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Chapter 609 Poisonous Wine

 After the mystery lock ended, Shade once again returned to the state of lack of spirit when he first entered Night Manor. But fortunately, in this weird space, the recovery speed of spirit was even faster than the normal state. Of course, this may also be because

The fifth era is more suitable for the existence of extraordinary beings.

"I seem to feel that my strength has become stronger."

Shade thought to himself.

[Because of drinking the wine of elements, the effects of the spell - Fire Drawing and the spell - Calling Water are enhanced. 】

She gave hints in her ears, and Shade nodded. The witches, old men, and twin girls around them thanked Shade softly. Of course, as the younger sister, the girl in the black dress seemed a little shy, so it was just the girl in the white dress who thanked Xia De on her behalf.

Thank you.

The life ring returned to the soul, and Shade continued to look at the gods on the other side of the long table:

"God, please show me the next blood brew."

"Very good, then the fourth type of blood brew, Turin poisonous bugs. These damn bugs are very annoying. In the long past, I destroyed all their individuals in the material world. This bottle of wine is actually an entire Zerg clan.


The cork of the fourth bottle popped out automatically, and immediately, the smell of alcohol mixed with the stench spread toward the entire hall. The stench was hard to describe, but Bichard smelled garbage and

The smell of feces mixed with it was even worse. However, as the stench poured into his nose, even Shade, who didn't drink much, smelled an extremely refreshing aroma of wine.

The two flavors are fully mixed together, but they can be easily distinguished by the sense of smell. The body is rejecting the odor and wants to get more wine aroma, but every time you inhale, the two flavors rush in at the same time.

Two flavors were blocked at the same time in one exhalation, which caused the mortals at the table to fall into a weird state where they could not control their breathing.

Foreigners in the Sixth Age had never heard of the name "Durin Worm", but the witch had obviously heard of it. After the introduction of the blood-sucking god was finished, she hesitated and signaled that she wanted to drink with the god.

Because of the blessing of the mysterious lock just now, and because he still had the detoxification spell, Shade thought about it and agreed. The armored old man followed closely and once again took out an exquisite silver bottle containing potion, probably

He also wanted to drink the magic potion with God. As for the twins, he finally nodded.

"Very nice. This is the first time for everyone here to drink together. I'm looking forward to you reviewing my collection."

So this bottle of blood wine, which was scarlet with some dark green in it, was divided equally among six cups. Probably because there were a lot of people who needed to divide it this time, the liquid in each cup only lightly covered the bottom of the cup.

.While the wine bottle automatically filled each goblet with wine, the witch carefully prepared the antidote potion. The old man was anxiously holding the silver bottle that could only take one sip. Shade put it in his pocket.

The toys were reduced to a pile of branches piled at his feet - he had broken them casually on Xikal Mountain. The most indispensable thing in the city near the mountain is wood.

The saint shook the wine glass, and the huge mental pressure pressed on everyone in turn as his eyes moved. The body he used was that of a middle-aged man with a resolute face. Judging from the matching of clothing, the body

The owner should also be a very high noble. According to the information found by Shade, when the old god [Vampire Duke Loair] descends in the form of a saint, he always likes to use the identity of a noble.

Seeing that several other people were hesitant to pick up their wine glasses but refused to drink, Shade took the first sip.

As a very small amount of wine entered his throat, he felt that the entire line from his mouth to his stomach was numb. He opened his mouth to speak, but found that his tongue seemed to be swollen:

"How am I doing now?"

He asked the old man on his left. The gods had given people in the fifth era the ability to understand Shade's words. However, because his tongue was swollen, it took the old man some time to understand what Shade meant:

"The lips are purple and there are some blue scars on the face, which are typical symptoms of poisoning."

"A little better than I expected."

Because at least he's still awake.

Putting down the wine glass temporarily, Shade bent down and grabbed two branches from the ground, and placed his free left hand on his heart:

"Elf's detoxification technique."

Emerald green light appeared in the palm of his left hand, and then turned into a light spot and entered Shade's chest. He clearly felt that his tongue was reducing swelling, but the branch held in his right hand turned black little by little, until it was completely burnt.

The appearance of charcoal.

"Detoxification techniques are also useful."

Shade felt happy, and continued to drink a sip of wine, and then detoxified him. Obviously the liquid could be finished in one gulp, but it took him a full two minutes to finish it.

At the same time, everyone else also moved. The witch was different from Shade. She first drank the potion she prepared on the spot, and then immediately drank the blood brew.


She fell down on the table almost immediately, startling the twin girls next to her. It took ten seconds for the middle-aged witch in a dark blue dress to sit up again with her right hand on the table:

"It is indeed known as the most poisonous insect in the fourth era."

