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Chapter 760 Three Flowers

 The royal guards in uniform were blocking the steps leading to the seats above the auditorium on the south side. Even if there were a lot of people around, it seemed that they would not be affected.

In this era of alternation between the new era and the old era, the equipment of the royal guards is also very interesting. There are naturally firearms, but in addition, everyone wears heavy armor, holds a spear, and hangs a sharp weapon on his waist.

Long sword.

Shade heard that sometimes MI6 agents also needed to temporarily serve as royal guards. He very much hoped that he would not encounter such a task. This equipment looked very heavy.

Shade came over with the cat. After the loyal guards asked about his identity and origin, one of them walked upwards, stopped three seats away from the ladies, and explained to the maid the identity of the visitor.


At this time, a small number of people had noticed Shade's arrival, so before the guard came back, Queen Diana, Miss Carina, and Tifa behind Miss Carina also shifted their attention from the racecourse to Shade.


Queen Diana, who was wearing a hollow silver crown inlaid with rubies, held a feather fan made of colorful feathers today. She put the fan in front of her mouth, tilted her head and whispered to Miss Carina,

It made the women nearby laugh.

Shade naturally got permission to continue walking up. He straightened his clothes and soon reached the upper level of the awning.

Miss Carina wanted to get up and go to talk to Shade elsewhere, but was stopped by the queen who was clearly over forty years old but still looked youthful and energetic:

"Ask the knight to sit over directly."

She ordered.

Therefore, Shade, who originally just wanted to see the world and ask about the items related to the sun, sat down on Miss Carina's right hand in a daze.

To his right is an empty seat, and to the right is another lady who looks to be in her thirties, who is said to be the daughter of a certain Duke. To Miss Carina's left is Queen Diana, who is very

Looking at Shade with interest:

"Knight Hamilton, long time no see. Good day. Do you have anything important to do with our Duchess?"

She put her hand on Miss Carina's shoulder very affectionately, but the witch showed no expression.

"Good day, Your Highness, good day, Miss Carina. I cleaned up the house some time ago, thanks to Miss Carina's help. Today I brought wine to the manor to visit her to express my gratitude. The manor housekeeper told me, Carina

The lady is here, I hope my visit is not particularly presumptuous."

As he spoke, Shade put his hand into the inner pocket of his coat. After his hand paused for two seconds, under Queen Diana's interested gaze, he took out two withered roses. The little finger, ring finger and middle finger of his right hand

Hold the two beautiful flowers between your thumb and forefinger.

Because I couldn’t see the details of my pocket, the two flowers I took out, one red and one white, were not exactly the same:

"To two beautiful ladies."

He said with a smile, and the red-haired duchess finally showed a smile:

"Knight, this is the first time you have brought me flowers. Although they look stale, they are not bad."

Although the queen's status is higher, as the elder, Miss Carina still chose the red rose first, while Queen Diana took the white rose.

Both ladies looked very happy, and Shade also smiled and put down his hand. His gesture just now was very awkward because there was a small flower-like pendant toy sandwiched between the little finger, ring finger and middle finger of his right hand.

At this time, he lowered his hand and lightly touched the inside of the hem, and another red rose appeared.

Shade quietly reached behind him and handed the flowers from the gap between the seats to the back. On the surface, he was still talking to the queen with a polite smile.

Standing behind was Tifa. The maid was originally paying attention to the banter between the Queen and Miss Carina, but out of the corner of her eye she saw a flower slowly stretching out from below. It was Shade's hand, and even his fingers

He ticked it and motioned for Tifa to take the flowers away.

The maid's black eyes glanced at Shade, who was talking to the queen. If they hadn't seen the small movements of his hand, no one would have thought that it was him who handed out the flower.

He looked around, then quickly bent down and took the flower from Shade's hand. He put his left hand behind his back and twisted the flower branches slowly, with a smile that he tried to control showing on his fair face.

"Knight, I often hear my daughter talking about you recently."

Queen Diana said, her eyes once again looking at the horses running on the racecourse. Shade was startled, and just as he was about to explain his relationship with Lesia, Miss Carina interrupted:

"What did little Agelina say about Shade?"

"Agelina complained to me recently that she invited the Knight of Hamilton to her salon many times, but Mr. Knight found reasons to shirk every time."

This is a bit unfair to Shade. Apart from Agelina saying that she wanted to invite him every time she met with Lesia, he has not received any written invitations. Moreover, he is really busy this autumn.

There are so many things going on at Fort Midhill.

