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Chapter 777 Teardrops, Correspondence Education, and Owls

Signaling the nun not to do anything, Shade handed the water that had been treated by [Saturation Food] to the hand. The cyan hand grabbed the rice bowl, and then exited the door. Shade immediately closed the door again, leaving only

The next gap.

He grabbed the inner door handle with his left hand and held up the [Night Watch] with his right hand. But Shade did not wait for the opportunity to take action. Both he and the nun heard the sound of drinking water coming from outside. The rice bowl was very big, so

The evil spirit outside is the one who has drunk the most [fullness food] so far.

It drank it all in one breath, and then burped loudly. Shade held up the sword and narrowed his eyes. Sister Michelle also held a shiny stone and prepared to cast a spell. But the evil spirit did not rush in, they heard it.

The sound of the bowl being placed on the doorstep was followed by a sigh of relief.

This time the voice is still old, but not hoarse at all:

"If I can meet you when I am alive"

The sound disappeared, the [Night Watch] in his hand returned to normal, and the light on the orange runes on the surface of the sword gradually faded away.

"Did it disappear?"

Shade asked hesitantly.

"It left and continued walking. The undead stranded in the narrow space cannot enter the real death from the narrow space, but when they return to the real world and fulfill their wishes, they can still continue walking."

Sister Michelle explained.

This is also the method given by the Witch Emperor Violet, which requires guiding the undead souls spanning several eras in the narrow space to the real world, and then guiding them from the stable space cracks opened in the real world to connect the real deaths.

Reasons to keep going.

The undead just now must be very powerful, otherwise the reaction of the night watchman would not be so great. Since it can be allowed to leave without taking action, it is naturally a good thing.

Of course, Shade did not forget to open the door and recycle the rice bowl at the door. But he unexpectedly discovered that there was a small white stone in the empty bowl. The shape was irregular, but it felt very smooth.

Mia seemed to like this very much and stretched out her paws to touch it, but Shade refused.

"What's this?"

Sister Michelle couldn't see directly without her eyes like Sister Devlin, so Shade described it before she gave the answer:

"This is a very rare thing. Soul tears are produced by the stranded undead after their wishes are fulfilled. It is an extremely rare special substance. Not only does it require the wish to be fulfilled, but the undead themselves must be very powerful. Even if these conditions are met

, the appearance of such a substance also requires probability. I have only heard about it in the records of the religious order, and this is the first time I have actually seen it."

After hearing the name of this substance, Shade rummaged through two pieces of knowledge about Witch's Reverberation and found the relevant description. Just like Sister Michelle said, this is an extremely precious semi-physical substance. As a

Potion materials can be used to configure potions that directly heal the soul; as alchemy materials, the alchemy items produced can obtain a variety of effects that affect the soul; even, if they are directly absorbed by special means, the ring warlock's soul strength can be enhanced without side effects.

Sister Michelle even believes that, in addition to the legendary sage-level relic [Philosopher's Stone], soul teardrops can be regarded as one of the most versatile basic materials.

Since the evil spirit just now was solved by Shade, then this soul teardrop will naturally belong to Shade. This can be regarded as a very good harvest for him before the final war breaks out.

I don't know how many scary guys there are on the street. Not long after the evil spirit who knocked on the door left, there was another knock on the door. This time the knock on the door was much more urgent, even before Shade could wait.

When I asked who was outside the door, the person outside took the initiative to call for help:

"Sister Michelle, open the door quickly. I am the gray hamster, and our friend the pointed deer is injured!"

This time the [Night Watch] did not give a warning, and Shade looked out of the peephole and saw a young man in his twenties, carrying an unconscious middle-aged man on his back, and followed behind him a man with short hair.

anxious lady.

The person who calls herself "Gray Hamster" is this lady who looks to be in her thirties.

Sister Michelle was still on the first floor. She came over again when she heard the sound. After hearing Shade's description, she knew who was coming:

"They are the correspondence ring magicians from the local Serksess Medical College. They also live in a nearby neighborhood. They are friends of the Blind Home. We have a very good relationship."

Of course, she did not open the door immediately. Instead, after asking some questions, she asked Xia De to go to the room on the first floor to avoid it, and then opened the door to let the three people in the thick fog come in. They started a conversation in the foyer, and Xia De

De also learned from this that the three major thaumaturgy academies and churches had anticipated what would happen today, so they notified the local correspondence magicians yesterday not to go out casually.

The three people from the Serkes Medical School originally got together and planned to spend this boring day together without being able to travel, but evil spirits actually invaded their house from the attic that they forgot to seal. About half an hour ago,

They started a big melee with the powerful evil spirit. Although they won in the end, one of their companions was unfortunately affected by the "soul scream" before the evil spirit collapsed and fell into a coma.

