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Chapter 783 Luvias preparation

Iluna briefly introduced the situation in the church, and Shade also explained in detail his experiences along the way, as well as what he saw in the narrow room and in reality:

"Although there are no hostile organizations such as [Mercury Blood] and [Blood Spirit School] this time, the narrow space itself is more terrifying than the two combined. You must be careful next. If you are not careful, Midhill Fort is really

This may become history.”

"The church is fully prepared this time. Ms. Shirley Winster just now is from the Church of Nature."

Iluna did not say the term "Sister of Thorns", but Shade understood what she meant:

"She is a nine-ring person. Although her combat power is not strong, the magical and ritual effects of the God of Nature in the area where she is located will be enhanced. If it really comes to the last moment, Ms. Winster will return to reality."

"So, the final battle will be in half an hour. I have been busy all autumn and it is finally coming to an end."

Shade nodded, and Iluna sighed softly:

"It's finally over."

"No, this is not the end. I am not referring to things in the future, but I am saying that maybe Joey Barton is not the scariest thing tonight."

Shade held the red butterfly pendant in his hand, which contained the power of the twins, but he rarely used it along the way.

Staring at the bonfire, although the Chosen One was indeed difficult to deal with, compared to fighting Darkness, the gap this time was at least not absolutely insurmountable. He was worried about another thing, another being:

"Hopefully, my guess is wrong."

Shade is making final modifications and preparations in the church in the narrow room, but the real world and the Sikal Mountain in the narrow room are not safe either.

Thick fog swept across Fort Midhill and quickly spread to the plains to the north of the city and the mountains at the southern foot of Mount Sikal. In the dense fog, ordinary police officers no longer appeared in the city, and only the church's ring warlock team was still passing through.

. And those numerous weird figures gradually came into reality from the narrow space and moved towards the place where the living gathered.

If you look at the central and eastern regions of the Old Continent centered on the West Karl Mountain from a high altitude, the lingering dark clouds almost cover one-sixth of the Old Continent. In Tobesk, in the northwest of the Old Continent, although

Air pollution problems There are also clouds and smog in the city, but they are just ordinary smog.

Luvia Anat stood uneasily at the window of the large divination room on the second floor, looking at the fog and worrying about Shade in the distance. At this time, the sky was gradually getting darker, and the street lights on Silver Cross Avenue below were on.

It makes the night of the Pearl of the North so beautiful.

Behind him, there is a divination club composed of local aristocratic girls, performing interesting activities. The leader is Princess Agelina. Even though she has been warned many times by Lesia, she still likes to participate in this kind of game.

In order to ensure the safety of the princess, the association had Luvia appear here, especially since the accident happened not long ago.

"Annate, are you worried?"

President Stan came from behind, and Luvia turned back to look at the noble girls. They were smiling and taking turns to cover their eyes with black cloth and choose their own cards from the fortune-telling cards scattered on the table.

"President Stan, good evening. I was thinking about what happened in the Sikal Mountains. I saw information about the Sikal Mountains area not long ago, so I thought of what happened in Tobesk in the summer."

"This kind of worry is normal. The association headquarters has sent people there. Calculating the time, the sealing ceremony will probably start soon."

The best fortune teller in Tobesk took out his pocket watch and took a look:

"There are still forty minutes left. I hope everything goes well over there. If not, there will probably be an earthquake here, and Fort Midhill."

He did not continue, but changed the topic:

"The Keeper-level relic ["Groo Winston Marriage Contract"] that you applied to borrow from the Church of the Sun a few days ago has been sent to the association. In addition, the church helped you buy a clerical-level relic [Crazy Believer]

Soul coins]. Are you thinking about the four-ring spirit rune? Is it related to the undead? Maybe there is no need to be so anxious. Doesn’t Saint Byrons’ training plan recommend that low-level warlocks upgrade to one level in one to two years?”

Mr. Stan asked. As the head of the Seer Association in this region, he certainly knew about Luvia Anat's status as a jointly trained correspondence ring magician.

“It’s just that too many things have happened recently, so I’m always a little worried.”

Seeing that the noble girls were still drawing cards and she was not needed to preside over the divination, Luvia asked in a low voice with some embarrassment:

"President Stan, can you please help me with my divination?"

"Of course, what is the divination for? Is it related to our Ayutthaya player 1853 champion?"

Mr. Stan was joking, but Luvia actually nodded:

"I want you to help me divine Shade's safety. He has been carrying out a very dangerous commission recently, and I am very worried about him."

Gu Yu

"I think there is no problem, but without him being present, the accuracy of divination is not high. You should also know this."

Luvia nodded as her bad premonition became more and more obvious. President Stan took out the divination cards and asked Luvia to choose three at random.

