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Chapter 834 Xia De and Hongdie

Chapter 831 Xia De and Hongdie

Shade did not ask how much power Grace and Helen still had now, but happily told them that the red butterfly pendant really helped his two friends.

He explained the current status of Lecia and Dorothy in more detail, described the scene when the two girls met that night, and then mentioned that their souls were already partially merging.

But even the Red Butterfly Twins are unable to do anything about it:

"Sir, if the great one we believe in has not left, your friends should be able to become the favored ones of God. This is a true two-in-one. My sister and I have not been able to achieve such a harmonious fusion of souls for so many years.


Helen said with some regret.

The twin girls experienced a complete time from the fifth to the sixth era. Even though their power is no longer there, their knowledge and experience are still very valuable assets. But it is a pity that the change of era also caused them to lose part of their memory.

, and the price of [Sleeping Princess] is to seal the few remaining memories about the change of era.

But except for those memories related to the hidden history, their knowledge has not completely disappeared. Sha De can ask them about relics, antiques and even the customs and customs of the Fifth Age. This is the biggest thing they can currently provide to Sha De.


"Sir, do you want to leave soon?"

While talking and listening to the sound of rain, Grace suddenly asked.

Shade thought for a moment and nodded:

"Yes, I plan to see Sister Devlin in the afternoon, and I have asked my mother-in-law to deliver the letter. I will visit Miss Aurora in the evening. The matter of the chosen one is over, and she will probably leave Fort Midhill soon."

Grace hesitated for a moment, first glanced at her sister, and then whispered:

"Can you stay with us a little longer?"

"Of course, Granny Cassandra also said that we would have dinner together at noon. And it's raining now, so I have nowhere else to go. Speaking of which, do you know that it also rained all day in Tobesk yesterday? It's really raining.

It’s late autumn, and I can almost feel the chill of early winter.”

Shade said with a smile.

Grace bit her lip, and Helen, who knew what her sister was thinking, said:

"Sister, I want to say, can you stay here to talk to us today? Maybe it's okay until very late."

Shade was stunned and shook his head apologetically:

"Girls, I still have a lot of things to deal with. Moreover, although Tobesk is thousands of miles away from here, it is only more than an hour of mountain road for me. We will have a lot of time to chat in the future.

, when you recover, I can even invite you to my home. But now, what you need to do is to have a good rest."

"Sir, what we mean is."

Helen looked at her sister at a loss, and Grace, who was wearing white pajamas, continued:

"You have done so much for us, but from the last century to now, we have been unable to repay you."

"I never wanted you to repay me from the beginning."

Shade emphasized again and stood up at the same time:

"I'm going to talk to Grandma Cassandra about the Witch Council. The witches should be very happy. See you at lunch, girls. Don't worry, I'll leave after lunch."

"Sir, wait a minute!"

Helen struggled to reach out to the other bed, and finally held Grace's hand together. Dense red butterflies flew out from nowhere, blocking Shade's sight like a curtain.

After the butterflies disappeared, only the left one of the two four-poster beds was occupied. It was a blue-eyed black-haired girl in her twenties, and her white pajamas were decorated with black butterfly embroidery. Because Helen and

Grace looks almost identical, so this is what they will look like when they grow up:

"Now. Do you want to leave?"

The girl asked Shade with a blushing face. Shade thought for a moment and walked to the bed. With the latter's shy and frightened expression, he helped her cover the quilt:

"If you like "Hamilton's Detective Stories" very much, this Wednesday, the 30th of the Dead Leaf Moon, the novel series will be released. I will come to see you on Wednesday with a new book signed by the author."

He tucked the girl on the bed into bed:

"See you later at lunch."

Although the girl on the bed was a little disappointed, she still said:

"Well, sir, I'll see you later. Next time, can you talk to me about the story of you and another pair of twins? The story of the three of you should be very interesting, right?"


Shade nodded, and while the latter smiled, he turned and walked out of the room.

[Do you really not understand what they mean, or are you pretending not to understand? 】

The voice of "her" appeared amid the sound of raindrops hitting the glass.

"How could you not understand?"

Shade replied in his heart and followed the maid at the door to meet Granny Cassandra again:

"But they are different from Lecia and Dorothy. In my eyes, they have always been little girls at cocktail parties. I don't have much common experience or emotional basis with them. They probably respect and appreciate me."

Much. As for Lecia and Dorothy, I have experienced many, many stories, and they understand what they want. Besides, with their current body shapes, do you think I am a scumbag?"

