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Chapter 477 Doctor Alfred

 As he spoke, Shade raised his head and looked at the maid's face again.

Although the girl with long black hair didn't know the specific condition of Sha De's eyes at this time, she quickly covered her cheek:

"Mr. Hamilton, let me try it too. I have never heard of a potion with such an effect."

Shade thought for a moment and nodded:

"Yes, but the potion's lasting effect is not long-lasting. I can already feel the effect fading."

He looked at Miss Servit's nose again:

"Do witches have such good skin? Every witch I have ever met seems to have very good skin. Look, your pores are very even and your nose is dark..."

Seeing the sharp look in her eyes, Xia De consciously did not continue speaking.

So the black-haired girl also gave herself a drop of magic potion. Although she didn't have any magical powers related to the eyes, she could experience the enhancement effect on her eyesight.

Different ring magicians have basically the same feeling. From this, we can roughly infer that Mr. Alfred, the ophthalmologist, is definitely not a ring magician.

Even if a rare potion with such an effect is to be tested, it will not be wasted on an ordinary person, and the doctor will not even recycle it afterwards. Although Shade cannot directly evaluate the potion, he is holding it in his hand now

This half bottle of potion, even if it only has the effect that has been explored so far, there is a high probability that someone will be willing to buy it even if it costs 1,000 pounds on the black market.

The musician who was born blind should have used this medicine when he was cured. However, Shade guessed that the amount of medicine used during the treatment was larger, so after his vision was restored, he could see the truth of the world more "clearly".

Thus he went to death in madness.

Knowing more is not necessarily a good thing. In this kind of world, actually knowing and seeing less is not a bad thing.

When the effect of the potion on Miss Servit's right eye also wore off, the two of them immediately set off to visit Dr. Alfred.

The ophthalmologist's clinic is on the street on the northern edge of Tobesk. From here, walk two blocks north and you officially leave the city and enter the northern village area.

This is one of the most remote locations in Tobesk, and it is normal for the client, Mr. Mandis, to be unable to find it. However, this area is not a slum. Although it is located in the northernmost part of Tobesk, due to its unique location and large

With a large flow of people, this neighborhood is the center of bulk cargo trading in the north of Tobesk city.

Timber, food, fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers are usually transported into the city from the northern plains of Tobesk, where transactions are settled nearby and then distributed to all corners of the city.

Therefore, even on a Wednesday afternoon, the area near Dr. Alfred's eye clinic was extremely busy.

It's just that his clinic is not grand at all. On the left is the office building of the Sikh Granary, where a quarter of the people on this street come here for business; on the right is a small clinic opened by a Kasenlik man.

A private bank that specializes in lending and currency exchange, so it has an unusually impressive appearance.

The ophthalmology clinic sandwiched in between is a narrow and dilapidated yellow three-story building with peeling walls. In addition, the steam pipes and gas pipes on the left and right sides all pass through the walls of the clinic, which creates an ophthalmology clinic.

The small building is like a child huddled between two giants, and also like a garbage dump between two magnificent buildings.

Except for people living nearby, I am afraid that few outsiders would dare to treat their eyes in this kind of place.

The door of the clinic was closed. After getting off the carriage, Shade knocked on the door a few times. When no one answered, he pushed the door open:

"Don't people like to close the door these days? It was the same when I went to the musician's apartment yesterday. When did the atmosphere in Tobesk become so good?"

He was joking to Miss Servit, and the maid thought the place was open because it was an open eye clinic.

After the detective and the assistant lady walked in, a tall and thin middle-aged man wearing an apron who looked like he was cooking opened the door on the other side of the front hall and looked at the guests who entered in surprise:

"Hello, do you want to see your eyes? I am Dr. Jacob Alfred. Who is the patient?"

As he spoke, he took off his apron and threw it aside, carefully looking at the two people who entered the door.

Shade noticed that Dr. Alfred was wearing a very beautiful gemstone ring on his hand. This was probably a fake. This doctor did not seem to be such a wealthy person.

"Do you know the blind musician of North Mountain Opera Company, Mr. Frank Bundy?"

Shade stood at the door and asked. The tall and thin ophthalmologist was a little surprised by the name he mentioned, but he still nodded:

"Yes, did he entrust you to get the medicine? I remember that the medicine was used up at the end of this month. Did I calculate it wrong? Oh, I haven't seen him for more than half a month, Bundy's eyes

How's it going? Do you need a booster dose..."

"he died."

Shade interrupted him.


Of all the people who heard about Mr. Bundy's death, Dr. Alfred was the most surprised:

"What? Then my experiment...I'm sorry, when did it happen?"

"In the middle of last month, it was about 25 days from today."

Shade said, and then asked tentatively:

"Don't you know about this? Or, don't you see that there is something wrong with his mental state?"

