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Chapter 636 Thanks

Twenty minutes later, Shade and Dorothy had returned to No. 6 St. Teresa Square. The sky at this time was gloomier than when Shade got up in the morning. Even in the morning, the gas lights were still on at home, and the interior still looked dark.

feel sleepy.

Shade was sitting alone on the sofa holding Mia, while Dorothy, who had been soaked by the rain just now, went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Playing with the half of the red butterfly pendant in his hand, Xia De never expected that it was just a sudden attempt, but it actually succeeded.

Of course, it cannot be considered a complete success. Because now Dorothy and Lesia can only look at each other from a distance for a short time, but they still cannot look at each other for a long time, let alone get close.

However, "being able to look at each other from a distance" has been greatly improved compared to the previous situation where no contact was possible, which means that Shade's method is effective.

"Am I so lucky? I just asked Professor Dunn at Fort Midhill, and then I found Professor Manning, and Father John happened to find the right idea. Saying that, I have to thank you for everything.

Grandma Cassandra..."

The sound of horse-drawn carriages rolling over the waterlogged road was particularly noticeable on rainy days here. Although St. Teresa's Square was not as lively as before, there was still no shortage of pedestrians.

Dorothy's emotional ups and downs just now were very high. It should be that she and Lesia, two girls who can exchange souls and know each other's secrets, looked directly at each other for the first time. At this time, they went to the bathroom to take a bath, except because

She was soaked by the rain because she didn't want Shade to see her gaffe.

Shade actually understood her emotions at that time, so he also understood her unwillingness to go home immediately with him. Instead, she stared at the opposite side of Yodel Palace for a long time, until the pain in her soul forced her to close her eyes.

【Do you think you know the thoughts of girls very well?】

Just as I was thinking about it, a voice suddenly came from my ears.

"Well, maybe. However, if you go to Old John to make better alchemy items, they might be more effective. Didn't he say that the one I'm holding in my hand is just made with scraps, even the material cost is


While Dorothy was taking a bath in the bathroom, Shade carried the cat to the study, and under the gas lamp, wrote down all the information he had obtained at Fort Midhill about the Twin Gods and Twin Faith. Although

I have already recounted it to Dorothy, but it would be better to write it down and give it to Lesia so that she can use her influence to investigate.

After all, compared to the power of Her Royal Highness, the detective at St. Teresa Square is really weak and pitiful.

When Shade returned to the living room, looking at the document in his hand and wondering if he had missed any details, the bathroom door was finally opened.

The blonde girl wiped her fluffy blond hair with the new towel that Shade took out. She was wearing the white shirt that Shade washed for her last time but did not take back (Chapter 443):

"Shadow, do you really not have any other women's clothes at home?"

She seems to have returned to normal mood.

"Except for a garter belt and a pair of red high heels (Chapter 486), you can only wear your clothes for the time being."

Fortunately, it rained today, so Dorothy wore an extra coat and went out. Now only the coat was wet, so she actually still had something to wear.


Dorothy sat on the small sofa on the side. The cat lying on Shade's lap glanced at her and then barked lazily.


Shade immediately put down the document in his hand and sat up straight, becoming alert:

"Are you Lesia?"

The blonde girl raised a smile and glanced at Shade's cat:

"It's me. Your cat is really magical. So far, he is the only one who can accurately distinguish us."

As he spoke, he touched his right earlobe.

"Good morning, why are you here?"

Shade asked, handing her the handwritten document in his hand. Lesia took it, took a look at it, and put it on the coffee table:

"Of course it's to thank you."

"Oh, stop joking! Such a trivial matter"

"This is no small matter."

The blonde girl with still wet hair looked at Shade. From the eyes of Dorothy's body, Shade felt that he really saw Lesia's soul.

"Really, thank you very much. I had imagined that one day Dorothy and I would be able to get closer, but I really didn't expect this day to happen so quickly."

Her Royal Highness the Princess said softly. Although she looked calmer than Dorothy just now, it was obvious that this calmness was just a disguise used to cover up her own mood.

"When you can touch each other, it will not be too late to thank me."

Shade said, looking away and reaching out to pour tea for Lesia. A smile appeared on Lesia's lips, and she shook her head slightly:

"We are really lucky to meet you."

"Then go and thank the doctor. It was the doctor who met me."

Shade hummed and put the cat on his lap, which seemed to be sleeping again, on the sofa. The cat squirmed and curled up as if it was afraid of catching a cold:

"Then about the red butterfly pendant, you can go find Old John yourself. I only know so much about it. Maybe Father John can make a better red butterfly. Remember to tell me when you succeed."

