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Chapter 730: Desolate Village

 "A horror story in a deserted village? I really like this genre, but don't worry, these red butterflies will protect us."

The girl in the black skirt pointed to the red butterflies in the sky around her. Those flying translucent butterflies seemed to be responding to her, trying to land on her fingertips:

"As long as you don't leave Hongdie, I mean we won't be in danger."

Shade looked at her for a long time before nodding:

"Okay, I'll go into the village with you, but I have something to go to the top of the mountain later, so I'll move faster."

"No problem, I can go to your destination with you later. I know there is a shortcut in this village that can directly reach the top of the mountain."

She smiled and held Shade's hand, walking out of the gloomy jungle into the black mist, and officially entered the village wrapped in black mist that seemed to be in the night.

[Outlander, you have entered the interior of a location-based relic again.]

"I know."

The whispering element became more and more intense, and the terrifying black mist with a strong curse swept towards the two of them, and ferocious faces could even be seen in the mist. But surrounded by flying red butterflies, not a single bit of the black mist could see them all.

.On the contrary, the fog gradually became thinner around Shade and the girl in the black skirt, as if afraid of the red butterfly.

"What a powerful curse."

Xia De looked around with lingering fear. If he was the only one, he would definitely not come in.

"Sir, have you done any research on curses? Yes, this is a curse bred together by resentment, hatred, regret and disaster deep underground. We'd better not touch them too much."

The girl in black skirt said that she knew this place very well.

There are countless undead wandering in the dilapidated mountain villages. The souls inside the relics have been invaded by the whispering elements and turned into twisted monsters that are more terrifying than the evil spirits. Walking in the deserted village, it seems that there are no enemies around, but Xia Xia

De's keen inspiration can feel that the evil spirits hiding around them, almost integrated with the environment, are watching them.

But surrounded by red butterflies, no enemy dared to appear on their own initiative. So when Shade and the girl in black skirt were walking in the village, all they saw were buildings that had been abandoned for who knows how many years.

It can be seen that this place has been prosperous. Although it is an old village in the mountains, except for a few conspicuous houses at the entrance of the village, most of the other buildings have been renovated before being abandoned. The ground in the village is also very flat, and the few buildings in the center of the village

The building is more like a house where only the town mayor and sheriff can live.

Maybe, the village has extra income.

The girl in black dress, who claimed to be a student at Fort Midhill Mechanical College, knew a lot about this village. While the two were walking on the only village road in the dilapidated mountain village, she told Shade the stories that had happened here


This is a story that happened a long time ago. A small mountain village is located in a remote mountain. The villagers in the village have stayed behind for generations, rarely going out to make a living or marrying away from home. But the peaceful days disappeared with an earthquake.

The earthquake did not cause much damage to the existence, but after the earthquake, gold mines were discovered under the cracked well in the village. The villagers unanimously decided to keep this secret and used "building a tower in the village" as an excuse to hide it.

Passing by villagers from nearby villages and nobles from the town below, they conducted secret excavations under the tower.

"So, what did they dig up?"

Shade asked, looking at the houses standing in the darkness. Most of these houses had locked doors, and they could only be opened by finding a key.

"No one knows what it is, maybe it's the entrance to the so-called hell, maybe it's the lair of some sleeping ancient being.

In short, when the uncontrolled desire prompted the villagers to carve out the final blow in the deepest part of the mine tunnel, black mist continued to seep out from the irreparable cracks in the ground. It corroded the earth, summoned the undead, and prevented the villagers from leaving the place. Only every

It will take ten years to sacrifice two children under the age of ten to the cracks in the ground to slow down the invasion of the black fog here."

The girl in the black skirt said, and Shade raised his head and looked around through the gap between the red butterflies:

"Depending on the situation, they failed."

The girl in the black skirt nodded and took Shade to the bottom of the village tower. The village was already small, so they didn't actually walk long.

"Look, this is the tower. A small mountain village like this actually doesn't need this kind of building, so there was no planned use at the beginning of the construction. It was just claimed to be built as a bell tower."

Shade looked up at the gray stone bell tower. It had been completed, but it was only about four stories high. It looked like other buildings in the village and had been abandoned for a long time, but the door to the bell tower was tightly closed.

"Should we look around for the keys?"

Shade asked, looking at the building next to him:

"The key may be in the house of the village chief, or the house of the village sheriff. We may have to solve some puzzles from the past, or encounter some terrible undead, defeat them and listen to their past, and then we can reach strange corners.

Or the mountain village cemetery gets the key here."

"It does sound interesting."

The girl in black skirt smiled and said:

"But it doesn't have to be that troublesome. Mr. Hamilton, since you are a detective, you should have no problem opening this door."

