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Chapter 839 Ceremony, Opera and Princess

Chapter 836 Ceremony Opera and Princess

This Saturday is also an important day for Dr. Schneider. Tonight in March, the yellow moon is full, so it can become the "yellow moon shining day". It is the day that the doctor has already scheduled for the fifth ring to be promoted to the sixth ring. It happened to be Dorothy

After suspending this week's classes, Shade stayed at the doctor's clinic to help him perform the promotion ceremony.

Compared with Dorothy's promotion from the fourth ring to the fifth ring, which requires a series of words of sublimation, the ceremony of Dr. Schneider's promotion from the fifth ring to the sixth ring seems a bit simple.

In the attic of the doctor's clinic, when the yellow moonlight illuminates the circular ritual matrix smeared with blood on the floor from the attic window, the three overlapping isosceles triangles in the circle emit red, blue and green colors respectively.

Light. In the middle of those geometric patterns, demonic runes alternate with contemporary ritual runes.

There is no cloud tonight, and the moonlight shining from it is quite stable. In the outer ring of the nested double-layered rings, the illuminated runes shimmer with a special frequency.

With the help of Shade, Dr. Schneider was hung upside down by one leg above the shimmering ceremony on the ground. His eyes were closed tightly, and his wrists and ankles were covered with three, five, seven, or nine silver bracelets.

When the time came to 7:23 pm, Shade, who was standing at the door wearing a black robe, immediately shook the rattle in his hand. In the buzzing sound that seemed to resonate with his forehead, Dr. Schneider bit the tip of his tongue.

, and at the same time, the life ring behind it appeared.

The yellow confusing moonlight passed through the life ring, causing the shadow of the life ring to coincide with the nested double rings on the ground. A strange black substance emerged from the hanging doctor's body, wrapping it like a cocoon.


This is a ritual provided by the doctor combined with the academy, a sublimation ritual modified through demonic knowledge. And in the moonlight, Shade clearly saw that when the black cocoon was completely closed, the person inside the cocoon was not Doctor Schneider at all, but had no fixed form.

Some kind of terrifying and indescribable demon.

The cocoons hanging upside down made the already not spacious attic even more weird. Shade snapped his fingers, and the eleven white candles carved into the shape of worms surrounding the ritual array on the ground lit up one after another.

Amidst the popping sound, Shade quickly took two steps forward, opened the front of his robe, took out thirteen short silver daggers one by one, and pierced the black cocoon to form a pattern similar to a constellation. These thirteen short silver daggers were

The silver dagger is made of pure silver, and the doctor pays a high price to hire someone to make it. There are different red twisted demon runes on the handle of each dagger. This red substance is not a ruby, but a "forged Philosopher's Stone".

The "Counterfeit Philosopher's Stone" that the doctor was looking for for this ritual can be regarded as the origin of all the stories after the strangers came to this world. But now, they have finally been put to use.

As the thirteen silver daggers completely penetrated the giant black cocoon, a strange darkness descended on the attic, leaving only the scarlet light at the end of the dagger floating in the air in the darkness.

Shade counted nine silently in his mind, and the light of the moonlight and candles came back on. Doctor Schneider, who had already landed on the ground, was standing in the bloody ceremony on the ground, smiling and twisting his neck, and showed Shade the life ring behind him.


He has successfully been promoted to the sixth ring.

Shade breathed a sigh of relief and gave up the urge to take out the [Moonlight Sword]. The doctor had said in advance that his ritual might attract some troublesome things, including but not limited to evil spirits and evil spirits:

"This ritual of yours is more evil than most of the cult rituals I have seen."

Shade turned on the gas lamp in the attic, and the warm yellow light dissipated the evil atmosphere in the attic. Then he walked out of the room and took the [Night Watchman] over, shook it around in the attic, confirmed that there was no response, and then placed it in the attic.

It pointed at Dr. Schneider, making the doctor tremble in fright, but nothing happened (Note), and Shade finally confirmed that the ceremony was successful.

The doctor smiled and replied:

"There's nothing I can do about it. The devil is in my heart. If I want to be promoted, I have to consider its power. However, tonight went really well. I heard you tell me about Louisa's encounter with the Mirror Ghost when she was promoted.

, I thought I would also be in trouble this time.”

"If you are in trouble, it's not your bad luck, it's my bad luck. After all, I was there both times."

Shade was also happy for the doctor.

The two cleaned up the attic, which would definitely be mistaken for a cult ritual. The doctor planned to go to a pub in the city with Shade for a drink. Although Shade didn't drink often, in order to celebrate the doctor's promotion, there was nothing wrong with having some tonight.


But before they left the clinic together, someone sent a letter to Shade, and specifically stated that it was from Miss Cavendish.

"Which Miss Cavendish?"

Shade asked instinctively while holding the letter. The doctor standing next to him looked at him in surprise.

Then, Shade sniffed the envelope:

"Oh, the scent of Lesia's perfume is unmistakable."

