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Chapter 52 Sin God


Because of this problem, the gods of the past looked at the people of the future with some surprise:

"You actually know this? I thought that in the future, such names would have disappeared.

The ancient gods are the original thirteen gods. They are the gods who were truly born with the world. They represent the origin of the world and the power of the world. But the ancient gods have already fallen. There is no doubt about this, but their power is particularly powerful.

, even if you fall, your power still exists. You must be here because of the power of the ancient god of time. And we old gods..."

In the language used by the saint in front of him, in addition to the common meaning of "old gods" in the Drarian language, the outsider also interpreted the meaning of "god of sin" as "old god".

"What happened in the past? In this world, what exactly..."

His confused mind was almost unable to think.

"Leave, the past history will also burden the souls of mortals. Those stories have long gone, dust to dust, dust to dust, all gone... It is not a good thing for mortals to look at us.

.Leave, people of the future.”


"This is for your own good, but I am the God of Innocence and the protector of children. Children from the future, since you can appear here before I completely leave, it means that our fate must be involved. Since you

Still don’t want to leave, do you want to hear a story?”

"A child from the future?"

Shade was confused about this title:

"Is it because my soul's time in this world is too short that it thinks I am a child?"

But he at least understood the meaning of "story" to the Ring Warlock, so he cheered up and nodded, allowing himself to listen to all the information that followed.

The old god, who was obviously very young but had an inexplicable aging temperament, sighed softly:

"My story is actually very boring. I was born from the infinite illusions of children and possess their purest thoughts.

Once, I used my own power to create an eternal fire and an eternal spring for the most beautiful witch princess. But she asked me to live forever, but I couldn't do it, because this is not what a child should have.

wish, so I left her."

[You listened to the story of the "Innocent Creator" of the old god, and you learned one of the miracles of the "Innocent Creator" of the old god. ]

[You have obtained a spell, false immortality. You have the ability to prevent seriously injured people from dying within half an hour. 】

"All mortals are mortal, and false immortality is just ridiculous comfort."

The old god sighed, and then pushed forward. The shocked foreigners in the toy store flew backwards automatically like puppets on strings.

"See you next time, future people, may the power of time and creation protect you."

He knocked open the store door, passed through the thick white fog that followed, and then fell heavily on the floor of the living room of Room 1 on the second floor of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

【Outlander, you have returned to the present time.】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree":]

【Unfinished task.】

[Key to Time; Fifth Age-1068-Innocent Creator, damaged 1/3.]

[You need to wait a week for the next activation time.]

"Don't you mean disposable items?"

Although Shade looked pale, he immediately put his hand in his pocket and touched the cracked key.

"Mr. Hamilton, how was the journey?"

Professor Garcia's curious voice came from behind. He didn't see Shade's face and couldn't guess what just happened.

Shade's heart was beating loudly. In just a few seconds, he had completed all his thoughts. He turned around very slowly, not hiding the paleness of his face:

"In the year 1068 of the Fifth Era, the event was the fall of the old gods."

Although I left the toy store and the huge pressure brought by the gods disappeared, the damage I suffered from the gods just now still had an impact.

But Professor Garcia's expression suddenly became even uglier than Shad's now. If it weren't for the fact that he was in the projection ritual state at this moment, he would have almost jumped down:

"What? How could it happen? The old god has fallen!"

He opened his mouth because of shock, but then looked at Shade with concern, and his unskilled Delarian spoke so fast that Shade almost couldn't understand:

"I have never heard of this happening in 1068 before. Mr. Hamilton, are you okay? If so, this key is not poet-level! It is definitely more than angel-level!"

The professor wanted to help Shade, but he couldn't. He clenched his fists and asked anxiously:

"Mr. Hamilton, do you need the college to send you a medical team?"

"Oh no."

Professor Garcia's concern and anxiety were real, and so was Shade's shock. But what he showed was a tired look on his face. He walked hard back to the chair and sat down, slowly describing his experience:

"I came to a street and saw a store and... I can't remember exactly."

He still felt pain in his head, but he still described the general appearance of Hope Town in detail, and claimed that he wandered on the streets for ten minutes before finally seeing the shop in the white mist. Then he returned here and even obtained

A new spell.

But this time the investigation seemed to involve just seeing that store.

"Fortunately you didn't go in."

Shade spent ten minutes describing what he saw and heard. Professor Garcia was full of fear. Shade actually saw sweat on the professor's transparent cheeks:

"It's a good thing you didn't go in, it's a good thing you didn't go in! Damn it, I'm going to make the student who investigated the time point of 1068 of the Fifth Era where this key is located, repeat the grade until 1860! He actually said that that time point was completely safe and there was nothing wrong with it.

It’s a thing!”

It is now 1853 in the Sixth Age, and Shade is very worried about the unknown St. Byrons student.

"You don't need to write the investigation report on this incident. I will write it for you. I will tell the college exactly what you are going through this time travel, and the college will not let you suffer! Damn it, there is a moth in the History College! What on earth is it?

Who said Fifth Epoch 1068 is safe...Mr. Hamilton, are you really okay?"

When he was angry, he even popped out a few words in Kasenlik language, but fortunately Shade understood them all.

"I'm trying to sleep. I'm feeling lethargic and can't concentrate. Oh, sir, I'm just so tired."

Shade slumped down in his original chair, but in fact, because his spirit recovered quickly, the [Innocent Creator] gave him appropriate blessings.

"Okay, you rest first, and wait until you get the poem manuscript pages in the mail tomorrow. If you feel any physical discomfort, please contact the college immediately. Damn it, I must let the guy who wrote the Fifth Epoch-1068 investigation report repeat the grade. Repeat the grade.

By 1870!"

All of a sudden, I had ten more years of being a student.

"Sorry, Professor Garcia, I'm just too tired."

Shade said something very disgraceful to drive people away, and the pointy-eared professor understood what he meant:

"You don't have to worry. As long as you return to the present time, all the harm you suffered in the past will disappear. So the harm you received is just because you thought you were harmed. It's just that you actually saw the abode of God...

Mr. Hamilton, go and have a rest. Remember to contact me if you have any questions. Be careful and pay attention to your health. Oh, poor young man, this happened to him~"

He looked at Shade worriedly, but still got up and left. Although Professor Garcia looked strict, he really cared about his students.

This chapter has been completed!
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