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Five hundred and fiftieth chapters fiancee

 The female bard Ashara with a very powerful singing voice that Mrs. Sangmei mentioned seems to come from Fort Midhill, the "mountain city" in the southeastern part of the kingdom. She has dark red hair, but she doesn't look the same.

Not very outstanding.

The poetess appeared on time at seven o'clock, wearing a mainly red soft flower hat on her head, a white shirt on her upper body, a brown vest with silver buttons on the outside, and a pair of trousers on her lower body.

Regular customers clapped and cheered, and some even threw coins at the bar stool.

The female bard seemed to be used to this situation. She sat on a high stool and played the lute, and her singing told an ancient love story.

After all, outsiders don’t know much about the culture of this world, but Iluna has heard of this story. This is a very traditional love legend of a princess and a prince, which involves adventure, witchcraft, etc., and the awakening of the sleeping princess

Yes, it was a kiss that the poetess used vibrato to describe. She really described the details of the kiss in great detail. This once again reminded Shade that this was a hotel in Lower City.

This kind of detailed description must not be heard during the day.

Although he lives in the lower city, Mr. Toby Julian is not a so-called poor man. He runs a grocery store by himself. Although he is not considered rich, he can at least survive in this city.

When Shade and Iluna looked for the address and found Mr. Julian's home on Losval Street in the north of the city, it was already 7:50 that night.

This street is one of the better neighborhoods in the north of the city. On both sides of the street are a mixture of three-story apartments and shops. Gas pipes and steam pipes are neatly covered with the walls facing the street. Mr. Julian lives on this street.

At No. 8 Street, he converted the first floor into a shop selling groceries, and his residence above the second floor.

It was already nighttime, and there were no grocery stores open in the middle of the night in this era. Although it was a bit too absolute to say this, in the chaotic Lower City, no one would open at night.

The shop was closed, and Shade originally planned to knock on the door directly, but Iluna pulled Shade around the neighborhood, and then found the gas meter of this street in a nearby alley.

It seems that this neighborhood was newly built in the past few decades. Old-fashioned residential apartments usually have gas meters inside the house.

"The captain told me that before investigating a person, we should first find and check the other person's gas meter readings as much as possible to confirm whether there are any abnormal readings and make a preliminary judgment about the investigator."

Iluna imparted her experience to Shade. Shade opened the lid of the box containing the gas meter inside the wall and saw that it was an old city gas meter. Depending on whether the gas was used, the internal gear rotation would change the reading.

Change. Each household's gas meter has two readings, one reading represents the past cumulative reading, and one reading represents the new usage reading.

At the end or beginning of each month, the gas company staff responsible for checking the gas meter will use special metal slots to push and pull, and through the complex mechanical structure inside the gas meter, the readings of the latter will be accumulated to the former, and the latter will be cleared directly.

Zero, perform a new round of reading accumulation.

By comparing it with the previous reading, you can confirm whether someone has tampered with the gas meter. There is usually a strip of cloth tied next to the gas meter box, which writes the time when the number was last checked. This style of gas meter

, very widely used in the Old World.

After the operation in the Dark Realm, Shade somehow gained the ability to see in the dark. This may be related to the fact that he swallowed part of the power of the Dark Box. But Shade couldn't deduce anything after seeing the numbers clearly, and Yilu

After Na Ze stared at the readings, she quickly nodded and came to the conclusion:

"The reading is normal, consistent with what the captain told me, the gas usage rate of a mixed building of shops and apartments."

Shade was curious whether the captain of Blackstone Security Company had worked in the city tax department before.

After knocking on the door, it took a long time for someone to come down from the second floor. He asked the identity of the two people through the door, and then saw Iluna's ID through the crack in the door, and made sure again that they did not look like robbers. He was cautious.

Only then did Mr. Julian let them in.

Mr. Julian did not live alone. He appeared with him, and there was a woman wearing a black veil, very fair skin, and always lowered her head. She didn't speak much, and Mr. Julian was embarrassed to tell Shade and

Iluna, that's his fiancée.

Everyone came to the second floor. Mr. Julian received the two of them in the reception room on the second floor, and the lady in a black dress went to prepare hot tea for them. After the three of them sat down, Shade looked at the simple interior.