She also had symptoms of a big tongue when speaking, but her face looked normal. Obviously, this witch who lived in the fifth era had a body that was much more resistant to poison than Shade.

After the witch, came the twin girls. The two were not prepared for anything. They even clinked the glasses with each other before drinking the glass of wine. And like the witch, they drank all the liquid in one gulp. The two held hands.

, he groaned a few times with a painful look on his face, and then returned to normal.

Shade was greatly surprised. The witch sitting next to the girl even asked:

"If we all make it out alive, would you be interested in becoming my students?"

In the end, only the gray-haired old man was left. Probably because the silver bottle in his hand contained too little potion, he did not take a sip of the blood brew or a sip of the potion. Instead, he frowned and drank the blood brew.

, immediately drank the magic potion in the silver bottle in his hand.

But obviously, his potion was not as powerful as the witch's potion, and his body was even less powerful than the witch's. Therefore, even if he drank the antidote potion in time, he still immediately grabbed his throat, and his skin felt like

There was blue-purple gas rushing to the whole head, and a strange sound of "Uh~uh~" came out of his mouth. If it weren't for the mysterious lock protection that Shade had just given, he would most likely have died on the spot.

"Elf's detoxification technique."

Because the old man was on his left, Shade reached out and grabbed his hand, and then used a spell to help. This was very effective. The purple gas on the old man's face slowly faded, although his face still showed that he was there.

Suffer pain, but at least there is no danger to life:


Because his tongue was swollen, Shade could barely make out the word.

Shade shook his head and said it was nothing, but the old man thought for a moment, actually put his hand into the pocket hanging on his waist, and then handed Shade a ring.

Shade's eyes widened slightly, and he saw that the ring was brass-colored, and the surface of the ring was a rectangle made of simple black iron, with slightly convex edges around it, and the pattern inside the rectangle was also slightly convex.

This is both a ring and a seal. This is an ancient metal seal ring, and the seal pattern is very familiar to Shade:

"Demon hunting seal?"

He also had an identical ring, but he didn't expect to encounter a second one in the Fifth Age. But he couldn't bring extraordinary items from the Fifth Age into his own time, so he shook his head and refused. The negative characteristics of this kind of relic

Just attracting demons is not a big deal to Shade. If he encountered it in the Sixth Era, he actually wouldn't mind having a second one.

The fourth blood brew has been drunk. So far, Shade and the Witch have each drunk it twice, while the girls and the gray-haired old man have drank it once. But the old man can only drink it twice because of the permission of the vampire god, so in addition to

Except for the girls, the other three people can choose one of the remaining six bottles of blood brew.

Shade even got a chance to be exempted because he brought the blood of Priest Augustus that contained the power of the "Angel of Death". Therefore, for him, this key to the Fifth Era 3014 was actually the second time.

After using it, there is nothing to worry about.

[It seems that according to your theory, people who think this way will not end well. 】

She whispered softly into Shade's ear, and then chuckled.

"Don't curse me."

Shade responded.

"The fifth blood brew comes from the demons of the third era. It was a really interesting era. The demons even dared to propose deals to the gods. So, I stuffed the individual known as the 'Blood Demon' into the wine bottle, and added

I bought some mint and raspberries, and then stored them in the subspace closest to the sun for a full 3000 years before I had the fifth bottle of wine. Therefore, this bottle of wine is not only delicious but will never be exhausted. Even because it is too close to the sun,

And the temperature is very high.”

The Saint continued, and as His words fell, the cork popped open automatically.

The hot air rushed towards the ceiling that had turned blood red at some point, and then rushed towards the entire room. The blood mist surged out, and the teeth hanging from the crystal chandelier quickly turned yellow. The heat wave rolled in, and the blazing

The feeling even made the twin girls scream in surprise.

Shade even heard the devil's begging for mercy coming from the bottle, but it was obvious that God ignored it.

He took a sharp breath, sucked all the blood mist into his lungs, and then showed an intoxicated expression, without wasting a single bit:

"Does anyone want to give it a try? By drinking this bottle of wine, not only can you gain the power related to blood, but you can even touch the power of the sun, which is an ancient god."

He paused for a moment and did not continue, while Shade and the witch shook their heads directly.

"Cherish your soul and keep away from evil spirits."

Shade said in a low voice. The middle-aged witch glanced at him unexpectedly and responded in a low voice:

"Sir, a big man I know also said this."

"Miss Myrna Feliana?"

"Yes, you know her too?"

"If you can get out alive and remember me, then you can go to Miss Feliana and tell me that I have appeared. She is a very generous person and should give you a gift."

Shade whispered, it seems that 12 years after the last time they met in Fifth Era 3002, Miss Feliana's reputation has become very great.

This chapter has been completed!
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