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Chapter five hundred and eleventh combat readiness

"Okay, let's split up. After returning home from the witch, I will immediately start preparing to enter the dark realm, casting materials, relics and the box that seals the devil. As soon as there is any bad news, we will set off. Lu Wei

Ya, after you come back from the black market, in addition to preparing the ritual to seal the devil, don't forget to inform our other friend. Even if you can't find her, you must find a way to leave a message for her."

Iluna has been temporarily assigned to the Sun Church's special operations team these days, so she will not be in the security company.

"Okay, detective. Be careful. We've been preparing for so long, and now it's really time."

Luvia reached out and hugged Shade.

"Yes, it's time."

Shade hugged the purple-eyed girl with a serious look on his face.

After the Cold Water Port incident, he had been waiting for Darkness to arrive. They had long known that once Darkness appeared, it would be a decisive battle. But when it came to this moment, it felt a little unreal.

But no matter what, since we have decided to witness the thirteen chosen ones, there is no way to escape this matter.

Shade and Luvia separated in Psalm Square. Shade took the carriage and went directly to Miss Carina's manor in the south of the city without even going home.

It was just a very unfortunate coincidence that Miss Carina and Tifa were not in the manor. Shade learned from the housekeeper of the manor that the duchess accompanied Queen Diana to the racecourse to relax.

This somewhat disrupted Shade's arrangements. Shade originally thought that he could take the Dark Box back with him on this trip, so that he could use the last key from 1784 to complete the gamble with three Rhodes cards and obtain the light.

Spirit runes.

But they were not here, and Shade couldn't wait here for too long. After all, Luvia might go to St. Teresa Square to find him at any time.

So he left a letter, explaining the matter of Darkness in detail, and hoped that the duchess would send someone to send the Dark Box to Saint Teresa Square as soon as possible while handling the matter.

Asking the housekeeper to deliver the letter to the Royal Racecourse in person, Shade took a carriage back to the city and went straight home.

The sound of him opening the door and going upstairs was so hurried that Mia at home was startled and thought something had happened. While Shade was packing up the items he might need, the orange cat kept following Shade's steps.

From the back, it seemed as if he was worried that Shade would take his luggage and run away from home, but not take it with him.

The gun of kindness that can kill with one hit on certain occasions, the poem pages of the Dream of St. Byrons College that may be delivered at any time, the last piece of pirate's blood money, the twenty-sided dice that interferes with the destiny of divination, and the youth used for healing.

The immortal leaves, the demon-hunting seal against demons, and the reincarnation ring that can be used as a life, all are carried on the person.

The soul fishing rod is inconvenient to carry, so it is left at home, but as the key item, the god's gift box must be brought.

But this box was also inconvenient to carry, so Shade used the needles, threads, fabrics and scissors at home to make an ugly backpack.

Putting the heavy metal box into the cloth bag, Shade tried to carry it on his back and jumped a few times. After confirming that it was very strong, he placed it on the coffee table. Opening the lid of the box, he thought about whether he should put some parts of the box that would not be used in battle.

Put the relics in the box instead of putting them on your body to prevent losing control due to the dark realm.

"Safety first, just keep it all with you."

He thought for a while, then put the demon hunting seal and the reincarnation ring on his right hand, and the soul crystal ring on his left hand. Although Shade didn't want to become a woman at all, but when necessary, life is still more important than principles.

After looking at his hand, Shade took off the pebble ring again:

"The change between positive and negative is the beginning of a new life."

He quickly recited the incantation to prevent himself from forgetting when it was time to use it, and then put the ring on his finger again.

At the same time, Mia the cat, who had always regarded the metamorphosis ring as a toy, squatted on the sofa and stared at Shade. Seeing that Shade was muttering a list of items in a low voice, he had no intention of returning the ring to it or playing with it.

, the small orange cat meowed again, flicked its tail, and looked at the relic in front of its paws that Shade had placed on the coffee table.

"There is also a weak angel potion, don't forget this."

Get up from the sofa and take out the potion that was kept in the dark from the locked drawer in the study. Next to this tube of potion is an eye drop that is as viscous as oil. The ophthalmologist mixed the precious red potion into a potion. Although it does not look like

The red potion can also evolve the eye-like thaumaturgy, but it has the effect of enhancing vision, so Shade took this out too.

I stood in the living room and thought about it:

"Help me think about it, is there anything else I need to prepare?"

Your door pendant.

She whispered softly in her ear, and Shade immediately patted his forehead:

"Oh, yes, don't forget this. Even if Miss Carina doesn't have time to send the Dark Box, the last chance can still provide me with 20 minutes of safety and rest. Not to mention, once I win

If you win the gambling game, you might even get a chance to briefly talk to the God of Gamblers. It’s really the right choice to not use the key in advance.”

While praising himself, he took the time key and put it in his pocket. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the sofa and looked at the relics on the coffee table.

At this moment, outsiders don’t know whether they should be nervous or excited.

It was past three o'clock on Thursday afternoon when I returned home from Miss Carina's manor, and after packing up the items that might be used for the adventure, it was already almost five o'clock.

Shade didn't want to miss the news about Luvia because of eating, so he just had some bread at home for dinner. This made Mia, who was still eating cod liver oil mixed with cat food, think that Shade had no food.

Therefore, this cat, which was very rare, did not finish all the food that Shade gave it, but left some. Then it stood on the dining table and came to Shade with its little head holding its own small bowl.

