people's epics? 】

Shade still ignored her.

【So close, I felt a strange power from Luvia Anat.】

Shade still ignored her.

[Her other self is extraordinarily powerful, more powerful than any ring warlock you have encountered. 】

Shade still ignored her.

【She also has the power of time.】

Still not seeing him, Shade suddenly opened his eyes, and then saw that Luvia had her eyes closed.

"The power of time?"

[Yes, the power of time. But unlike you who are blessed by time, she is repelled and cursed by time. She cannot use any power related to time. If she is injured by any power of time, the damage will become more severe.


Smelling the scent of the purple-eyed girl and feeling her soft lips, Shade followed the prompts of the voice in his ear and used his own soul to feel the power of her soul.


Luvia pushed him away violently, her face very red:

"It's actually so late. So goodbye, Shade, the test is over, and you are still affected. I am very happy tonight. Also, remember not to tell Iluna what happened tonight. If you really can find some tonight

Read the book Iluna said good night."

With that said, he stood up on tiptoes and kissed the side of Shade's face, then hurriedly left as if running away.

Shade stood under the gas street lamp and looked at her back. The clouds drifted past the moon that blocked the sky, but the clouds quickly moved away, and the light and shadow alternated on Shade's body standing there.

【Do you know what she thinks of you?】

She was still whispering in her ear, Shade frowned and thought, but didn't answer.

【So, do you feel it?】

"Yes, being repelled by time is very clear."

【Outlander, maybe she has secrets that are useful to you.】

"But I'm not in a hurry to know them. One day, Luvia will take the initiative to tell me. This is just like her not asking about my secrets. This is mutual respect and one more thing."


"Do you have to tell me something at that time?"

He asked with great dissatisfaction, touched his lips, waved to Luvia who boarded the carriage at the intersection, leaned out of the window, turned around and prepared to go home to rest. He would also buy furniture and move it to the first floor tomorrow.



I thought she was just laughing and wouldn't answer, but I didn't expect to hear the answer.

Shade stopped at the door, lowered his head and reached into his pocket to take out the key, and asked absently:


【Because, I am always with you.】

Looking at the shadow on the ground, at a certain moment, Shade really felt that he saw it. He saw the woman hugging his neck and whispering softly in his ear.

"You always do this, and I'd rather you do it."

Complaining softly, Shade realized that he seemed to have forgotten to take the key, so he reached for the door lock and opened the door directly.

She is chuckling.

Before walking in, he glanced at the golden door plate of "No. 6 Saint Teresa Square" on the door. He stretched out his hand to straighten it, then walked into the house and closed the door.

The strange moonlight shone slantingly on the door and steps of No. 6 Place Saint Teresa, just like every night.

Tonight, many people may not be able to sleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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