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Chapter 622: Itching Curse

 "The explosion of death will impact three channels at the same time."

When talking about this topic, the priest seemed a little worried:

"I am not a church ring sorcerer, so I cannot know the more specific situation. Judging from the current known situation, the local Natural Church believes that there may be problems in all three channels."

[Church of Nature and Evil Thoughts] is the first church among the Five Gods to preach locally. Currently, all the sealing of the door at the foot of the mountain is carried out with the Church of Nature as the main body. Even the actual position of the Church of Nature,

It also corresponds to the position of the door in the narrow room.

"Everything could go wrong."

Shade has nothing to do about this kind of thing, but fortunately it is not his responsibility. The only thing he has to do in this city is to collect enough intelligence and wait for Luvia to divine the information about the third chosen one.

After obtaining the information of the target, use the preliminary preparation to find the target in one fell swoop.

"The door on the top of the narrow room was suppressed by an ancient being, and the door on the mountainside was hidden by the Witch Emperors. The church also knows this information, but obviously it doesn't know as much as I do."

This is not because the church is incompetent or that Priest August is too powerful. Shade believes that this is simply because the level 0 relic on the priest's body that is suspected to be related to the "Primary Angel" is too powerful.

Before the food was served, Shade expressed his thoughts:

"Priest, I have made some friends at Fort Midhill these days. After dinner, we will go to the Home for the Blind. They are actually the local stronghold of the [Spiritual Order]."

"Spiritual Cult? You mean those who use blindfolds? It turns out that the House of the Blind is the stronghold of that sect!"

The priest said in surprise that he knew about the spiritual sect, but obviously did not connect the two.

"You can hand over your current information and the information you will master in the future to the [Spiritual Cultivation Order]. The Order will definitely be able to find a way to inform the church."

"That's not bad but I'd better not show up."

Priest Augustus shook his head and took out the pipe from his pocket, but after thinking about it he put it back:

"I'll leave everything I know to you, and you can hand it over to the Spiritual Cult. After all, I am a priest of the Zhengshen Church, so I'd better not take the initiative to contact them. However, are you sure you know the senior leaders of the sect?"

"Yes, I also met with the leader of the sect this morning. When I rescued you, the nun from the eleventh ring also provided a lot of help."

Shade nodded, and the priest looked at him in surprise:

"You've only been here for a week, haven't you? Detective, you really have a lot of friends."

"Don't talk about this."

Shade shook his head and ignored the topic, not wanting to involve the witch again because of the spiritual cult:

"Unknown-level relics are really dangerous."

He sighed softly. The priest wanted to speak, but the waiter came in again pushing the dining cart. After he left, the priest continued:

"Actually, even the least dangerous poet-level (level 5) relic can bring us a lot of trouble. Do you know the poet-level relic [Itching Curse]?"

"have no idea."

Shade shook his head, looking very interested, so the priest said:

"This is a relic in the form of information, similar to a curse. Specifically, the cursed person's back will be very itchy, and once someone sees him reaching out to scratch the itch, he will also feel itchy, thus spreading the curse continuously.

Go out. In the later stages, as long as someone mentions that they feel itchy on their back, or even writes about it in a book, the curse will spread."

"Oh, that sounds really scary."

Shade rubbed his back without leaving a trace on the back of the chair. When the priest mentioned this, he subconsciously thought about whether he felt itchy on his back, and then he really felt itchy on his back.

"Such a bad curse, but it's only at the poet level?"

"Yes, because the characteristic is just itching. And it's the kind of itch that can be relieved comfortably by just scratching it. Detective, what are you doing?"

Shade, who was rubbing quietly on the back of the chair, shook his head:

"Nothing, so how to cure this curse? You can't endure the itching on your back for the rest of your life, right?"

"No, no need. Just find the first person affected by the relic, peel off the skin from his back, and use tanning to make leather, so that the information will be retained in that piece of human skin.

Above. What is very sad is that there are currently 193 sources of the [Itching Curse] known to exist, and this is still known to the church."

The priest shrugged:

"Even if the source cannot be found, as long as two-thirds of the people infected with the curse apply a special ointment regularly, the contagious properties of this relic will disappear, so the harm is really not great. Oh, ring warlocks generally have

There are varying degrees of resistance to poet-level relics, so this curse is invalid for high-level warlocks. Oh, there is also a spell [Itching Curse] developed based on this relic. This mischievous spell is invalid for all level warlocks.

But people who learn this kind of spell are really boring."

Shade, who still felt a little itchy on his back, vowed that he must ascend to the high level as soon as possible to prevent himself from encountering these not dangerous but extremely disturbing curses in this dangerous world.

