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Chapter 718 Leisure

 For the rest of the week, Shade had nothing to do at Fort Midhill, so he spent the next Friday and Saturday mornings preparing for the sealing ceremony.

Sister Devlin gave the entire process of the ceremony. Shade went to Coldwater Port to purchase the materials, and asked Old John for help with the alchemical items. Dorothy, Luvia and Doctor Schneider assisted in the ceremony, but

I'm afraid the ceremony will have to wait until next week.

Taking advantage of the time, in addition to reading the "Pink Book" at home and trying to learn useful spells, Shade also took Mia to the lighthouse outside Coldwater Port City and visited the [Guide Light] who lived there.

Mr. Edmund of the Priory.

Shade came here a few days ago and asked this gentleman to help collect knowledge about the old god [Grey Robe Sage]. The knowledge of the monastery costs money, but for the sake of acquaintance, Mr. Edmond

I only paid a nominal fee for production cost and transportation fee from Shade, totaling 1 pound.

This is in sharp contrast to Father John, who also belongs to the Guiding Light Monastery.

"Yes, we also know that the third chosen one is at Fort Midhill."

The sea breeze was blowing on the sea cliff, and Mia squinted her eyes and looked at the sea. During the chat, Shade mentioned Castle Middleton. Because he had asked Mr. Edmond about the narrow space of life and death before, the old man who was cooking fish soup knew that Shade

Germany hangs out in Middleburgh.

Mr. Edmond likes fishing very much, and Shade even thinks that he did not move into the city but stayed here all the time, not only because it is a local black market, but also because fishing here is really convenient.

"Some people have already passed through the Priory, but we are not a church or a college, and we do not have the ability or willingness to let the chosen ones join us. Therefore, the Priory just wants to know who will obtain this qualification."

The old man stood up from the fire and gave the fish soup sprinkled with special seasonings to Shade, who was standing on Huanhai Cliff and looking at the sea view in the distance.

Mia, the orange cat at Shade's feet, smelled the fish soup and immediately started to squirm restlessly.

"You have to be careful in that city recently. Maybe the whole city will be gone at some point."

The old man also stood next to Shade holding a bowl and warned that the sound of the waves meant that their conversation must be louder.

"I have great trust in the Church of the Five Gods. Since they can prevent the [Scarlet Secret Cult] from flooding Coldwater Port, they can also prevent Fort Midhill from dying."

"This is different. The former is just mortals making trouble, while the latter is a natural phenomenon. The world is collapsing, and abnormal natural phenomena will become more and more numerous and dense."

He began to talk about the views of the Guiding Light Monastery on doomsday theory again. Although Shade didn't really believe it, he still talked a few more words:

"Maybe the narrow space itself is a natural phenomenon, used to balance life and death."

"You actually think so?"

The old man asked in surprise, and then asked:

"Although the era change has resulted in the loss of a lot of information, what is certain is that the material world of the Fifth Age had five main continents. In our era, excluding the weird new continent, the current material world only has one main continent, the Old Continent.

It corresponds to the Central Continent in the records of the Fifth Age. Excuse me, young man, where do you think the other four continents went?"

Shade looked at the sea in the distance. There was a constant flow of ships in the cold water port in autumn. This is the most important seaport on the west coast:

".Merged with the current Old Continent?"

"No, no, no, the Old Continent under our feet is almost exactly the same as the Central Continent of the Fifth Era. The history and natural environment can correspond. The three major academies will not open such information to correspondence magicians, and even the Five Gods Church does not

Such information is completely banned. The fact is that the other four continents have most likely collapsed. This is also evidence that the world is declining."

But Shade believed that it was also possible that the war at the end of the era shattered the continental shelf, or that terrible relics tore the land apart. However, he did not want to debate such an unanswered question, so he changed the topic:

"Speaking of which, Mr. Edmond, do you know about [Primal Fire]? I recently encountered the Fire Cult in Middleburg, and I saw this when I was looking for information in the book."

This is the flame controlled by Sister Devlin. In order to keep it a secret, Shade did not ask any acquaintances around him for information about this relic. Mr. Edmund had no interaction with the nuns at Fort Midhill, nor did he

Knowing that Shade knew the nun, Shade asked this question.

"of course I know."

Looking at the sea view, the old man nodded slightly:

"That flame symbolizes the power of the world, the First Fire. According to legend, before the beginning of the First Era, thirteen ancient gods controlled this flame and illuminated the endless void."

This sentence suddenly raised the status of [Primal Fire] a little higher.

"It has been a relic from a very ancient era, and its rating is unknowable."

But the nun said it was angelic.

"The Priory has been looking for it for many years, many, many years, because the prosperity and scale of this flame allow us to speculate how far away we are from the end of the world."

He seems to be able to relate anything to doomsday theory.

Shade recalled the flame he saw. The flame was very strong and showed no signs of going out. Sister Devlin took good care of it.

"Is the flame very powerful?"

