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Chapter 811 Despicable nun

On the top of Mount Sikal, due to the eruption of the volcano, the ring warlocks of the Zhengshen Church who were originally stationed here have already evacuated. They either went into the mountain to fight the evil spirits trying to enter the city, or went into the city to maintain order, or joined the demons above the city.

That great battle.

The eruption of the volcano, the gods striking the top of the mountain and the silver moon sinking into the mountain pass completely destroyed the scenery of the top of the mountain. Although the volcano has been extinguished, there are only a few sparse trees left on the top of the mountain, and the lake on the top of the mountain has also become a path leading to the underground.


Countless white lights and shadows walked out of the abyss and headed toward the starry sky along the silvery path of broken light. On the side of the mountain top, a sudden cliff extended slightly above the abyss.

The wind was strong and the late autumn night was also very cold. No one noticed that a ray of silvery white light fell from the sky, and then Shade landed on the cliff on the top of the mountain.

He curled up and fell on the uneven ground. There was a starry sky above his head. Under the starry sky, four Vientiane cards swirled and landed beside him.


Shade was groaning in pain. It wasn't that he didn't want to go to Lake Bena, but that the excessive use of power was just enough for him to end up here at this moment.

It was as if all the muscles in his body were melting, and his soul seemed to be shattered into fragments, with moths gnawing on each fragment. After burning his divinity last time, he fell into a coma until he was killed by Iluna and Lu Wei.

Ya rescued him. But last time, he was still in the "divine overflow" state after swallowing the second drop of divinity from [Lord of the Blood Feast], and the divinity in his soul could still protect him.

But this time, the divinity obtained from the blood-sucking god was used to defeat the evil god, and then turned into the dark moon to guide the thousands of souls in Hazama to truly leave. He no longer has divinity at this moment. Although he will not die at this time,

The painful torture made the outsiders truly feel that life was worse than death.

Miss Feliana said a long time ago that even if Shade's soul can carry divinity, there will always be a price to pay for burning divinity in a mortal body.

Because of the severe pain, Shade fell into a semi-conscious and semi-awake state. The pain and emptiness tortured him. He lay curled up on the ground, with black blood flowing from the corners of his mouth. His body seemed to be burned by flames.

He was burning, but he seemed to have been thrown into an ice cave in the far north. It seemed that there were insects inside his body eating his internal organs, but it also seemed like someone was cutting his muscles piece by piece with a knife.

The night is very quiet, and the mountain pass just around the corner is the soul walking towards the starry sky along the path of broken light. And Shade, who is sweating profusely, is close to the edge of collapse. If the pain can be endured, then the extreme of that kind of soul

Even Shade, who prides himself on being strong-willed, can no longer bear the feeling of emptiness.

His soul and body once ascended to extremely high latitudes, but fell to mortal status again in an instant. Without another drop of divine support in his body, this sense of emptiness that penetrated deep into his bones and soul made Shade feel that his

The soul is turning pale, and the body is about to disintegrate into pieces.

【Do you regret it?】

In my daze, I saw many hallucinations and many people, but the voice in my ears was the clearest.

"No regrets."

The vague consciousness gave the answer, and the misty eyes looked at the starry sky above the head, looking at the light belt walking in the starry sky:

"At least I can't die now. I volunteer to help these souls."

【Foreigner, you are really stupid.】

"She" was chuckling, and under the sea of ​​stars, Shade, who looked up at the moon, actually saw a double image of the silver moon at the end of the sea of ​​stars, splitting into three red, silver, and yellow moons.

He closed his eyes in pain, his body was twitching and still unable to move, and he didn't even have the strength to reach out for the [Eternal Youth Leaf].

And "she" was singing softly, it was the hymn just now, that wild and primitive song praising the moon.

Half asleep and half awake, it seemed that a gentle body hugged him. In the embrace, his consciousness sank deeper, but he also felt that the embrace was so warm.

But when he tried to see who was hugging him, he was still lying alone on the cliff at the top of the mountain. In the sky above the city in the distance, fierce battle sounds rang out again, and the four-color aura combined with the completely indistinguishable high-ring thaumaturgy

, fighting against Hazama's last power, he even saw the ancient phoenix fall into the mouth of the giant beast.

But these things have nothing to do with Shade.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe just a few minutes, maybe a few hours. When Shade was finally able to control his arm, he tremblingly took out the pocket watch from his pocket. He tried several times to open the pocket watch cover, but his hand failed.

Shivering, the pocket watch fell to the ground again.

His fingers frantically groped on the ground, trying to pick up the pocket watch, but footsteps came from the direction of the stairs going up the mountain.

Shade tried to stand up, or at least get up, but in the end he just changed from lying down to lying on his stomach.

He didn't know who came here, but the sound of footsteps indicated that only one person had arrived.

