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Chapter 591: Sister Daveline

 "Don't worry, what am I doing in a place like that?"

Shade shrugged:

"The priest can only come out on his own, and all I can do is figure out how to help him come out."

Tomorrow is Saturday, and the four of them agreed that this week's study meeting would be temporarily changed to No. 6, Saint Teresa Square. Then the doctor left first, while Dorothy stayed to help Shade take care of the cat.

Luvia was not in a hurry to leave, she made a request to Shade:

"I participated in the astrology event held by the Astronomy College of St. Barons in the fall. This year's event was relatively large. The college sent me a special set of stargazing equipment, but my apartment faced the wrong direction and was not large enough.


In fact, it's not that the area is not large enough, but that the open space is not large enough. Stargazing for fortune tellers is not just about setting up telescopes and planetariums. They need enough open space to draw the ritual matrix, and space to place star charts and various summer instruments.

I don't know the specific purpose of professional equipment.

"It doesn't matter. You can go pick a room on the third floor. There is not even any furniture on the third floor. I use it as a ritual practice venue."

"Well, I think I'll borrow it for the fall. Your house faces very well."

Luvia nodded, and Shade found a spare key for her and asked her to move the stargazing equipment over in the past few days so that she can come to stargazing at any time in the future.

She also asked Dorothy to take care of Mia, as he might not come back until very late, and then walked to the first floor with the letter of introduction given by Miss Carina.

On the sofa, Luvia and Dorothy sat opposite each other. Mia squatted on the coffee table, shaking her head from side to side, looking at the two girls, and finally jumped to the side of Dorothy, who was more familiar with them.

The blonde girl picked up the cat, smiled and asked the female fortune teller who was playing with the key:

"How are you going to pay for the room? The house prices in Saint Teresa Square are very high. You won't have to pay for it yourself, right?"

she asked teasingly.

Luvia shook her head, her short brown hair rubbing her shoulders:

"Shadow won't charge me rent."

Dorothy smiled and did not continue to joke:

"However, aren't you worried that stargazing in this kind of 'haunted house' will affect your stargazing results?"

"Stargazing is different from divination. Although both are affected by the environment, stargazing is very little affected. Besides, Shade believes that there are no problems in his family now."

Luvia looked up at the ceiling.

"If there is really no problem, why haven't I seen any living creatures in this house except Shade and Mia throughout the summer? Rats, spiders, flies, ants, nothing."

Dorothy petted little Mia and said, the cat didn't seem very satisfied with Dorothy's petting skills.

The smile on Luvia's face faded:

"I used to think it was the influence of the underground, but now that I think about it, maybe the problem is not necessarily just in the basement. It seems that Shade doesn't plan to move from here. Maybe only a special person like him can make this house look good."

It goes up fine.”

As he spoke, he stood up and planned to hire a carriage to transport his stargazing equipment. It could be transported in two or three trips, but it would be very troublesome to assemble.

"Since you are stargazing on the third floor, the main thing that may affect the results is the anomalies on the third floor. Speaking of which, what happened on the third floor of Sha De's house? I remember he mentioned it once."

Dorothy stood up and prepared to leave together. She wanted to go home and get the documents and materials for her writing.

I wanted to hold Mia and go together, but most of the time Mia didn't even want to go out with Shad, so she immediately jumped out of Dorothy's arms. It jumped on the windowsill of the living room, basking in the autumn afternoon.

Sunshine, get ready for a good night's sleep.

Dorothy also knew that the cat did not want to go out, so she did not catch it again. The two girls disappeared along the stairs, and a voice came from downstairs:

"I remember that someone seemed to have entered the third floor and never appeared again, right? Oh, this is very similar to what Priest Augustus experienced."


The cat stretched out on the windowsill on the second floor, and the sunlight shone on its fur. The orange pattern on the back of the cat, which squinted and held its two front paws, really seemed to be emitting golden light.

That is the glow of the sun.

(Xiao Mia is taking a napzZ)

On the other side, Shade once again passed through the statue of the ancient god in his basement and appeared in the ruined tower in the mountains outside the city of Midhill Castle.

This time he didn't have to worry about being discovered, so he left the basement directly using "Raglai's Jump". Then he did not immediately follow the path he had taken to the city, but stood behind the ruined tower and looked into the distance.

The city stretches out at the foot of the mountain.

"Fort Midhill"

Square-like blocks divide the city, and ant-like pedestrians and horse-drawn carriages move at a constant speed. The most eye-catching things in the city are not only the natural church in the city center, but also the factories near the foot of the mountain, and the road that runs through Midhill Fort.

