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Chapter 878: The Value of Xia De

"Madam, I have no intention of criticizing your purpose. The pursuit of beauty is everyone's right...I noticed that you can understand my native language. Is this also the power of that god?"


This witch emperor seems to be very talkative:

"Wherever the God of the Lake [The Uncertain Wise Man] appears, people's wisdom and knowledge will be improved, and there will be no communication barriers. Of course, because of the fog in the Lost Lake, the improvement of wisdom is suppressed, so it is also

Only language proficiency matters."

The appearance of gods always changes certain rules in the area. The God of Lakes sounds more like the "God of Wisdom." If according to the conjecture that the power of the old gods all comes from the ancient gods, then "Lake God"

The power of "god" undoubtedly comes from the ancient god [Secret Keeper Mentor].

“I don’t think God can answer our questions as long as we come into His presence.”

Shade also pointed to the tower carefully:

"The evidence is that you set up the campfire here instead of going directly to the tower. Therefore, God should also give us a test. Only if you pass the test can you tell us those secrets."

Miss Violet nodded somewhat surprised:

"Yes, you are smarter than all the stupid men I know."

Because Shade has experienced too many similar things.

"What I want to express is that since there are three kinds of wisdom we want to explore, it is better to complete God's test together first, and then consider who can get that precious opportunity."

He glanced at Miss Theresa Schultz, a tenth grade student in Serkeses, and said softly:

"Ms. Violet Marshall, you are the strongest here, you don't have to worry about us playing tricks."

The great witch of the fifth era smiled and shook her head slightly:

"But the question is, why should I cooperate with you? I don't think you are of any value to me. Sir, my special gender alone is not enough for me to generously share this opportunity with you."

She was letting Shade show his worth.

"I see."

Shade nodded, put his hand into his pocket, and then "took out" a heavy cloth bag under the surprised eyes of the witches.

The cloth bag was placed on the ground, making the sound of glass bottles colliding with each other. The maid opened the backpack and found that it was really filled with glass bottles.

She took out one of them, pulled out the stopper and handed it to her master. Miss Violet poured the liquid into her palm and spread it evenly, then raised her head and looked at Shade:

"Holy Water No. 4?"


Shade said somewhat reservedly:

"This backpack contains undiluted No. 4 holy water puree."

Shade bought this from Priest Augustus. It cost a lot of souls to turn these holy water slurries into toys.

He thought that using this as his "ticket" to participate in this matter should be enough, but he did not expect that Miss Teresa shook her head at him in a subtle way.

Shade blinked in confusion, and then heard Miss Violet say:

"It's indeed a good thing. I often use No. 4 holy water to cleanse my face. When I was attacked last time, my clumsy maid lost my cosmetic bag, and now I have just enough to replenish it."

As she spoke, she looked at Shade with a smile.

"Oh, I actually forgot about the wealth of the Witch Emperors..."

Shade sighed in his heart, knowing that the supplies he had prepared for the adventure would probably not be able to reach the other party's eyes. Although history does not have much record of the living habits of Miss Violet Marshall, the witch emperors of this era,

But he can do the extravagant act of paving the way with gold.

Since ordinary matter is not worth mentioning to her, Shade thought for a moment and then said:

"I actually have some special powers. Over the years, I have visited the gods in order to know my own secrets."

"Special power? Show it."

Miss Violet made a gesture of invitation, and Miss Theresa, who was also sitting by the campfire, also looked at Shade curiously.

Shade nodded, no life ring appeared, but the use of large-scale thaumaturgy had begun to consume the spirit rapidly.

He sat there with a straight face, but nothing happened for a while. Just when Miss Teresa was confused, she saw the Witch Emperor suddenly looking up to the sky.

Snow, scattered snowflakes fell without warning from the thick fog above the head. The maids who were repairing the damaged warning ceremony noticed the falling snow around them, curiously reached out to touch the snowflakes, and then quietly looked at the man beside the bonfire.

This snowflake actually did not melt by the bonfire until it fell into Miss Violet's palm and melted into transparent water.

"This is......"

Miss Teresa thought for a while and then asked incredulously:

"Mystery lock?"

"Yes, Mysuo."

Miss Violet nodded and continued to touch the snowflakes with her palms with a smile on her face:

"Teresa, it seems that the level of higher education in Serkses has remained good in the years since I graduated. Yes, it's a mystery lock, and it's a very special compound type mystery lock. It's really rare for different traits to appear in one person.