He inquired curiously and took a sip of the fish soup. It tasted very delicious.

"Very powerful? Oh, young man, you have no idea what that means."

Mr. Edmond smiled:

"Only a few people are qualified to see the First Fire, and even fewer are qualified to guard the flame. Guarding it is an ancient honor in itself. Although the ring magicians of this era have almost forgotten the past history, the First Fire

It still has an extraordinary status. It is said that it has been divided into several parts, but the Priory believes that in this era, there are still caretakers passing down from generation to generation to look after it."

Perhaps the First Fire was divided into several parts, which is why it changed from the unknown level to the angelic level.

Mr. Edmond thought for a moment:

"In the Church of the Thirteen Ancient Gods, the modern branches of Death, Sun, and Light may all master it, but no one knows where exactly. Oh, and those crazy women in the Witch Council may also master the First Fire.

Maybe even inside the parliament."

"It sounds like an incredible flame."

Shade nodded and said goodbye to the old man after drinking the fish soup. Today was Saturday and he had to go to the doctor for a meeting in the afternoon.

Mr. Edmond packed up the soup bowls and campfires, and prepared to go to the city to pick up the goods at the dock. As a ring warlock stationed locally at the [Light-Guiding Priory], he had the task of purchasing materials.

But when extinguishing the flame, the old man thought of the records of his ancestors he had seen when he was young:

"At the end of the Fourth Age, the ancestors of the Priory saw the undivided flame for the last time. The scale of the original fire is as large as the weird things since this summer. Maybe, the flame will also appear."

(Little Mia is running.)

It is now the middle of the Moon of Dead Leaves. Although it has not been too long since the summer exam week, for correspondence sorcerers who are far away from the academy, it is also time to consider the winter exam at the end of the year.

In particular, Dorothy, Luvia, Shade and Doctor Schneider all plan to pass the winter exam week and enter the next grade.

Obviously no one mentioned the winter exam some time ago, but once others took action, the ring wizards in the same group all felt nervous. The four of them all borrowed some books from the college library this week, Doro

Akane even planned to use her winter time to take a course called "Alien Fairy Tales (Intermediate Class)" because of her abundant manuscript fees.

This course will tell the famous fairy tales among alien races, and the course selection requires the correspondence magicians to pass the college's mental stability test. According to Dorothy, the stories involved in this course themselves are enough to serve as spells.

of terrible power.

In recent weeks, Shade has been focusing on Fort Midhill, so he doesn't have much experience to share. Luvia is busy doing horoscopes at night, waiting for the arrival of the whale from the star sea, and the first edition of Dorothy's new book is about to be printed and published.

These days I have been busy reviewing the manuscript for the last time with the editorial department.

Only Dr. Schneider has had a lot of free time recently to "adventure" in the city, and this time he also shared his story.

That is not a novel story. It all started two weeks ago when the doctor received a 16-year-old boy who had suicidal tendencies. During the two-hour conversation that lasted for a week, the doctor gradually discovered that he seemed to be suffering from a disease.

Have a split personality.

But after a week of in-depth treatment, the doctor gradually discovered that something was wrong. In his dream, he actually dreamed of the terrifying monster described by the boy, and was being chased.

Therefore, the doctor who was good at the power of dreams killed the monster in his dream, sneaked into his patient's home late at night, and searched the house thoroughly. Then he used magic potion to put the patient into a deep sleep and took him to the suburbs.

A ceremony was held in the cemetery, and the evil spirit attached to the boy's body was finally channeled, and a fierce battle started with it in the cemetery.

"That's really not easy."

Sitting on the sofa and talking about this matter, the doctor was a little sad:

"That evil spirit is actually the patient's twin brother. But when they were born, one was a live fetus and the other was a stillborn fetus. Their souls were entangled together, with sixteen years of resentment, and they didn't know where they came into contact with the whispering element.

The influence created a terrifying undead spirit."

"Doctor, the theft of Wilde's house mentioned in the news on Thursday was not done by you, was it?"

The blonde writer suddenly asked with a smile:

"I heard that the police at Ridwich Field regarded this matter as a major flaw in the security management of the Autumn Capital."

"That's also a last resort."

The doctor explained, his voice a little lower.

"On Thursday night, the public cemetery outside the city was destroyed. Was it you who did it? The church forwarded the matter to the association and asked the association to investigate whether the magician was involved in the matter, but the divination found nothing. It is currently treated as

Ordinary cases were transferred back to Ridwich Field."

Luvia also asked with a smile.

"This is also a last resort."

The doctor emphasized again, trying to avoid further questioning by changing the topic to Shade.

Dr. Bill Schneider is only in the middle, but he is already a strong man who is almost unstoppable to ordinary people. Even now in the steam age, the civilization created by ordinary people's hands has obscured the light of extraordinary people under the dust of history.

.But the world is still very dangerous for ordinary people who are not exposed to the mystical. Not all ring warlocks are as kind as Dr. Schneider. Even if there is a devil living in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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