A pair of white hands was at his side and picked up his pocket watch, but did not hand it back to him. Then, bright flames lit up around him, and someone lit a bonfire.

On the mountaintop cliff in the late autumn night, the flame was so warm. When the warm firelight illuminated half of Shade's body, he realized that although the horrible pain and emptiness were still there, he could at least manage to

Support your body.

At this time, he was lying on his stomach. He tried to stand up with his right hand on the ground, but failed again.

But at least he saw who it was by the campfire.

It was Sister Devlin, still wearing a black and gray nun's robe made of silk, with a shawl of the same color on her shoulders, and a silver crown-style eye patch, which reflected the light in the bonfire.

The nun slowly squatted down until she knelt on one knee in front of Shade. Behind her were Helen and Grace lying by the bonfire, and little Mia also ran over happily. Seeing Shade's appearance, she said "

"Meow meow~" he shouted, his voice full of sadness.

It seems that Sister Devlin went to the lakeside at the foot of the mountain and brought them all with her.

"City. Above"

"That's my clone."

"Sister, okay. Give me the pocket watch."

He was lying on the ground, and in front of him he could only see the stones on the ground, the nun's left knee and robe that were in contact with the ground.

The white hand that took away the pocket watch appeared in the field of vision through the firelight. The pocket watch was placed in front of Shade's eyes. The small shadow of the pocket watch jumped in the firelight:

"Help me. Open it."


The nun refused. Shade wanted to raise his head in surprise, but the severe pain made him almost unable to control his body. Mia had already come to Shade's side at this moment, rubbing her face against him, meowing as if she wanted to

Help him get up.


"Shad Suellen Hamilton, will you accept the power of the First Fire?"

A cold and serious voice asked.


"Not everyone can accept the power of the First Fire. But you have proved in death that you can. This power can support your empty soul and partially fill your missing strength. Now, you only need to

Reach out to the flame I hold, and you can inherit the power of this ancient fire."

Sister Devlin knelt on one knee by the bonfire, held her hands in front of Shade, and the slender flame appeared.

"Sister, you lent me power in death, and then appeared again at this time. Why, how could you be planning step by step, planning to let me, let me touch you?"

He spoke intermittently, and it took a lot of energy to even say this:

"Sister Devlin, what do you want to do?"

"Looking for a hero who can afford the first fire, collect fire with him, light the firewood, and let the flame that has become extremely weak continue to burn."


"It is indeed a despicable act on my part to propose such a condition when you are so weak. But the fire of civilization has weakened to the extreme. If nothing is done, the world will decline earlier. Sorry, the favored one of the moon."

"What do you want?"

"Everything must eventually perish, even the world is no exception."

The nun's voice was very soft. She kept kneeling on one knee in front of Shade, but did not want to help him up:

"All things will eventually perish, and the death of the world is actually not that far away. From the ancient first era to the present, the extraordinary power has continued to decline, and the scope of the material world has continued to shrink. I, who inherited the responsibility of guarding the First Fire, think that perhaps, the first

The sixth era is the last era."

Shade was lying on the ground and didn't want to talk anymore. There was the light of the bonfire on the side, and the cat was already lying beside him. He wanted to lie down like this all the time, instead of thinking about whether the world would be the same after a big battle.


"Maybe I am wrong, maybe this is just my illusion. However, the exuberance of the first fire can feed back civilization. Although this is not the decisive factor, it can at least make this world last longer.

Shade Suellen Hamilton, at this moment I am the mean one and you are the noble one, I beg you, I implore you, touch this flame, even if it is just with one finger."

For a moment, Shade thought Sister Devlin had gone crazy because her words were trembling.

He struggled hard on the ground, trying to rely on his own strength to sit up on the ground, but still failed. Sister Devlin was right in front of him, her head slightly lowered, and the light of fire danced on her fair face;

He knelt on one knee and held the slender flames in his burned hands.

To the side of the two people was the silver-white path of broken light leading to the sea of ​​​​stars. The souls did not pay attention to the scene at the mountain pass, and quietly rushed towards the end of the dark moon.

The wind on the top of the mountain was very strong. Shade, who thought everything was over tonight, never expected that something like this would happen again:

"Sister, you could just tell me directly. Why are you doing this?"

His voice was still trembling, but "she" had already given a hint. Touching the flame and absorbing some of the flames could indeed effectively treat his current condition, especially the emptiness of his soul. Even if the initial fire was far inferior to

Divine power, but at least it can temporarily restore that terrible feeling of emptiness to normal.

"Because not everyone wants to take responsibility. I'm a scoundrel and I'm willing to make it up to you in any way."

The fire moved closer to Shade.

"No, it's just that after this incident, you have to tell me in detail what happened to the Spiritual Cult, the First Fire, and the end of the world you guessed."

This chapter has been completed!
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