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Chapter 526: The Fate of the Chosen

 "Xia De, you first"

Worried that the crystals on her body would spread to Sha De, the maid pushed Sha De, but Sha De shook her head:

"What are you talking about?"

He poured a whole bottle of No. 3 holy water onto Tifa's body. As the liquid flowed along her body, the crystallized body began to return to normal.

But the holy water was quickly evaporating, and Shade reached out to hold her in his arms, letting the light from his body fully infiltrate her.

The two hugged each other motionless, and they did not let go until the earthquake ended half a minute later and the crystallization trend around them stopped.

The surrounding darkness became thicker and thicker, and the trickle of darkness rushed towards the center of the crystallized forest. The ground suddenly became one level higher due to the crystallization, and all the surrounding items were covered in black crystals.

The depressing environment was affecting his spirit. As these dark crystals erupted, Shade clearly felt that his mood had become a little worse.

"Be careful, the power of the devil is affecting us, it is human pus. Don't have negative emotions, any negative emotions should be avoided as much as possible."

The maid warned carefully, her voice was very low. After all four amulets were broken, she could hardly hold on.

"I see."

The trickle of darkness was still flowing forward. Following the direction of the flow of darkness, the two of them passed through the thick darkness, passed over the crystalline trees in a depressing and silent environment, and smashed the black crystalline boulders blocking the road, and finally

Break through the crystal forest and officially enter the core of the dark realm.

The blow just now might indeed be the last blow in the decisive battle. Along the way, they encountered many people who were sealed by dark crystals. Even the hidden servants and hidden ones in the [Dark Realm] were sealed by crystals.

Shade took the risk and touched it to make sure that the people inside were not dead, but the crystal was extracting power in a way very similar to "human pus".

Leaving the crystal forest, we finally came to the large open space under the giant black pillar.

The dark stone pillars are quietly rooted here, as if drawing power from the ground, spreading darkness and swallowing the world. Around the open space under the pillars, huge black crystals seal people with surprised faces.

Of these twenty-odd crystals, two-thirds were ring warlocks from the church, and the others should be helpers brought in by the Bloodweepers. Judging from their location, they were engaged in a fierce battle before the earthquake just occurred, and

It is obviously the Orthodox Church that has the upper hand.

But now, no matter which side it is, it is motionless.

There was a faint light under the tree, but the obstruction and sound absorption of the darkness made it impossible for Shad and Tifa to know who else could remain active.

They carefully walked through the strange black crystals standing in the forest, and relied on the darkness to cover their bodies. They confirmed that there were only eight people under the tree who were not affected by the dark crystals.

Three of them belong to the Righteous God Church. They are the thirteen-ringed sorcerer "Iron Right Hand" Mr. Sari Pilot who created the church, the middle-aged eleventh-ringed sorceress with the glowing holy symbol of overlapping leaves on her chest, and Yilu.


The girl with long brown hair has a golden light shining in her right eye. As she moves, the eye formed by Shade's last divine power drags out golden bright marks in the darkness, like her eye sockets.

Burning with golden flames.

Among the other five people, an old woman holding a large bronze book with the emblem of Zarath Academy of Literature stood together with the three people from the church; the injured Miss Carina was leaning on a piece of wood a little further away.

The crystal stone stood; a strange tall middle-aged man holding a cane with a twelve-ring life ring spinning behind him, and beside him was a strange ten-ring warlock.

Everyone's figures were unusually hazy. If Shade hadn't been familiar with Miss Carina and Iluna, it would have been difficult to recognize them.

Shade and Tifa came behind Miss Carina. The witch glanced to the side and behind, and nodded slightly to signal them not to speak.

As for Darkness, he leaned against the trunk of the giant tree, holding a bandaged metal hilt in his left hand. The black blade on the hilt was made of squirming pus. This should be the hilt of the Dark Sword.


And the black trickles coming from all directions are rushing towards his right hand. The red glove on his right hand has disappeared. The darkness is being swallowed by the open mouth of the devil, and it is also dyeing his whole body black at the same time.

He seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

But his condition doesn't look good either. His entire right leg is covered by a black shadow, and there are dark marks everywhere on his body. These marks are his way of repairing his body, which means that if it weren't for the [Darkness] talent, he would

Even the bodies are probably gone now.

"The ritual, the chosen one's ritual of [Darkness] is to swallow the darkness, absorb the power of the long past, let that power merge with himself, and use 'darkness' and 'history' to piece together the way to the future."

The witch explained the current situation in a low voice. The sound absorption in the darkness made it impossible for others to hear her voice except for the two people nearby.

"Why are you here?"

The witch asked cautiously, but because the situation was complicated, Shade did not explain. His hand was placed on Miss Carina's side from behind, and the silver light represented the gift of [Cyndia's Silver Moon].

"Who are those people over there?"

Shade, who was hiding on the side of the crystal stone, asked softly.

"You should know the three ring warlocks of the church, Iron Right Hand. The eleven ring magicians are from the Church of Nature. The youngest girl is the first chosen one. She is very powerful. I remember you took her to Lucky.

Southern Cross Club? Next to them is Professor Gliss from Zalas Conjuration Academy. The man with the cane is a vampire with twelve levels. The one next to him may be a ten-level sorcerer from the Blood Spirit School."