Because they didn't know whether a long-term coma would have any impact on their lives, they took the risk to go through the white fog to ask for help, and Sister Michelle was not stingy about lending a helping hand.

Shade did not appear due to his identity, but outside the room prepared for the three of them, he heard the descriptions of the fog by the correspondence magicians of Serkses.

Although it is still daytime, it is gloomy and terrifying outside. Coupled with the influence of thick fog, basically the distance that the arm can stretch is the maximum distance that the field of vision can reach. Because of the horn sound just now, the weak souls were all affected by the power of magic.

Therefore, there are not many evil spirits on the street now. But once encountered, it is definitely not something that ordinary people or even ordinary low-level warlocks can deal with.

Compared with the night of the gods in Tobesk and the great flood in Coldwater Harbor, the disaster encountered by Fort Middlehill seems to be more difficult. Because this is not a man-made disaster at all, and it cannot be ended by defeating a specific target.


The ring wizards of Serkses are not planning to leave today. They came here with the intention of defecting to the House of the Blind. No one knows what will happen next, so more people gather together, at least they get out of the house.

Things can still be solved together.

It is late autumn now, and the sunset time at Fort Midhill, which is also the time when the ceremony starts, is about 6:42. But the anxious Shade waited until 5 pm that day before finally receiving the "open the door" message.

Ritual ready reply.

A folded paper crane flew from the fog to the window of Sister Michelle's office on the second floor of the Home for the Blind. It knocked on the glass several times before being noticed.

The above is a message from Ms. Ronal, the high-circle nun of the [Spiritual Order]. They have found a suitable location to open the door, but due to the weird weather now, they cannot send a carriage to pick up Shade. Therefore, they hope that Shade can go to the ceremony location as soon as possible.



Shade, who had been waiting for a long time, asked.

"At Fort Midhill Mechanical Institute."


After turning little Mia into a toy and putting it away, Shade looked at the white mist outside the window:

"It's finally about to begin."

Carrying the fishing rod on his back, he picked up his sword, put on his kerosene lamp, put on his coat, and solemnly said goodbye to Sister Michelle in the foyer on the first floor, then Shade stepped into the heavy fog outside.

The wet and cold fog almost made Shade think that he had reached the narrow realm of life and death, and the silent city seemed to have died in this heavy fog.

He had to enter the narrow room before the church ceremony started. After all, Joey Barton couldn't take any action after the ceremony. Therefore, Shade couldn't waste too much time on the road. Fortunately, compared to the narrow room, reality was

The number of evil spirits in his body is not too many, and the kerosene lamp burning with the first fire in his hand can illuminate a larger area for him.

In addition to evil spirits, he also has to avoid the church's ring warlock team who is looking for evil spirits in the fog, as well as strange ring warlocks whose origins are unclear. After the [Truth Society] sent to Mibao's manpower was almost wiped out, not all foreign forces

They all left the city.

And on days like today, the conspirators are active again.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Shade. He just wants to reach Fort Midhill Mechanical College as soon as possible. Naturally, there is no carriage on the street, and it is even difficult to find a horse.

He could only rely on his own legs to go from the blind home in the center of the city to the academy in the southernmost part of the city. He avoided all the battles along the way and even helped two people who were attacked by headless evil spirits.

Ordinary police officers.

After leaving the House of the Blind, Shade also understood more and more clearly what was happening in the Middle Fort and Sikal Mountain. Outdoors with a wide field of vision, standing on the roof of other people's houses and looking far into the distance, he could see the people in that big house.

In the fog, I saw five golden light pillars rising straight into the sky. Judging from the direction, they were the direction of the five Orthodox churches in the Diocese of Fort Midhill.

At the same time, a large number of birds of unknown origin were patrolling in the sky, as if they were monitoring the city.

Shade took the risk and stuck a piece of youthful leaf on the fishhook while hiding in the alley. As expected, he seduced an owl that fell from the sky. After capturing the silly guy, he used the [Fish Training Ring] to give it the ability to speak.

, and then learned that they were sent by the "good guys" from the Church of Nature to monitor the city and search for evil spirits in the city.

The owl, which looks even sillier than little Mia, actually speaks Kasenlik with a heavy accent. In a dialect, it describes that it and its companions come from a warm area "very south" and complains about the heavy fog.

It was really annoying to Bird, but the light from the kerosene lamp in Shade's hand was very comforting to Bird.

"Very Southern" is probably the Holy See of the Natural Church.

Even if it was caught by Shade, it did not panic. It even begged Shade to give it some food after Shade asked questions. The church asked these birds to monitor the city and deliver messages from this morning, but it only fed them at noon.

some food.

The owl said some dirty words that were not unpleasant, and finally got some little Mia's cat food from Shade.

This chapter has been completed!
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