The two agreed to meet again tomorrow. The priest would consider what thaumaturgy Shade's spiritual rune [True Death] could be associated with, and then take advantage of tonight to write down all the things he had learned about the narrow room and the explosion of death.

But the priests still have church work to do. These senior clergy who were summoned have already begun basic ritual training, so they will not be able to meet with Shade often at Fort Midhill.

However, it is now completely certain that the purpose of summoning the August priests to Midhill Castle is really for a large-scale magical ceremony.

And when the priest took out his wallet to pay for this sumptuous dinner, Shade, who turned to look at the scenery outside the window, remembered another thing:

"Oh, priest, you owe the doctor three thousand pounds."

Priest August, who was counting out the tips, shook his hand and almost dropped the coins in his palm to the ground:


He looked at the young detective opposite him in surprise, as if hoping he could tell that it was a joke.

Shade reminded:

"This is the cost of opening the door. You know, although my friends can help for free, they can't let them pay for the tools in vain, right?"

"That's right."

The priest trembled and said:

"It seems that I have to save some money recently."

Priest August didn't have much expenses other than studying as a ring wizard. He just donated his money habitually. And this time the 3,000 pounds was not a small amount. It seemed that the priest was already planning to return to Torbes.

After that, I started thinking about selling potions on the local black market.

"But where did the doctor get so much liquidity? Why did he get it himself? Normally, shouldn't four people get it?"

The priest thought about this matter again. Shade still remembered that others warned him that they must not tell the old man in front of him about their collective gambling:

"Doctors made a lot of money investing some time ago."

He said vaguely.

“What investment can make a doctor so much?”

The priest was very curious and put the tip under the cup. The two stood up from their chairs, and the waiter led them away.

"It's related to a minor noble."

Shade's eyes wandered:

"And it's also related to foreigners. Does the Principality of Set know about it?"

"I know, it's not far from here."

The priest nodded:

"It turns out to be a multinational business."

"You can say that, and there are quite a few foreigners. Specifically, it is related to some special wooden materials and inks. It is said that this business has a great influence."

"How dare a doctor get involved in such a thing? As far as I know, the risks of this kind of business are quite high."

Going down the stairs, the priest took his pipe from his pocket.

"He has received inside information and believes that the probability of making a profit on this investment is more than 60%."

"This is very good. It seems that the doctor has indeed made a lot of money. Bill is really lucky this time."

The two of them walked out of the restaurant as they spoke, looking up at the sea of ​​​​stars above Mount Sikal almost at the same time.

On the outskirts of Fort Midhill, on the edge of the mountains, this sea of ​​stars is extremely dazzling and brilliant.

(Little Mia is running.)

Shade did not return to the city of Fort Midhill with the priest, but went directly into the mountains and returned to the ruined tower in the mountains. When he returned to the basement of his home through the basement of the ruined tower, it was eight o'clock in the evening.

When he arrived on the first floor and saw the lights on in the foyer, he knew that Luvia, who was playing with the astrological equipment, had not left yet. When Shade came to the second floor and caught the cat that rushed towards him excitedly, he saw Seventeen

The year-old girl is also here:

"Good evening, Luvia, good evening, Iluna."

Shade said hello and saw two ladies sitting on the sofa playing chess. There are card games like Rhodes in this world, and of course there are chess games, but they are relatively less popular.

"Good evening, Shade. Have you seen Priest Augustus?"

Luvia asked, staring at the chessboard. Shade took a look and found that he didn't understand this kind of chess at all, so he walked into the bedroom with the cat who was excited and wanted to jump up and rub his chin with her little head.

, go change into something you wear at home.

"I saw it. Priest Augustus seems to be in good condition, but Fort Midhill has a big problem. If it can't be solved, it will be no less than an accident like the 'sea repatriation'. I learned about the local situation today.

Folklore and legends, those stories are interesting.”

"I thought you went to Fort Midhill to play Rhodes for a day. Don't those poker players like to play cards in other places?"

The girl with long brown hair asked. Now she is at a disadvantage on the chess board. Luvia's chess skills are very superb:

"But why do you always encounter such dangerous things?"

"This is what I have always wondered."

Luvia said, picking up her white chess piece and kicking the largest soldier piece on Iluna's side out of the chessboard. The latter immediately covered her face:

"I lost again, Luvia. You didn't predict how I would play chess in advance, did you?"

"I won't do such boring things."

Luvia stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare tea. Priest August was safe, and Shade was free at Fort Midhill. Therefore, tonight the three of them were going to discuss the matter of the third chosen one.

This chapter has been completed!
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