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Chapter 721 The Sleeping Dragon and the Runaway Witch

 Miss Olanode smiled and reached into the ice coffin, touched her student's face, and passed her fingers across her lips:

"As a student, I really don't make people worry. When the blizzard turned to black snow, we were outside looking for other entrances to the library. I held up a barrier to resist the black snowflakes, but she shook her tail.


The smile on her face became more obvious:

"Shade, when I open the barrier, I don't calculate the length of the tail."

This description is very picturesque.

Miss Olanold patted her forehead and sighed for her apprentice's carelessness. Miss Samuel, who was wearing round glasses, smiled and reached out her hand, picking up the limp tail.

Pointing to the black spot at the tip of the tail:

"Look, here it is, this young girl unfortunately came into contact with Black Snow. Fortunately, the red dragon bloodline gave her superhuman power, so she was rescued in time, and I used the secret technique of Zarath Academy [Sleeping Ice Coffin] to temporarily seal her

Get up. You can't wake her up until you leave here."

After saying that, he put down the tail and motioned to Shade to cover the ice coffin.

"Oh, it turns out I was just asleep."

Shade was relieved. It sounded like this secret technique of ice coffin was stronger than his [false immortality]. After all, false immortality has a duration, but ice coffin can exist for a long time.

Carefully closing the ice coffin, the three returned to sit by the fire again. Shade was still sitting with his back to the black snow outside the door, while the other two witches avoided the pile of old books containing the shrine.

"Excuse me, how long have I been gone?"

As Shade spoke, he unbuttoned his bulky coat. After taking off the heavy coat, he first stretched his hand toward the bonfire to keep warm, and then took out a small toy from the inner coat pocket.

In order to facilitate the transportation of Shade, the supplies prepared by Miss Carina were placed in wooden boxes. Shade could be turned into toys by covering them with canvas. As for the canvas, after being folded, it also became a toy.

"Similar to the Forest of Thousand Trees, time and space here are not uniform and continuous."

Miss Olanold said:

"Sometimes I just close my eyes and rest for a while, and when I open my eyes it feels like a long time has passed."

"Chaotic time and space is also the norm in places like this, and the academy has specialized research on this."

Miss Samuel, who was wearing round glasses, also said, and then stood up to look at the boxes that Shade took out. As the only thirteenth-level witch in the team, Miss Olanode did not move and was still talking to Shade.


"Except for this god's mission."

She glanced at the shrine carefully:

"When we come here, we also have our own mission. Each of the books left in the ruins of this library will have a major impact on the research of the ancient era. If Teacher Feilianna doesn't have something more important, this time

She should have led the adventure."

Shade subconsciously wanted to ask what the so-called "more important things" were, but he felt that in the past time and space, it was better to try to avoid getting involved in things that he should not know.

"Oh, these aren't cheap, are they?"

A voice came from beside me. Miss Samuel was touching the fabric of a hooded robe:

"Look, although it's not Eris silkworm silk, it's definitely not ordinary fabric."

This made Miss Olanold frown slightly by the campfire:

"Shadow, how much did you spend?"

"No money spent."

Shade immediately said:

"It was sponsored by the witch of my time. She said she admired you very much."

He hooked his right hand towards the flames and used the power of the spell [Fire Shaping] to make a distant view of Miss Carina's luxurious manor appear in the fire:

"The witches of my time were quite wealthy."

"So, have you slept with them?"

Miss Samuel laughed and teased, took out another pair of boots, and then muttered:

"Look, the style of these boots is really good. I just didn't expect that there were demons in your time."

After only asking half of the question, Miss Samuel froze on the spot as if she had been struck by lightning. Then, the boots in her hand fell back into the box, and blood with a slight golden color spilled from the corners of her eyes, mouth and nose.

Behind the scenes, eleven golden steps appeared automatically, but the steps were looming, and cracks spread on the surface.

"Didn't the witches of Zarath Academy take the course of "Time Stability Theory"? She actually dared to explore the future."

Miss Olanold said helplessly and a little angrily, stood up and walked quickly to Miss Samuel.

"She's going out of control, Shade, please stabilize the time."

"Witches can also lose control? Wait, how can we stabilize time?"

Shade only has [Space Stability Halo], but not [Time Stability Halo].

"What will the future St. Byrons teach?"

She was quite dissatisfied with the education Shade received. She reached out and grabbed Shade's wrist and pressed it on Miss Samuel's forehead:

"Call out the life ring and illuminate her with spiritual light. At the same time, use the power related to time, and use the spirit of order from the ring warlock to guide the disordered time."

Shade understood this time that this was just a very simple technique. So the three-ring warlock's life ring appeared amidst the whistle and bells. When the spiritual light illuminated the three people below, Miss Olanode reached out and hugged her.

The trembling witch, to be more precise, bent her neck and hugged her head.

The light symbolizing the power of the yellow moon [guidance] flickered, and together with Shade, he helped the eleventh-level witch of Zaras Academy stabilize her own power.

It took a long time before the looming golden stairs behind the witch stabilized. When Miss Samuel came back to her senses, her face turned pale. After thanking the two of them softly, she sat back down by the bonfire. She seemed to be in a very bad state.

"Everyone is so troublesome. I finally understand why Teacher Feliana doesn't like to take her students on adventures. However, I was very well-behaved back then."

Miss Olanold shook her head, glanced at the haggard Miss Samuel by the campfire, then reached out and took out a red apple from the box on the side, rubbed it on her clothes and took a bite, with a smile on her face.


"Is this an autumn apple?"

"Yes, it's autumn, it's just late autumn. But can you feel the season from fruits?"

Shade asked curiously.

"Yes, the power of my bloodline allows me to sense the growth stage and date of plants. Before I met the teacher, I relied on this power to survive as a flower seller. Speaking of which, my bloodline is from the Elf Royal Family.

Where’s the distant branch?”

Miss Olanode, who is one-eighth of elven blood, took out another apple and threw it to Shade, then returned to the bonfire, and Shade sat back down again.

"Shade, I know you don't have much time, so let's get down to business. Your thaumaturgy [Silent Moonlight] is very effective. Yes, this primitive and simple power is beyond the scope of my understanding of moonlight."

She stretched out her hand and moved it upward, and the solid yellow moon suspended above the bonfire immediately began to rotate slowly:

"With [Silent Moonlight] helping us, we can continue to explore the ruins of the Cadiz Library after you leave. You may have noticed that there are more old books here. These are the works of Teacher Feliana and Zaras

We have found the book that the academy is looking for. We have also found the book that the gray-robed sage needs, but we have not yet obtained it."

This chapter has been completed!
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