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Chapter 685 [Sin Mansion]

 For dinner, the witch's chef cooked the bear that Shade had shot in the Sikal Mountains, and even Mia got some. And there were no other incidents in the relic transaction that night.

The doctor's reputation is indeed greater. Mr. Neil Young, the leader of the Correspondence Ring Magician group at the Zarath School of Literature in Tobesk, who looks to be in his thirties, is a very talkative person and has already considered the details of the transaction.


After a brief discussion between the two parties, the final result was that Shade received a compensation of 102 pounds, and the transaction between the [Corpse Mirror] and [The Traveler's Travel Door] was completed.

In order to take the heavy door with a metal base home, Shade had to spend a lot of money to rent a carriage. The doctor drove the carriage to No. 6 St. Teresa Square, and then called the doctor on the third day.

Together with Luvia, the astrologer upstairs, they moved the door upstairs.

In view of the purpose of this door, Shade did not put it in the basement, but placed it in the temporarily vacant Room 2 on the second floor. In this way, the number of special "doors" in Shade's house increased to three.

.Although the [Traveller's Travel Door] cannot be compared with the two doors in the basement, at least this door can be used by everyone.

In order to celebrate his acquisition of this door and prevent it from becoming a decoration, Shade invited Luvia, who was sleeping on the first floor, to experience the function of this door on Tuesday morning.

The girl with purple eyes has not been in good spirits due to special physical reasons since last week, but she heard that she could go to Fort Midhill to have a look, so she readily agreed to Shade's proposal at the dinner table.

So after breakfast, Shade first went to Fort Midhill with the key on the [Traveller's Travel Door]. After jumping from the basement to the first floor of the ruined tower, he walked out of the ruined tower and walked around to the back of the tower, and came to the

The cliff overlooking half of Fort Midhill.

He took out the key, turned it twice forward and twice reversely, and as the door appeared, the girl with short brown hair cautiously stretched her head to look at it, then crossed the door frame and walked out.

She took a deep breath to feel the fresh air in the mountains, and then stood side by side with Shade in the forest, looking at the urban area of ​​Fort Midhill spreading down the mountain into the distance:

"Is this here? I haven't left Tobesk for a long time. The air in the mountains and forests is really good."

In other words, the air in Tobesk is very bad.

"Can you feel anything here?"

Shade asked curiously. As a diviner, Luvia has very powerful inspiration.

"It's hard to describe the feeling, specifically."

She did not continue because Shade suddenly frowned:

"Luvia, please wait, something is vibrating on my body, and there is a demon nearby. No, the pendant on my chest must be generating heat, it's something in my pocket that is vibrating."

Touching his pocket, the vibrating thing turned out to be the red blood money. Shade immediately looked around:

"Blood money resonates! There are other blood money nearby! But how could it be, what is the situation? Every time I come to Fort Midhill, I will stand here and take a look at the city, but why only this time. Moreover, I am in this city

It has appeared so many times, but it has never resonated with blood money. Why did this happen immediately as soon as you appeared, Luvia?"

Luvia smiled and said nothing. The two waited for a while and found that the vibration frequency of the blood money did not change. This meant that the other [Pirate's Blood Money] not far away had not moved.

"What's going on? After suddenly appearing, it actually stopped moving."

"Shadow, my time has come."

The girl with purple eyes reminded:

"Iluna said that the recent earthquake caused an overall increase in the evil spirits near Sikal Mountain, and at the same time, the probability of relics appearing increased. [Pirate's Blood Money] itself will not move, maybe other things brought it here

Yes, just like the pirate ships you encountered in Cold Water Harbor."

"I understand, you leave first, there is not enough time."

Luvia nodded and crossed the threshold again. Shade picked up the dropped key, returned home through the hidden wall in the basement of the ruined tower, and inserted the key that could not be left out of the door lock for a long time.

"I'm going to investigate about the other blood money."

Luvia didn't say anything to stop Shade, after all, this was what had to be done:

"You just need to go check out what's going on there. If you can't deal with it, aren't there helpers in the city below the mountain? Those witches."

Shade nodded, but still couldn't figure out why the blood money suddenly ran to the mountain:

"I'm taking my sword with me, and I'm going down the mountain to find Grandma Cassandra to identify the relics later, so please help me take care of Mia today."

"I won't be here to do your horoscopes tonight, but I will be here tonight to help you feed the cat."

The girl with purple eyes said:

"Iluna should be able to arrive at Fort Midhill today. You can go find the blood money with her."

"I see."

Shade kissed her on the face:

"Well, wish me good luck."

Still wrapping the sharp silver sword with a sheet, Shade came to Fort Midhill from the basement again. After walking out of the hidden space affected by the power of the ancient god, the blood money immediately shook again.

This blood money is currently in an inactive state, and it can vibrate, indicating that the location of the other blood money should be quite close to here.

"What could it be?"

Relying on the strength of the vibration frequency, he traced the whereabouts of the blood money in the mountains and forests. In fact, the destination was not far from the abandoned tower. Shade just walked towards the mountain for less than twenty minutes, when the fallen leaves drifted.

Flying through the dense forest, I saw the clearing and the big house on the clearing.

【Outlander, you have come into contact with whispers.】

The building is surrounded by an iron fence with black spikes on the top. Inside the fence is a three-story building with white walls. Its area is about five or six times the size of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. From the gate of the fence, there is a broken

The path paved with stones leads to the far side of the forest, and the direction seems to be the direction of the main road into the mountain.

"A location-based relic?"

I had just seen the sand table at Sikal Mountain at the Red Water Camp not long ago, and Shade was very sure that there should be no mansion like this for a nobleman's vacation nearby.

He stood in the forest and did not dare to approach, but chose to walk around the flat forest clearing in the dense forest. He discovered the stables inside the fence, the well and a small flower garden behind the mansion.

It looks like an old building, but there's nothing particularly unusual about it from the outside.

And when Shade went around the forest near the gravel path, a strong impulse actually wanted to force him to walk out of the forest and onto the path. Fortunately, this impulse, although similar to what he saw,

It got to the point where one of the neatly arranged books was askew and I wanted to straighten it out, but it was not unacceptable.

He just stood in the forest, squinting and looking at the fence door. The black fence door was twisted at the door frame with complex iron craftsmanship, making it look like tangled vines.

At the top of the fence gate, the dark metal twisted together to form a string of letters that looked like black snakes:

"Sin Mansion? Such words."

He patted his head, looking at those letters actually made him a little dizzy:

"Okay, it is indeed a location-type relic."

Shade took note of the location and then went down the mountain. Just as Luvia said, he had no reason to break in alone now.

This chapter has been completed!
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