Two translucent red butterflies landed on her shoulders. After the black coat was illuminated, it was still only black.

Shade nodded:

"Yes, of course I can pick locks. This is my specialty. But please let go of my hand first."

He tried to free his hand which had been grasped.


The girl in black skirt offered her hand, and then joked:

"So sir, can your lockpicking skills be able to open all the locks?"

"Of course not. For example, girls' heart locks cannot be opened casually."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand to touch the rusty black iron door. When he tried to rotate his wrist, he felt a huge force rushing from the direction of the door.

The huge force almost caused Sha De's feet to fly off the ground, but fortunately, the group of flying red butterflies spontaneously came behind Sha De, like a giant red net, and gently caught Sha De.

Obviously, this door is the key to the core of the relic, and the power of the relic prevents Shade from opening the door in any way other than using the key.

"Looks like we still need to find the key."

Shade shrugged, but the girl in black skirt still shook her head:

"Detective, come, let me help you."

She took a step back and moved behind Sha De, then almost hugged Sha De from behind. Her right arm passed under Sha De's armpit, and her soft arm circled around Sha De's arm.

Then a white hand pressed the back of Shade's right hand, and five fingers were inserted between the fingers one after another. Miss Aurora also did a similar action to Shade.

The girl behind her seemed to be breathing heavily, but her voice was very soft. She was completely close to Shade, stepping on her feet, gently placing her head on Shade's shoulder, and whispered in his ear:

"Get moving, detective, I think you're also curious about what's inside the tower."


This very inelegant posture made Shade very uncomfortable, but he also knew that the girl in black dress behind him would never be pushed away by him.

Both hands reached out to the iron door of the bell tower, and the dense red butterflies unexpectedly wrapped up the two arms at some point. After the palms came into contact with the cold metal with burrs, they pushed outward with great force.

It appeared again, but was easily neutralized by the hand of the girl in the black skirt.

"You are so strong."

Shade praised.

"While I'm waiting for my sister to come back, I have to live on my own. I have more strength, but it's just to protect myself."

She whispered in Shade's ear.

Both hands pressed on the door and rotated together. With the effect of the spell [Key to the Door], the red butterflies flapped their wings to provide power for them. The whispering element resisted the whispering element, and the power of the deserted village was obviously no match for this group.

Red butterfly.

As a result, the iron door of the clock tower was opened silently.

A gap opened in the iron door, and a strong corpse smell blew out from the gap, which was even worse than the corpse smell that pervaded this mountain village.

"We continue the story just now, sacrificing two children under the age of 10 every ten years to suppress the black fog in the gold mine. How did this fail?"

Shade asked, hesitating for a moment:

"The two children who were sacrificed escaped?"

"This is just one aspect. On the other hand, outsiders came here. Because they couldn't bear the cruel things that continued to happen here, they stopped the sacrifices that year, making this place look like this."

The girl in black skirt behind said, then walked to the side and stood side by side with Shade.

Shade nodded, this is only reasonable. Although this world is not full of extraordinary people, whether it is the fifth or sixth era, the number of witches or ring magicians is generally not large. This is a relic, so an accident occurs

This must be the fifth era, so it is not impossible for a kind-hearted witch to pass by the place.

"The one who passed by back then was..."

"A pair of black and white twins came with Red Butterfly. Because they bumped into the two children who escaped that year, 9-year-old twin sisters, they promised them to end it all. The church called the black and white twins [Red Butterfly Twins]

], they are girls of unknown origin who wander in the material world. Although their ages change with time, they always follow the 22-year cycle. Although they are twins, they rarely appear at the same time."

Shade looked at the red butterflies all around him and didn't know what to say for a moment:

"Those twins should be very powerful, right?"

The girl in black skirt showed a little smile:

"Before I entered the mountain, I obtained some information through church friends. The [Red Butterfly Twins] are called angel-level relics and are suspected to possess part of the power of the old god [Twin Gods]. Every time they appear, there are always twins around them.

Birth. The black dress brings the curse of fate to the twins, and the white dress brings the blessing of relics to the twins. If they appear together, they will definitely bring disaster. Therefore, they are also called the disaster twins, the embodiment of disaster."

"That's it"

Shade pursed his lips and looked at the iron door in front of him:

"So do the church records indicate how well they have been doing over the years?"

The expression in those blue eyes seemed to become softer in an instant:

"It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad, life is just a big empty dream. Maybe, they just haven't woken up from the dream."

The last sentence was almost a whisper.

Shade's mood suddenly became worse. He turned his head slightly to look at the girl beside him, only to find that the other girl had been looking at him. The sky was full of red butterflies surrounding her, with their wings twinkling and red spots falling. She really

People have become a little unreal.



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