"She" is chuckling:

[So, even though even the records of the Sin Mansion consider you guilty of adultery, at least you are a very principled adulterer? 】

"If you could remove the modifier and leave only 'very principled', I would probably be happier."

【So, what if you have more stories in the future?】

"That's for the future."

Shade said with a smile in his heart, and followed the maid away along the corridor.

After experiencing so much, this can be considered a good ending for Grace and Helen. After a hundred years, if Shade does not die, but successfully completes the path of sublimation of the twelve gods, he is willing to help them and truly break free.

The shackles of fate. Of course, as he said, that will all happen in the future.

There were still many things to do in Fort Midhill today. After meeting Granny Cassandra again, Shade talked with her about the physical conditions of Helen and Grace, and then talked about Sister Devlin.

[Witch Council] To cooperate with the dead chosen one, the speaker of the council, the thirteenth-level witch, went to talk to Sister Devlin. The specific negotiations ended over the weekend. Although Granny Cassandra did not

I know very detailed details, but I also know that the [Spiritual Order] and the [Witch Council] will become even closer in the future.

The great witch with thirteen rings actually succeeded in persuading Sister Devlin to stand on the side of the [Witch Council] in "" under unknown conditions. In other words, even if the chosen one is in the future,

Regarding the issue, there is a conflict between the Parliament and the Orthodox Church, and Sister Devlin will also help the Parliament.

Lunch was delivered by "Gaudis Restaurant", a high-end restaurant in Middleburg opposite Cassandra Auction House. There is a restaurant on the third floor of the auction house. Sitting around the table were Shade, Cassandra's mother-in-law, Grace and Helen.

, and Miss Swift, the witch's apprentice, acted as a servant. She was not unhappy, but felt that this was a sign that Granny Cassandra trusted her more.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was very harmonious, and when the last dessert of caramelized yam was served, the old witch asked her apprentice to bring a brass box. The six sides of the box had symbols representing burning, stabbing, and tongue pulling.

, six punishment patterns: drowning, burial alive, and castration.

After the box was opened, there was an extremely beautiful silver cross pendant lying on the red velvet lining. The cross itself and the chain were both silver. On the cross was a pattern of a long snake circling, and the head of the long snake was dotted with a star that looked like a silver cross.

Glowing ruby.

The end of the long end of the cross was an extremely sharp cone, with some black traces similar to blood traces on it. After blinking, Shade confirmed that they were blood traces:



The old witch nodded and asked Miss Swift to put the box in front of Shade:

"The Keeper-level relic [Profane Cross], legend has it that it once pierced the chest of a saint. The characteristics of the relic, when you hold it and pierce it into the chest of any extraordinary humanoid creature, it can absorb and imprison the opponent's soul, making the hand holding it

The user of the cross absorbs the soul into his own body to form a special blasphemous spirit rune with the opponent's soul as the core."

The old witch closed her eyes and drew something like the holy symbol of the ancient god [Chaos Witch] on her chest:

"Once you do this, you can never go back. It means the corruption of the soul and may even attract those evil spirits and demons. In fact, this so-called positive characteristic is actually a negative characteristic. In addition, if it is kept for a long time

Hanging around one's own neck, one's own blasphemous element will definitely lose control. Whether it is the thirteenth ring or the first ring, this effect cannot be exempted in any way."

"Is this for me?"

Shade asked in surprise.

"Yes, you once said that you were looking for a relic that could absorb energy, spirits and other entities or non-entities, and pass it on to the user. Originally, I wanted to hand it over directly to the Zhengshen Church, because it was too dangerous.

But I think it's just right for you."

Shade carefully took the cross out of the box, and the originally weak whispering elements immediately became stronger. It seemed that the box itself was a containment measure. This art-like cross pendant seemed to be made of sterling silver, with a long snake coiling around it.

On the opposite side of the side where the head of the cross is, there is a line of inscriptions on the cross:

【Word of God: The wise are fearless.】

"Sir, just take it as a thank you for helping us."

Grace said, and Helen added:

"Yes, sir. Since you didn't accept our special reward just now, then just take this. This can be considered a small reward."

Grandma Cassandra showed a kind smile:

"Did he refuse? Teachers, that's a pity, but that's what makes a knight, isn't it?"

Miss Rita Swift, who was holding the red wine bottle, was suspicious at first, then looked at Shade in shock, wanting to ask but not daring to ask.

This chapter has been completed!
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