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Chapter 74 Miss Anat

 【You have come into contact with ‘blasphemy’.】


I wanted to go around the grape trellis, but I didn't expect a voice to suddenly appear in my head. The [blasphemy] element is mostly related to the evil god. Doctor Schneider said that once you come into contact with this element, the right thing to do is turn around and run away.

Shade also wanted to turn around and run away, but there was another person in front of him. The tearful poet didn't seem to notice Shade walking nearby.

"Is the Bard a Circle Sorcerer?"

As he continued to move forward, he asked uneasily in his heart.


Shade breathed a sigh of relief and sighed in his mind that the "other me" was so useful. At the same time, his steps became more relaxed. He didn't look around, but walked straight under the grape trellis.

When he was completely away from this area, he relaxed and stopped holding the flower bed. Just now, he was really worried that a pair of hands would suddenly drag him into the darkness.

"Is there something hidden under the grape trellis? Oh, it seems I can't run around anymore, otherwise something will really happen now."

Tonight's weird luck was really hard to understand. Shade thought it was best for him to find a safe place and stop running around.

After taking a moment, I looked around and saw that this was actually a maze area in the garden. The garden maze was built using fences and bushes. Although people would not get lost in the garden maze, once they walked in rashly, they would definitely not be able to get out without spending some time.

Shade looked at his pocket watch. It had been almost an hour since he parted with Priest Augustus. He didn't know if he would be able to play a role in the next big event, but at least he couldn't sit here all night.

Continue walking forward, and turn left when you encounter a fork in the road between a fence and a tree wall. Soon you hear the sound of conversation, and you feel happy. You want to follow the others out, but you stop when you hear the content of the conversation:

"Nightingale, do you understand? You are not a gray-headed eagle. How can we who are hiding in Tobesk City not be afraid of MI6? How dare you contact me here? Everything is just for the glory of Kasenrik

...Wait, did I hear someone approaching?”

"A spy from the United Kingdom of Kasenlik? This night, I have met countless acquaintances, frustrated officers, strange ring warlocks, and foreign spies. What kind of crazy night is this? Did the Rhodes card just now ruin the day?

My luck has been overdrawn? How does the 20-point dice affect me?"

He turned around and left, not wanting to be involved in such trouble.

Turn right at the next intersection, and soon heard footsteps again. This time the footsteps were very dense, and it was obviously not just one or two people. Now Shade felt relieved, and immediately walked forward quickly, and then turned at the end of the hedge.

Then I saw the ring warlock team under the [Church of the Sun and Earth].

Shade had seen them at the beginning of the banquet. There were dozens of people in the group, and now there were many of them. He was also surprised by the young man who suddenly appeared from the corner.

The strong man at the head looked like a captain. He looked at Shade, and then suddenly asked:

"Sir, why did you attend the dinner at Lakeview Manor?"

It was obviously an ordinary narrative in ordinary language, but Xia De had the urge to blurt out the thoughts in his heart.

"The power of a ring warlock! Fortunately, he didn't expect that I am not an ordinary person."

While thinking in my heart, I didn't suppress the urge to tell the truth, because the truth doesn't matter:

"For playing Rhodes, of course."

He spoke without thinking, but immediately after he finished speaking, a deliberately fake look of surprise appeared on his face.

"You, you, what kind of power is this?"

As he spoke, he covered his mouth and backed away. Shade thought that maybe he was really good at acting.

The captain of the ring warlock team, the man who looked quite strong looked at Shade, then took a step forward, patted his shoulder in a friendly manner, and looked at him at close range. The eyes of this middle-aged man were


"Sir, forget you've ever met us and do what you're supposed to do."

Shade felt slightly dizzy.

[Pretend to be confused.]

The murmuring sound prompted Shade to immediately narrow his eyes and shake his body clockwise like a roly-poly.

He thought his disguise was ridiculous, but the ring magicians from [Church of the Sun and Earth] obviously believed it. So they ignored Shade and hurried past him with a group of people.

Shade noticed that the youngest girl with long brown hair in the team glanced at him as she passed him, but did not recognize that Shade had met her in front of the pet store a few days ago.

He left in a hurry.

Shade still maintained his ridiculous look, and did not leave until he was sure that he could not hear the footsteps of the Ring Warlock team.

"Luck seems to have suddenly turned bad. Whether it was eavesdropping near the stables, meeting spies from other countries just now, or meeting the ring warlock from the Zhengshen Church here. Is this the price of good luck? However, meeting the captain should

That’s a good thing.”

Xia De was thinking in his heart, but the woman in his heart asked:

[Why can’t these be part of good luck?]

“What’s good about these things?”

He asked in confusion, lowering his head and hurriedly walking along the courtyard path illuminated by the elegant brass gas lamp. Suddenly someone patted his back. Shade thought that "bad luck" was coming again.

But when he turned around, he saw the smiling blonde writer Miss Dorothy Louisa.

She wore a beautiful long dress, but the style was relatively conservative, and the pleats on the skirt were decorated with white lace accessories.

"Oh, that must be good luck!"

If it weren't for the fact that the two parties weren't familiar with each other yet, Shade would have wanted to hug her.

"What good luck...what do you smell like?"

The blond writer asked with a smile, looking at Shade up and down with his green eyes, wondering why he was wearing a shirt and hugging his coat. Shade thought there was still the smell of horse manure, so he patted his clothes in embarrassment.

"Detective, why are you here? By coincidence, I just met Luvia. She actually came back from Kasenlik yesterday, but she just didn't go to our study meeting. Let me introduce you to her."

Shade thought for a moment in confusion:

"Luvia? Who is that...oh, it's Miss Luvia Anat."

Miss Luvia Anat is the only ring sorcerer in Dr. Schneider's team who has not met Shade. The third ring, whose job is a staff member of the [Prophet Association], is a member of St. Byrons Comprehensive College and the Seer Association.

Jointly train students.

"Let's talk about this later. There are more important things now."

The two of them left the lighted courtyard path together and entered the dimly lit grass on the side.

Shade briefly talked about his encounters with various strange characters tonight, skipped the Rhodes card part, and then talked about the conversation he had with Priest August an hour ago:

"Priest Augustus said that the church is very likely to close the net tonight and arrest Mrs. Lasoya of [Mercury Blood], that is, Jack Deon. The priest asked me to inform you to leave as soon as possible, and don't do it for [Fake Virtue]"

Stone] adventure."

When Miss Louisa heard this, her expression became serious:

"Tonight is really not the right time to do anything, but you are really lucky. When the Zhengshen Church's ring warlock team goes out on operations, they usually avoid ordinary people. You actually encountered them three times in one night... Detective, you

Never go near the mansion. Since you and the priest will be separated for an hour, then..."


They all heard someone whispering Miss Louisa's name. They looked towards the courtyard path under the gas lamp and saw a young lady wearing a blue dress and short brown hair carrying two glasses of wine.


Inexplicably, Shade understood that this woman who looked slightly older than him was the fortune teller Luvia Anat. The last member of the ring sorcerer team finally appeared.

Instead of being happy, he thought in surprise:

"Wait, they're all here? Oh, what on earth is going to happen?"

This chapter has been completed!
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