Decoration, asked curiously:

"Why don't you plan on decorating the house?"

What Xia De actually meant was that since the other party was getting married, the house should be decorated before the marriage.

"I'm quite used to this style, and the store is also busy. It's not good to rashly decorate and delay business. Although we are living as one, we will become two people, but it is not easy to make money here."

Mr. Julian said.

It was getting late, so they didn't exchange too many pleasantries. Iluna told them the purpose of their trip and revealed the progress of the corpse theft case in the cemetery.

Of course, when Shade handed the other party a photo to confirm the location of the tomb, he "accidentally" touched the other party's hand, which made the voice in his ear confirm that Mr. Toby Julian was indeed an ordinary person.

When they heard that the body robbery case was brought up again, Mr. Julian was calmer than they thought. He basically answered all the questions normally and said that as far as he knew, his sister had not offended anyone.

"She was a very kind person during her lifetime. I can't think of anyone who would do such a vicious thing out of hatred after her death."

It happened that the veiled lady came in with a saucer, so Mr. Julian stood up and helped her distribute the teacups. When the lady approached, Shade instinctively felt that something was wrong with her. On the pretext of helping, he stood up and wanted to make "

"Touch" opportunity to confirm, but Mr. Julian always intentionally or unintentionally stands in front of the detective and his fiancée.

"Is there an element of whispering or profanity?" Valley

Shade sat down again and asked carefully in his mind.

[At least without direct contact, no trace of the elements is sensed. However]

She paused deliberately as if to whet Shade's appetite:

[Don’t change the expression on your face, something is a little strange.]

"whats the matter?"

Shade listened as Iluna continued to ask Mr. Julian about the situation, while the strange lady walked out of the door with a saucer. Looking at her back, there was nothing special about this person.

[The other party was not breathing, his body temperature was much lower than that of a normal person, and he never blinked once. To put it in layman’s terms]

Shade took a deep breath and nodded, as if he was echoing what Iluna said about the investigation:

"The other party is a dead man!"

He came to the conclusion in his mind, then froze for a moment, and thought of a more terrifying possibility:

"I hope I don't have any nightmares tonight."

Mr. Julian, who had always been calm, finally showed some symptoms of losing control of his emotions when he finally mentioned the young man who abandoned Miss Julian and caused her to hang herself.

"Sorry, I really don't want to mention that person."

"So do you know the other person's address?"

Iluna said, Mr. Julian sighed and nodded, and told the two of them the address. After asking for the information they wanted, Shade and Iluna did not intend to stay any longer. They comforted each other a few more words and stood up.


Mr. Julian sent the two of them downstairs and watched them walking side by side along the street toward the far intersection. He extinguished the lights on the first floor, quickly went to the second floor, and leaned out of the window.

After confirming that the two of them were far away, I felt relieved.

Shade and Iluna stopped at the intersection. They were the only two people on the street under the moonlight. Only a few houses facing the street still had lights on:

"No matter how you look at it, this Mr. Julian doesn't look like he's getting married."

The girl with long brown hair sighed slightly:

"The so-called fiancée has problems, and he also has problems himself. I originally thought he was a good person."

Shade raised a more terrifying possibility. He looked up at the moon in the sky. In the summer and autumn days, the monsoon was very obvious. It had blown away the mist over the city for a long time. Standing in the city, you could see the stars and the silvery sky.

The moonlight reflected in his eyes:

"When Mrs. Sangmei provided the information about the wedding dress, I thought Mr. Julian was a pervert who liked to wear skirts. But now I feel that he may be even more perverted. The fiancée we just saw is actually the body of his sister."

Iluna was not surprised at all. Although her "other self" was definitely not as sensitive as Shade's, she also saw the clues:

"Sorry, judging from the current situation, I may have involved you in something terrible again."

As her words fell, a chuckle in Shade's ear prompted:

【Outlander, you feel the "whisper".】


【Look behind you.】

Turning around, the corpse bride was wearing a veil and holding a sharp knife, standing in the moonlight. The long shadow in the wedding dress spread towards them and swayed under the moonlight.


Far away in the city, a shrill meow came from nowhere. Looking at the bride in the moonlight, the wind was blowing the layers of gauze skirts. The autumn night breeze was really chilly.

This chapter has been completed!
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