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Chapter 80 Seriously Injured People

 "So what needs to be done now?"

Shade, who fully understood the current situation and adjusted his mentality, asked. The current situation seemed no more dangerous than when someone pointed a gun at his head.

"Looking for ritual nodes."

Miss Anat pulled the hem of her skirt to cover her feet, and took out a handful of sparkling powder from the small pocket at her waist. She put the powder in the palm of her hand, blew lightly on her lipsticked lips, and the powder scattered in all directions under the gas lamp.

It seemed to be suspended in the air under the light.

The blood mist originally blurred everything in sight, but now with the addition of dust, the corridor became even more misty. Miss Anat took off the ruby ​​hairpin she was wearing, and handed it to Shade with a tap of her finger:

"I'm going to use the clerical relic [Truth Dust] to enter the fantasy world, cooperate with another me, and find the ritual nodes through different perspectives, which will take about five minutes. During this period, you must hold my token and show me the way back, otherwise

I will fall through the cracks of fantasy."

"Just hold it?"

Shade tightened his grip on the hairpin and asked.

"Can't leave too far from the third floor, otherwise I will lose contact with the token. The token can only be held by conscious living creatures. If I didn't find you just now, I would go to the garden to catch a cat or a fish. Remember,

Detective, there are only seven minutes until the arrival of the evil god - [Lord of the Blood Feast], and I will stay in the illusion for five minutes. During this period, please do not contact anyone and wait patiently."

She paused and her expression became serious:

"If I don't come back within five minutes, leave here through the main staircase. The team of Ring Warlocks from the Righteous God Church below can protect your safety. I'm sorry, detective, you shouldn't have been involved in this matter with only one Ring.


She pursed her lips.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here after all."

Shade clenched Miss Anat's hairpin with a serious expression on his face. He didn't know what would happen next, but since he was already standing here, there was no reason to leave:

"Although I have just awakened from blindness and ignorance and have not been in contact with this civilization for a long time, since I cannot leave, I am also a member of this place and I should do what I should do."

Of course, this is why the risk is not as great as it sounds.

The purple-eyed soothsayer girl raised a smile on her lips, blinked, and said as if she had made up her mind:

"If I don't come back and the doctor and the others are killed, then the only safe place tonight is the team of ring warlocks under the [Church of the Sun and Earth] of the righteous god [Old Man with the Lamp]."

They are the team of dozens of people, and Shade has encountered them twice tonight.

"To be more precise, the safest place is next to the youngest lady in the team, Iluna Beas."


Shade also thought of the somewhat nervous girl with long brown hair, Miss Iluna Bayas, whose hair color was very similar to Miss Anat, but the fortune teller had short hair.

"Because she is the chosen one, the protagonist in the first section of the poem ""... one of the thirteen chosen ones."


Shade raised his head and asked, vaguely understanding the importance of this information:

"Thirteen again? No, that's not the point. What is it?"

"I didn't even tell the doctors these things, but if we survive, I'll be happy to explain it to you later. Now, there are more important things to do."

The purple-eyed diviner shook her head slightly, then turned and walked towards the corridor where the crystal powder was suspended. Her figure disappeared into the bright yellow light and shadow together with the illusory powder and phantom, and the blood mist refilled the space just occupied by the crystal powder.

All that's left here is the surprised detective:

"What do you mean? Is that Miss Iluna Bayas the chosen one? The ancient god, the god of sin, the witch, the relic, the word of sublimation,... What on earth is going on in this world? I came here In this era, it seems like something big is about to happen."

At this moment, it seemed that the only living person left in the dead manor was Shade. There was clearly a battle going on on the second floor below, but there was no sound. Standing in the blood mist in the corridor, it was a numb feeling. The sense of danger forced Shade to find a place to hide.

But Shade did not dare to enter any room, but found the banquet hall on the third floor, which was the room where Dr. Schneider and Mrs. Lasoya confronted each other.

Just as he got closer, the voices in his head reminded him of the appearance of the four elements in turn. And Shade saw densely packed rune chains on the majestic double golden door.

He didn't dare to decipher those runes, for fear that he would faint at such a critical moment.

"In four minutes, Miss Anat will be back."

Shade thought in his mind as he stood nervously waiting at the door of the banquet hall. The banquet hall faced the central main staircase of the Lakeview Manor Mansion. He was very worried that the cultists would break in after defeating the ring warlock team of the Zhengshen Church. Third floor.

"It's not past midnight yet, can this be considered good luck tonight?"

He was thinking about unimportant things and kept looking at his pocket watch to check the time.

I want to take out the "Happy the Puppet Operator's Script" and look through it. Maybe I can find a solution to tonight's incident from the last chance to use this secret-keeper-level "relic".

But maybe Shade's good luck finally ran out. Before he took out the little book, the silent manor finally made a sound.

The next moment, a shocking explosion came from the banquet hall next to him, breaking the quiet moonlit night.

The two golden doors were broken through in the fire and smoke, and Shade at the door was directly knocked out. He vomited blood and hit the wall on the side of the stairway, together with the bearded nobleman's portrait originally hanging on the wall. The portraits rolled together to the cold ground.


He wanted to get up in the smoke and dust, but he felt that his body was no longer in control. He must have suffered internal injuries this time.

At this time, the truth about the explosion was finally discovered. The blond writer lady flew out of the banquet hall during the explosion, and it was her body that broke the two doors. Now Miss Louisa is lying not far from Shade.

At the top of the stairs, half of his body was lying in a pool of blood, and his long golden hair was gradually soaked in blood.

"I knew it wouldn't go well."

Shade endured the severe pain in his left arm and chest and got up. He touched the blonde girl's face and used the spell [False Immortality] to ensure that she would not die within half an hour.

He wanted to help Miss Louisa escape to the other end of the corridor. Although the pocket watch had been damaged in the shocking explosion just now, he also knew that Miss Anat was about to return, and he could not leave the third floor now.

There was another loud noise in the banquet hall, and the white steam from the life ring dispersed the blood mist, almost blocking the entire door. Shade heard the roar of Priest August and the prayer to [Mr. Dawn], and was completely

I can't believe this old man has such strength.

"Go quickly!"

Doctor Schneider's voice spoke to Priest Augustus further away in the banquet hall, but the next moment, the life ring behind the priest was hit by a silver beam of light. He staggered out of the room and came to the corridor, and then he also saw

Shade and Miss Louisa.

Although Shad changed his clothes and wore a mask, Priest Augustus knew it was him:

"How did you..."

"Things are very...ahem to explain."

Not only Shade, but also Priest August coughed up blood, and the smell of blood in the air suddenly became stronger:

"No, the divine descending ceremony is about to begin. Let's leave quickly."

The priest wanted to help Shade and Miss Louisa up, but he was also seriously injured, and he was just holding on. He fell heavily after taking two steps, and actually fainted, so Shade also reached out and touched them.

Priest, he has a very bad premonition now.

This chapter has been completed!
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