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Chapter 794 A passing reunion

No matter how reluctant you are to leave, you still have to leave, because the sound of the library beginning to collapse can be heard in the distance.

The high-ring witches do not need to do anything to pack their luggage themselves. They just wave their hands and the luggage will be automatically sorted and packed, and then carried by the apprentice Miss Drago.

The god sat in front of the bonfire, and Shade stood up to see them off.

The four of them came to the huge door frame of the library. Although Miss Samuel was disappointed and seemed to want to talk to Shade about more things, she still extended her hand. Shade was stunned for a moment, and also extended his hand to shake.


"Mr. Hamilton, this journey is very interesting for me. I hope there will be a chance to meet you next time."

The bespectacled witch held Shade's hand tightly. After letting go, she looked at the palm of her hand and laughed happily:

"It's really interesting. When I get older, I will be happy to have such an experience when I was young."

She is probably the only person who is truly happy right now.

Miss Drago saw that her teacher did not speak first, so she whispered to Shade:

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Hamilton. I only have Central. After leaving the valley, it may be difficult to remember this memory, but thank you very much."

Unexpectedly, she kissed Shade on the face, and then retreated behind Miss Olanode, her big red tail swaying slightly behind her. Mia was very curious about this, and turned to look at her shorts.


Shade looked at Miss Olanode. The two looked at each other, and the pointed-eared witch had a melancholy expression on her face:

“Sometimes it feels like time flies by really fast.”

She reached out and hugged Shade:

"I hope there will be another chance to meet. I hope next time, it won't be you coming to help me again, but me helping you like Teacher Feliana."

"Yes, I will."

Shade nodded.

Miss Samuel quietly pushed the pointed-eared witch, and then the latter gently kissed Shade on the cheek:

"May the moon always shine on you, Shade."

She took two steps back, then looked at her boots:

"Do you want me to take off my boots and give them to you as a parting gift?"

The pair of women's lace-up cloth boots really suited her, but Shade immediately shook his head, and everyone laughed.

Brienne Olanold, the first librarian of St. Byrons, took off her black cloak and handed it into Shad's hands:

"See you next time, definitely, see you next time."

Then, she raised the wooden stick in her hand and pointed it forward, and the golden aura split open the red snowy night, opening up a way forward for them:

"Goodbye, Shade."

Miss Samuel said softly and followed.

"Hope to see you next time."

Fiona, who was carrying a large and exaggerated backpack, was last. She whispered, and while passing by, the tip of her tail brushed the back of Shade's hand again.

The witch and her group walked into the dead night of the silent valley, their figures illuminated by the red moon.


Shade stood at the door of the library waving his hands. This was the first time in the past that he had watched others say goodbye.

"No one can escape farewell and stories."

The old sage in gray robes stood behind Sha De at some point. He stepped forward, and together with Sha De, whose body was covered with golden cracks, he looked at the departing figures of the witches.

"Excuse me. What do you want to tell me?"

Shade asked softly and glanced at the little Mia in his arms. The cat did not feel any discomfort due to the close contact with the gods. It was probably protected by the afterglow of Shade's body.

"I just want to talk to you about my story."

Together, they looked at the increasingly blurry figures of the witches. There was indeed something rushing towards them in the darkness, but all three of them could fight. They were safe now.

"Please tell me."

"Once upon a time, a mortal was searching for the forbidden knowledge of the First Age in the library. Of course he couldn't find it, so he prayed to me in the temple and asked: You are the guardian of the library, and even you can't

Protect us and learn the lost knowledge?"

The god took a drag on his pipe and Shade asked:

"And how do you answer him?"

"God said: Mortals are ignorant, but knowledge is priceless. I am the guardian of the library, not the guardian of all knowledge."

"Is there a difference?"

"Of course, the guardian of the library, his power comes from the [Silver Moon Sage]. And knowledge and wisdom are the domain of the ancient god [Secret Keeper], do you understand?"

The old sage in gray robe even winked playfully.

Shade closed his eyes, feeling liquid slipping down his cheeks. They were blood and tears. The old god directly described the overlapping responsibilities between the ancient gods, and the weight of knowledge and information, which made him almost lose consciousness for a moment.

Compared with those old gods who always hide half or even ninety percent of their words, this old sage is really too direct.

[The library of old contains the original and current stories. The gray-robed sage who guards knowledge will not take the initiative to provide secrets, but he is willing to share those ancient collections with suitable mortals. 】

Crying and saying that he betrayed Huijian, you said it was in a dream

Gu He

[You listened to the story of the old god "Grey Robe Sage", and you learned one of the miracles of the old god "Grey Robe Sage". 】

[Outlander, you have obtained the spell, search in the library.]

