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Four hundred and ninetieth chapters dream gift

 "What's wrong?"

Seeing Shade stop and show an expression that suddenly sounded like there was no gas in the house, the doctor asked doubtfully.


Shade couldn't even control his voice. He looked eagerly at Dr. Schneider in the bright yellow light of the streetlight:

"You mean, you can hide things in your dreams?"

"Of course, skilled ring warlocks who are proficient in mind and dream abilities can do it, but what's wrong with you?"

Dr. Schneider is very worried:

"Is Jinweis' dream just now still affecting you? Do you need me to do a simple check-up for you?"

"No, I'm fine."

Shade couldn't wait to get the answer at this time:

"Doctor, I want to say that the poet-level relic [The Dream of St. Byrons Comprehensive College] used to confirm whether St. Byrons Comprehensive College really existed when I enrolled in school has existed since the early days of the establishment of the college.


Shade asked an unrelated question, and the doctor nodded in surprise:

"Of course, it was the dream of the founder of the academy, the legendary thirteen-ring warlock and witch Miss Feliana. Of course it existed when the academy was established."

Shade's face almost showed an expression of ecstasy:

"Then the first time I heard Miss Mary Feliana's name was when you introduced the relic to me?"

The doctor couldn't understand Shade even more, but he still nodded:

"Although I'm not you, I can answer, yes. After all, didn't you just come into contact with the field of mysticism at that time? It can even be said that you just had your own memory ability."

As he answered, he looked at Shade up and down very worriedly, as if he was really worried that Shade was still affected by the dream.

Shade looked up at the mist over Tobesk, at the three moons behind the mist, and in a trance he saw Miss Feliana and the moon witch Miss Olanode:

"I asked the librarian about the admission rules that had been ignored at that time. When I heard her name for the first time, it turned out that I didn't think of it!"

He said intermittently something that the doctor couldn't understand, and then suddenly took Dr. Schneider's hand and shook it:

"Doctor, I really want to thank you this time, thank you very much!"

Xia De had a serious smile on his face. Although the doctor didn't know what happened, he still said:

"Well, I hope I can help you. If you have any psychological problems recently, you can always come to me."

The doctor was very worried about Shade's mental state.

"No problem, I'm healthy."

As he spoke, Shade pretended to take out his pocket watch again:

"Look, doctor, it's so late, and I suddenly remembered that I still have some urgent matters to deal with. So I'll leave it up to you to report the news about Jin Weiss to the church. I really want to go home! Yes.

It's urgent, I really can't wait to go home."

"Then you go back first."

The doctor nodded somewhat at a loss. Shade showed a big smile to the doctor, then let go of the doctor's hand and ran quickly to the intersection.

The doctor looked at his released hand, stood under the streetlight of Lewis Street, and looked at Shade's back in astonishment:

"Could it be that No. 6 of Saint Teresa Square is influencing him? Are you in such a hurry to go home?"

The middle-aged psychiatrist murmured to himself. Seeing Xia running away, he looked back at the location of Black Corner Alley:

"Or is the power of the devil affecting him? If I had known that Luther King Weiss had the power of the devil, I should not have brought the detective here. Although it is only a very slight power, it is still a threat to the weak ring magician.


He looked upward, towards the attic of Jinweis's house, and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Fortunately, the detective found nothing."

He said softly, and his tone suddenly became stern again:

"So, this is why you told me that Luther King Weiss can extract soul crystals?"

The doctor's left eye glowed slightly with red light. He made a gesture of listening, and looked at the attic with a somewhat angry expression on his face:

"I know he's fine this time. But I also said, don't make your own decisions. What if the detective is really affected?"

Dr. Schneider looked down at his palm again. When he shook his fingers, a dark crystal appeared in his palm. Thick pus was trapped inside the crystal, squirming like a living creature.

He said softly:

"Fortunately, I extracted the demon's power, otherwise I would have caused trouble when I reported Jinweis to the church. But where did this demon come from?"

The doctor threw the crystal into his mouth, chewed it a few times and then made a swallowing motion:

“Really delicious.”

Licking his lips, he frowned and looked up at the gloomy night sky in Tobesk. The mist and clouds blocked the stars and the three-wheeled moon, and only the weak moonlight shone down. Today was not a good day:

"Well, this is the smell of human pus? This ancient evil actually appeared in Tobesk? This is really not good."

He muttered to himself and twitched his nose:

"The devil's stench comes to Tobesk."

After moving a little, the whole person entered the shadow that was not illuminated by the street lights. Only the scarlet eyes were still shining:

"It's really troublesome." (Devil's language)

(Little Mia is running)

When Iluna, who visited Shade early in the morning, sat down at the dining table on the second floor of Saint Teresa Square, what she saw was Shade's excited expression:

"Did you accidentally take any stimulant drugs for breakfast?"

