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Chapter 707 Mermaid's Mission

 As she spoke, the face of the "mermaid" in the water gradually deformed, and actually turned into the appearance of Luvia. But her face was more delicate, and she was not as beautiful as a mortal.

She waved to Shade and asked with a smile in Luvia's voice:

"Shade, do you want to take a shower together?"

"Ma'am, this is really rude."

Xia De said with a serious face. In fact, he almost couldn't suppress the impulse rising in his heart. Just being in the same space as [Desire], his own desires are at risk of losing control at any time. Even though Xia De has had an experience, he still can't

Avoid being affected.

The danger level of this "mermaid" is directly proportional to her appearance.

"Excuse me, what exactly do you want to do?"

"No, I don't want to do anything. This encounter was just accidental."

She regained her face that was beyond aesthetic beauty, but her eyes were still the same color as Luvia's.

The arm stretched out of the pool rested on the dirty ground. After the white skin was contaminated by the dirty dust, it actually looked more attractive than before:

"Look, I was here originally, but you broke in on your own."

This is true, and the traders at [Sin Mansion] also said that the guests from the underground wine cellar have been here for a long time.

"Then, can I leave?"

Shade hesitated and asked.

"Of course you can, but the exit door is under the pool."

She said with a smile, every sound of breathing must make Shade confirm that she can still maintain her sanity. If this is a dice game, then it is equivalent to every sound of her breathing being an attack.

"The door is in the pool, okay. What do I need to do this time so you can let me leave?"

Judging from the other party's appearance, it didn't look like he was going to take the initiative to attack him this time.

"I crave your interesting soul, but watching you become more interesting is more satisfying to me."

Squinting his eyes slightly, this face seemed to be somewhat similar to Miss Carina:

"Go and meet the owner of this mansion and let him witness your sins."

There are now two ways to leave, one is from the underground wine cellar, and the other is to meet the owner of the mansion. And [Desire]'s request basically means that there is only one way left.

However, compared to facing the "mermaid" in front of him, Shade felt that it might be safer to meet the owner of the mansion.

What's more, vampire Bernhardt and Sister Devlin should both be upstairs.

"Okay, then I'll go see the owner of the mansion."

So Shade agreed easily.

"Don't worry, ask the owner of the mansion for a pair of pearl earrings for me. You don't have to say that I asked for them, use your own means to get them."

She took her hand back, but Shade could hear the sound of her hand sliding under the water. The blurred blue light in the water made the woman's head more attractive. She tilted her head and looked at Shade.

Watery lips are very tempting:

"Just like last time, if you fulfill my request, I will let you go, and I can also give you a gift."

"This time, I don't want to eat your flesh anymore."

Shade immediately shook his head.

"Oh, are you still thinking about this? No, if you want to eat my flesh, you can always."

She bit her lip:

"In fact, I am willing to be eaten whole by you, so that I can become one with you. Do you want me to cry and be torn apart by you, or do you want me to be smeared with oil and pushed into the oven with a smile?


"No, no, let's go back to the pearl earrings."

Shade had to rely on the voice in his head to continue chuckling in his ears to stay sane. Compared with the last encounter, his resistance at this time was much weaker. I don't know if this was the influence of having eaten the other person's flesh or blood, or

Because Shade is no longer pure.

"Well, interesting soul, this time, I can give you something interesting. Go ahead, when you encounter difficulties, you can whisper my name. Maybe, I can really hear it.

No one can stop me in the Sin Mansion."

An ambiguous pink light floated from the pool and entered the back of Shade's hand. The desire in her heart increased again, but it also increased her power:

"Go and see the owner of the mansion. My mark will protect you until you come back again."

He was obviously threatening Shade to come back, but his tone was still so gentle.

Looking at Shade, wet black hair stuck to the side of [Desire]'s face. This time, a white arm stretched out from the left side, but after twisting the hair, he did not push it behind the ear, but put it

Put it in front of your mouth and bite it gently:

"Or, if you are willing to play in the water with me for a while, I can also let you go. That will be very happy."