Shade was still a little anxious, but when he saw little Mia's appearance, he felt inexplicably relaxed:

"I've been preparing for this for so long, nothing will happen."

He didn't change into his home clothes, but just wore clothes that were convenient for going out. He took Miss Feliana's notebook on the sofa and looked through it that night.

Luvia finally knocked on the door downstairs at around ten o'clock on this Thursday night. Judging from her appearance, she had not been idle all afternoon and evening:

"The good news is that Darkness and the Bloodweeper have not entered the dark realm so far. The bad news is that the church can't find any trace of them. If a thirteen-ring warlock wants to hide, no one can do it easily.

find him."

The purple-eyed girl sat on the sofa tiredly:

"The church has received our news, but I couldn't see Iluna. She went directly to the south of the city with the church's team. I think the church is planning to let the sun sword lead it if something goes wrong.

Iluna enters the dark realm and confronts Darkness and Hermons."

"That's not bad, but we can't just sit back and hear the news about Iluna."

"Yes, some diviners from the Prophet Association have also been dispatched to the south of the city. I will return to the association in a moment to collect information from the association's channels. If it is confirmed that Darkness has entered the dark realm, I will come to you immediately. Shade,

Don't sleep too hard tonight, I might knock on your door at any time."

Shade nodded and looked at the relics he placed on the table:

"Louvia, you should also pay attention to rest and don't be too..."

"How can I rest at this time!"

Gu/span> Her voice suddenly became louder, and she pushed the cat Shade straight into Shade's arms.

The purple-eyed girl immediately showed an expression of regret:

"Feel sorry."

This look was very similar to the almost out-of-control scene when she learned that Shade had confirmed who the chosen one was at Coldwater Port.

"Luvia, calm down."

Shade remained calm and reached out to hold Luvia's left hand:

"I don't know why, but you get emotional when it comes to the chosen ones. But in the current situation, we have the advantage, so there is no need to worry."

"Sorry, I lost my temper."

She raised her right hand to cover her forehead:

"When I think about the possibility of Darkness completing the ritual and escaping from Tobesk, I feel that the world is about to end. I'm sorry, Shade, I'm really sorry."

She lowered her head and said nothing. Shade held her hand and looked at the starry sky outside the window:

"No matter what, I'll always be here."

He said almost in a whisper.

Luvia left quickly, and Shade did not go to bed to sleep all night. Instead, he wore clothes and a blanket, rested on the sofa, ready to go at any time. Although he only had a second ring, his strong physical fitness could still

I can barely support him to do so.

But if this happens for several days in a row, Shade will definitely not be able to hold on.

But it made no difference to little Mia where Shade slept. He slept on the back of the sofa all night. After waking up on Friday morning, he barked a few times in a daze, as if he couldn't understand why he was in the living room.

, and Shade could not be seen yet. But when the cat woke up completely, he lowered his head and saw Shade on the sofa, and immediately became very interested and asked Shade to prepare breakfast.

"Good morning, Mia."

Shade yawned, lifted up the blanket and got up from the sofa. When he stretched, it seemed that all the bones in his body were ringing. The sound was not an illusion, because the orange cat also heard it and looked at Shade very curiously.

After breakfast, Shade returned to the living room to wait. At this time, whether Miss Carina asked the servant holding the box of darkness to come, or Luvia came to the door again, Shade could be surprised.

But from this morning to this evening, no one came to visit. It wasn't until Shade came back from taking Mia out to eat in the evening that he finally saw the waiting girl at the door of his house.

But it wasn't Luvia, it was Dorothy.

The blond female writer stood at the door of Shade's house, bathing in the late summer sunset. Suddenly she turned her head and smiled at the stranger carrying the cat. Shade felt that his heart was about to stop beating.

During this visit, Dorothy first borrowed Detective Sparrow's detective records from Shade. She wanted to excerpt some parts that would not reveal privacy and mail them to her writer friends to share.

Of course Shade had no objection to this, but when Dorothy followed Shade to the second floor and saw the table full of relics and spell-casting materials, she stopped in surprise:

"Is the thing you have been busy with recently finally coming to an end?"


Shade nodded. Seeing that he didn't want to talk more, Dorothy pursed her lips:

"If help is needed, Lecia can probably pull out a steam infantry company of more than a hundred people in the city."

"No, no, I can solve it myself."

Shade shook his head slightly. He would not involve Dorothy and Lesia in terrible things related to demons.

"You really don't need my help?"

"No need, I'm not doing anything dangerous."

"Okay, take this."

She took out the piece of youthful leaf from the silver jewelry hanging around her neck:

"Lend it to me again in a few days to prove that you didn't do anything dangerous."


Shade smiled and nodded. After completing the key in his hand, there were still two leaves, so he was confident that he would not see through it.

"Also, this is the ancient text of Kiss of the Tree that Lesia helped me find. I originally thought I would give it to you during the meeting tomorrow, Saturday."

She pushed another roll of parchment to Shade:

"Your Tree Kiss Spirit Rune is not related to thaumaturgy, and I always feel a little bad about it, so if you hold this, it may be able to help you some time."

Shade looked at the things in his hands:


"I'm waiting for you to tell me your story after your adventure."

She smiled and said:

"Xia De, you must tell me."

This time Shade felt even more guilty about lying.

Mia got into the god's gift box, and seeing that Shade didn't pull it out this time, she curiously looked at the two people looking at each other under the sunset.

This chapter has been completed!
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