The mythos are incredible, and the themes of the different mythos he owns are almost the same, just like... different chapters of a story."

Now it was Shade's turn to be surprised. This was the first time that someone could see the special characteristics of his three current mystery locks:

"Have you seen anything similar?"

"Of course not, but there are similar records in the library of St. Byrons Comprehensive College."

The witch nodded, and Shade asked again:

"So am I qualified?"

"Yes, passed."

Miss Violet had a smile on her face and clapped her hands to shake off the snow on her palms. Although they were both complete rulers of the same region, they were different from Lesia's father Larus III whom Shade had met.

Miss Arlett can even be said to be quite amiable:

"What an interesting man... Maybe you can try to please me. Maybe I will finally give you the opportunity to seek wisdom from God and see how you can break through the witch's curse."

She looked at Shade with a strange expression. This look was very familiar to Shade. It was the same look that Miss Carina had when she first wanted to treat him as a collection.

Of course, even if Miss Violet gives up the opportunity to Shade, Shade can't take it.

The Lost Lake where everyone is currently located is the same as the Hope Town, Night Manor and other strange areas that Shade has experienced. This area still has the power of chaotic time.

Although it seems that the quality of life of the group is not bad, in fact, these eight ladies have no idea how long they have been here. They can still maintain their dignity at this time simply because they carry a lot of supplies.

Except for those terrifying entities that occasionally appear in the fog, the island in the middle of the lake itself is not a safe place. On this small island that can be seen almost at a glance, there lives in a black metal tower a god who briefly came to the material world.

, while all other locations on the island in the center of the lake are covered by the 'Fog of Lost'.

Under normal circumstances, once you come into contact with these fogs, you will be completely disoriented. You can obviously see the entire island at a glance, but you can't reach the destination you want to contact anyway.

If you stay in the fog for too long, it will also cause your own "atomization", which is a special erosion state that spreads from the skin to the epidermis. As your thoughts become stagnant and your senses become numb, if you stay here, you will eventually completely melt into the fog.


Miss Violet, Miss Theresa and the six maids serving the Witch Emperor were able to stay here thanks to the bonfire in front of them. But unlike the flames containing the power of the sun used by the founders of St. Byrons,

The difference is that the flame in front of me at this moment is essentially the Witch Emperor's mysterious lock "Sea of ​​Fire in the Heart".

The "Lost Lake" area has considerable restrictions on space-based thaumaturgy. The fourth-level Shade can even use the mystery lock to call out the Silver Moon in the outside world, but at this time he can only call out snowflakes like the first-level one. As for the thirteenth-level

Witches and mythos can only become as small as this in the end.

Relying on this flame, the Witch Emperor Violet Marshall and her six maids first came to the island in the middle of the lake, followed by Miss Theresa who came for her graduation thesis, so when Shade appeared, Miss Violet

Only then will he say, "Here comes another one."

"Ladies, have you already met the god?"

Now that the cooperation matters were discussed, Xia De continued to ask about the current situation.

"Before you came, we were preparing to set off. Although it seems that there are no obstacles in front of us, there is only one correct way to go to the tower where the gods are without losing our way. This road is unstable and will keep changing.

Even for me, it takes a long time to pinpoint its location."

Miss Violet said:

"Moreover, to meet a saint, you need to be fully prepared. Even if the other person is a good god, the existence of the god itself will have an impact on us."

She pointed to her maids:

"Don't think that I bring so many servants with me when I go out to prevent my quality of life from deteriorating too much... This is also part of the reason. In short, after we leave, someone needs to be here to take care of the campfire to ensure that we

There is still a safe camp to return to. The original plan was for Teresa and I to go to meet the gods. So sir, do you want to go too? I need to remind you that no matter how miraculous you appear, the power of God is not

Because you are a special man, it will not affect you."

"I'll go with you."

Shade nodded, stretched out his hand and pressed his chest. Without divinity on his body, he could not stand in front of the gods for a long time with only the afterglow and first fire. But fortunately, this time there was the Witch Emperor to support him.

Front. Although Miss Violet Marshall is far inferior to Miss Feliana from the Forest of a Thousand Trees period, she is stronger than Miss Olanode, the librarian from the Silent Valley period.

The three witches are all thirteenth level, but there is a difference between the thirteenth level and the thirteenth level.


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