Then enter the railway at the mountain pass, which is the most important passage through the Rommel Mountains in the eastern part of the Old World.

"It doesn't look like a volcano here."

Shade muttered, then turned and walked down the mountain.

It was already afternoon, and just like yesterday, there was a layer of mist in the mountains and forests. Although the mist did not particularly obstruct the view, it was still very obstructive for Shade who was moving in the primeval forest with no roads.

It was a road he had already walked once before, but it still took him about the same time to get down the mountain as it did when he walked for the first time yesterday.

First, they passed the small village at the foot of the mountain, then passed through the smelting and mining factories in the early days of the city's development. Finally, after approaching the city, they found the carriage, which took Shade to No. 15 Rufu Lane.

Miss Carina gave Shade how to contact the [Spiritual Cult], but Shade felt that instead of rashly contacting a ring warlock he didn't know, it would be better to let an acquaintance introduce him.

As a mutual aid association for the blind, the "Home for the Blind" is always open during the day. When Shade visited again, Ms. Michelle was having psychological counseling with a woman who came to seek help, so Shade waited for nearly half a day.

I only saw Ms. Michelle walking in a hurry when I was little.

Normally, she covered her eyes with linen strips, but this did not affect her actions at all. Shade guessed that maybe the linen cloth was actually light-transmissive, or that she had the ability of "mind's eye" or something like that.

But when Shade took out the letter written by Miss Carina and Miss Michel took off the strip of cloth in front of her eyes and read it, he realized that the nuns of the Spiritual Order were not really able to "recognize things blindly".

"Witch? Mr. Watson, do you know the witch?"

Ms. Michelle frowned slightly and looked at Shade, who nodded. Of course, he did not forget to tell Miss Carina that his pseudonym was John Watson:

"Yes, when I was in Tobesk, I did some things for an unidentified lady. Later I found out that 'that lady' was a witch. I heard that I was coming to Fort Midhill to find friends, 'That lady'

'So I asked my servant to give me a letter. I originally thought I wouldn't need it, but I didn't expect that something like this happened to Priest Augustus just after I came to this city. Is this letter enough for the Order to provide some help?"

"Of course it's enough. The lady gave you a very high evaluation in the letter."

Shade did not open the letter, so he did not know how Miss Carina praised him.

Because she knew the attitude of the [Witch Council] towards men, Ms. Michelle was very hesitant about the letter. But since Shade had already taken out the letter, she had to pass it on.

Therefore, Ms. Michel asked Shade to rest temporarily at the Home for the Blind while she went to personally deliver the letter to Sister Devlin, the leader of the order.

[Spiritual Order] is a very interesting organization. Everyone in this organization is called nun so-and-so or monk so-and-so. Therefore, it is difficult to judge who is the real leader based on the title alone.

If Shade first went to find the local great witch and then the [Spiritual Cultivation Order], then he might be able to go directly to the real residence of the order, and he would definitely be treated politely. But now with such an indirect introduction, he can only

He could wait honestly, and he was not sure whether Sister Devlin of the Eleventh Ring would be willing to see him.

This depends on whether Miss Carina's face is big enough.

From two o'clock in the afternoon until three o'clock in the afternoon, Ms. Michelle hurriedly returned to the Home for the Blind. She first expressed her apology to Shade for keeping him waiting for so long, and then asked him to get on the carriage and go to the meeting with her.

The leader of the spiritual sect, Sister Devlin of the eleventh circle.

[Spiritual Order] is a group of ring magicians outside the church. Its scale is larger than [Mercury Blood] that Shade encountered, but it is far less than the Prophet Association. They are not as comprehensive and formal as the Prophet Association.

Cooperation with the Church of God, and even some rejection of the Orthodox Church. Therefore, Shade, a person who only gained initial trust, was not able to go directly to the headquarters of the order to meet Sister Devlin.

The final meeting place was not the Blind House, but a club two blocks west of the Blind House, on the same street as the local Creation Church.

The club, with its impressive decoration and appearance, was called the "Disciple Club". Judging from the name, it was difficult to judge the nature of the club. Sister Devlin met with Shade alone in the reception room on the third floor.

When De opened the door, the first thing he saw was the nun's profile.

She looked to be in her twenties, and her hair was a faded grayish white. Like the nuns Shade had seen in the [Dark Realm], she wore a silver crown-like eyepatch to cover her eyes. And the silver

The pattern on her crown was more complex than anything Shade had ever seen on the faces of other nuns.

