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Chapter five hundred and eighty seventh ghouls in the catacombs

 The bloody halo of Priest Augustus indeed appeared at the entrance of the cemetery, and there was only a continuous shadow, which meant that he had only come once in 24 hours. However, Shade could still only see the priest's figure entering.

In the cemetery amid the fog, the priest was not seen again.

"Strange, did the priest climb over the railing and run into the mountains?"

Shade followed the priest's figure into the cemetery and was not particularly worried about evil spirits. Theoretically speaking, unless the evil spirits were caused by relics or other external factors, they would not pose much of a threat to a three-ring warlock like him.

After all, even if someone harbors resentment and becomes an evil spirit, it is only the power of a soul. There is no reason for the power of human resentment to be greater than the power gained by a warlock who risked his life to read ancient texts, touch old relics, and chase crazy old gods.

Powerful. Although the Ring Warlock is an idealistic force, he is also very basic.

Because the priest had already obtained the location of the tomb from Ms. Michelle of the "House of the Blind", he did not go to the tombkeeper to search. Instead, he walked on the stone road between the tombstones with a clear goal and successfully found the location with the words "

Tombstone of "Matilda Fox".

The tomb is located under a large leafy pine tree in the center of the cemetery. The figure of Priest Augustus stayed here for a long time. Shade did not want to pry into other people's privacy, but those overlapping blood-red halos,

Undoubtedly, it pointed to Priest Augustus who sat down and looked at the tombstone. What was his mood at that time?

"He failed to hold her hand when he was young. This is a lesson to me. I must hold on."

【But you don’t seem to have enough hands.】

Her voice suddenly appeared, almost frightening the somewhat sentimental Shade.

"Don't underestimate me. Also, are you sure there's nothing wrong with the fog?"

The white fog that spreads from the mountains and forests is actually more exaggerated than the haze caused by industrial development in Tobesk. Not only is the water vapor extremely heavy, but the visibility in the fog is even worse than Shade thought.

【At least there is no problem for now.】

Shade then opened his mouth and took a deep breath, inhaling a small amount of mist into his lungs. Because the inhalation was a little too strong, he couldn't help coughing:

"What now?"

【no problem.】

Shade nodded, bent down and straightened the handful of wilted white chrysanthemums placed in front of the tombstone, and then prepared to continue searching for the whereabouts of Priest Augustus.

Scanning his eyes around, he saw a soul with a transparent body floating in the fog not far away, but it was restricted by the corpse and couldn't stay away. If this harmless soul was left alone, it would leave soon, so Shade didn't pay attention to it.


After the priest climbed up from the ground, he did not return along the original path, but walked towards the small church in the center of the cemetery. He must have wanted to inquire about the daily management of this tomb.

But the priest failed to reach the church. Shade followed his figure from another path between the tombstones and returned to the stone path in the tomb area. Before taking a few steps, the figure of the priest Augustus actually made a frightened gesture.

, and then defensive actions.


Shade realized that he might be close to the truth.

After being attacked, Priest Augustus did not hesitate to fight. Instead, he turned around and ran towards the entrance of the underground tomb area further away. The red halo clearly described the figure of the priest when he was escaping. It had to be admitted that although he was older,

It's a bit off, but my skills are still pretty good.

"What attacked the priest?"

Shade did not follow directly, but looked left and right, returned to the tombstones again, and found the floating soul he had just seen.

He stopped at a tombstone that read "Joel Penn", and the cause of death written on the tombstone was that he died of heart disease at the age of 47.

Mr. Joel Penn's soul is exceptionally transparent and his expression is relatively peaceful. Although he doesn't know why he stayed there, this kind of soul is harmless.

"Sir, may I ask, did you see anything strange around here yesterday afternoon?"

Shade walked over and asked very politely. There were no people in the cemetery in the afternoon, and there was heavy fog in the mountains and forests, so Shade didn't have to worry about being seen talking to the "air".

The soul still retained basic rationality, but it just glanced at Shade and said nothing with an expressionless expression.

Shade raised his fingers, his expression became more serious, and moonlight appeared on his fingertips:

"Sir, did you see anything strange yesterday afternoon?"

It seemed that he was a little afraid of the moonlight in Shade's hand, and Mr. Pang's soul spoke:

"Lend me your body for a day, let me experience a healthy life again, and I will tell you."

A threatening expression appeared on Shade's face. The chain in his sleeve shot towards the soul's forehead, but suddenly stopped at a position only a little finger away from the soul. The sharp metal at the end of the chain pointed at it:

"you say."

The horror and filthiness of [Chains of Sin] can be clearly felt by even a living person, let alone a soul. Mr. Pang was obviously frightened, and turned around to run away, but was restrained by his own body underground, so he was also

Can't run away:

"I know! Yesterday afternoon, an old man wearing a priest's robe came here, and then he met a monster jumping out of the grass. It looked like a humanoid, with rotten brown flesh all over its body, and a strange head that looked like three

It's pyramid-shaped, and it's lying on the ground. Oh, that thing is really scary! Just by looking at it, I feel like my soul has been shaken."


Shade frowned. This is the lowest undead creature that a ring warlock will learn in the first grade. It is lower than skeletons. The upper and lower racial limits of this low-level undead creature are very different. If Priest August encounters

It is true that a very powerful ghoul may not be able to cope with it.

"But how could there be a ghoul in a public cemetery? Moreover, would Priest Augustus, who was proficient in the power of death, actually be killed because of a ghoul?"

