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Chapter 800 The door of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square

The city center of Tobesk is peaceful and peaceful, and the late autumn night in the Pearl of the North is so pleasant.

St. Teresa Square, the warm light of the street lamps around the square shines on the neatly arranged stone roads. Only a few lights flicker occasionally, as if there is a small problem with the gas pipeline.

The streetlight illuminated the walls of No. 6, and inside the house, on the third floor, Luvia sat restlessly on a chair, waiting for the arrival of the Star Sea Whales in a few hours. In this room were piles of things she wanted to watch.

Stars, various experimental equipment were shipped bit by bit throughout the autumn, including a huge stargazer and a very high-precision telescope.

But Luvia was not happy because she was about to complete her work in the autumn. Instead, she held the [Groo Winston's Marriage Contract]. The diviner's powerful perception made her guess that something must have happened to Shade at this time.


She moved the crystal ball in front of her and wanted to try divination again. But before she could do anything, that familiar face actually appeared in the crystal ball:


Southern suburb of Tobesk City, Carina Manor, study room.

Although it was already very late, the red-haired duchess was still dealing with some tricky documents and had a headache over this year's tax payment ratio. Although Saladir County was her fiefdom, she also needed to pay part of the tax payment.

Hand over the kingdom.

There was a knock on the door, and Tifa, wearing a black and white maid uniform, walked in with a saucer and poured steaming black tea into the empty teacup:

"You are always so considerate."

Miss Carina praised, Tifa smiled and nodded slightly, then came behind the Duchess and put her hands on her shoulders.

"Oh, yes, this strength is really good."

Picking up the tea cup and preparing to take a rest, the witch turned her head slightly to look out the window at the night:

"I don't know what Shade is doing now. Before going to bed later, I will go to the Parliament again. There may be new news about Fort Midhill. Oh, I lent the necklace to Shade. I can't enter the Parliament now. However, tomorrow morning

There should be new news.”

She suddenly stopped speaking because Shade's face actually appeared in the reflection of the tea.

He frowned suspiciously and looked down at the tea, then asked Tifa to let go of her hand:

"Tifa, prepare the carriage, we are going to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square now."

"Do you need anything extra?"

The maid asked softly, and the witch thought for a moment:

"Take someone with us into the city and go to the basement to prepare the relics and casting materials. I'm afraid it will be a big trouble this time."

The sound of horse hooves and wheels in the middle of the night disturbed many citizens along the street. The coachman received orders to move as fast as possible, but despite this, when the Witch and her group arrived at Saint Teresa Square, it was still close to eleven o'clock tonight


In addition to Miss Carina and Tifa, they were accompanied by two high-level sorceresses and six mid-level sorceresses.

Tifa got off the carriage first. She knew that Shade was not there, so she wanted to break the door lock and open the door. But she didn't expect that as soon as she walked up the steps, the door was opened, and the girl with purple eyes opened the door, as if she had been waiting for them.


Because Luvia had stayed at the manor, Tifa also knew her relationship with Shade, so she recognized who this was:

"Good evening, Miss Anat."

"Good evening, come in quickly, I've also received Shade's 'last words'."

She waved to the outside, nodded to Miss Carina who got off the carriage, and then led a group of people into No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, where the lights were on in the foyer.

There was no time for more pleasantries, Luvia said very fast as she went upstairs:

"Shade asked us to find a way to open a door to real death here."

"Although he asked me for help, I couldn't do it."

The red-haired duchess said, her boots making a hasty sound on the stairs, and the group walked towards the second floor.

"I have a way. Shade once told me some things about what he saw in the Fifth Era."