"The detective has a lot of commissioned work. He has recently received a big business, and the commission left by Uncle Sparrow still needs to be completed."

Shade said apologetically, wondering why Agelina always mentioned him:

"Of course, I still want to express my apology. I will not refuse Her Royal Highness the Princess's next invitation."

"Agelina will probably be very happy. Speaking of which, Mr. Hamilton, you are not young anymore. I remember you are not married yet? Oh, then you should participate in more activities like this, as handsome and outstanding as you are.

A gentleman, I think he is very popular in the eyes of the ladies of the royal capital."

This topic made the surrounding ladies participate in it with great interest. Only Miss Carina gave the queen a strange look. Now almost everyone has heard the ridiculous rumor that Shade is her "lover".

"There is no rush to get married. I have even heard of local aristocrats who got married in their thirties."

Shade said while teasing Mia. Although Mia was a little worried about the unfamiliar environment, since Shade was still around, she wouldn't be scared.

"Those are just a few examples."

The queen suddenly smiled, then turned to ask Shade:

"Knight, can you ride a horse?"


Shade wanted to shake his head.

"Will do."

Miss Carina helped him finish the next sentence, and then in Shade's surprised eyes, she helped him take care of the next thing:

"Why don't you let Shade go ride a horse down there for a lap?"

The witch said, it didn't look like she was joking, because she had already turned to look at her maid:

"Tifa, take Shad to choose a horse. I hope he can choose a suitable mount."

As he spoke, he "took" little Mia from Shade's arms, and then gave him a look.

"Okay, miss."

Tifa said softly, and at the same time, the Marquise Flamel, who was sitting in the front row, also stood up and arranged for the servant to follow them to select horses.

"This is really interesting, why don't we add some bonuses."

Queen Diana said:

"Knight, if you can win the top three in the next round, this fan will be given to you as a thank you gift for that beautiful white rose."

The feather fan should be made of ivory bone, and the pendant is a purple gemstone. A rough estimate shows that the value will not be less than three digits, which is equivalent to a special rules Rhodes card.

"That's a good idea, Shade, if you can cross the finish line first three"

The witch shook her finger:

"This ring is yours."

On her hand was a golden ring with traces of elements of enlightenment that were so insignificant that no one except Shade could have discovered it. This should be some kind of alchemy item, but the specific function was unknown.

"Okay, ladies, please look forward to my performance."

Shade, who couldn't ride a horse at all, stood up pretending to be calm and followed Tifa and the servants of the Flamel family down, preparing to go to the stables to choose a horse.

"It's okay, don't be nervous."

The maid of the Flamel family walked in the front, Shade was in the middle, and Tifa was slightly behind. She spoke in Shade's ear in a very soft voice, obviously understanding the witch's intention:

"Her Royal Highness Agelina is King Larus III and is going to be used as a pawn for political marriage. The queen is testing your relationship. In order to prevent you from saying the wrong thing or even exposing your relationship with His Royal Highness Lesia, the young lady will propose it. Let you leave temporarily."

"But I really can't ride a horse."

He pretended to look at the people in the stands opposite and said in a low voice.

Last time Tifa only taught him how to mount a horse and maintain the correct posture on the horse, but he really didn't know how to ride a horse.

"It's okay, please take this."

Tifa put a metal charm into Shade's hand without leaving any trace:

"Take this, it will make the animal docile, at least it won't let you fall."

"Then what"

"Remember the riding tips I taught you last time."

"That's just the theoretical part."

"Yes, that's enough. A well-trained racehorse won't embarrass you."

Tifa's voice paused:

"I will do something on the other horse's hooves, delay the [Lame Curse], at least you won't be the last one."

But Shade was still worried. Losing to a lame horse seemed even more embarrassing.

The next step was to go to the rather large stables and choose a horse that could serve as a mount. Since Shad didn't know how to ride a horse, Tifa chose for him the maroon Delarian Highlander horse, which had a more docile personality.

It was a mare, and when Shade approached it, it was eating fodder with its head down. When Shade patted it with a charm, the horse just glanced at him, as if blaming Shade for disturbing the meal.

But there was no other reaction.

Of course, Shade would rather find a horse with the color of little Mia. But in this world, there is no orange horse that is as dazzling as the sun.

"I wonder if I can find the relic ring that makes little Mia grow bigger in the future. It seems good to ride a giant cat. That cat is very courageous when facing animals of the same size and smaller than itself, as well as its own kind."

Watching the Flamel family's maids and grooms talking uneasily, Shade was thinking about messy things.

This chapter has been completed!
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