He was thinking in his mind, and when he opened it, he found that it was Lesiya who invited Shade to watch the opera at the King of Delrayon Opera House in the south of the city at 8:30 tonight. It was already close to eight o'clock, so it seemed that Lesiya was at Saint De's house.

Shade was not found in Lan Square. After asking Dorothy, the letter was delivered here.

"Doctor, I'm afraid."

Shade looked apologetically at the blue-eyed middle-aged doctor, who was still wondering whether the last name he just heard was "Cavendish".

"It doesn't matter, you go and do your business."

He shook his head and looked up and down at Shade in surprise. When Shade asked, the doctor refused to say anything:

"The young people today are really amazing."

I hurried home, changed into formal clothes, took the cat in my carriage and headed to the Opera House in the south of Tobesk City. Fortunately, I was not late.

And when Shade saw Lesia in the box with the widest view on the top floor of the Opera House that night, she was accompanied by the dressed-up Princess Agelina. Seeing Shade walk in out of breath, Lesia

Siya enthusiastically asked Shade to sit down, and before the opera started, she mentioned the wedding of Lesia's sister, Agelina's sister, Princess Mona Cavendish.

Lesia had already mentioned this matter once during the rainy night last Saturday.

The wedding of the royal princess will naturally be very lively. Not only Agelina, but also Lesia are looking forward to the wedding. The specific date of the wedding is the 18th or 19th of the Frost Moon, and the location is in this city.

Preparatory work for the Peace Church is currently in full swing.

When discussing this topic, Lesia sat upright, as if her relationship with Shade was no different from before. But after the famous contemporary love tragedy opera called "Murder at the Wedding" started, the red-haired princess suddenly stopped

topic, and with a wave of her hand behind her, her personal maid led a group of servants from the side door of the room to another private room next door.

Then, the princess sitting on the sofa looked at Shade with a pursed smile:

"Knight, do you miss me?"

She reached out and hugged Shade, smiled and touched the ruby ​​earrings on her ears, and then kissed him without giving Shade a chance to speak.

"That's it again."

Sixteen-year-old Agelina Cavendish whispered, but found that there seemed to be something wrong with the two people's movements.

"A week ago, that rainy night, you performed really well. I don't believe she didn't come to you during this week. Really, she knew that I couldn't spend the night outside casually, but she just didn't agree with me using her temporarily.


Lesia complained softly, and had already untied her skirt. Her face flushed with excitement, and she covered Shade's mouth with her right hand to tell the young knight not to speak. Then she took off her left shoe with her right foot and wore a white suspender.

He wore socks on his left foot and kicked off the high heel on his right foot.

With a wave of his hand, the light of the gas lamp in the box slowly became fainter, and then he kissed Shade again with bright eyes.

"Sister, you guys"

Agelina saw that something was wrong and immediately stopped her.

"Oh, Agelina, are you still here?"

After a deep kiss, Lesia let go of Shade, who was panting heavily. She raised her hands, stretched them behind her head, tied up her long red hair with her belt, and gently pushed Shade to lie down.

, said to his sister:

"Take Shade's cat and go out through the side door to guard the door for us. I lost the silencing charm, so you don't have to worry about strange noises."

The little princess covered her mouth in disbelief:

"Sister, it's true that Shade belongs to great-aunt Carina. You two share one."

"My dear Agelina, there is still an hour and a half before the end of the opera. Excluding cleaning and putting on makeup, I actually don't have much time. Now, either you get up and lock the door from the inside, and watch from here.

We; either go out through the side door and send a servant to guard the door for us."

Lecia is quite strict with her sister:

"Don't waste my time."


The dressed-up princess picked up the reluctant Mia and stood up pitifully in the dim indoor light. She somewhat understood why the incense was lit in advance in the box today.

She bit her lip and watched the somewhat "helpless" Shade being pushed down on the sofa by her powerful sister. For a moment, the girl's ignorant sadness burst out, which actually made her want to cry.

"Hamilton Knight."

She wanted to help the handsome and weak knight, but the psychological shadow caused by her sister Lesia over the years made Agelina just clenched her fists, dejectedly holding Mia with one hand, and holding the preparations for Mia.

After having a late-night snack, he walked towards the door on the side wall.

"Keep the door tight."

When Agelina walked to the door, Lecia did not forget to remind her, but her voice was a little muffled. Agelina pursed her lips, wanting to scold Lecia for ruining the family's reputation, but the words came to her lips.

The edge becomes:

"Do I need to prepare a midnight snack for you?"

She didn't get an answer, because the lights in the box were completely extinguished. Agelina stood in the darkness, listening to the loud singing outside praising the young girl's green love, and listening to the joy expressed in the singing.

It took a long time before she hugged Mia and left.

As for the cat she was holding, it seemed that she understood the young girl's feelings very well and huddled in her arms quite docilely, but in fact it didn't want to leave.

PS1: Doctors are usually normal and will only be attacked by the Night Watch if they come into direct contact with the Night Watch.

PS2: There have been too many advertisements recently, and the author couldn't bear to be bothered by them, so he turned on the 1 fan value limit for speaking.

This chapter has been completed!
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