Tifa passed Luvia on the stairs, opened the door to the second floor, and the group entered. Luvia continued:

"When he told the story at the time, he said this: We need to find a place where death and life meet. The official members of the parliament will serve as the executioners, and the power of the parliament will be used to attract the projection of the [Death Door] at the border. After opening the door,

The effect is completely consistent with the original body. (Chapter 722)"

Miss Carina frowned slightly while sitting on the sofa. The middle-level warlocks went to the third floor to wait first. The two high-level warlocks stood behind the sofa and waited for orders:

"Borderland? Shade mentioned to me that the third floor here is the borderland. But there is still a problem. The boundary of life and death at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square is in an extremely inactive state, unless we are lucky enough to see it again tonight.

Open it, otherwise we can't get into it."

If the boundary on the third floor could be opened so easily, the church would not have failed to discover the strangeness on the third floor after checking it so many times.

But Miss Carina frowned again and said:

"I remember Shade said that a major earthquake in Fort Midhill would temporarily open the borders here."

"That was before. Now through the ceremony, the seal has been completed upstairs, and it is impossible to open it automatically. But it doesn't matter, I have this."

Luvia took out the blood-stained parchment scroll "Groo Winston Marriage Contract" and placed it on the coffee table:

"One of the characteristics is that writing the names of the living and the dead can break the boundary between life and death. (Chapter 558)"

The duchess smiled and looked at Luvia:

"It seems that his choice of you is not without effect. But there is still a problem. Even if we enter the border area, we cannot attract the projection of [Death Door]. Maybe the Witch Council of the Fifth Age can, but the Sixth Age

In the present century, the Parliament has long lost such means. At least, I have never heard of the Great Witch being able to do this."

"Isn't there even information?"

Luvia did not think of this, but soon had another idea:

"Let's open the border channel first, I think there will be a way."

Breaking the boundary between life and death through the "Groo Winston Marriage Contract" actually takes advantage of the characteristics of relics when they get out of control. This is extremely dangerous, so the sorceresses brought by Miss Carina combined with the sealing ceremony on the third floor to arrange

A more complex counter-ritual for relics out of control was developed.

The group of people crowded in the corridor and made sure they were ready. Luvia pricked her fingertip with a fine needle, dripped blood into the ink, and wrote Shade and her name in the blood-mixed ink.

Because Shade entered death physically, his "dead spirit" was not summoned by the contract. But in the corridor on the third floor, a faint white mist suddenly appeared: Gu Yan


Miss Carina said, staring at the thickening fog in front of her:

"Anat, Tifa, you come in with me. Fatir, Nina, you keep the passage stable here."

The three of them stepped into the fog that represented the boundary. As the space changed, they stepped on the old floor of the third floor of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, which seemed to have been abandoned for a hundred years.

The appearance here is even more dilapidated than before Shade repaired the third floor. And because this boundary only includes part of the corridor, it is extremely narrow and boring.

The boundary between life and death is only black, white and gray, and the evil spirits staying here quickly discovered these living people. But before they could take action, Tifa took the initiative to carry out "cleaning" work.

This is not Fort Midhill, the evil spirits here are just ordinary evil spirits. Not to mention Tifa, even the third-ring Shade can handle it with ease.

"It turns out that this is the so-called boundary between life and death."

The red-haired witch sighed, stretched out her hand to touch the gray moss on the wall, raised her eyebrows slightly, and was surprised by the strong aura of death:

"It turns out that Shade sleeps near this kind of environment every day. He has never considered moving. Is he really relieved, or is the so-called curse of this house affecting him?"

Luvia ignored the witch's muttering to herself. She stared blankly into the void while listening to the sound.

Miss Carina also noticed her abnormality, but this strange appearance did not last long:

"I got a tip from my 'other me', and she helped me capture some traces of destiny. The Witches' Council in the Sixth Age lost the method of summoning the projection of the Door of Death, but that doesn't mean that the council doesn't have this function."

Miss Carina nodded:

"That's true."

"Although we don't know how witches did it in the past, we can try it. The key is to 'call on the power of the council', 'point to the door of death' and 'open the door'."

"Although the necklace is not on me, I am a witch with a seat after all. It is not difficult to summon the power of the council, but what do I do to point to the door of death?"

