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Chapter 629 Castle Secret Room

 Shade left the large library in the basement, and then returned to the third floor to see Professor Dunn:

"Professor! Has there been any murder in the college recently?"

"Is this related to the lost antique?"

The professor put down his pen unexpectedly:

"If you want to know, it's not impossible, but for the sake of the reputation of Fort Midhill Mechanical College, please don't tell it. Yes, a student was killed recently in this castle."


"how do you know?"

Because the clothes on the female evil spirit lying behind Mr. Val are very similar to the standard school uniforms of students here.

"I have my own intelligence source, so does the poor man who died have anything to do with Henry Val?"

The professor became more confused about this question, but still thought about it:

"At least I haven't heard of any connection. The murder occurred last Monday and has not been solved yet. The school prohibits students from gossiping, and the newspaper has not published the news for the time being because of the relationship with the college. Instead, it wants to wait until the police

Report after the case is solved."

"Do you know the details of the case? Such as the location of the body, the appearance of the body, or the location of the fatal injuries."

The professor shook his head:

"I just heard about it while having lunch with my colleagues... If you want to investigate this case, I suggest you ask the police. There are very few witnesses and students are strictly prohibited from discussing it with anyone."

You can't get any information here. Of course, the police at Fort Midhill are very rude, and you may not be able to get the information you want."

It seems that Professor Dunn has a deep prejudice against the local police.

It is certainly not easy to find out the details of an undisclosed murder case from the police, but fortunately, Shade still has the pendant given by Lesia.

Therefore, Shade first went to Captain Rades, who was monitoring Henry Val in the library, and informed the captain that he was temporarily leaving the academy, allowing the captain to investigate at will in the academy:

"I'll be back in about an hour or two. Your investigation goal in these hours or two is to figure out the details of the murder here."

The captain agreed immediately.

Afterwards, Shade took a carriage to the police station in Fort Midhill, and it took him some time to see Deputy Director Gurus. After showing the pendant with the royal family crest, the deputy director immediately said that it was okay.

provide help.

It took some time to review the case files, but Shade was able to see all the details of the case.

The dead young female student was found last Monday morning. The cause of death was suffocation caused by someone strangling her neck with a rope. The body was severely damaged. After inspection by the local coroner, the abdomen of the body was cut open by the murderer.

, the liver in the internal organs is missing.

"In fact, this case is not announced because we believe it is a case in a series of serial murders."

The middle-aged deputy director held his hat and said worriedly.

"Serial murder? Yes, I've heard of it. So in other murders, were the bodies also gutted?"

Shade asked curiously, Deputy Director Gurus nodded:

"Yes, including the corpses accidentally discovered by hunters on the Sikal Mountain, five corpses have been found that have lost their hearts, livers, lungs, large intestines, and kidneys. All five corpses are women, aged under ten.

Between the ages of nine and twenty-seven, the wound marks indicate that the murderer used the same knife, but there is no obvious connection between them. Such a bad case is really a headache."

"That's it"

Shade nodded and closed the file:

"Is there a reward in the case?"

"Of course, the city hall and the police department jointly offer a reward. The reward for providing clues can be up to 20 pounds, and the reward for finding the murderer is 100 pounds."

"so much?"

"Serial killers are worth the price."

Xia De thought for a while and decided that he must not miss this kind of gold pound falling from the sky:

"It is now half past three in the afternoon. In about an hour and a half, please send someone to the Fort Midhill Mechanical College to find Captain Rades, yes, the captain of the Royal Army of Windy Path. He will find the real murderer.


Shade returned the file to Deputy Director Gurus. He wanted to return to Fort Midhill Mechanical College immediately, but he hesitated and asked:

"Yesterday, a vicious shooting occurred at the West Carle Hotel near the Middleburg Railway Station. Do you know?"

He still did not forget that the deceased was the receiver of Gray Gloves, and the businessman who was taken away with two guns was most likely also the receiver.

"Of course I know, this is also a pretty vicious case."

"Is there any follow-up?"

"Yes Yes."