There were still double images in front of me. In the late night with red snow flying all over the sky, the figures of the three witches became even more distant.

"Why are you telling me this story?"

"One day, you will understand."

The god smiled, and the wrinkles on his face made him look more kind. And Shade's time to stay here had also come to the last minute.

"Since you did not make a wish to me and want to obtain the secret of time, I will not tell you that information. However, I will give this knowledge to my believers. If you still want to pursue it, go and find it.

Well, search in your own time, maybe you can really find the knowledge you want."

In the sixth era, the old god [Grey Robe Sage] has left, and his order has long since collapsed. But the part of the order that helped establish the St. Byrons Library has been integrated into the academy. This [Guide]

Mr. Edmond of the Order of Light mentioned

Shade nodded hesitantly.

He still had some questions he wanted to ask, but at this time, white mist had surged up from around him, and it was time for him to leave.

So, he formally handed the "Unknown Sacrifice Book" slate in his hand to the old sage in front of him, who nodded:

"I wish you luck, child, the road ahead may not be easy."

His figure disappeared beside Shade.

Shade hugged little Mia with one hand, then turned it into a toy with his coat, and put it back in his pocket. He raised his head to take a last look at the backs of the witches, but found that further away in the valley, the space seemed to be shattered.

Like glass, spider web-like cracks appeared.

Then, the crack broke with a loud sound of glass shattering, which even made Shade at the door of the library feel harsh:

"Huh? Who broke the space? Is there such a powerful guy in the valley?"

A golden aura came from behind the hole where the space was shattered. Miss Olanold, Miss Samuel and Miss Drago were surprised to see the figure behind the golden light and listened to the noisy sound behind the hole.

Red high-heeled shoes stepped out from the shattered space, followed by a black skirt. The tall witch held down the pointed hat on her head, wore a white dress and a black skirt, and walked out of the hole, her long golden hair flowing with red hair.

The snow is swaying in the wind:

"Bryony, what are you and Fiona doing? Do you know that half a month has passed outside."

She first saw her careless student and was about to scold him, but suddenly she looked up into the distance and saw the blurry figure at the door of the library.

The two of them looked at each other through the swaying red snowflakes, which could not block the exchange of eyes. Shade's heart seemed to stop beating at this moment, and his mouth widened slightly. He couldn't believe that he was actually at the end, or...

Saw her.


The witch abandoned her students and turned into a ray of light and rushed into the snowy night, but it was too late.

"This is for you"

At the last moment, Shade reached into his pocket, took out some wilted roses, and stretched them forward.

The flowers fell in the snow because the holder had left. But the falling white rose was picked up by another hand before it fell into the red snow.

Myrna Feliana straightened up.

The witch twisted the flower stalk and looked at the place where Shade disappeared, without speaking for a long time.

In the white mist, a giant tree appeared in front of Shade's eyes, as if the tree supported the world. He stretched out his right hand, ready to catch the two leaves that were swirling and falling from the sky.

The voice in my ear laughed:

[Outlander, there is only one flower left in the flower you bought from the flower girl along the street. Who will you give it to? 】

The disappointed Shade did not answer, turned and left the [Time Corridor].

【Outlander, you have returned to the present time.】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree":]

【Infinite time will protect you.】

When Shade opened his eyes, he had returned to the bonfire surrounding Priest August, Sister Devlin and Iluna, and even maintained the posture of sitting in front of the bonfire.

He stretched out his palm slightly forward, and two emerald green leaves lay in his palm, almost untouchable.

Everyone was looking at him, Iluna frowned slightly:

"How come you have such a strong breath of life?"

Balanced Chosen Ones are highly sensitive to different forms of power.

"It does not matter."

Having lost the key thaumaturgy [Moon Shadow's Illusion], gained the [Red Dragon Power] and [Library Search] spells, and the old-era women's black cloak, it's hard to say what this journey really means.

Shade stood up holding on to the ground, breathing heavily. Although he was melancholy, he knew what he needed to do now.

There will always be a chance to meet again, he firmly believes in this.

Hanging the witch's necklace around his neck, his face gradually became serious:

"It's time for me to go."

Standing by the bonfire, I turned my head to look at Joey Barton on the dark and silent water. I hadn't seen him for three seconds, but he was still calling for the soul of his beloved.

It was so peaceful here, and Shade's mood calmed down due to the influence of death. In any case, the story of Joey Barton should end today.

This chapter has been completed!
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