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Chapter 746 Priest, Truth Society and Rhodes Card

 After bidding farewell to Iluna on the water and agreeing to see each other on Thursday to inform each other of the situation, Shade took Mia back into the dense forest and prepared to go home.

The fog is still thick in the forest, but the traces of magical rituals on the ground no longer shine. Presumably the battle in the distance has ended.

Although there were some accidents just now, the kiss under the moonlight made Shade feel very good.

But before taking two steps in the forest, he frowned and stopped:



With the sound of the sound, the moonlight projected onto the ground through the branches, and the large shadows of the trees looked a bit scary at night. And walking out of those shadows was Priest Augustus wearing a gray priest's robe. He looked embarrassed.

If Shade hadn't seen his expression, he would never have come out.


Shade breathed a sigh of relief:

"Why are you here so late? When did you come?"

"Don't worry, I didn't see anything just now."

The priest shook his head hurriedly and motioned to Shade to walk with him and said:

"I won't say anything when I get back to Tobesk."

He emphasized again, as if he was afraid that Shade wouldn't believe it. But after he finished speaking, he hesitated and whispered:

"I can understand that young people pursue beautiful people of the opposite sex, but they must also control the scale and quantity."

"Priest, you have indeed been here a long time ago!"

Mia, who poked her head out of Shade's arms, also said "meow~" in response, seeming to find this very interesting.

"I was here when you rushed out of the forest. You were really good at hiding. If you hadn't walked out of the dense forest, I wouldn't have even discovered you."

The priest smiled and walked hurriedly with Shade in the foggy forest. Although he often laughed at himself because he was old and couldn't do many things, the old priest was still able to walk quickly in the forest at night.

"I came here to find something. The madman who summoned the Death Scythe just now has what I want."

"You also know that it is the 'Death Scythe'?"

The battlefield in the center of the lake is far away from the woods, and the priest should not hear Joey Barton's voice.

Priest August snorted and said quite contentedly:

"I can understand most of the powers related to death at a glance. Although the power used by the man just now was weird, I knew the name immediately when I saw it."

This should be related to the power of the angel of death:

"That is a real death blow that can use the concept of death and ending to crush any entity or non-entity that wants to be destroyed."

"So is there a weakness?"

Xia De humbly asked for advice.

"Of course there is. No matter how powerful that move is, it is also used by ring warlocks. The user itself seems to be of low level? It is not easy to kill him before he uses this move, or to kill him after evading this move.


The priest said, and Shade immediately nodded. Compared to Darkness's talent for manipulating darkness, Joey Barton's death talent looks very bluffing, but its effect is not as comprehensive as the dark vortex. Taken together, it is not even as good as Iluna

The talent of forcibly lowering the level of the enemy's Ring Warlock is very useful.

"So what are you looking for?"

Shade asked, thinking about what was on Joey Barton:

"Rhodes Card [Origin·Death]?"

"You know, I've always stayed away from games like Rhodes."

The priest shook his head and jumped lightly from the tree trunk lying on the ground:

"I don't know what I'm looking for, but it must be on that person. Shade, who is that guy? I only know that the church found the person who was resurrected from the dead, and used it as a trap to tempt the [Truth Society].

Is the guy just now also a member of the [Truth Society]?"

So on the next journey, Shade introduced the life story of "The Man Against Death" Joey Barton to the priest. Of course, in order not to involve the priest in the fatal matter of "the chosen one" and "",

Shade only said that the other party was very important and that all forces were looking for him, but he did not mention the epic of the Sixth Age.

"So that's how it is, rebirth against death"

On the way back to the city, the priest pondered:

"I have never heard of such a person. Judging from his appearance, he should have extraordinary control over the power of death. Second only to me."

Shade had a sullen face and said nothing.

"Xia De, I think you also want to find that person, so why not, if you have any clues about him, call me to find him with you."

"Of course that's no problem."

Although the priest only has the second ring, he can still help a lot, especially in narrow rooms.

"You need to be wary of that person. His understanding of death will make him stronger in the [Challenge of Life and Death]. The nature of death also makes it harder for him to die than anyone else. This is a very difficult enemy."

Priest August reminded again, and Shade nodded cautiously, sighing in his heart that the powers of the chosen ones were so unique and unreasonable.

It was already very late, and Shade would not enter the city, so he planned to part with the priest outside the city. Taking advantage of the time, Shade briefly told the priest what had happened recently, and the priest knew about the "four nails"

Things, but I only know roughly. After hearing Xia De explain in detail, he smiled and said:

"Resurrected from the dead, but don't know that he came back from the dead? Oh, I do have a way to determine the area where the target is, but I can't do a detailed search."

"It doesn't matter, I will do the detailed search."

Shade patted his right shoulder. The red butterflies given by Grace and Helen were able to find the remaining two targets in a small area. Now the red butterflies looking for the clown have dissipated, and there are still two left.