When talking about this matter, Deputy Director Gurus covered his head again and expressed that he had a headache. He sat at his desk full of files and complained to Shade:

"The murderer, the businessman Bain Bennett of Carsonlik, committed suicide early this morning."


Shade felt that he was not that surprised, so he asked again:

"He committed suicide at the police station? Is it confirmed that he committed suicide?"

"Yes, he died directly after hitting the wall in the interrogation room. This is a huge scandal, but fortunately it has not been exposed yet. Also, the body of the victim in the shooting was tampered with, and the evidence in the case was also lost.


"What was lost?"

"The murderer's pen."

Shade nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

There is no information inside the pen, he has confirmed this. In other words, the suspected Gray Gloves internal strife that occurred at the Sikal Hotel has already killed two recipients. Now that the pen has been stolen, it means that in addition to the current

In addition to the two deceased persons, they should have a third companion.

There is a high probability that the companion does not know the details such as the time and location of picking up the goods.

Shade was almost certain that the last companion was Professor Higgins, a linguist from Carsonlick who lived across from the two "businessmen".

"But everyone who knows the pick-up location is dead, and there is no information in the pen. If everything is normal, then the people in Kasenlik will not be able to pick up the goods."

Shade sighed in his heart, and then put the matter behind him again.

(Little Mia is running.)

The internal organs of different people were removed, which is consistent with the characteristics of some illegal rituals. The soul of the dead female student is haunted by Henry Val, who is suspected of stealing the antique bronze jar. This actually explains who the real murderer is.


Returning to the castle where the academy is located, Shade wanted to go find Henry Val immediately. He didn't care about the evidence. If he questioned the other party, there would be no moral pressure on Shade.

But Henry Val was missing, and even Captain Lades, who was supposed to be conducting investigations in the castle, was also missing.

"I was gone for an hour and ten minutes."

But fortunately, Professor Dunn, the folklore professor, was still in his office. When Shade knocked on the door and entered, Professor Dunn thought Shade had found the bronze jar.

"No, no, no, I just want to ask, is there a secret passage or secret room in this castle? That jar must be hidden somewhere where no one can see it."

Shade asked, and the professor nodded immediately:

"Of course it exists. The predecessor of this castle was a defensive fortress on the frontier of the Kingdom of Delarian. I am afraid that only the military of Delarian knows how many secret passages and chambers there are. But what is certain is that,

The place you mentioned definitely exists."

Hiding the huge bronze jar requires space, and if Shade's thinking is correct and the murderer of the serial murders is also Henry Val, then he must have a secret space large enough inside the castle.

Professor Dunn had no other clues here, but when Shade opened the case file at the Fort Midhill Police Station, he had already seen the specific place of death. Although the deceased was strangled with a rope, there was no obvious blood stain

, but since there was a brutal caesarean section later, the traces of blood must be very obvious.

Before knowing the place of death, Shade couldn't tell which kind of blood stain he was looking for in such a large castle. But now that he knew the specific place and even saw several cruel black-and-white photos in the file,

Then there will be no problem with what happens next.

After all, before the spell was upgraded, Shade was able to identify bloodstains from a hundred years ago in his basement and find the hidden wall.

Professor Farewell went to the southeastern corner of the fourth floor of the castle. At the door of the women's bathroom, he successfully saw large traces of blood on the walls and floor.

Shade was glad that the blood stains moved towards the stairs and not towards the inside of the bathroom, otherwise he would really be in big trouble.

The clear red halo led Shade from the southeast corner of the zigzag castle, all the way through the stone corridor on the east side, to the class area on the west side of the castle. Then he went up the stairs to the fifth floor and passed the noisy mathematics department.

Professors' offices - the voices inside the door are discussing the different forms of remainder expressions developed by Morse, the quiet Rhodes Club - the door is closed and a sign on the door reads "Club closed for three months due to suspected illegal gambling"

" note, students were walking in and out of the office of the College Daily - this is the non-profit newspaper published by Fort Midhill Mechanical College, and the red halo actually entered the broom room.

This chapter has been completed!
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