The girl with long brown hair spoke slowly and waved to the cat squatting on the table. The orange cat looked at her lazily, then turned its back to her.

"Xia De, is this something good happened to you when you are so excited?"

The seventeen-year-old girl asked with a smile.

"Of course! I borrowed the poet-level relic [Dream of St. Byrons Comprehensive Academy] from St. Byrons on the grounds that I wanted to understand the [Sleeping] Spirit Rune! The academy generally does not lend such special-purpose relics

, so I used the librarian’s connections!”

"Did you borrow it?"

In fact, Iluna didn't know much about the relics that Shade mentioned.

"Yes, the college asked me to pay a rent of 5 pounds, and the relic can be delivered over the weekend through the poem pages in my hand. Today is Wednesday, and there are two days left!"

When Shade spoke, the joy on his face could not be concealed at all. Although Iluna did not know the cause and effect of this incident, she still congratulated Shade on the good thing he had encountered.

Iluna came to visit this time to hand over the two holy emblem brooches of the Sun God [Old Man with the Lamp] that she had made to the hands of Shade and Luvia. Such powerful alchemical items not only need to be precious

Materials, and it is quite labor-intensive to make, which takes a great toll on Iluna's own spirit and spirit.

In the short term, she could only make these two brooches, but this was enough. After leaving Shade, she would go to the Seer Association and hand another brooch to the female fortune teller.

"You happen to be here. When you go to see Luvia later, give this to her."

Shade stood up from the dining table, took out a letter from the study and handed it to Iluna, indicating that she could read it at will:

"This is what I experienced last night. I encountered something related to Darkness."

"Why does he always meet you? No, why do you always meet him?"

The seventeen-year-old girl was surprised at first, and then joked. She opened the letter and read it, and Shade directly concluded:

"Although he only encountered a very slight force, we can know from this that Darkness did not go directly to the location of the [Dark Realm]. And judging from his risk of releasing [Human Pus] to absorb negative emotions, he

The injuries sustained in Cold Water Port should not be healed yet. Please help me ask Luvia, if the pus released by the Human Pussy Demon can only corrode a few targets, or can it be released on a large scale."

"I know this. The church has recently given me a lot of information about the human pus demon. Releasing a large amount of pus will cause the demon itself to be weak, because it is made of that pus. You said that the demon now looks like a mouth.

, and it can speak with the help of relics, which shows that after breaking away from the seal this time, although it coexists with humans, it has not returned to its most powerful period, and it is absolutely impossible to release its pus on a large scale."

Iluna said that during the two weeks that Shade was renovating the house and handling the commission, the two girls had made a lot of preparations to deal with Darkness.

"That's it, I understand."

Shade nodded, and the expression on his face recovered from the joy:

"Iluna, you and Luvia should discuss the news about him in the city and decide whether to report it to the church. It would be best if the church can stop him in the city. If he still enters the [Dark Realm],

Let’s take another risk.”

"Can't you come with me to find Luvia? From your place to the Prophet's Association, walk quickly. It can be reached in ten minutes."

Iluna asked doubtfully:

"Shadow, do you have anything else to do?"

"Yes, I need to find someone to deal with some casting materials. And I just received the letter. I am going to see a twelve-ring warlock in the afternoon to ask about the [Light] Spirit Rune. You also know that the [Dark Realm]

The demons need the [Light] Spirit Rune to destroy them. Oh, also, I am going to attend Queen Diana’s birthday party at Yodel Palace tonight, so I need to prepare clothes in advance.”

Shade pointed to Miss Carina's letter on the dining table, as well as the invitation he received when he and Tifa went home last time.

The girl with long brown hair pursed her lips, and her emotions could easily be read from her face:

"Oh, the banquet will be very interesting. It's a pity that I have a task tonight, otherwise I would have to get an invitation letter from the church."

The look of envy on her face was completely undisguised, and with Iluna's current status, it was not difficult to get an invitation from the Church of the Sun.

"Then Shade, go have a good time. Now that Darkness has entered the city, I think the matter about the second chosen one may end at any time. Whether it is the church or us, once we encounter Darkness head-on,

, then it will be the final decisive battle. Relax before the decisive battle. I still miss the scene where everyone danced together at the banquet where you were honored last time."

She lowered her head to fold the letter written by Shade to Luvia. Shade stroked the cat that squatted obediently beside her hand, and the cat also rubbed Shade's hand.

He thought for a while and asked:

"If you're not in a hurry to get back to Blackstone Security, would you like to dance with me here?"

Shade pointed to the open space in the living room:

"In front of the window, in the sunshine. But there are no guests, no beautiful dresses, and no music."

This chapter has been completed!
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