"Okay, tomorrow is Wednesday. I need to prepare for the day. We will meet up on Thursday and try to see if we can find those nails in one day."

Priest August's tone was quite casual, as if they were just going to the forest to hunt a hare not much bigger than Mia:

"Don't worry about their power. I also saw the clown just now. I am the least afraid of these dead people who should be dead. What we need to worry about is that we can't find each other."

"Well, good priest, let's meet on Oak Street at noon on Thursday."

"What are you going to do on Thursday morning?"

Priest August asked curiously. He knew that with Shade's character, if he didn't have something to do in the morning, he would never delay it until the afternoon.

"I made an appointment with Iluna Beas this morning."

Upon hearing this answer, Priest Augustus twitched the corner of his mouth and turned his head to look at the forest beside him:

"If one day you are stabbed to death by Anat or Louisa, I will not help you."

Of course, the priest didn't say this, but he really thought it was possible.

Things at Fort Midhill will not stop because of Shade's departure. The church has also done a lot of work in places where he cannot see.

Shade heard about the follow-up of the [Truth Society] siege from Miss Aurora on Wednesday morning, and the witches were also very concerned about this matter.

In general, the church has learned the lessons of Tobesk and Coldwater Harbor and believes in letting lunatics who look like they won't cause big trouble, but who actually knows what they will do, wander around the city where big trouble is about to happen.

, it will cause serious damage to the harmony and stability of the material world.

Therefore, the Natural Church of Fort Midhill Diocese applied to the Holy See to unite with other Orthodox churches to wipe out the most active [Truth Society] in Fort Midhill before the sealing ceremony begins next week.

"The church has made great determination this time, and even sent local thirteen-ring warlocks to join the battle yesterday."

Shade and Miss Aurora sat in the carriage and headed to Cassandra Auction House. Shade had already returned the gold ring.

And judging from the witch’s tone, she was also near the battlefield last night:

"The [Truth Society] is really surprising, even the angel-level relic [Star Summoning Magic Stone] can be obtained."

Afraid that Shade wouldn't know what it was, the witch explained additionally:

"The angelic relic [Star Summoning Magic Stone] is related to the evil things sleeping in the starry sky. Using the magic stone, you can summon a meteorite full of curses, plagues and spiritual pollution, and smash it into the area where the magic stone is located. As for the side effects

, every time the magic stone is used, there is a 10% probability of awakening the evil object in the starry sky to personally cast the projection, and appear in the material world together with the meteorite. Among all the known angel-level relics, this relic is the most dangerous

It’s very close to an angel-level measuring object.”

Accordingly, Shade's [Night Watch] sword should be the least dangerous among angel-level relics.

"The Church of Nature is so lucky to have recovered such a useful relic."

The brown-haired witch clicked her tongue, and at the same time the carriage bumped, allowing Shade to temporarily come out of the memories of last night:

"Have all the ring magicians sent to the local area by the [Truth Society] been eliminated or captured?"

"Of course not, two of them ran away, but it's not important. The important significance of this action of the church is to deter those ring warlocks who are chasing the chosen ones. Don't act rashly recently. Speaking of which, Granny Cassandra received

News, the church confirmed who the chosen one was yesterday, but the other person ran into the narrow room, and I heard that he was a man and a madman."

She shook her head:

"The church used 'nails' as bait this time. Unexpectedly, it actually caught the chosen one, and even detached it. It's really ridiculous. Since I am a man, the task of the council sending me here becomes easier.

.Find the other party, and if you cannot completely control him, destroy him. Since he is unwilling to submit to the True God Church, he must not be a good person."

But Shade doesn't think Joey Barton is a completely bad guy.

【If you had the chance, would you kill him? 】

A whisper in his ear asked softly, and Shade turned to look out the window:

"Ask the other party if he gives up resurrecting the dead. If he gives up, I will cut off one of his arms as the price for his attack on Iluna. Although he spared me, the attack on Iluna and her group is a real fatal attack.

If you don't give up, let him die. If Hazama collapses because of him, how many people will be left in Fort Midhill?"

Shade has a better understanding of Joey Barton's character. This gentleman will never hurt people he is close to and trusts easily, but he will not hesitate to take action against people he is not familiar with. Maybe

It was the wanderings of youth or old age that created this character, and the complex character and methods of doing things also made this person more real and clear in the fog of Fort Midhill.

There are never purely good or bad people, Shade knows this very well.

[Are you sure you are not doing this for that "Creation·Death" card? 】

"Her" laughter sounded in the wind, and the city outside the window was still shrouded in that strange heavy fog.

"Don't frame me falsely"

Shade's expression did not change at all:

"But if it comes to a situation where I have to kill Joey Barton, I will definitely get that 'Original Death' card."

Shade never hides his desire, especially for "her"

This chapter has been completed!
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