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Chapter five hundred and ninth blood cry Hermons

 The strange man spoke not loudly, but very clearly, and it was obviously not a local accent:

"Ma'am, can this person stay at your hotel?"

He first took out a banknote, and then took out a photo and showed it to Mrs. Sangmei. Because of the angle, Shade couldn't see what the photo looked like.

Shade put his arm on the counter, sat on the round stool in front of the counter and looked at Luvia. While the latter raised her eyebrows, he signaled her not to speak, and then continued the topic just now, complaining to Luvia about technical workers.

Miss Mary did not tell the truth.

"Where did this high-level warlock come from? Has the church already found this place? Then should I leave?"

This is the voice in my heart.

The opponent is at least twelve levels, and most likely a thirteenth level warlock.

"Thirteen rings?"

Shade was even more surprised, but the expression on his face did not change:

"The current Thirteen Rings of the Orthodox Church in Tobesk are the 'Sunshine Sword' of the Sun Church and the 'Iron Right Hand' of the Creation Church, but this one is obviously not the case. The Church will not randomly dispatch Thirteen Ring Warlocks across parishes.

And even if there are clues about Darkness, according to the rules of action for church ring warlocks that I learned from Iluna, the thirteen-ring warlocks will not be allowed to set off directly. Therefore, this stranger is not the thirteen-ring warlock of the True God Church."

Thinking about it in her mind, the female shopkeeper over there frowned and looked at the photo, then shook her head decisively:

"I know our guests very well. No one who looks like this has stayed at my hotel for at least three months."

Shade continued to chat with Luvia. Luvia probably realized that the man talking to the shop owner was a little unusual, so she responded to Shade's words enthusiastically.

"So, who are the guests who have stayed at the hotel in the past three days?"

The man in the dark red coat asked kindly. Shade realized that his accent was somewhat like the accent of the southern mountains of Delrayon. He and Captain Rades had heard a similar accent when they visited the Veterans Club.

"Guest, I can't tell you this casually."

Mrs. Sangmei shook her head:

"It doesn't matter how much money you have. If I say such things, no one will dare to stay here in the future."

"Yes, that makes sense."

The man nodded, then coughed violently.

He hurriedly took out a white handkerchief from the breast pocket of his coat and put it in front of his mouth. He coughed a few times and put the handkerchief away. From the corner of his eye, Shade seemed to see blood on the white handkerchief:

"A thirteenth-level warlock can still get sick? I remember that a middle-level warlock is immune to most common diseases, and a high-level warlock will never get sick."

"Then why not, take a look at this."

The stranger in the dark red coat took out an ID card from his pocket. After Mrs. Sangmei took a look at it, her eyes suddenly widened:

"OK, I see."

She bent down and took out the account book from the counter, turned a few pages and pushed it to the person outside the counter:

"Everyone who has stayed in the hotel for the past three days has been here."

"Okay, thank you for your help."

The man said with a smile, because he seemed to have coughed up blood just now, so he looked even weaker.

He lowered his head and looked at the account book carefully. The business of the Three Cats Hotel was quite good, so it took him a while to read it:

"Okay, thank you again for your help."

He closed the account book and pushed it to Mrs. Sangmei, picked up the hat and put it on his head, and then nodded politely to Shade beside him. Then the man turned and walked towards the stairs from the first floor to the second floor.

When the other party disappeared around the corner of the stairs, Shade stopped talking with Luvia about the entrusted task, moved his seat, and sat back in front of Mrs. Sangmei:

"Who was that person just now? You actually handed him all the ledgers?"

He asked in a frivolous tone, trying to sound like he was just curious.

"I can't say that."

The female shopkeeper shook her head, but her expression was a little confused.

"Wait a minute, Shade, she's not in the right state."

Seeing this, Luvia suddenly reached out and touched the other person's forehead. Mrs. Sangmei's movements slowly stopped, and then she slowly lay on the counter, as if she was asleep.

"Her consciousness was influenced by others just now. The documents she thought she saw may not be the real documents."

Luvia said with a serious face:

"We were right next to him, but we didn't feel any traces of the elements. The man just now was definitely very strong."

"Thirteen rings."

Shade said, pulling the account book held by Mrs. Sangmei, quickly turning to the last page, and then moving forward to check the contents.

"What? Ten"

"keep your voice down."

Shade immediately reminded him, took out the notebook he carried with him, and copied the contents of the account book:

"Did you see the man coughing up blood just now? This is really strange. Could it be that he was seriously injured? It seems that it is not easy for a thirteen-ring warlock to come out to work after being injured like this."

"Thirteen rings, thirsty for blood?"

Luvia lowered her voice and turned her head to look at the stairs in disbelief:

"Oh? Could it be him? But how dare he return to the old continent, since thirty years ago?"

