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Chapter 976 Dice Stories Collection


"What's wrong?"

On the bright and warm second floor of the Prophet's Association, Princess Margaret asked Shade curiously.

She was sitting with Shade, Lesia, Princess Agelina, Sir Prisha, and Miss Eva Swift, a local poet from Carsonlik, listening to Shade telling his detective story.

At this time, the salon was entering a lively moment. People gathered with familiar guests to discuss topics of interest, and from time to time there would be compliments and applause.

Shade was just telling the story of how he helped Mr. Hank solve the "haunted night" story, and suddenly he was startled and turned to look out the window.

Lesia picked up the tea cup and hid her worried expression. Others didn't know what happened to Shade. The night outside the window was still calm. The Prophet Association knew what might happen outside tonight, and of course it would not let these distinguished people

The guests noticed something strange outside.

But Xia De was different. He was quite familiar with Yin Luna's "Sunshine Gun", so he immediately knew through "her" that Yin Luna seemed to be fighting with others outside.

"Nothing. I just mentioned that I was going to investigate Mr. Hank's friends, so I suddenly remembered that I didn't turn off the gas light when I went out."

Shade said embarrassedly:

"But it doesn't matter, let's continue telling the story. This story will probably be published in the newspaper by Miss Louisa in the middle of next month. This is definitely not the weirdest case in my detective career, but it is also quite interesting.

Mr. Hank's friends are spread out over "

He was telling his story, but he felt quite uneasy in his heart. Because they were far apart, he could only rely on his familiarity with Yin Luna to know that she was fighting with others, but Xia De really couldn't guess what was going on outside.


"It shouldn't be that [Jack Thief] has appeared. Yin Luna will not directly use [Sunshine Gun] to deal with that thief who becomes stronger when faced with a strong one."

He felt uneasy, so after finishing the story, he once again excused himself to go to the bathroom:

"I guess I shouldn't drink so much black tea this afternoon."

Shade said very apologetically, stood up and walked towards the door.

Although Shade was not here, people were still happy to continue the discussion. Princess Lesia held the "Hamilton Detective Stories" and said with some regret:

"I did invite Miss Louisa, but it's a pity that the lady has something to do and can't come."

"Your Highness, I heard that Miss Louisa and Mr. Hamilton are very good friends. I wonder if this is true?"

The female writer Carsonrick, who had met Shade and Dorothy at different banquets several times, asked with a smile. Lecia shook her head slightly:

"Mr. Hamilton and I are not particularly familiar."

When she said this, her eyes wandered for a moment, and the little princess beside her tried not to make a strange expression.

"But it is said that he has a wide range of friends, whether they are aristocratic businessmen, professors, shopkeepers, or poor people in the lower town. They are all his friends. I think because of the source of the material, Miss Louisa should have a good relationship with Detective Hamilton


"I heard of Mr. Hamilton's reputation at Carson Creek."

Sir Prisha said, and pretended to glance at the door:

"I'm not speaking ill of others behind their backs. This should be regarded as a compliment. It is said that the Hamilton Knight is very popular with girls. I chatted with this young gentleman before the salon started. He is indeed as knowledgeable as the rumors say.

He is a man of many talents, and can even be called a wise man. If during the process of collecting materials, Miss Louisa became attached to the knights for this reason, we would not be surprised. This is a normal thing."

"Yes, Mr. Hamilton's appearance pleases the girls."

The little princess said, Sir Pricia nodded in agreement with this view, Lesia wanted to laugh but couldn't. Only Princess Margaret held the wine glass and showed a thoughtful expression.

Now that we know that Shade is a correspondence magician from St. Byrons, we have reason to suspect that everyone around him may be correspondence students in the same group. Margaret Anjou has no idea about Shade's secret.

Coveted, just curious about Sha De's life.

Everyone in the salon is enjoying tonight's time. The literary salon attended by young ladies and gentlemen of the upper class can make everyone feel comfortable even if it is just to kill time, because it is a symbol of status.

And in the next second that no one expected, the sound of breaking glass suddenly broke the atmosphere of the literary salon. When the cold wind outside blew into the room from the completely broken windows, the people who were talking and laughing all shut up.

On the mouth.

A middle-aged gentleman wearing a black formal suit and holding a civilized stick jumped down from the window sill lightly in leather boots. Behind him, a young man in a short shirt, covering his left arm, also climbed into the room tremblingly:

"Professor Ance, maybe you can fly slower next time."

"right here."

Professor Angs seemed to have anticipated the situation in the room, and smiled and said to the people who looked at him:

"Except for Margaret Anjou, Agelina Cavendish, Nasser Cavendish and Lesia Cavendish, please go to bed!"

The power of the spell was transmitted to the room with the sound, and ordinary people who were unprepared fell down on the carpet or sofa in an instant. Fortunately, the carpet and sofa were soft enough, so no one was injured.

The three princesses immediately stood up, and Lesiya protected Agelina behind her. As for Prince Nasser, he just went out to the bathroom and has not come back yet.

Lecia and Princess Margaret frowned and hesitated whether to take action, but at this moment the door was knocked open, and all eight members of the Circle Warlock team from the Creation Church who had been ambushing next door broke in.

At the same time, Yin Luna quickly rushed into the room from the window. Behind him, Miss Green, the ten-ring warlock of the Church of the Sun, the eleventh-ring warlock of the Peace Church, and Mr. Modelo, who was wearing a white clergy robe, also

He "walked" in through the window.