Shade was so frightened that he turned around and walked away, while Desire's trademark light laughter came from behind.

"Have a quick smile."

He urged in his heart, and the familiar laughter still made Xia De feel at ease.

After realizing that there was a relic in the underground wine cellar that could be rated as Level 0 just by itself, Shade no longer cared about any dangers on the third floor of the Sin Mansion as he did before.

He almost escaped from the basement, and then without moving along the corridor where the flames gradually extinguished, he circled back to the stairs in front of the mansion. Then he stopped and took a deep breath. He was really glad that [Desire] never treated him too much.

There is great hostility, otherwise the last drop of divinity reserved for the promotion of the third ring to the fourth ring will probably be consumed here.

"What the hell is Fort Midhill? Could anything more dangerous happen here?"

[The only things more dangerous than unknowable relics are probably the great ones in Skyrim.]

"She" reminded in a low voice.

"No, no, it's messy enough here."

He rarely drew Mr. Dawn's holy symbol on his chest:

"May God bless this city."

Follow the stairs all the way to the second floor. The second floor looks even more dilapidated than when you left it. In addition to the scratches on the walls, there are also traces of flames. The wonderful flames mastered by Sister Devlin have a great impact on this building.

The mansion has a strong restraint effect.

Shade then returned to the room where he met Bernhardt. The trader was still there. When Shade appeared, he immediately grinned:

"My generous guest, you are back again, what do you need this time?"

"I want to know if a nun came to see you just now? Where has she gone?"

"Help me bear the sin of perfect laziness for 0.1 moment."

"Why is it perfect laziness again?"

"I am an advanced trader."

"Can't the ordinary one work?"

"I don't bargain here."

Shade gritted his teeth:

"Okay, 0.1 ticks."

He handed over his parchment again, and after adding more sins, he got the answer he wanted:

"About 10 minutes ago, a nun wearing a spiritual silver eyepatch came and wanted to trade the 'fire of sin' with me. But only the owner of the mansion has this kind of strange flame. So, she went to the mansion

The master. In addition, the vampire has also gone to find the master. The Holy Grail of Blood he wants is the master’s private collection.”

"Why do you reveal information about vampires for free every time?"

Shade asked curiously.

"Because he had a fight with me. Although he paid a price and asked me to let him go, I had no obligation to keep his secret. I also informed the terrible vampire about the vampire.

Sister, if I'm not mistaken, the flame in her hand should be the primordial fire. The guests this time are really extraordinary. Is something big going to happen in the material world?"

Since the two possible helpers had gone to the third floor, Shade had no other choice. He went to the third floor through the stairs and returned to the starting point. Then he walked around the corridor and found the banquet hall at the back of the mansion.

There was also a battle here just now, and the battle was even more brutal than downstairs. The black double doors that seemed to be able to absorb light were closed tightly. The patterns on the doors were extremely complicated, and the connotations of filth and sin expressed were probably enough to make a sane person

Ordinary people go crazy.

After knocking lightly, no sound was heard from inside, so Shade bent down and pushed the door open.

The light inside the door was even dimmer than outside. Standing in the slightly empty banquet hall were life-size stone figurines of various sizes, including humans, elves, murlocs, and more alien races that Shade could not identify.

In the center of the banquet hall was a long dining table covered with a pure black tablecloth. At the end of the long dining table was an old man with no hair, a gray face, and wrinkles on top of each other.

Sister Devlin and Mr. Bernhardt were sitting on both sides of the long dining table near the door. This scene made Shade almost think that he had returned to the Wine Party of God in the Night Manor.


He lowered his head and glanced at his hand. The divine afterglow did not appear, which proved that this relic had nothing to do with the power of the gods. When he came to the core room of the relic, the influence of the whispering element became more powerful.

But compared to the desire I just witnessed, the negative thoughts I have now are nothing worth mentioning.

"All the guests entering this time have arrived, so please take a seat."

The old man said in a hoarse voice, and the door behind Shade closed automatically.