He pointed to the information on the coffee table:

"In addition, the matter about Lieutenant Shorten that you asked me to investigate is already clear. He has indeed spent a lot of money recently and even smoked cigars. But the public opinion is that he won money playing cards with people in the city.

Got a lot of money."

The gentle expression on Lesia's face disappeared, her face turned cold, and she snorted:

"That's true. It seems that I have suffered a shameless betrayal."

"Do you need me to go?"

Shade made a gesture of wiping his neck. Lesia was amused by him and shook her head slightly:

"It's not that serious. It's just that someone is reselling my goods. The harm caused by those little mice is not great, but I have to let them know what the price is. In fact, I have some small businesses of my own, in Midhi

In the warehouse in Erburg, there is a batch of goods ready to be shipped to Kasenlik next month."

Shade nodded to express his understanding. It is impossible for the princesses and princes of Delarion not to use their power to earn gold pounds for themselves.

"Do me another favor and go to Fort Midhill to take inventory of the warehouse. You don't need to be too detailed, just count the number of boxes. You can ensure that there are no other tricks. I want to give them a good warning.


Lesia's local power can also do this kind of thing, but Shade can do it faster.

"No problem, I planned to go to Fort Midhill in the afternoon. Where is the address? Should I sneak in quietly, or what identity should I use to contact your people?"

Shade asked, to him it was just a matter of walking a few more steps.

"Sneak in quietly. This time, I must let them know the price of betraying me."

The corners of her mouth were raised, and a cold expression appeared on her face that Dorothy had never shown. Seeing Shade looking at her in surprise, she smiled again:

"What's wrong?"

She really knows how to control her expressions.

"Oh, nothing. Where is the address?"

"No. 19, Punjab Street, right in the city center. Go there next Tuesday, which is the first day of the Dead Leaf Month. It's a holiday on that day. After the goods are put into stock in the morning, there will be almost no one in the warehouse."

"Ok, no problem."

Shade nodded, then hesitated. He had heard about the warehouse on Punjab Street from another place.

The information conveyed by the gray eagle to Virgil Cameron of the Principality of Set was, [On the last day of this month, your goods are in the warehouse with a red door number on Punjab Street, Fort Midhill City]. And that hanging

Shade specifically confirmed that the warehouse with a red door number was No. 18 Punjab Street, which was only separated by a wall from Lesia's warehouse.

"What a coincidence."

"Shadow, how can I thank you? I remember Dorothy said that you seem to have had a lot of expenses recently, so you are short of gold pounds?"

Lesia asked tentatively.

"No, no, no, don't give me the gold pound."

Shade wanted to avoid becoming a freeloader. He didn't think it was valuable to help Lesia:

"If you are willing, I would also like to see the original communication diary between you and Dorothy. I have always been interested in that."

"Oh, this won't work."

Lecia shook her head slightly, with a firm attitude:

"This is not suitable for you to see. I don't think so. Let me help you prepare some autumn clothes. I noticed that your wardrobe is full of old clothes. You can't wear these when you go out."

Probably Lesia's definition of "old clothes" is different from Shade's. The autumn clothes in Shade's wardrobe were all prepared for Detective Sparrow before he died. They were new clothes bought at a reduced price this spring.


If it was just some clothes, Shade wouldn't mind.

"Also, have you ever kissed a blonde girl who just came out of the shower?"

Lesia asked again.

"of course not."

So Lesia, whose hair was still wet, sat next to Shade, wearing only the thin women's shirt, and hugged Shade.

Maybe Agelina is right, Lesia really likes kissing.


Mia, who was coiled up in a ball, suddenly opened her eyes, looked at the two of them suspiciously, called out, and patted Shade with her little paw.


Shade pushed away the girl in front of him and shouted with surprise:


Those green eyes looked at him closely, quite reproachfully:

"Really, next time you must get rid of your cat first, and then try to see if you can tell us apart."

"That's not mine"

"Shut up, Shade."

The female writer said, wiping her lips with her fingers, and looking at the man in front of her tenderly:

"Lecia said she wanted to thank you personally, so I agreed to exchange with her. I didn't expect she would actually thank you like this."

Her eyes were a little shy, but she still boldly gave Shade a brief kiss:

"That was hers just now, and this is my thank you gift."

Her face was slightly red, and she was biting her lower lip carefully. She was still not as bold as Lesia, and this was perhaps the only difference between the two.

PS: This is the last chapter before the Chinese New Year. Thank you all for your continued support of Xianyu. I hope you can continue to support "" in the new year.

This chapter has been completed!
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