Shade bid farewell to the souls that were frightened by him and continued to follow in the footsteps of Priest Augustus. Priest Augustus went straight to the underground tomb area, but the door leading to the underground was locked, so the priest's figure did not hesitate.

Broken the door lock.

The tombkeeper had changed the door lock, and the door lock blocking Shade's face was now new. He opened the new lock and entered the underground tomb area, which was colder than the ground even though there was no fog.

Although after the adventure in the [Dark Realm], Shade's eyes could see in the dark, but this vision was not clear, so he still lit up the moonlight on his finger. Of course, there are also gas pipes and walls in the underground tomb.

There are also quaint gas lamps. But Shade doesn't want the old tombkeeper guarding this place to be frightened when he sees the gas meter that manages the gas pipeline in the tomb suddenly rotate.

The air underground was extremely dull and smelled of corruption. I followed the priest's figure who was fighting and retreating all the way to the deepest part of the tomb area. Judging from the metal plate hanging at the corner of the passage, this area was built more than 30 years ago.

These are the earliest underground tombs excavated in this tomb area.

The priest did not enter any of the tombs, but retreated to the wall at the end of the passage under the unlit kerosene lamp. Then, the red halo that Shade had followed disappeared.

"Huh? The effect of [Echo of Blood] has ended?"

Shade turned around and looked behind him. Those figures with clear tracks still existed, but the last figure did disappear under this wall.

"Hidden wall? Fort Midhill has two exits from the [Space Maze]?"

Hot steam spewed out from the narrow tomb passage, and four-color auras of flickering runes floated on the life ring. The light of [Time and Space] shone on the plain earth wall in front of it, but nothing happened.

However, something seemed to be reflecting on the ground illuminated by the spiritual light. Shade bent down to pick it up and found that it was a brass pendant with a notched ring. The brass pendant with a notched ring was the righteous god [Mr. Dawn]

Holy emblem, this pendant should have been left here by Priest Augustus, and Shade has seen him wearing this jewelry.

"It seems that you have gone to the right place, but why did you disappear? Is there a mechanism? Or does it require a secret word to open this wall? Or, the priest actually knows spells such as [Through the Wall] and [Earth Travel]?"

Shade narrowed his eyes and made the priest's last figure become a continuous movement. The figure retreated in front of the earth wall, and made an action similar to thaumaturgy with its back to the earth wall. Then, the priest suddenly disappeared,

The last movement was still casting a spell, as if the priest was instantly erased from the world by a giant eraser.

"What exactly happened? Are there any traces of elements?"

[For outsiders, you need to put your hand on the wall to get something to come over. 】

Shade turned around and looked in the direction he came from. There was no light or shadow in the deep tomb passage, but he also heard the sound of footsteps.

It was obviously not human footsteps, but rather like an animal on all fours, running at high speed. The sound came from the tomb passage next door. Shade's actions just now seemed to have awakened something dormant here.

As a series of footsteps got closer and closer, Shade drew a cross in the air with his right hand, letting the cross stop in front of him.

Under the illumination of the cross lights, in the tomb passage in the distance, the terrifying monster, whose body was covered with rotten flesh, with its hands and feet on the ground, its head swollen, and its scorched teeth turned out, finally appeared.

"It is indeed a corpse."

Because of the [unfortunate person's long hair], Shade will attract evil spirits or undead creatures more strongly in the next period of time. This is probably why the tombkeeper here did not suffer any harm when dealing with the damaged door lock.

attack, but the reason why Shade was attacked as soon as he arrived.

"Is it the one that attacked Father Augustus yesterday?"

Thinking in his mind, Shade raised his foot and kicked the cross moonlight stationary in the air forward.

The tomb passage in the underground tomb area was already narrow, and the arc drawn by Shade's hand almost blocked the entire passage. But when the monster coming from a distance met the intersecting moonlight, it suddenly jumped out of the intersecting space.

It slipped through the gap.

"So agile?"

After just a few ups and downs, the terrifying monster that exuded the smell of corpses had already appeared in front of Sha De. Not only was it terrifying in appearance, but seeing it at close range gave rise to a sense of unreasonable fear.

Appeared in Shade's heart, this is the innate fear power of the undead.

But for Shade, who had faced the Dreadfort, this fear had little impact.

First, he threw out a ray of moonlight, forcing the agile corpse to dodge, and then Shade pointed his finger forward:

"Silver Moon!"

The burst of moonlight appears in the cold tomb passage. This moonlight itself has sacred properties and has extraordinary lethality to undead creatures.

Sure enough, in the holy silver and even close to pure white light, the ghoul with black smoke all over his body quickly retreated. The reproductive organ of this creature was completely damaged, so it could not express its anger and fear with screams. But this

The silence made it seem even more terrifying.


I originally wanted to use [Feliana's Witch's Light] to melt the opponent's limbs, but the magic became more powerful the closer the distance, and Shade didn't want to get close to the thing on the opposite side at all.

"Raglai's Leap."

He prepared the materials for casting spells long before entering the underground tomb area, so before the moonlight on his fingertips still faded away, he stepped forward and appeared behind the retreating ghoul.

The moonlight in his hand got closer and closer to the terrifying thing, and this seemed to arouse the ferocity of the other party. He turned around suddenly and grinned his rotten mouth at Xia De, and then faced Xia De's terrible injuries with black smoke coming out of his body.

De pounces.

This chapter has been completed!
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