Shade first looked at the vampire. Armand Bernhard nodded to him as a greeting. Then he looked at Sister Devlin. The sister just turned her head to look at him. Because she was wearing a blindfold, Shade really couldn't judge.

her expression.

Instead of sitting at the end of the long table facing the owner of the mansion, I finally sat next to Mr. Bernhardt. The latter was not surprised because of his mutual healing relationship with Shade. Instead of sitting at the end of the long table with Sister Devlin

Because there is no need to reveal that he and the nun are acquaintances.

It seems that every time Shade sits at a long dining table in a banquet hall like this, something incredible will happen. In short, due to the requirements of [Desire], Shade is forced to sit here this time.

When Shade sat down, the hoarse voice of the owner of the mansion sounded again. If a normal human made such a sound, he would probably be buried not far away:

"This house does not always appear in the material world. I was able to meet three guests here. It is also the fate of water droplets splashing on the stones in the long river of fate. This era seems to be more interesting, and I really want to go and see it.

Is there any difference between the steam technology of this era and the steam technology of the Fifth Era?"

It is not that the Witch Emperors of the Fifth Era did not do their business. Limited evidence shows that before the end of the Fifth Era, traces of the steam industry had already appeared in some areas. Unfortunately, the changes in the era erased most of the data, so there is very little research data.

"Everyone has his own sin in his hands."

He motioned to Shade, Mr. Bernhardt and the nun to take out their parchments.

Because Shade was sitting next to Mr. Bernhardt, he glanced at the other person's parchment. Mr. Bernhardt's sin entries were about eight or nine, but before Shade tried to see the quality of his soul, he sucked blood.

He tilted the parchment discreetly, avoiding Shade's sight.

"Excuse me, we each have requests, how do we get what we want?"

Shade asked.

"It would be too boring to exchange sin for what you each want."

Hearing what he said, Mr. Schade and Mr. Bernhardt both raised their eyebrows. After meeting the owner of the mansion, the reason why most people disappeared without a trace was now understood.

"So, what do you want to do?"

The nun with an unchanged expression asked, her voice still so calm and ethereal. At this moment, Shade actually thought that Sister Devlin's voice was very similar to the voice of [Desire], and then he realized that this was that 0 again.

The influence of the super relic on him.

The owner of the mansion at the end of the table coughed:

"Let's play cards."

The fear of [Desire] was suppressed, and Xia De was ecstatic.

"How about Rhodes? The card game that lasts throughout the Sixth Age symbolizes your civilization and the power of enlightenment. As for the chips, use your own sins. Once you lose all your sins, get off the table and stand with these human figurines.

Be together."

From the corner of his eye, Shade glanced at the human figurines with different expressions around him. In the years long ago, these were also outsiders who had sat here and gambled with the owner of the mansion.

"Once you get what you want, you can leave. So, what do you want?"

he asked the three of them.

"The fire of sin."

Sister Devlin said, her cold voice in stark contrast to the voice of the owner of the mansion.

"Relic - Holy Grail of Blood."

Mr. Bernhard said, his brows furrowed and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"A pair of beautiful gold pearl earrings."

Shade felt that he was the most innocent, after all, he had got what he wanted. If it weren't for [Desire] in the wine cellar, he would have returned to the Sikal Mountains, basking in the sun, waiting for Sister Devlin.

"Golden pearl earrings? No problem. I didn't expect anyone in this era would know that I have such a thing."

He coughed:

"The nun who desires the fire of sin can leave after winning 1 moment of the precious karma from my hand. The vampire who desires the blood cup can leave after winning 6 moments of perfect karma from my hand. As for you, follow your desires.

As an outsider, you have to pay more."


"Because what you ask for is not your own desire."

Looking at Shade with cloudy eyes:

"You have to earn the karma of three treasures, yes, three treasures."

Shade pursed his lips and said nothing. Perfect laziness had already exerted a subtle influence on him. Three-moment treasures, unless it was gluttony on treasures, would definitely cause more serious consequences.

This chapter has been completed!
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