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Chapter 85 Moon Marks

 The yellow, red and silver moon hangs high in the night sky. There are no clouds in the sky above Lakeview Manor. The bright stars hang upside down above their heads, making people think that they can touch the glow of the stars with their hands.

At the time of the accident, the aftermath of the séance had put the dinner guests to sleep, so no one saw the unusual blood mist and fight that followed.

This makes it easier to explain what happened tonight - the organizer of the banquet, Little Croun, united with the followers of the evil god [Lord of the Blood Feast] to put sleeping drugs in the food and wine at the dinner. But fortunately, it represented

The righteous Orthodox Church arrived in time to stop their conspiracy.

As for the earthquake just now, it was a complete coincidence and has nothing to do with this place.

Now, Lakeview Manor has been surrounded by a joint force of Tobesk garrison and police, and the awakened dinner guests were politely invited by the Orthodox Church to rest in the manor house and conduct inspections.

On the one hand, this is to prevent too many people from seeing the moon marks in the courtyard of Lakeview Manor, and on the other hand, it is to try to screen out suspicious people who should not appear here among the guests.

The two teams of ring warlocks from the Church of the Sun and the Church of Peace who participated in the battle still remained in the courtyard. The police who arrived later were responsible for entering the mansion to maintain order. The ring warlock support team that came from the city comprehensively searched the manor and recorded

And destroy the ritual of "The Sixth Age - The Event of the Sun and the Moon God's Descendence in 1853", and by the way, pick off those strange blood-red flowers on the walls of the manor.

This is precious material.

Miss Iluna Bayas, a young girl with long brown hair, was in the courtyard with her companions, standing in front of the terrible "scar" that was still emitting silver light.

The moon marks almost extend from the entrance of the straight mansion to the fence gate of Lake View Manor, splitting the central axis of the entire manor, and the remaining power lingers for a long time. Even after half an hour, people still dare not directly

To touch the scratches on the ground.

Miss La Nina Green, who belongs to the Church of the Sun, is the first ten-ring warlock of the Church of the Righteous God to arrive at the manor. Wearing a long blue dress, she stood next to the glowing indentation in the ground, playing with "Mrs. Lasoya" after her death.

The dropped relic [Metamorphosis Ring], listening to the Ring Warlocks from the Church of the Sun tell what happened just now.

The long-brown Miss Iluna Bayas had no right to speak and could only listen to the captain, Mr. Robinson, and after the captain finished speaking, she added to the ten-ring sorceress of our church:

"I think I was the first person to notice him, but I didn't see his face or appearance. But I thought it must be a man. Before he jumped into the air, I noticed him coming from the banquet on the third floor.

The hall has come out."

She is very confident about this.

Miss Green smiled at her and nodded. After confirming that the team had no other clues, she lowered her head and looked at the traces of silver light on the ground.

"Is the other party strong?"

Miss Bayas pinched the hem of her skirt and asked uneasily.

"Judging from the remnants of his spirit, he is at least stronger than me."

Everyone present couldn't help but frown. In the Sixth Age, although there are not a handful of high-level warlocks above the tenth level, they are still very rare:

"Miss Green, who will it be?"

Team leader Robinson, a man who Shade thought was strong enough to kill him and little Mia with one punch, asked with a frown.

"It's impossible to confirm, but it won't be from the Orthodox Church, let alone from the Academy of Thaumaturgy. Those professors will not easily set foot in the Old World. We need to send letters to the three academies for confirmation. The other party may know who this is.

....How could it be such a coincidence that Mr. Sari Pilot, the iron right hand of the [Creation Church], just left Tobesk last week, and this happened immediately..."

The sorceress turned her head and looked aside. The team of ring warlocks from the Peace Church, who had also witnessed the scene just now, had also joined the eleven ring warlocks from the Peace Church.

The Eleven-ring Warlock of the Peace Church is an old man who looks older than Priest August. He has gray hair and wears the white robe of an ordinary clergyman. If you meet him by chance in the church, it would be difficult to believe that he has great power.

the power of:

"Mr. Modelo, what do you think?"

Miss Green asked. Mr. Modelo squatted down and directly touched the traces on the ground with his hand:

"Oh, this is really exciting!"

He immediately withdrew his hand, and then watched the silver brilliance on his cracked palm gradually fade:

"It's similar to your opinion...at least twelve rings, maybe thirteen. The opponent's life ring didn't show up when attacking, which means it was just a casual attack."

Everyone present could not help but take a breath of cold air, and the old warlock from the eleventh ring could not help but admire:

"It's really amazing. That gentleman probably knew from the beginning that [Mercury Blood] and the cultists planned to summon the evil god here. Not only did he get rid of the 'Heart Collector' that was not discovered by the church in advance, but he also hid in the dark to observe our environment.

