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Chapter 462 New World News

 "Today is already the 10th day since Darkness left Coldwater Port."

This was Shade's sigh when he read the newspaper on Friday morning. He basked in the early morning sun, ate breakfast and petted the cat in the sun, and then tried his best to imagine Darkness hiding his identity, doing what he did to arrive in Tobesk smoothly.


After breakfast, the construction team arrived on time to continue the renovation. Shade locked the door on the second floor. He originally wanted to go to the basement to organize his books, but he didn't expect that a visitor would come to visit.

It wasn't the client who came to the door, but Shade's friend Captain Rades. He stood in St. Teresa Square in surprise, looking up at the workers working on the roof of No. 6, and hesitated to enter.

After looking through the window on the first floor to see Shade moving a pile of books and organizing the bookcase, he knocked on the window, meaning he didn't know if now was a good opportunity to visit.

Captain Rades came here for two purposes. One is to tell Shade that he will take a steam train to the front line on the first weekend of next month. The notice has been received, and the captain has recently been packing his luggage and talking with him.

Friends of Tobesk say goodbye.

He will go to the southern front again, that is, the windy path at the northern foot of the Sikal Mountains, as a brave Royal Army captain, guarding the border to show his loyalty and bravery.

The second purpose of the captain's visit was to find something that Shade didn't find when he first went to his rental apartment.

The two were talking in the living room on the first floor. Since the walls had just been painted, the furniture was still placed in the basement. Shade found two chairs for the two of them to sit on. After the paint was dry, they put the furniture on and Tifa helped select it.

Stylish furniture will make the living room look more formal:

"This is it. I found it among my old clothes when I was packing my luggage a few days ago."

The captain handed the amber-like pendant tied to a metal chain to Shade. He won the [Gun of Kindness] and this ornament by betting on Rhodes with a stranger in the tavern on Windy Path.

[The Spear of Kindness] is a relic, so Shade once suspected that the jewelry was also a relic.

It's a pity that this thing was not found last time, and Shade had almost forgotten about it.

But unfortunately, this amber pendant is not a relic. It does not contain any elements. If you touch it with your hands, you cannot find any patterns on the surface.

In other words, this is just an ordinary item.

"If both items are relics, I would be worried about Captain Rades' safety."

Although he was disappointed, it was also reasonable. Shade was not the chosen one, so he did not have the luck of encountering relics frequently.

It happened that Shade was fine today, so Captain Rades invited Shade to go with him to the Veterans Club in the western district of Tobesk. Although it was a veterans club, ordinary veterans could not come here.

Captain Rades introduced Shade to his friends, and of course Shade had enough business cards to distribute.

Everyone has heard of the name "Rejed's Hamilton" and warmly invites him to come to the club often when he has time.

So Shade spent Friday in the club, listening to the officers telling interesting stories about the front lines and complaining to each other about their treatment after retirement.

It was only then that Shade learned that Prince Sachs, who broke into the Yodel Palace with a gun, had actually been assigned to a position in the army a few years ago.

But he is in charge of the New World Exploration and Development Corps of the Kingdom of Drarayon, so he is not in Drarayon all year round, and his forces mainly stay in the New World. Now Prince Saxe has been secretly arrested, and several other navy and army commanders in the New World,

Presumably, the dissidents in the legion will be removed soon to show their loyalty to the king.

By coincidence, Captain Rades' friend, Colonel Dallas Hopps, had also been to the New World.

Shade, who was very interested in that distant land, curiously asked him about the situation in the New World. Colonel Hopps sat on the red cushions, smoking a cigar, raising his head and squinting as he recalled his past:

"There is actually not much difference between the New World and the Old World, except that there are more forests, more ruins, more minerals, and fewer humans. I have seen many magical creatures there. Can you imagine flying lizards?


He showed off his knowledge to his friends:

"However, the New World is also very dangerous. Some areas are absolutely not allowed to be approached. The superior officer will mark the route on the map that cannot be deviated before we lead the team alone. And every long-distance expedition, the team

There must be a priest from the Orthodox Church following you."

"Is it to relieve anxiety?"

Shade asked.

"I guess so."

The colonel took a puff of cigarette, then placed the Nosan cigar in his hand in a special metal cigar ashtray and let it extinguish naturally. Cigars are not ordinary tobacco. A Nosan cigar like the one in the colonel's hand requires at least one smoke.

It takes two hours.

At the same time, smoking cigars also requires special long wooden matches, metal cigar cutters and other tools. This is tobacco used by wealthy people in the upper class.

"I'm actually a little afraid of the New World. There are a lot of, um, strange things there. I once led a team to explore the direction of newly discovered gold veins in an area where the location is inconvenient. Those who recruited soldiers from Keldinan County

The young people who came here are just like me, they are all people with courage and perseverance. But when we were camping at night, we saw one in the gap between the trees..."

He had a sullen face and didn't know what to say, and his face suddenly turned pale, so the others hurriedly made a little joke to get rid of the topic.

Shade now knew the reason why ring magicians could not commit suicide, and his curiosity became more and more intense about St. Byrons's second prohibition on correspondence ring magicians, that is, they could not travel to the New World.

(Little Mia is running...)

In this way, Saturday came. It was the time for the group meeting again. There was nothing to talk about this week. Shade was mainly repairing his house. He did not notify the academy about obtaining the spiritual runes, but thought about it in a few weeks.

Say it again.

However, Professor Garcia sent another message. He was very satisfied with the final thesis submitted by Shade on the "Closed Space" course, and invited Shade to continue taking the "Closed Space" promotion class in the fall to explore the mysteries of space.


It seems that Professor Garcia really admires Shade.

I studied "Crazy Light Chaser" with Dorothy on Saturday night. Because Shade's house was being renovated, the class was held in Dorothy's rented apartment this time.

Shade heard from the blonde girl that Lesia will return to Tobesk next Tuesday. Because this is the return of the princess from her visit to Kasenlik on behalf of the royal family, the kingdom's honor guard and the team organized by the city hall will go to greet Xia De.

De and Dorothy didn't have to go to the station to pick her up.

"However, I haven't seen Lesia since last week? Don't you often switch bodies?"

Shade asked curiously while holding the book.

"Unless necessary, we rarely disturb each other's lives. When necessary, only one of us is in danger, or Lesia wants to wander around the city."

Dorothy said, and then asked Shade:

"What? You miss Lesia very much?"

"Of course...but I would rather see her with my own eyes than see her appear in your body."

Shade said, and the blonde girl laughed:

"You don't have to speak so carefully, I don't care about this. Okay, Shade, the break is over, let's continue the class. "Kiss of the Tree" ended because of an accident, I don't believe it, "Crazy Light Chaser"

What other accidents can happen, which will make me feel very unfulfilled. Now, answer my question again, what is light?"

Shade thought for a while:


"What kind of strange way of understanding is this?"

Dorothy asked curiously.

So Shade spent another half hour using a more localized narrative technique to tell the story of a super-ancient hero who could turn into light and fight against evil monsters.

This delayed the teaching time tonight, and when Dorothy was ready to go home, it was already close to eleven o'clock at night. The gentlemanly foreigner took her back to Quill Street in person.

When the two parted under the apartment on Quill Street, Shade received a kiss on the side of the face as a gift. This time, he could be sure that it was Dorothy who kissed him.


This chapter has been completed!
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