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Chapter 716 [Founding Death]

 "Mr. Barton, what's wrong with you? Do you need to call someone?"

Shade stood up immediately and wanted to get closer to him, but Joey Barton immediately waved his hand to prevent Shade from coming:

"I'm fine, I'm fine, don't call anyone. I just overused my eyesight. This kind of strange talent cannot be used often. Yes, the gift of fate always has other prices."

Although he said he was fine, he still covered his face with his palms and his whole body was shaking.

The "quiet" Iluna on the side did not get up like Shade. She glanced around, then stretched out her right finger and flicked it. The Rhodes card that was thrown on the coffee table immediately automatically moved under the pull of the spell.

Flip it over, Shade's eyes are attracted to the front of the card.

The front of the card is only white, black and cold colors close to the two colors. A humanoid figure with its back facing the outside of the card stands in the center of the card. It is wearing a black robe with a hood, and its exposed head is a

A skull with bone spurs on the back of its head. It holds a sharp sickle in its right hand and a dirty short knife in its left hand. Both hands are pieces of rotten flesh.

The background of the card is a dense collection of steeple-shaped tombstones, with blurry white shadows between the tombstones. Further in the background is a body of water with no end.

The tombstone at the foot of the figure occupying the center of the card is the clearest. There are patterns like bone fragments on the tombstone, and Shade actually interpreted its meaning——

【World (from Year 1 of the First Era to the present)】

The upper right corner of the front is marked with the number 6, and the upper left corner is a small symbol of the sun. Between the two, that is, in the center of the upper front of the card, a black vertical line is drawn in a white circle, which is the "Foundation" series.

symbols of.

At the bottom of the card, there is a slight blank space, and there are two lines of small words written there:

[If the total points when this card is drawn exceed 21 points, select one card from the used cards and exchange it with this card. The special effects of the selected card are invalid. ]

"Sun 6, [Creation·Death]! It is indeed [Creation·Death]!"

Shade's eyes widened, and he subconsciously wanted to reach out, but immediately took his hand back.

Seeing that Mr. Barton was about to take his hand away from his face, Iluna lowered her eyelids and picked it up again with her white fingers. The Rhodes card immediately flipped back to its back-up state without even moving its position.

Shade withdrew his eyes from the Rhodes cards, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and asked with concern to Mr. Barton, whose eyes were really bleeding across the coffee table:

"Are you really okay?"

"it's okay no problem."

With his thick fingers, he struggled to take out his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his eyes with an embarrassed expression on his face:

"The feeling just now was like seeing the sun directly. It seems that I have been using my eyes too much recently."

He wiped the blood from his left eye with his left hand. As his vision recovered, he noticed the Rhodes cards on the table and immediately took them back with his right hand:

"Sorry, I may not be able to help you with your divination today."

The apology in his tone was sincere.

"It's okay. Just be fine. After all, if I really knew that this cat would grow old naturally in a few decades, I would be very sad. After all, it is just a pet with a short lifespan."

After saying that, Shade pretended to be sad and touched Mia's head. The orange cat looking around raised his head and glanced at Shade. Seeing that he was fine, he rubbed his hand with his head and continued to observe the surroundings.

"In fact, you don't have to grieve when your loved ones and those close to you are gone."

Joey Barton put down the handkerchief in his hand. Due to his "reverse birth" characteristics, his limbs and body proportions seemed very abnormal, but his black eyes were very interesting:

"Mortals are bound to die. This is a stage that life must go through. Normal birth and normal death. I have always believed that this is a miracle given to mortals by the great ones."

Combined with Joey Barton's identity as a "reverse person", his emotions can only be expressed by his feelings about life.

"Yes, every ordinary day we experience may be a series of miracles."

Xia De was also very emotional. Foreigners have experienced so much in this world, and they understand even more how precious it is for ordinary people living in this world to have a safe life.

"Yes Yes."

Mr. Barton agreed with Shard's words:

"You mentioned that you are a writer. Oh, if you publish a work in the future, please tell me. Yes, an ordinary and ordinary life is so precious. A normal birth, both parents are there, and normal growth.

Enjoy childhood, normal maturity, encounter love, and then"

He took a deep breath and adjusted his expression:

"Please don't refuse, Mr. Watson, I must have a drink with you today."

As he spoke, he stood up from the sofa, but this made Joey Barton's figure even more weird.

He was indeed the size of a child, but his body was thin and his limbs were unusually thick. In addition, he seemed to have difficulty coordinating his body and walked with a limp. But he still came to a place where he was not illuminated by gaslights.

