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Chapter 845 Shades secret mission

Chapter 842 Sha De’s secret mission

The three royal family members in the conversation soon noticed the two princes of Shad Delarion, Marius Cavendish and Derrick Cavendish, and showed surprised expressions.

, and then said respectively:

"Look, it's Reggie's Hamilton."

"Good morning, knight, are you waiting for your father's summons?"

They were all able to recognize who Shad was just by looking at his face, and shook hands with Shad very enthusiastically. Of course, Lecia also greeted Shad, but she just called him "Knight Hamilton".

And she didn't shake hands with him, looking like a very reserved lady.

"Good morning, Your Highness."

Shade also took off his hat and paid tribute to the successors of the kingdom.

"Who is father talking to now?"

Marius Cavendish, who is twenty-eight years old this year, asked the eunuch attendant, who said respectfully:

"The Marquis of Cornell is inside."

Marquis Conor is currently presiding over the work of the Kingdom's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Shade has seen him in the newspaper.

"I guess it must be about the upcoming visit of Margaret Anjou."

Derrick Cavendish, who is thin and even shorter than Lesia, said:

"I received the news and originally planned to visit by train, but now Kassenrik has changed his mind."

"Do we also need to take a boat and land at Coldwater Port or other ports?"

Lesia asked. When she came back in the summer, she left the country by boat from Kasenlik.

"I heard that I borrowed a steam airship from the Church of Creation at a high price."

Derrick Cavendish, wearing glasses, said to his sister:

"This kind of diplomatic visit also has the nature of comparison. Maybe the other party wants to overwhelm you."

Lesia's expression remained unchanged:

"Considering political factors, it seems that she came with a political mission and wanted to put pressure on her in advance. Those southerners are really naive."

"Hamilton Knight, what does father want from you?"

The eldest Marius Cavendish asked Shade again. The other two also looked at him curiously. Shade shrugged:

"Sorry, I don't know either."

He looked at the eunuch attendant in a red coat, who shook his head slightly.

"Knight, I watched the latest release of "Hamilton Detective Stories". In a city filled with steam and smog, traveling through the streets and alleys to fight against evil and uphold justice. The life of a detective is really rich and interesting."

Marius Cavendish said again and patted Shade on the arm:

"If you have time, you can come to the literary salon I hold and share some of your stories with my friends. We are all very curious about you."

If Agelina wants to invite Shade to her salon because the little princess simply wants to show off her interpersonal relationships with her friends, then the invitation from His Highness the Prince must have political implications. The outsider also

I am not a fool, so I nodded with a smile:

"If I have time, I will definitely go."

"She" smiled in Shade's ear.

"Knight, our sister Mona is getting married next week. Has Aunt Carina given you an invitation?"

Derrick Cavendish also asked enthusiastically:

"If you haven't already, I can give you one. It will be very lively."

"The Duke has invited me."

Shade responded again, in fact, Miss Carina hasn't mentioned this matter yet, it was Lecia who did.

"Then let's see you at the wedding. My aunt trusts you very much. I think we can also become friends."

The two princes exchanged a few words with Shade. During this period, Lesia did not take the initiative to communicate with Shade. Prince Marius Cavendish also smiled and explained:

"Lecia is usually so unsmiling and indifferent to strangers, please don't mind."

"Of course I won't mind."

Shade said, trying hard not to look at Lesia, while Prince Derrick said jokingly:

"In this aspect, she is very similar to Aunt Carina."

Even without looking at Lesia, Shade knew that Her Highness the Princess must be angry.

Seeing that they could not wait for the meeting between the king and the marquis to end, the princes took their leave with their servants. Before turning to leave, Lesia gave Shade a helpless smile, and then followed them along the way.

The red carpeted corridor left.

Shade looked at Lesia's back, wondering in his mind what kind of image he had among the nobles of Tobesk because of the rumors of the "Duchess's Lover". Then he thought that Miss Carina had never been romantically involved with any man since she became an adult.

There have been intimate scandals, and since Xia De began to have a relationship, it seems that he has not paid attention to other men.

"They don't really think of me as Miss Carina's marriage partner, do they?"

Shade thought hesitantly and looked at the eunuch attendant again, who showed him a humble smile:

"Knight, Your Majesty may have to talk to the Marquis for a while. I think we still need to wait."

The stranger nodded, recalling in his mind how magically he had been involved in the political center of the kingdom in the past six months.

After waiting for a full hour, the door to the king's study was finally opened. The gray-haired old gentleman who walked out was none other than Marquis Cornell.

He was holding a document bag in his hand, and when he saw Shade at the door, he actually recognized him. When the eunuch attendant entered the study and asked Shade if he could enter, the Marquis politely exchanged a few words with Shade.

