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Chapter 89 Shade and the Diviner

 "You...want to save the world?"

The moonlight illuminated the city, and the carriage moved forward slowly in the dark night of Tobesk. Shade looked at the hand.

"No, I just want to ensure that the world will not be destroyed because of this. This sounds ridiculous, and it is not what a three-ring warlock like me should care about, but I have seen it, and I have seen that the survival of the world will be maintained in the final stage.

Among the chosen ones in front of the door, all thirteen are present, or some are present, or even only one is present, which will lead to different results. Only when I see them can I know the optimal choice."

Shade looked into the purple eyes for a moment, then reached out and held the woman's hand. A smile appeared on the latter's lips, but when he wanted to withdraw his hand, he found that Shade would not let go. Of course, he did not mean to take advantage.

, Shade’s voice was very low:

"This kind of major event that affects the entire world, even if I don't want to participate, will be affected sooner or later. I am willing to go with you to witness and find the thirteen chosen ones, guide or help them. But as the basis of cooperation, I want us to

Trust between each other should be established first."

The path to the sublimation of the twelve divinities he wants to take requires the absorption of divinity, which requires dealing with evil gods or dangerous relics of old gods. Therefore, taking the initiative to contact the thirteen chosen ones who are destined to be troubled will actually help Shade continue.

Find divinity.

He grasped the fortune teller's soft hand tightly and looked into Miss Anat's purple eyes:

"I can understand the meaning of any words, any words. But I can read and understand, but I can't speak or write."

Miss Anat's eyes flickered:

"I see. Then I, at a very heavy price, can make almost error-free predictions. So far, I have only made a big mistake in one thing. I originally thought that our team would only have four people, but

You appeared. You only have one link, but I still invite you. It is for this reason that you are the only person in this world who is definitely not the chosen one. I don’t have to worry about you knowing too many secrets of the chosen one from me.

, thereby disrupting my observation of the future."

Shade nodded slightly, and then let go of the fortune teller's hand. The latter moved his wrist and joked:

"Is this how you always treat ladies?"

"Sorry, this is indeed a bit rude. But back to the topic of Miss Bayas, since we want to cooperate, you should tell me some information."

As Shade spoke, he did not explain the reason why he understood all languages, and Miss Anat did not mention the reason why she could make accurate predictions. This was considered a tacit understanding.

"Iluna Beas, the second-ring sorceress of the Church of the Sun. She is the first chosen one in the "Prophecy" and represents the power of [balance]. Regarding her identity, for the time being, only the Church of the Sun and you

I know. Of course, I know this secret because of my prophecy."


Shade was trying to figure out the meaning of the word, while Mia had fallen asleep lying down next to him.

Then he asked:

"Then, how many people know about the matter with the Chosen One?"

"The complete content of "" is not in the hands of anyone. The Church of the Five Gods and the three thaumaturgy academies must know it. Some ancient organizations such as the "Blood Spirit School" and the "Prophet Association" where I belong must also know it.

The relics of the witch with poems written on them are controlled by different forces. Regarding the first chosen person, the Church of the Sun knows the most. What’s even more coincidental is that Bayas actually took the initiative to join the Church of the Sun before the church found her.

Warlock team. Maybe the sun god is really protecting his followers."

Shade nodded and let out a sigh of relief:

"So what's the plan now? You're going to contact the first chosen one, Miss Bayas. What specific actions are you going to take? Do you need my help?"

Miss Anat smiled:

"Detective, I don't need your help for the time being. In fact, we have already had contact. I had a chance encounter with Iluna Bayas. When she went to the market outside the city, I pretended to be an ordinary prophet and helped

She solved some doubts. I think she will come to me again soon, and I will help her as a 'mysterious prophet'. I will not reveal my identity until she confirms that I am a ring warlock.

To cooperate.”

"This is a good plan."

Shade praised that this not only established a connection between the two parties, but also made Miss Bayas feel in awe of Miss Anat.

"Wait until I reveal my identity to her before I introduce you to her. Detective, you must not get involved in this matter. My plan is already very detailed. And you are too... not strong. Your current

The main job is to improve your own strength. After you have the power to control yourself, I will probably need your help with many things."

This arrangement makes sense. Shade does not need to participate in Miss Anat's complete plan, and he still needs time to study. Although the Lakeview Manor incident was theoretically solved by him, in fact it was just

Unrepeatable good luck. Miss Anat's plan will definitely involve a struggle between ring magicians, and Shade is not suitable to join rashly now.

"What if the other party takes the initiative to contact me?"

Shade asked back. Miss Anat obviously didn't believe such a thing existed, but she still replied:

"Then play your role as an ordinary detective. Before my plan is completed, don't let Miss Bayas know that you are a ring warlock. This will disrupt my clever plan and increase your danger. Also,

Speaking of which, can you still use the power of the thirteen-ring warlock? If it’s inconvenient, you don’t have to answer.”

Shade knew that the other party was not prying into his secrets, but wanted to know their trump cards.

He nodded:

"Yes, but the conditions are harsh and dangerous."

But it is also very powerful, even comparable to gods.

Miss Anat nodded slightly in understanding:

"That's good. In this way, at least the worst case scenario can be avoided. But don't worry, I will be mainly responsible for contact with the first chosen person. I am not an ordinary three-ring warlock."

"hope so."

"One more thing. Sorry."

She looked at Shade.


Shade said puzzledly.

"I took you to the third floor of the Lakeview Manor Mansion, and promised not to put you in danger, but in the end you were forced to face the evil god. Although this can be used to prevaricate, I didn't expect it, but I won't

I did this. I'm sorry to put you in danger, this is the biggest mistake I made at Lakeview Manor. Detective, I will find an opportunity to make it up to you."

"Don't worry about that. I went with you voluntarily. And if it wasn't like this, I...who could have predicted everything? Your prophecy requires a price, and it's impossible to pay for everything.

Divination is done on everything, especially if it involves gods."

Shade said, he listened to the voice of the female fortune teller with short brown hair, hugged the sleeping Mia, and looked out of the carriage window.

The misty city has entered a slumber, and the three moons under the silent night sky have illuminated the earth unchanged for thousands of years, but they cannot illuminate every shadow.

The Chosen One, the Witch Emperor's great prophecy, are all protagonists in the changing times. But the outsiders don't know what role they will play in the next story, nor what the future will hold.

But in short, he understood some things, understood some things, and had his own friends. Only when he saw this quiet night at this moment did he really feel that he was here.

"say something."

He said in his heart.

【What do you want to hear?】

"It doesn't matter, just say something."

He looked at the night view of this steam city and heard the woman's chuckle amidst the sound of horse hooves:

[Sixth Era, Universal Calendar 1853, summer. In the wind blowing through the city, you officially understand the world. After the blood feast that greets you, the first protagonist of the story is about to appear. When the golden scale symbolizes balance

When it begins to skew, there is always someone responsible for adding weight. You have foreseen the magnificent epic and the steam era in the great changes. You are forced to be involved in it, walking through the long scroll of the times in the rhythm of horse hooves, will you take any action?


The stranger tilted his head and looked out the window at the bright moon. Miss Anat looked at Shade with her purple eyes. The orange cat, who squinted his eyes and pretended to be asleep, looked at Miss Anat. The moonlight shone on the orange cat from the car window.

It was a really quiet night.

This chapter has been completed!
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