Miss Carina gave a quick introduction, and at the same time, Darkness silently raised the dark sword in her left hand.

This sword is a ceremonial sword used by the priests of the ancient god [Fuxing Darkness]. The human pus has repaired the back of the sword, seeming to give it the power of a demon. The creeping darkness gives the sword a curved shape,

But no one doubts its power.

"Do you think Mr. Helmons was really led away?"

Scarlet eyes looked at everyone around him. Even if the black crystal just now did not seal the remaining people here, everyone was in bad condition. Darkness was in a very strange state now. The sky-reaching stone pillar behind him seemed to

Giving him strength.

Shadra pulled Tifa and hurriedly hid behind the black crystal. He had a feeling that Darkness's eyes could also see through the surrounding darkness.

"What does the Weeper know?"

The old professor of Zalas Conjuration Academy asked in a deep voice. She was controlling five flames suspended in an arc above her head.

"You lost."

The devil's mouth devoured the surrounding darkness, Darkness breathed heavily, and the life ring itself behind him was also expanding:

"You shouldn't have let me come here. When I stand here, I have already won. Why do you think our [Blood Spirit School] sent people to investigate the [Dark Realm] half a year ago?"

He should be referring to the vampire Shade killed in the underground ruins.

"The Weeper has long known that the second chosen one is related to the [Dark Realm]? Do you have more?"

Mr. Sari Pilot, who was stopped by the twelve-ring vampire, asked in a deep voice. Although the vampire still couldn't defeat the thirteen-ring warlock in this darkness, it could stop him. The racial ability of transforming into a swarm of bats was quite troublesome.

"More than just the Weeper, my companions gave me more information. Not only am I the chosen one, I am also the one favored by the devil!"

Darkness's right hand suddenly moved back, clinging to the tree trunk, and the devil's mouth bit the giant pillar. Something seemed to be flowing in his arm, and his right hand was knocking from the giant tree.

As he absorbed something, the golden light spots on Darkness became stronger and stronger. This improvement in strength was simply weird.

"The gods once killed a powerful ancient evil spirit demon here and sealed the body here, so this area was formed. But do you know where the demon's body is?"

"Is it this pillar? Is this pillar a corpse?"

Professor Gliss of Zarath Academy of Literature asked. Her opponent was a strange shadow. The shadow was like the fusion of Darkness' shadow that shattered the Servant of Secrets. It looked bigger than the Twelve Rings.

The vampires are even more terrifying.

"Yes, this is the key to completing the ceremony. That's why Mr. Hermons led the Sunshine Sword and left early. And none of you can escape! Mr. Hermons has arranged everything, and I

I am the chosen one, and fate favors me!"

He took his right hand away from the tree trunk, then bent down and thrust it into the ground. The black pus spread instantly, the ground trembled again, the surrounding airflow was turbulent, and as the earth whined, crystallization spread again on the ground.

This time it was even more terrifying than before, with rustling crystals clinging to the surface of all matter layer by layer.

Among the eight people who were still able to move just now, the eleventh-ring warlock of the Church of Nature and the ten-ring warlock next to the vampire were first sealed by crystals. Later, the old professor of Zarath Academy of Literature was also unfortunately killed because he still had to tremble with the shadow.

seal up:

"If I had known that there was an ancient demon here, I should have asked people from Serkeses Medical College to come."

This was her last remaining grumble of dissatisfaction.

Shade hugged Tifa tightly, but even so, their feet had completely turned into a crystallized state. But fortunately, they were wearing boots, so just take off their boots. This kind of magic comes from the ancient crystallized demon

It seems that only the light on his body is immune to the power.

Miss Carina summoned the eleventh golden staircase of the witch and barely resisted the dark crystallization state, but she had no energy left to attack. Mr. Sari Pirot, the thirteen-ring warlock who created the church, "Iron Right Hand", was completely immune to it.

Affected, and in cooperation with Iluna, who was also unaffected, unexpectedly, in the third second after the earthquake, he grabbed one of the bats flying in the air, and then used his steel right hand to hold it and restore it to its human form.


Mr. Pilot looked at Darkness:

"Don't you care about the lives of your companions?"

He strangled the neck of the twelve-ringed vampire. The latter tried hard to open the other person's hand, but he could only make a sound from his throat.

"Companion? Aren't all my companions dead?"

Darkness smiled, panting and leaning against the giant pillar behind him. The palm of his right hand continued to absorb the darkness around him. Although it seemed that he used human pus combined with the power of ancient demons to seal away all living things in this crystal forest.

It's a thing, but as a human being, it also puts a lot of burden on him.

Mr. Pilot also smiled and threw the unconscious vampire aside. The moment it fell to the ground, black crystals immediately appeared on the surface of the body, and it was wrapped in the crystals in one breath.

"Beas, please don't interfere. This thing is very dangerous. I'll just deal with him. I want to see if the power of the so-called ancient demon is enough for him to deal with a thirteen-ring warlock like me."

"I am the chosen one, and I have already embarked on the path of destiny. I will not lose."

Darkness's scarlet eyes looked at Mr. Pilot, looking as confident as a thirteen-ringed warlock.

Iluna did not disobey the order. She nodded slightly and took two steps back. She looked sideways in the direction of Miss Carina, and her eyes met with Shade's for a moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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