The recent weather, and then patted his shoulder meaningfully, and found that Xia De's muscles were tight and his lower plate was very stable, and he praised:

"The young people today are no worse than those in my youth."

"How come everyone recognizes me? I remember that there was no frontal photo of me outside."

Shade quickly received permission to enter the study. After straightening his collar, he entered the study.

This is still the room in which Shade was summoned after he took a bullet for Queen Diana on the street in the summer. The study is very large, with the desk placed in the middle of the study, and the King's back to the colorful floor-to-ceiling windows.

, making the room look empty, but also extremely oppressive.

Obviously, when he came to see Larousse III last time, the outsiders had no special reaction, but this time they felt inexplicably unable to hold their heads high. This was not because after coming to this world, Shade was intimidated by the worldly power.

This may be related to his intimate relationship with the other party's daughter.

"Long time no see, Hamilton from Rejed. Have you been waiting outside for a long time?"

"Long time no see, Your Majesty. No, just for a while."

Whether it was because of Lesia or because the other party gave him money every month, Shade was extremely respectful:

"wish you healthy."

"Let's talk business."

The king, who was shorter than Shade and wore a crown, asked the eunuch attendant at the table to move a stack of documents to the bookcase next to the wall. He closed the golden pen cap, and then finally looked up at Xia De.


I have to admit that this series of actions made him look extremely majestic:

"Sir Anros recommended you to me, thinking that you are an extremely outstanding agent of MI6. Now, there is a very difficult task that needs to be entrusted to you. This task is allowed to be impossible to complete, but the secret is not allowed to be leaked."

"Please believe in my loyalty."

Shade said, and then the slogan of the Gray Gloves organization "Eternal Loyalty" somehow jumped into his mind.

"Yes, Hamilton of Rejed, there is no doubt about your loyalty. The Duke of Saladir can vouch for you."

The king nodded slightly, took the document handed back by the eunuch attendant who came back from the bookcase, and put it aside. In fact, in addition to Shade, the king and the attendant in red, there were also two armored guards on the inside of the door.

But the latter two are no different from statues.

"The information you obtained about Fort Midhill while you were a player in Ayutthaya was very accurate. MI6 almost caught the big fish. Almost."

Larus III seemed to have remembered some bad memories, and frowned slightly.

Shade knew that the king was dissatisfied with MI6's actions in Middlesbrough. It seemed that MI6 later figured out which member of Kassenlick was at the Middlesbrough train station that day.

Unfortunately, it was him who lured away the MI6 agents at the Middleburg train station that day and allowed the foreign princess to leave in time. Probably because Shade had obtained that precious piece of information and proved his worth.

, so this mission was given to him.

"I wonder if Gray Gloves will let the 'Grey Eagle' do anything during the princess's visit."

Shade thought silently, and almost the next moment, Larus III behind the desk really mentioned the "grey eagle":

"The latest information, which only Anlos and I know, is that Margaret Anjou may have been in contact with the Gray Eagle while she was in Tobesk."

Xia De was startled and thought amidst "her" laughter:

"I do not know how?"

"You need to contact Margarita Anjou socially and find out who she came into contact with during her visit to Tobesk."

Of course, it's not just Shade who is doing this work, Shade's colleagues will definitely work hard. But only people like Shade who have nothing to do with MI6 on the surface, can appear in social situations, and seem to be very good at dealing with ladies.

, it is suitable to carry out this operation in the open.

The Secret Contact of the Sixth Branch Agents with Princess Kasonrik would be an international scandal once discovered. Therefore, this task would be carried out by the King himself and Shade. I am afraid that except for him and Director Anlos, there are not many people.

Know Shad's mission.

"I see."

Shade nodded.

Larus III emphasized again:

"We believe that the Gray Gloves of Kasenrik will also take action during this period. For the specific arrangements and the help you need, just talk to Sir Anros. Duke Carina speaks highly of you, I think

You won't let us down."


Shade nodded again, considering whether arresting himself was a feasible plan.

Thus, Shade's second separate meeting with Larus III ended simply like this. He accepted the verbal encouragement, accepted the weighty task, and received the message "If you perform well, this matter is over."

"Later, I can give you a promotion."

There will be a series of plans and conspiracies surrounding "Princess Margaret of Anjou's visit to the city of Tobesk". And foreigners living in Saint Teresa Square who can directly see the Yodel Palace will

Because of that generous salary, he got involved in political waves.

PS1: It needs to be explained here. Except for Agelina and Lesia's personal servants, no one knows about the relationship between Shade and Lesia. Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Shade is currently just "Saladil's daughter".

The Duke's lover.

PS2: The monthly ticket is still doubled now, please vote, please vote.

This chapter has been completed!
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