This set of divination cards is a poet-level relic, belonging to the witch prophet of the fifth era. Like the [Soothsayer's Silver Coin], it can assist in divination. This was given by the association when President Stan took over as the head of the Tobesk region.

one's gift.

Luvia directly chose the first three cards. President Stan frowned slightly after checking the cards:

"Mr. Hamilton, he will be in danger of losing his life in the near future. Oh, don't worry, because with the help of his friends, he can save the day, but next... eh?"

He showed three cards to Luvia. The first one was a bloody dagger held in the dark, which was a very dangerous omen. The second one was a circle of people holding hands and dancing around a campfire, which is usually

It means that you will meet a rescuer or receive rare help.

And the third one turned out to be the [Red Butterfly] that Dorothy had drawn two months ago.

"President Stan, what does this mean?"

The middle-aged people also have some doubts:

"It's hard to decipher. Fate didn't tell me what kind of future this card foreshadows, but it's not a good sign."

He put the cards away:

"Annate, fate is interpreted by people, so even if we are fortune tellers, we cannot easily believe in those fortunes that have been interpreted. Maybe Mr. Hamilton will indeed encounter a danger recently, but since we have not turned to death, then he must be

Safe. I have always thought that Mr. Hamilton is a very magical person, and his story with Rhodes will definitely not end here."

President Stan’s comfort worked, and Luvia also smiled:

"Yes, Shade's journey of collecting Rhodes cards has just begun."

"You go back and rest, I'll keep an eye on you here."

President Stan said, holding on to the window sill and looking out at Silver Cross Avenue:

"Say hello to Detective Hamilton for me. I hope he has a nice night. Don't forget to pick up the "Groe Winston Marriage Contract" and the coin. The fee will be deducted from your monthly salary. The remains are on the second floor of the basement.

In Containment Room No. 1, the secret keeper on duty today is Granny Raya. We borrowed that contract from the Church of the Sun for a week, which is enough for you to study.

Also, don’t try to write the names of the living and the dead at the same time, as that will break the boundary between life and death (note).”

Luvia said goodbye and left. This made Agelina, who had heard her name from Lesia and wanted to talk to her, a little disappointed. The divination card in the princess's hand was a shining crown.

President Stan looked at the hazy night sky where the setting sun had not completely receded, and recalled the events of the past few months:

"Fort Midhill. I really hope everything can be resolved smoothly."

Thousands of miles away, Tobesk has not yet received the latest information on the situation in Middleburg, but the August priest on the top of the mountain is very aware of how bad the current situation is.

Together with other old priests, he prayed in front of the statue in a safe house that had been arranged in advance on the top of the mountain. His keen perception allowed Priest August to know what was happening outside even if he didn't look.

The undead tide hit the top of the mountain, the undead knights descended from the sky, and the giant worms that burst out of the ground attacked the undead. Not to mention, there were also strange beings who died in the thick fog thousands of years ago and attacked the top of the mountain. They were then captured by the Thirteen Rings of the Dawn Church.

The sorcerer "The Shining One" used the ritual and the word of sublimation to forcefully push back.

The light and shadow of divine magic and the roar of monsters seemed to be taking place outside the safe house, as if a legendary battle that existed only in the mythical era was taking place. Dazzling spiritual light shone in from time to time through the gaps in the wooden house door, and the ground shook from the beginning. But it never stopped.

The old priests here are the most devout believers in the true God in the material world. These things cannot disturb their devout prayers. Even if the undead does appear in the room, they will not react in any way.

Priest August heard Shade talk about the past of the Twin Red Butterflies, so he guessed that the last terrifying undead might be the broken soul of the subspace evil creature that was defeated by the twin gods descended from God in the Fifth Age.

Because the most problematic passage in the narrow room is at the top of the mountain, the top of the mountain has encountered the most attacks. Priest Augustus has already made plans to expose his identity and use the power of angels to stop it all if the situation goes bad.

, so the solemn prayer at this moment is also because of the heavy heart.

"If I sacrifice myself, I can save everything. I am willing to be the victim. I just hope that this time Shade will not save me again."

I was thinking that people outside had sent new news. A powerful sword-wielding ring warlock appeared in the natural church in the narrow room, and brought new information about Joey Barton. After verification by the church,

Confirm that the information is accurate, so prepare the ceremony in advance before the last undead uprising.

"A powerful ring wizard with a sword."

Because his hearing in the narrow room is so good, Priest August accidentally heard this information, and then the figure of the young detective immediately popped up in his mind. Without any reason, he was almost certain to appear in the natural church in the narrow room.

The one in the middle is Shad Hamilton.

"What exactly is Shade going to do? Am I going to save him this time?"

This chapter has been completed!
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