"Thirty years ago, he was thirsty for blood and was suspected of looking for Darkness to cry blood?"

Shade stopped writing and suddenly looked up at Luvia:

"I heard from the witch a few days ago that the Blood Spirit School seems to have sent high-level warlocks from the New World to hunt down the traitor Darkness."

"Yes, I think so."

The purple-eyed fortune teller looked solemn:

"The 78-year-old Thirteenth Ring Warlock 'Bloodweeper' Hermons of the Blood Spirit School is the actual controller of the school. Thirty years ago, for his Thirteenth Ring Promotion Ceremony, he collaborated with criminals to obtain the blood of babies.

, and thus committed a major crime that affected half of the kingdom, but was seriously injured when he was ambushed by the Zhengshen Church when he was promoted, so he led the Blood Spirit School to move to the New World, and has never dared to set foot on the Old World again for thirty years."

"How dare he come back for the sake of the second chosen one?"

As he spoke, Shade started writing again and transcribed the information. After transcribing, he stuffed the notebook back into his pocket and put the account book back into Mrs. Sangmei's hand.

He nodded to Luvia, and Luvia nodded Mrs. Sangmei's head again.

The latter murmured loudly in his sleep, and then slowly woke up:

"Why did I fall asleep? It seems that I haven't had a good rest these past few days."

The confused female shopkeeper still failed to regain her usual shrewdness immediately, and Shade didn't say anything more to her. After ordering drinks and food again, he and Luvia returned to the table next to the female poet playing the lute.

Sit down next to him.

It was already noon, and Shade and Luvia had lunch here. A powerful thirteen-ring warlock appeared at the Three Cats Hotel, and neither of them dared to take any further action rashly.

So I just came here to relax and talk about the interesting places in Xiacheng District while eating.

Luvia even knew that there was a relic trading place similar to Old John's Pawn Shop in a nearby alley, but the security there was completely inferior to that of the pawn shop.

The time came to 11:15 in the morning, and Xia De was sharing with Luvia his experience of helping his client find a cat on Tuesday. The short and thin man in a dark red coat was accompanied by a tall man, and Sha De did not.

The man I had seen came down from upstairs.

The two went to the counter first, and judging from the action of handing over the keys, they should have checked out of the hotel room, and then left the Three Cats Hotel together.

Shade didn't get up immediately, and waited for five minutes before signaling to Luvia that it was okay.

He disturbed Mrs. Sangmei again and asked for a vacant room on the fifth floor.

After climbing up the stairs with Luvia and entering the room with the door number No. 7, Shade took out his notebook from his pocket:

"Darkness and the Bloodweeper must have left. Luvia, try to divine which of these rooms is where Darkness once lived."

Shade pointed out the room numbers he had recorded. These rooms were the most likely ones. After the effect of Blood Echo ended, their search became a lot more troublesome.

The female fortune teller frowned and looked twice:

"Choose one of the four? Because it involves a 13th-level warlock, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the divination."

"It doesn't matter. There are two fifth floors and two fourth floors. You can divine as much as you can. I will confirm at the crack of the door whether the cleaning servant will pass by here immediately."

So Luvia borrowed the Rhodes cards from Shade. She spread the entire deck of 54 cards evenly on the bed, and then tried to open three of them. After thinking for a while, she opened three more cards.

cards until all cards are revealed.

During this period, Shade indeed observed the hotel's fat maid through the crack in the door, pushing a trolley welded from discarded gas pipes, humming a tune played by the female poet downstairs, and passed by the room door. Pushing

There are buckets, rags, brooms, and mops on the car, and the metal wheels make a loud sound when they grind against the wooden floor.

Ten minutes later, the fat maid passed by the door again and walked towards the broom room at the head of the stairs. After the door of the broom room was opened and then closed, her footsteps disappeared at the head of the stairs:

"Now we are cleaning up the room. It seems that it is indeed a room on the fifth floor. Now it is a choice between the two."

Shade at the door made careful judgments. Luvia was standing by the bed collecting cards:

"If it is indeed the fifth floor, then I think it is the farthest room on the fifth floor, Room 1."

"Okay, let's go to Room 1 to check the situation."

Shade nodded, opened the door and looked around. Seeing that there was no one in the corridor, he took Luvia out of the room. He opened the lock of Room 1, the two of them quickly walked in, and then locked the door of the room.


"Detective, I'm glad you didn't become a professional thief, otherwise no one would have been able to stop you. The thaumaturgy given to you by the old god is really useful."

While Luvia was teasing, she also did not forget to throw the Silence Charm at the door.

Shade shook his head and did not make any further comments. Instead, he cautiously opened the curtains and looked behind, then opened the closet and looked inside. Finally, he lay down and looked under the wooden bed covered with white sheets.

This chapter has been completed!
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