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Chapter 1292 The Late Stage of the Great Sage

 A piece of divine crystal surges out with streams of rich and pure power essence.

Wang Teng's whole body was glowing, like a god sitting cross-legged. The ancient gods and demons in his body were running wildly, refining and absorbing the power essence pouring out of the divine crystals, and transforming them into streams of high-quality mana, making

His sea of ​​mana becomes more and more vast, full and surging.

With the help of these divine crystals, Wang Teng's cultivation also began to improve rapidly.

But other places in the Land of the Meteor God have now been completely reduced to life restricted areas, and everywhere is filled with dangerous mysterious mist.

Those powerful men from various forces who broke into the Land of the Meteor God before, were either hunted by those powerful men from the era of emperors who emerged from the cracks in the abyss, or were attacked by the mysterious mist.

In the volume, except for a few people who escaped early, almost all of them were destroyed in this land of the fallen god. ??

At this moment, the Land of the Fallen God seemed to have truly become a complete restricted area of ​​life.

But the outside world was already in a state of shock at this moment.

What happened in the Land of the Meteor God has long been spread to the outside world, setting off an extremely violent storm in the Eastern Wasteland.

The strong men from the era of emperors reappeared in the Land of the Fallen God!

Moreover, the aura brand of the Great Emperor actually appeared in the Land of Meteor God.

This matter is of too great significance to the outside world.

Everyone knows how glorious and dazzling the era of emperors was millions of years ago.

Geniuses are like the sandy sea of ​​the Ganges, emperors are as numerous as ox hair, walking all over the world, and there are even many emperors and kings standing tall.

In that era, not only were there many strong people, but the rules and order mastered by the strong people in that era were also more powerful, and their strength was generally much more tyrannical than those in the same realm at that time.

Now, the powerful man from the era of emperors has reappeared. Will one day the era of emperors also return?

>Will the great emperor and the emperor of heaven, who disappeared in the past, return?

There is no doubt that when the news about the possible return of the Emperors Era reached the Eastern Wasteland, it immediately caused an uproar.

Immediately, countless top forces, including the three ancient forces, sent out strong men one after another to further explore the Land of the Fallen God and try to see if they could awaken these strong men from the era of emperors who had lost their gods!

Because, in the era of emperors, many powerful people were buried in this land of the fallen gods, including the powerful people from their own forces.

Those people can be said to be their ancestors or ancestors.

If they can be awakened and brought back, it will definitely be a great joy for their respective forces, which can instantly make their respective forces stronger and stronger.

But now, only the major forces in the Eastern Wasteland know the news.

Such as Nanling, Zhongzhou, Xitu, Beiming and other major regions, the news has not yet been conveyed.

At this moment, if the major forces in the Eastern Barren can awaken the powerful men from the Emperor Era of their own forces first, then the Eastern Barren can take advantage of this natural change!

And apart from this.

The story that Wang Teng suppressed the saints and saints from all forces in the Land of the Fallen God, and also destroyed many top forces, including many powerful men including the three ancient forces in the Eastern Wasteland, has long been spread.

In addition, news about the "birth of gods" that occurred in the Sea of ​​Death was also leaked. It was rumored by the outside world that the "gods" and "true dragons" that appeared in the Sea of ​​Death in the past were just Wang Teng and his

A sixth-order peak puppet dragon controlled by him.

The news spread, causing

Donghuang suddenly became more lively.


All the top forces in the Eastern Plains Region have once again sent strong men to guard the surroundings of the Land of Meteor God.

One is to awaken the powerful men from the era of emperors in his own force, and the other is to kill Wang Teng!

Because the powerful men of the three ancient forces calculated that Wang Teng was alive and well.

Qi Ming, a strong man from the ancient Qi family, had already arrived at the place where the Land of the Fallen God was located long before the powerful emperors appeared.

But when he just broke into the outer area, something happened in the Land of Meteor God. Powerful men from the era of emperors appeared. After that, the aura brand of the great emperor appeared. The mysterious mist that followed shocked him.


At this moment, Qi Ming, several other elders from the Qi family, and powerful men from other forces were standing outside the Land of the Meteor God. Looking at the mysterious mist surging in the Land of the Meteor God, even in the outer areas, they couldn't help but feel...

They all frowned.

"This mist is strange and powerful, sealing off the entire Land of Meteor God. Even a quasi-emperor realm practitioner cannot survive within ten breaths. Is Wang Teng really still alive?"

Qi Ming frowned deeply, feeling very suspicious about this.

However, there was an emperor-level expert in the clan who personally calculated Wang Teng's life signs, and his vitality was so strong that even though he had doubts in his heart, he had to believe it.

"Suppressing Wang Teng is a trivial matter, but it's just incidental. Now that the powerful men from the era of emperors have appeared in the land of the fallen gods, our main task at the moment should be to find a way to awaken our Qi family who broke into this land of fallen gods during the era of emperors.

Ancestors of God’s Land!”

Another elder from the Qi family next to Qi Ming said.

Previously, news came out in the Land of the Fallen God that someone saw the aura imprint of Feiyang the Great, the powerful emperor of their ancient Qi family, in the Land of the Fallen God. This made the people of the Qi family very excited.

This shows that most of the powerful emperors of their Qi family are also in this land of the fallen gods. If they can find him, their Qi family can have one more living ancient emperor!

Moreover, he is also a super powerful ancient emperor!

"Everyone, the mist in this land of the Meteor God is mysterious and deadly, and there seems to be unknown creatures hiding in it. Maybe we can work together to do some calculations and see if we can find a way to avoid these mysterious mist.

Enter the Land of the Fallen God."

The powerful men of the ancient Chu family and Tianxuan Sheng found everyone in the Qi family and actively asked to join forces.

Half a month passed by in a flash.

In the rocky ridge.

Wang Teng was still practicing quietly, and a powerful aura bloomed, triggering inspiration from all directions. The mana in Wang Teng's body skyrocketed, and his cultivation aura climbed steadily, and he suddenly entered the late stage of the Great Sage.

It is placed among the surrounding divine crystals, and the essence of power spurts out like a torrent, filling Wang Teng's expanded mana sea instantly.

There are a lot of mysterious mist surging in all directions of the rocky ridge, and there are vague figures waving their teeth and claws in it.

Clumps of mysterious mist sensed Wang Teng's cultivation aura, stirred up all directions, and surged towards the Rock Ridge, seeming to swallow Wang Teng up.

However, the next moment, countless strange rocks glowed in the rocky ridge.

The mysterious mist was immediately frightened and retreated crazily like a snake god, with an incomparably permeable monster roar emitting from it.

Wang Teng opened his eyes and noticed the mysterious mist that was retreating. Seeing that the mist was showing its teeth and claws as if it was alive, he was already used to it.

He had already noticed the appearance of these mists not long ago when he was in retreat, but found that these mists did not dare to approach the Rock Ridge, so he felt relieved and practiced in seclusion with peace of mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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