Luvia thought for a moment and took out a coin from her pocket, which was the [Soul Coin of Fanatic Believers] purchased with the help of the Prophet Association. In addition to the hidden human face, there were words written in ancient languages ​​on it——

【Faith, so it is valuable.】

Luvia said nothing, and threw the coin away in front of the witch. The relic turned into ashes in front of Miss Carina, and Luvia also got the answer:

"Using a relic with the characteristics of a door and painting the holy emblem of the ancient god [Ancient Death] on the door can refer to the 'Door of Death' on the border."

"Xia De's vision in choosing women is really good."

Miss Carina smiled and reached out to pick up Luvia's chin, but the latter dodged it.

Luvia said in a stern tone:

"Sorry, I'm not interested in women, I only like Shade."

"That's a coincidence. I also like Shade. Is there a door here?"

"Of course there is, Room 2 downstairs, [Traveller's Travel Door]."

“There really is everything here.”

The wooden door with a metal base was quickly moved to the border by the two sorceresses from the middle circle and erected in the center of the dilapidated corridor.

Tifa took some corpse grass growing in the corner, mixed it with corpse oil brought from the manor and special spiritual ink, and carved the holy emblem of the ancient god of death recorded in the ancient council books on the wooden door. The original decoration on the wooden door

, is a "two-faced man" with his face facing two directions, and the holy emblem is painted on the head of the two-faced man.

"Praise the Witch of Chaos, may the witch's glory last forever."

As Miss Carina prayed, eleven golden steps appeared behind her, representing the power of the witch. At the end of the steps, a door with the holy symbol of the ancient god [Chaos Witch] appeared. A slight miracle and a whisper

The aura seeped out from behind the door and shone on the [Traveller's Travel Door] in front of Miss Carina.

This relic is melting, or it looks like it is melting. The Holy Emblem of the Ancient God of Death has been affected by the power of the Ancient God of Chaos. The wooden door is gradually transforming into a stone door, and on the stone door, it is impressive that Shade once described it.

The pattern on the [Death's Door].

Miss Carina stretched out her hand to push the door open, but it didn't budge.

Her life ring and the golden steps appeared at the same time, and her hands with various thaumaturgic powers were exerted again, but even so, the door in front of her was still not pushed open:

"Call the power of the Parliament and point to the Door of Death. If you have done both of these things, how can the soothsayer finally open the door? This should be very difficult. Even if I don't understand the characteristics of the Door of Death, I know that opening this door means


Tifa looked at Luvia, who thought for a moment:

"Maybe it's not that troublesome."

His hand reached into his pocket again, and this time he took out a black iron key. The slender ancient letters like earthworms wrote a sentence that left a deep impression on Shade: "The only lock that cannot be opened is the lock of girls' hearts" (

Chapter 650).

She handed the key to the duchess, who took it hesitantly:

"This is a poet-level relic [Master Key]? It's such a coincidence, why is it in your hands?"

"Maybe it's fate"

Luvia said, but the fact is that when she woke up this morning, the murmuring in her ears told her to take the key with her.

Miss Carina shook her head slightly, as if warning, but also as if admonishing:

"Everyone has their own secrets. Shade seems to like girls like you who have secrets. We can talk about you later. For now, we should rescue that worried young man first."

She pointed the key at the stone door, and as the blood vessels on her white wrist bulged, she turned the key with great force. The key turned into sand due to use, and flowed down from the witch's fingers.

The door in front of me actually opened slowly, and the cold black wind forced the few people currently on the border of the third floor to retreat.

Not only that, the four-ring life ring behind Luvia, the six-ring life ring behind Tifa, and the eleven-ring warlock life ring behind Miss Carina all appeared on their own initiative and rotated rapidly.

The black iron-colored aura was enriched, and the aura of death surrounded them. The ladies who opened up a new path of death in the material world received unexpected feedback.

This chapter has been completed!
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