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Chapter 939 The Unknown Chosen One

Early on Saturday morning, the gloomy sky seemed to be snowing again. The purple-eyed girl walked through the cold mist of the winter morning, tightened her collar wrapped in a scarf, and walked briskly at 7:30 in the morning.

Appeared in Saint Teresa Square.

Brown ladies' boots stepped on the ground of the square. Luvia turned her head and looked at the center of the square. It was winter now, and most of the pigeons in the square that Xiao Mia often spied on had left the city to spend the winter further south.

There were only a few children selling newspapers in the square now, waiting for passers-by. The children selling newspapers on the street could accurately identify who the guests were, so they did not approach Luvia.

Luvia, who was holding her handbag, paused at the steps in front of Shade's house. She looked up at the bedroom window on the second floor. Seeing that the curtains had been opened, she knew that Shade must have woken up. She hummed in a good mood.

Tune, found the key to Shade's house from her handbag, opened the door and walked in naturally.

She closed the door, tilted her head and looked up the stairs, and then deliberately made some noise while going up the stairs. Even if Shade couldn't hear it, Luvia believed that the keen cat would definitely hear it.

But when she arrived on the second floor and entered Room 1, and was about to say hello to Shade, she realized that sitting in the restaurant was a beautiful lady she had never seen before.

At first glance, she seemed very mature, but when she took a closer look at her beautiful, non-human face, Luvia realized that she was definitely younger than herself.

Miss Sylvia, with a lazy morning expression, was holding a teacup in her left hand at the dining table and reading the newspaper in her right hand. The second page of the newspaper showed news that the Queen and Princess Margaret were watching an opera at the Opera House.

Hearing the sound of people going up the stairs, the lady with short black shawl hair turned around. She had never seen Luvia before, but since the other person had the key, he must be someone familiar to Shade:

"Good morning, madam, I am Emma Sylvia, a scholar."

The big witch introduced herself.

Only then did Luvia understand the identity of the other party. Although she was very curious that the other party appeared here so early, she also introduced herself:

"Good morning, madam, I am Luvia Anat, working in the Prophet's Association. I am Shade's friend."

She placed her handbag on the coffee table and then walked into the restaurant.

Mia lazily licked the goat's milk, and her furry pointed ears seemed translucent in the faint morning light. She turned to Luvia and said hello with a "meow~", and then continued to eat breakfast.

Luvia still didn't see Shade, she also sat at the dining table, and the two ladies didn't have any more conversations after that.

A few minutes later, Shade came out of the study with Miss Sylvia's notebook:

"Miss Sylvia, I have finished copying your notes. Then, Luvia, good morning, have you had breakfast?"

Miss Sylvia did not stay here long. She took back her notebook and finished her tea before saying goodbye and leaving. Shade sent her downstairs and waited until the carriage to pick her up arrived before going upstairs again.

At this time, Luvia had already sat on the sofa with the well-fed cat in her arms, but little Mia was unwilling to be held by Luvia. She liked to "walk" at home after having a full breakfast. This cat did not like it at home.

You're lazy, otherwise you wouldn't always maintain a cute figure.

"This witch, did you spend the night at your place last night?"

Luvia asked after Shade came up from the stairs.

"Yes, we were discussing the paper last night, and we discussed it all night long. Oh, and there is also the power of space. Miss Sylvia can also [Large Jump]. She thinks that the range of my thaumaturgy has increased.

Rare, but not something that never happens."

"If someone else said this, I would definitely not believe it, but I do believe it if you say it."

The purple-eyed girl couldn't hide her smile. She knew Shade very well:

"Have you finished writing your thesis? Tomorrow is Sunday, aren't you going to leave again?"

"We discussed it until two o'clock in the morning last night and then completed the final draft."

Shade yawned and sat on the sofa with a teapot:

"Because it was too late, I asked Miss Sylvia to spend the night in the guest room on the first floor. I treated her to breakfast this morning as a thank you."

The reason why Miss Sylvia was not allowed to sleep on her side on the second floor was because the Great Witch was also an unmarried woman, and it would not be okay to spend the night in the same house with a strange man. But if she slept on the first floor, there would be no such problem.

"Louvia, come to me so early, is there any big news? You have found the 'invisible man'?"

"How can it be?"

Luvia shook her head and finally let Mia go. Mia hurriedly ran away from the sofa, not even looking for Shade, for fear of being caught again:

"I saw the Miss Paavo you were talking about."

Shade was startled and stopped pouring tea:

"The Sixth Ring Warlock of the Truth Society? Have you really found her? Luvia, although I know that your divination is very good, your action this time is a bit too fast."

"At the banquet at Lakeview Manor, she claimed to be Mary Witte, the daughter of Viscount Witte. Viscount Witte is real. There must be a reason why the sorceress mentioned this nobleman. So I used Viscount Witte as a clue to investigate and found out

He was injured in a fall from a horse this spring, but after treatment, he was not paralyzed."