Next to Liang's desk, he took out a bottle of red wine and three wine glasses from the mahogany wine cabinet on one side. After Miss "Agatha Holmes" said that she did not drink, Shade and Mr. Barton drank together.

After finishing the drink, the scheduled visit came to an end. In order to compensate for not being able to complete the divination this time, in addition to only charging half the fee, Shade also received a promise that he could come again next Tuesday afternoon—

—Mr. Button is taking a week off, so he won't see any scheduled guests this week.

Although Mr. Barton only has one ring, he seems to have great power in the Crow Club. He personally arranged for someone to send Shade and his "fiancée" to the door, while Shade held Iluna's hand and prepared to go to the street corner.

While riding the carriage, a four-wheel taxi stopped smoothly at the entrance of the Crow Club.

So, after the gentleman carrying the suitcase got off the carriage, Shade and Iluna left in the carriage. As the carriage drove away slowly, he glanced out the window and saw the servant who opened the door was opening the door.

The man who enters the door bows.

Iluna threw a silencing spell.

"The man just now was the man who fought with us in the forest of the Middle Fort Mechanical College during the Fire Worship Festival dinner."

Shade said, and Iluna nodded:

"It's him. Even though he's disguised, my eyes can't mistake him. Has he entered the Crow Club? Is he here for divination too?"

"Probably not. Joey Barton said he wouldn't receive guests this week. It's impossible for a servant to disobey his order immediately. Moreover, when the man came in just now, he didn't show his crow badge, and the person who opened the door was very respectful to him. Interesting.


Shade, who was holding the cat, tapped the armrest of the seat in the carriage with his left hand:

"My local friends told me that Joey Barton's experience of becoming a ring warlock is still a mystery."

On the way here, Shade had already told Iluna the information that Sister Devlin had said. The seventeen-year-old girl frowned slightly:

"So, Joey Barton, the reborn man, received funding from the [Truth Society] for treatment and became a ring warlock?"

She knows more about the [Truth Society] than Shade:

"Yes, this is very likely. The [Truth Society] really likes to do this kind of thing."

"Isn't the [Truth Society] studying taboo knowledge? Why did it become an association to help the disabled?"

"Are they really out of good intentions when they help poor people with strange physical disabilities?"

Iluna snorted, probably because she didn't want to affect Shade's mood, so she didn't say anything more:

"This is quite interesting. The Society of Truth and Joey Buttonshade, I will return to the church in a moment and ask the team of ring magicians from this parish to investigate the other party's pick-up location."

Iluna pointed at the driver:

"I won't talk about the Crow Club for the time being. I'm just asking the church to investigate where the man got into the car. After all, if Joey Barton hides, we won't be able to find him. After meeting him just now, I'm almost sure

He is the person we are looking for. But if the church finds Joey Patton, we must also accept the reality."

"It doesn't matter. It's better for the church to find the chosen one than to be controlled by the [Truth Society]. Besides, aren't you also the chosen one found by the church?"

Shade said with a smile, and Iluna also smiled.

"But what are you going to say about the source of the intelligence? You ran out secretly today."

He asked again as the carriage turned around the corner and drove into the bustling area of ​​Fort Midhill. Although this is also a big city, Fort Midhill is still inferior to Tobesk, the Pearl of the North.

"This is not important. Now the church completely believes everything I say. Even if I say I dreamed it in a dream, they are still willing to believe it. After all, I am the person selected by "", and I am the protagonist of the era."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Xia De suspiciously, hesitated for a moment, and then asked the question he really wanted to ask:

"I've been wanting to ask you since we got on the carriage just now, detective, why do you smell like the perfume of our fortune teller friend?"

Shade opened his mouth slightly, and Iluna sighed and shook her head to tell him not to speak:

"She's under so much pressure, it's good for someone to accompany her. Even if there is that dark door under your house, I'm still worried that one day she will collapse on her own and lose control. She is burdened with too many things, even more than I am.


The doctor also said something similar.


With her lips moving slightly, the seventeen-year-old girl looked at Shade carefully and asked in a low voice:

"Will you dance with me again in the future?"

"Of course, why not?"

"Then it's easy to agree, we will go on together. You will be by my side, all the time, all the time, until the end."

She murmured, looking into the void in front of her.

Shade nodded, and while Iluna smiled, he turned to look at the street scene passing by on the street. Everyone has their own troubles, even the protagonist of the era has to face the trivial matters of life.

[Origin·Death] has appeared, and the candidate for the third chosen one has also been determined. Come to think of it, the story of Fort Midhill this autumn is about to reach the last page.

PS: Because Shade has not obtained [Origin·Death] for the time being, this card is not included in the Rhodes card in the data volume.

This chapter has been completed!
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