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Chapter 1444, Return of the Son of Five Elements

"Gu Qingfeng, what exactly happened in the Land of the Fallen God?"

"Why has everyone disappeared? Where have you gone? And why have you lost your mind?"

All the emperors felt the loneliness on Gu Qingfeng's body, looked at each other, and then asked him to understand what happened in the Land of the Fallen God? Why were all the creatures who broke into the Land of the Fallen God in the past emperors' era?

Can be returned.

After hearing the emperors' questions, scenes and scenes immediately appeared in Gu Qingfeng's mind, and memories surged.


"In the Land of the Meteor God, there are endless divine crystals gushing out, and there are also all kinds of precious heavenly materials, earthly treasures, spiritual herbs and precious medicines. There are all kinds of opportunities and creations everywhere."

"In order to compete for opportunities and good fortune, everyone went crazy and fought until the sky was dark and the ground was dark, blood flowed like rivers, and the ground was covered with blood for thousands of miles."

"Finally, in the Land of the Fallen God, there is a terrifying will that revives..."

"It's a great terror... A great terror is coming!"

In Gu Qingfeng's mind, the memories of that year surged, and various horrific scenes emerged. His tone gradually became excited, and the emperors saw the look of horror in his eyes.

"What kind of great horror?"

The emperors looked solemn and asked questions.

Because, next, they may go deep into the Land of the Fallen God to fully awaken the creatures from the era of emperors. They hope to know more about the Land of the Fallen God at this time, so as not to trigger the taboos therein.

Gu Qingfeng was emotional: "I don't know, no one can see their true face, only the powerful consciousness swept the entire land of the fallen gods. There are many people who can't bear the terrifying oppression of consciousness, and their bodies and souls are gone. Our Five Elements Sect

Many people also died, including several of my Taoist guardian elders, all of them died..."

"In the end, when the powerful storm of consciousness rolled back, the souls of all of us were pulled and pulled by a powerful mysterious force. My consciousness fell into the endless abyss and sank into the endless abyss.

In the chaos, there is no way to escape..."

Speaking of this, a trace of confusion appeared in Gu Qingfeng's eyes. He vaguely felt that something had happened after his consciousness sank into the chaos, but he could no longer recall it, as if the memory of this period had been erased.

An invisible mysterious force forcibly erased the general.

It made him feel empty in his heart.

The emperors frowned, looked at Gu Qingfeng and said, "Is that all? What else do you know?"

"I can't remember..."

Suddenly, his expression froze: "What did I just say to you? I seemed to be talking about some great horror?"

The great emperors were stunned.

Someone's eyes flickered, and suddenly he pointed at the center of Gu Qingfeng's eyebrows, using a method similar to the soul-stirring technique to read the memories in Gu Qingfeng's mind, and then his expression changed.

"His memory is fading rapidly, and there is a mysterious and powerful force that is forcibly erasing the information about the 'endless abyss and chaos'!"

Emperor Hongye was surprised. He noticed that the memories of the endless abyss and endless chaos mentioned in Gu Qingfeng's mind were being constantly erased and disappeared without leaving any traces.

The other great emperors were also surprised when they heard this, and took action one after another, eventually realizing the same situation.

This made them look moved and feel horrified in their hearts.

This was very strange. They didn't notice any power infiltrating at all, but Gu Qingfeng's memory was quickly cut off. In the end, the terrifying will about the Land of the Fallen God came and swept the entire Land of the Fallen God, and then

All memories have disappeared and become blank.

"It seems that the Land of the Meteor God is better than we imagined.

It is much more mysterious and dangerous. No wonder even the ancient emperors of the Emperors’ Age sank into it and disappeared without a trace..."

The emperors looked solemn.

Immediately, the emperors learned some information from Gu Qingfeng about the mysterious and powerful Tao and Dharma that emerged in the era of the emperors, and finally let Gu Qingfeng leave.

"Although the ancient method he understood is not deep and complete enough, it is relatively more complete than what we have learned before." .??.

"The art of summoning souls can indeed awaken the creatures of the emperors' era, but we should improve it a little more and increase the efficiency. It is best to cast the spell outside to attract the creatures of the emperors' era in the land of the fallen god."

The emperors' eyes flickered. After learning some information about the Land of the Fallen God from Gu Qingfeng, they became even more fearful of the Land of the Fallen God.

Originally, they planned to go deep into the Land of the Fallen God to find and attract the creatures from the era of emperors, but now, they plan to perfect the secret method of summoning souls and attracting them, hoping to cast spells from outside to attract them and avoid going deeper.

After entering the land of the fallen god, an accident occurred.

Gu Qingfeng left the area where the Land of the Fallen God was located.

He is at the pinnacle of cultivation, but the power contained in his body is extremely terrifying and powerful.

As he regained his consciousness and walked out of the Land of the Fallen God, the rules and order of heaven and earth surged in the void where he was, colliding with the ancient rules and order he had mastered, and was finally assimilated and integrated by it.

During the action, various strange phenomena appeared, which took a long time to subside.

"Have the rules and order between heaven and earth undergone such huge changes in the past two million years?"

"Becoming so vulnerable..."

Gu Qingfeng murmured.

The rules of heaven and earth, changes in the environment, are closely related to the changes of an era.

Because the rules and order between heaven and earth actually have some connections that cannot be ignored with the Tao and Dharma that are popular in the world.

The stronger the prevailing Tao and law, the stronger the rules and order between heaven and earth will be.

Taking the divine world and the mortal world as an example, the divine ways and methods prevalent in the divine realm are far stronger than those in the mortal world.

Therefore, the rules and order of heaven and earth in the divine world are far beyond the rules and order of heaven and earth in the ordinary world. The void is more stable and difficult to destroy.


Gu Qingfeng clearly felt that the void of the Divine Desolate Continent was far less solid than in the days of the emperors, and the rules and order of the heaven and earth were also relatively weak and not as strong as in the past.

This is a direct manifestation of the decline of Tao and Dharma.

"No wonder the auras of those great emperors are far different from the great emperors in my impression. They only have weak imperial power and power levels, but they are far inferior to the powerful emperors of the era I once lived in."

Gu Qingfeng murmured to himself.

While Gu Qingfeng was deep in thought, divine rainbows suddenly shot out from the distance and landed in front of Gu Qingfeng. Everyone looked excited.

"The 1,300th generation leader of the Five Elements Sect, together with the elders, respectfully welcomes the return of the Ancient Saint Son!"

The people who came were surprisingly high-level officials from the Five Elements Sect!

The current leader of the Five Elements Sect personally took the elders from Zhongzhou to the Eastern Wasteland to greet Gu Qingfeng!

"It turns out that our Five Elements Sect still has a legacy that has not been cut off?"

Gu Qingfeng's eyes fell on the people in the Five Elements Sect in front of him: "It's a pity that none of them have mastered the breathing method. Although their cultivation is good, their strength level is a bit weak."

Breathing method, this was the name of that powerful method in his time.

In the current world, it is called ancient law, or ancient rules and order.

This chapter has been completed!
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