The purple-eyed girl asked Xia De, then reached out and picked up the tea cup and toasted to Xia De:

"Guess what happened?"

"The Truth Society?"

"Yes, the connection between the Witte family and the Truth Society appeared at least three generations ago. Although Viscount Witte is not well-known locally, he is still a nobleman of Tobesk, so he provides information for the Truth Society's actions in the Tobesk area.

It was a great help. I did not disturb them, but based on my own divination and some clue analysis, I saw the lady in the city yesterday evening."

"Is she the chosen one?"

As long as Luvia sees the chosen ones, she can immediately identify them. This is her unique ability.


Luvia shook her head slightly, while Shade was a little disappointed. He originally thought that Miss Pavo, who believed that mathematics would never make mistakes, was the chosen one:

"If you're not the chosen one, then are you the lower-ranked candidate?"

Shade asked again. During the Fort Midhill incident, Luvia had met Priest Augustus at the Sikal Hotel through the [Traveler's Travel Gate], thus confirming that the priest was a candidate for the Chosen One of Death.


"Not sure yet."

Luvia still shook her head:

"I have known Priest Augustus for so many years, and I can only determine his identity just before the ceremony of the chosen one is about to take place. The chosen one of wisdom and knowledge has not yet officially appeared, and there is no trace of the ceremony of the chosen one. At present,

I can only judge the identity of the first candidate for 'Wisdom and Knowledge', and I need to keep watching."

Shade nodded:

"Actually, it doesn't make much sense to pay too much attention to the candidates who are not the first in the order. Joeyin Patton was disqualified, but he experienced countless coincidences that are impossible to replicate. In addition, he himself is not very familiar with the position of the candidates.

The qualification was transferred to the second Sister Devlin. But even so, Qiaoyin Barton did not die. His identity as the chosen one was stripped away by death itself. Even after he failed, the following three

None of the candidates are willing to take this qualification. Judging from this situation, it is not easier to disqualify the first candidate than to directly kill the chosen person."

Listening to Shade's summary, Luvia nodded thoughtfully:

"The bad news is that it is difficult for us to change the epic of the Sixth Age predicted by the Psalms; the good news is that the epic of "" can be shifted."

"Just like your dream, after the Battle of Fort Midhill, the dream you mentioned without me existed."

Shade said, and then carefully observed Luvia's expression, but unfortunately Luvia had no reaction:

"However, when I saw her at Madam Wanda's Clothing Store yesterday evening, my 'other self' told me that Miss Pavo was extremely dangerous and asked me not to get close to her easily."

"But she couldn't even beat Tifa. If I didn't want to be unconscious in Lakeview Manor again, but tried my best to throw the second thunder gun, I would probably let her sleep on Lake Schluch on Tuesday night."

Shade was not bragging. At that time, he was in a state of "divine overflow" after absorbing divinity, and could be called the strongest mortal in the material world.

"She may only have six rings, but the book in her hand is very problematic. That is"

Luvia hesitated:

"Angel-level relic (level 1) "Smallwell's Code", that book originated from the second era and was written by a crazy mathematician. According to legend, the madman finally exploded into a pile of mathematical symbols, which really made

It has also become a number. Angel-level relics must not be underestimated. In the hands of the right person, the effect that that book can play is even more terrifying than a level 0 relic."

"It's amazing that you can actually identify what kind of relic it is and also know the story of the Second Age."

Shade sighed.

He asked many people about the big silver book, but not even the two witches or the old gentlemen of the Guiding Light Hermitage knew the origin of the book.

[Perhaps, it was her "other self" who recognized what it was. 】

"Her" voice sounded in his ears, and "she" seemed to be guiding Shade to explore Luvia's secret. But since Luvia didn't want to tell, he wouldn't ask, as if Luvia never asked him.

There are many doubts about him.

"Since Miss Paavo of the Truth Society is not the first candidate for the election, we don't need to pay attention to her for the time being."

"Yes, we have to wait for the next 'Secret Keeper' to appear, and then compare the next list with the list at Lakeview Manor."

"Tonight I asked Princess Lesia for a list of guests, but the list is very long, and the church hasn't checked everyone yet."

Shade suggested, Luvia nodded:

"Now that the princess is mentioned, you see, I said that it will be good for our cause if you get closer to the princess. If Yin Luna is always asked to get information about this kind of information, sooner or later she will become annoying.


Glancing at Shade, the purple-eyed girl hummed, then looked out the window at the gloomy winter sky:

"Knight, I'm not complaining about you. I said I knew you would do this. But don't forget what we are doing. Every decision we make may really affect the world for millions in the future.

This is a huge responsibility. How will people in the future evaluate us?"

This chapter has been completed!
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