The warlock team took action. After confirming that the church could not defeat the opponent and that the city's support could not arrive in time, they destroyed the ceremony alone on the third floor with extremely exquisite techniques, then casually wounded the person with silver eyes with a casual blow, and then left quietly...

...Which one from the New World has returned? Or, which twelve-ring warlock has been promoted?"

The old man's voice gradually became lower. He did not reach out anymore, but kept squatting and looked at the glowing soil and said:

"Perhaps we can use divination to seek enlightenment in the future, but tonight the evil god is coming, and the breath of God will disturb the traces of fate."

"The evil god..."

Miss Green looked up to the third floor of the mansion, where the "masked man under the silver moon" that everyone just pointed out appeared:

"But at least the other party is not a bad guy. He prevented the [Lord of the Blood Feast] from coming, and even attacked the silver-eyed man and his companions... The headless body found in the garden of Lakeview Manor dozens of minutes ago

, has been determined to be the 'Heart Collector' of [Mercury Blood]. The other party seems to be very familiar with [Mercury Blood], the movements of the cultists and our team, and tonight's action seems to be specifically targeting the Mercury Blood.

The operation is very efficient. Could it be that the reason for coming here is..."

She did not directly name the sage-level relic, but the eleventh-ring warlock Mr. Modro also understood what she meant:

"No matter what, I want to check the participants of this banquet and look for suspicious persons. I think there should be at least a list. I want to see if there are any correspondence magicians present this time. With the current situation, even if the guests are among the

There is a suspicious person who is proficient in divination and has an insider in the church, so he cannot escape. In addition, before we arrived and the silver-eyed man escaped, did anyone come down from the third floor of the mansion?"

He got the point.


Mr. Robinson, the leader of the Ring Warlock Team of the Church of the Sun, said, he took out a small notebook from his pocket and flipped through it:

"Not long ago, we checked the second and third floors. Only the guests who were trapped on the second floor left the mansion after the battle. Some of them had sensitive identities and used their reputations to guarantee that they and the accompanying servants were fine. We

After careful inspection, we confirmed that they are all ordinary people."

"Identity sensitive? Which member of the royal family is here tonight?"

Miss Green asked.

"Carina, Duchess of Cavendish, came to Tobesk from her fiefdom just a few weeks ago."

The ring magician of the Church of Peace replied that the group seemed to be at ease with the duchess, so they did not raise any doubts about the people accompanying her.

"Since he is suspected of being a thirteen-ring warlock, of course he won't be found so easily by us."

Miss Green said, looking at the three moons and twinkling stars above her head:

"Issuing a bounty order to the members of [Mercury Blood] and cultists who believe in [Lord of Blood Feast] all over the world, this matter cannot end like this. Although the 'Iron Right Hand' is not in this diocese for the time being, I think

The Church of the Five Gods can always temporarily dispatch another thirteen-ring warlock to come and completely deal with the cultists and [Mercury Blood]. As for that man..."

Miss Green hesitated for a moment, then Mr. Modelo of the Peace Church said:

"Using the code name of 'The Masked Man Under the Silver Moon', inform the Church of Dawn, Church of Nature and Church of Creation, who are not involved in this operation, about the identity of that person. Since the other party has prevented the evil god from coming, there is no need to regard him as an enemy for the time being.

You can maintain a wait-and-see attitude until the other party appears next time. However, Tobesk Diocese has been strictly investigating unidentified ring sorcerers from outside in recent months... Silver Moon, is it the twelve-ringed magician from the Witch Council?

‘The Great Witch of Silver Moon’ is here?”

He said, then stood up and shook his head:

"I'm really lost. Where are the men in the Witch Council?"

Miss Green mentioned the latest news:

"I just got information not long ago that those women are making moves in Tobesk Diocese."

"They are not the only ones who have been making moves in Tobesk recently. Moreover, don't you know what these people are doing?"

As Mr. Modelo spoke, he glanced at Iluna Bayas, who was standing aside and had no idea what the two of them were talking about.

"In short, the world is going to be in chaos again. What happened tonight is very likely to be the beginning of a series of things to come. How many years has it been since the evil god almost succeeded in coming?"

The old man said worriedly.

"Sir, why is there such chaos? Isn't it still a peaceful time?"

The young priest from the Ring Warlock Team of the Peace Church who had handed Shade a relief food leaflet asked cautiously.

Miss Green sighed:

"The great prophecy left by the Witch Emperors..."

She looked at the ignorant Miss Iluna Bayas from her church. The latter looked at her in surprise. Miss Green shook her head:

"No, it's just a prophecy. In short, people who believe in prophecies will gather in Tobesk City in the near future to complete the first section of "". There will be some strange guys in the city recently. I think, 'Under the Silver Moon

The masked man' was presumably attracted by the prophecy of the resurrection of the old god, and accidentally set his sights on the [Mercury Blood]. Twelve rings or even thirteen rings...who is it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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