Eight people at the window and three at the door surrounded Professor Anse and the cultists. The former raised his eyebrows, took off his white gloves and said with a smile:

"It seems to be exactly the same as Miss Pavo's plan."

He looked around at everyone present and snapped his fingers gracefully. Before the church's magicians took action, the cultists who followed him who believed in Mr. Doom had already thrown the dice in their hands.

"Stop him!"

But it was too late. The whispering elements of angelic relics spread around, and an invisible barrier completely isolated this room from the normal world. All the lights in the room were extinguished at this moment, but the next second, a white skylight shone in

The side of the cultist who rolled the dice.

A stable beam of light illuminates the square stone table, with a chair on each side of the table in the north, south, south, and south directions.

Everyone stood in the darkness. The silent silence was not because they didn't mean to speak, but because they had temporarily lost the ability to make a sound.

Professor Anse from the Truth Society walked out of the darkness, came to the white skylight, and sat on the east side of the table. The cultist "Mr. Fortune" sat on the north side, covering his arms.

People were moving in the darkness. Miss Green stood in front of the three princesses and used magic to protect them. Mr. Modelo used gestures to remind people not to stay away from that beam of light, but in fact no one would do so. It was so terrifying.

There seemed to be a terrifying giant beast peering at them in the depths of darkness, and they could only feel at ease by staying around that beam of light.

The whispering elements are mainly concentrated in the light and the darkness further away, otherwise Princess Margaret and Lesia would still have to consider whether to faint in time.

The "Professor" who was already seated knocked on the table and said to the church's ring magicians:

"Angel-level relics, [Collection of Dice Stories]. Based on the current scene, a most realistic game is generated to tell a magical adventure story. Three players can participate in this story and each choose their own 'protagonist' to go into reality.

Adventure. By the way, after all the players sit down, the narrator of the story will appear, who calls himself the 'Keeper of Secrets'. Yes, gentlemen and ladies, according to our investigation, this relic is related to the wise and wise man.

It is related to the ancient god of knowledge. Winning this game can be regarded as completing a trial of the secret keeper."

"Are you crazy? Taking the initiative to involve the fate of the chosen ones?"

Although she knew the madness of the [Truth Society], Miss Green still scolded in a low voice.

The secret keeper's request is "the power related to the ancient god [Secret Keeper Mentor]", so in addition to the relics that appear naturally, reusing the relics that have been contained can also be regarded as meeting the requirements of the poem. But the church did not do this. On the one hand

This is because it is not certain whether there are undiscovered fragments of poems that prohibit this. On the one hand, it is because the fate of the chosen ones cannot be easily touched. If the secret keeper trial is actively started in a deliberate way, big problems will definitely occur.



Professor Angs smiled and shook his head:

"It is indeed crazy, but Miss Paavo believes that no matter what the result is, it is a quite successful experiment. Although this gentleman and I took a lot of risks, such an experiment will definitely have results, won't it?

But it is a very valuable attempt, we never do anything meaningless. And if you are really lucky, you can get two pieces of wise man's pyroxene at once tonight."

The cultist sitting next to him muttered "crazy" in a low voice, but no one paid him any attention.

"By the way, if it weren't for the fact that opening this relic requires the existence of mutually hostile game players, I wouldn't be here. There is still another slot, who wants to participate?"

He looked at everyone present:

"Also, there is no need to worry about anyone disturbing us. While this relic is open, no one will notice what is happening here, and everyone will temporarily ignore us. This space is completely isolated from the outside world, and the game is not over.

It hurts us, the game participants, who are sitting down. You see, I also invited three princesses and a prince."

"Professor" glanced at everyone present and raised his eyebrows:

"It is a pity that His Royal Highness the young prince is not here, but the princesses are very lucky to be able to watch the most authentic story that we have participated in and influenced. The royal family members are aware of the existence of the Ring Warlock, so this does not violate the Official Secrets Act.


"Oh, you just want to take hostages."

Yin Luna's voice interrupted his words. As she walked towards the square table under the beam of light, the team that created the Church, led by the bearded man, also came closer. The high-level warlocks were testing the boundaries of this space, and then

Sure enough, I found that I couldn't leave. The walls and windows still existed, but they were unable to connect to the outside world.

"Want to join this damn game?"

Yin Luna asked Miss Xiang Green that they both belonged to the Church of the Sun, and Yin Luna was also used to following the arrangements of high-level warlocks.

"I want to protect the three princesses, so I won't participate. And you have higher rights to move freely outside, so you decide."

Miss Green said that among the three princesses behind her who were protected by the Holy Emblem, the elder two had their own thoughts.

Yin Luna looked at Mr. Modelo again, who also said:

"You decide. The [Dark Realm] some time ago also had the power to make people ignore a certain space, but wasn't it also noticed that something was wrong afterwards?"

Professor Angs would not comment on this.

Yin Luna looked at the team that created the church. The bearded captain shook his head slightly:

"My command authority is the lowest among us. It's up to you to decide."

Yin Luna finally looked at the three princesses. The princesses stood together and looked "panicked" at the scene in front of them, with people sleeping beside them.

"Your Highnesses, please come closer. According to the Official Secrets Act, the church will protect the safety of the royal family. You may need to drink some holy water."

After saying that, Yin Luna nodded to Miss Green and Mr. Modelo. She walked around to the south side of the square table under the beam of light, and then sat on the stool.

This chapter has been completed!
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