She was wearing a more traditional gray and black skirt, which looked like a nun's uniform. She wore a black shawl that looked like silk material outside the black top. The shawl looked very thin. When Shade sat down,

Sometimes, it feels like the material is made of gauze.

No matter who sees this lady for the first time, they will think that she must be a religious nun.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Watson."

Her lips moved slightly and she spoke in a calm and slow voice. Sister Devlin placed Miss Carina's letter on the table between the two of them, just on the side of the teacup in front of her, as if she could see each other completely.

everything before.

"Good evening, Sister Devlin, I'm sorry to disturb you like this."

Shade said politely, looking around the room with his peripheral vision. This is a reception room on the top floor of a high-end club in the city center, but the decoration style is unexpectedly simple. At a glance, there are no valuable antique furniture or precious oil paintings. The interior

The style is mainly cool gray, which matches the temperament of the young-looking nun in front of her.

"This place should also be one of the local strongholds of the [Spiritual Cult]."

Xia De judged in his heart.

"I have read the letter from the Seventh Seat Witch. Mr. Watson, we have a good relationship with the Parliament. Since the Witch said you are a very capable person, we are naturally willing to help you. Regarding your friends

, Sister Michelle has already told me, so, what help do you hope we can provide you? "

The nun asked softly. Even though her rank was far higher than that of Shade, there was a natural humility in her tone when she spoke. Of course, this was not because she had glimpsed the secret of Shade's divinity. This nun should always

Talk like this.

Not only that, although she also spoke Draerion, her grammar was a bit strange. After thinking about it, Shade realized from the "Delarion Gift Pack" that the grammar she used was relatively old and not commonly used today.

Grammar. This is the way of speaking that can only be heard in that kind of ancient noble family. Shade is very curious about the other person's background before he became a ring magician.

"I want to know more about [The Chasm of Life and Death]. Maybe you can provide some information."

Shade said without touching the tea on the table.

"Of course. If this can help you rescue your friends, that would be great."

"Also, in the past, was there any precedent for rescuing people who fell into the boundary between life and death?"

The nun nodded:

"There should not be any overlap between the world of the dead and the world of the living. Those who should leave should leave permanently. People who fall into the boundary of life and death are those who should not die but die unexpectedly. Therefore, there have indeed been targeted

"Sexual Rescue"

Shade looked at the other person, believing that Sister Devlin could detect his gaze.

“But we also respect death and maintain respect for it and will not disturb those who are sleeping peacefully. Therefore, even within the order, few people know information about how to help those living people who unfortunately enter the other world.


"Excuse me, what reward do I need to pay to have the Order help me rescue my friend?"

Shade asked, even if he asked Miss Carina to help, he would pay for it, so he naturally understood that no one would help him for no reason.


Sister Devlin shook her head slightly.

"You don't want to help?"

"I mean, there is no need for payment. I am willing to help you on behalf of the cult."

Shade was stunned:

"Sorry, you are saying that you are willing to help me rescue Priest August from that suspected unknown relic?"


The nun nodded.

This actually made Shade a little embarrassed. He had just thought that the nun wanted to make him pay a price, so he repeatedly emphasized that the order respects the law of life and death.

"I'm sorry, why are you willing to help me? I thought you would at least let me do something for you, complete difficult tasks, and even investigate dangerous relics, before you would help me."

A quiet smile appeared under the silver eye mask with fine patterns. Sister Devlin's sitting posture was very elegant, with her two white hands placed together on her legs. Even the princesses Shade knew probably couldn't show such a smile.

Elegant temperament.

"Priest Latter Augustus has a long history with the predecessors of the order, and helping a kind person save another kind person is what he should do."

She had kept her head slightly lowered just now, but now she raised her head, and her eyes behind the silver eyepatch were facing Shade:

"Mr. John Watson, please answer a question: If it were you, would you help someone you don't know but who is in urgent need of help?"

There is no need to think about this issue at all. If Shade was not such a person, he would not have turned around when the girl's family was about to be taken away by the evil god, and he would not have resolutely rolled the dice when the woman who lost her child asked for help.

, he would not appear here now. The last example is not appropriate, because he and the August priest are very familiar people.

"I will. As long as it doesn't cost me a lot, I am willing to help those kind people."

Shade said seriously, and Sister Devlin showed a smile on her face:

"So, the Order is also willing to help you. I don't want to say a very profound truth, but this is a bond. The Order believes that this kind of bond can make the world a better place."

At this moment, Shade's respect for the [Spiritual Cultivation Order] reached its peak.

This chapter has been completed!
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