"No, every time he comes, I just record the frequency of his medication and the recovery status of his eyes. Bundy didn't say that he had any mental problems."

Shade could understand this. The blind musician was worried that the doctor would stop supplying medicine because of his mental state. Judging from the last suicide note left by the musician, he was also afraid of returning to his original state.

"In that case... I am Detective Shad Hamilton, investigating the death of Mr. Bundy. This woman is my assistant. Please, do you have a suitable place to talk here."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to the doctor. The doctor quickly wiped his hand on his clothes and held it.

【Ordinary people.】

"Oh, yes, detective, please come with me. But I swear, I had nothing to do with Bundy's death!"

He led the way and led the two of them to the narrow study room on the second floor. Doctor Alfred seemed to really not know what the consequences of the medicine he gave would be. He only thought that he had found a special medicine to treat eye diseases.

So when I went upstairs, I couldn't help but feel sorry for Mr. Bundy's death.

When he arrived at the study, Shade sat on the sofa and told Dr. Alfred the information he had collected from the landlord, the North Mountain Opera Company, the Three Cats Hotel and Miss Mary. Today Miss Servit followed Shade and was mainly responsible for recording

Work, so every time Shade mentioned something, she would display the corresponding record.

Of course, the record omits the Rhodes playing scene.

The doctor lowered his head to check the records. This tall and thin middle-aged man wearing a checkered shirt had more and more sweat on his face. When Shade finished telling his information, he immediately said loudly:

"No, I can guarantee that there is absolutely no problem with my potion!"

"What is your relationship with Mr. Bundy, the musician?"

"I asked him to test the medicine! I came up with a medicine formula myself! If I succeed, I will change the history of ophthalmology diagnosis and treatment!"

"This is the sample I got from Miss Mary."

Shade took out the flat bottle from his pocket:

"There's still half of the liquid in it. I think it's enough for testing at the Rydwich Field."

He observed the other person's expression, and then lowered his voice, as if the two parties were making a private transaction, which made Dr. Alfred even more nervous.

"Doctor, the evidence I have so far is very unfavorable to you. Although I am not a police officer, I can imagine how they will handle this case for convenience."

In fact, Shade had never dealt with the police of this era, but Dr. Alfred's face became sweatier. He opened his eyes wide and emphasized again:

"There are absolutely no hallucinogenic ingredients in this! Detective, my potion will not cause madness! I trust my potion."

"If you can convince me that I have enough information to report to the client, I will believe you and will not call the police. But the first step, I want to know..."

Shade put the bottle on the coffee table in front of him:

"What are the ingredients of this potion?"

Miss Servit looked at Shade. She thought that Shade would tell the truth and persuade the other party to reveal the information. Unexpectedly, he would use half-truth and half-false threats instead.

She followed Shade all the way here today. She had already seen Shade treat different people and obtain information in different ways. This gave the maid a more complete understanding of Shade.

This kind of person is nothing like the fool he was two months ago.

"The ingredients, yes, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the ingredients."

As he said that, the doctor wanted to stand up and get his notebook. But Shade asked him to sit down, and then asked Miss Servit to get the documents instead of the doctor.

The documents are all in this study, not only the formula of the medicine, but also the case of the blind musician and the three-month recovery record. Those stacked documents written with dense letters can fully explain the long-term effect of the medicine.

, proving its medicinal effect.

Asking his "assistant" to check the recovery records, Shade looked through the formula of the medicine under the doctor's nervous gaze.

This formula was invented by Dr. Alfred himself. The treatment performed on the blind musician Bundy was also an experimental treatment.

This kind of unregistered drug experiment is of course illegal, and because the specific efficacy and side effects are not known, even if Dr. Alfred almost miraculously succeeded in restoring sight to a blind man, he did not publicize his medicine, but thought about it half a year later.

Make sure there are no side effects, and then go and win honor for yourself.

This is why Detective Hamilton's real client, the blind Mr. Mendis, was unable to obtain the doctor's information from his friend Mr. Bundy, who promised to keep it secret when he participated in the experiment.

The ingredients used in the formula are very complex, and the list of ingredients alone fills a whole notebook page. But after Shade looked carefully, he found that most of them were cheap herbs and did not contain chemical compounds that had already appeared in the steam era. This made

This recipe is more like an erroneous recipe written down by a bad witch doctor.

Moreover, among those herbs, only two are common materials for magician potions. Even Shade, a second-year student with shallow knowledge, knew that these two materials were impossible to play a role in this potion.

"So what exactly is the active ingredient? It can't be a combination reaction of invalid ingredients that produces an active ingredient, right?"

Shade held a skeptical attitude and carefully checked the specific synthesis process behind it. Then he frowned slightly and looked up at the nervous doctor:

"Sorry, what is this 'red potion'?"

This chapter has been completed!
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