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Chapter 2389 Progress

 After conquering the current head of the Li family, Li Heng, and the ancestors of the Li family, it will not be difficult to control the entire Li family.

Instigated by the head of the Li family, Li Heng, and the ancestors of the Li family, the other important senior members of the Li family were also impressed by Wang's charisma and surrendered to Wang Teng.

Afterwards, Wang Teng left the Li family with a satisfied look on his face and began to go to the next main line of the Immortal Dynasty to show his personal charm.

Zhou family, Chen family, Tang family...

Wang Teng was full of sincerity, treated everyone equally, visited everyone one by one, and got along well with all the main lineages of the major immortal dynasties.

After a pleasant exchange and getting along, Wang Teng finally left gracefully, surrounded by senior officials from the major families of the major immortal dynasties.

In just one day, Wang Teng visited the eight main families one after another, and all the results were gratifying.

"Young master, go slowly. If you have anything to do, just ask me. We will go through fire and water for you..."

The head of the Cheng family bowed slightly, with a flattering smile on his face, and spoke.

Wang Teng waved his hand and said: "Okay, you can go back and be ready at all times. If anything happens, I will summon you on my own. There is no need to send you off anymore. Just come here."

After sending everyone back from the Cheng family, Wang Teng said to Holy Son Hanxiao: "What other major families have supported you?"

Holy Son Hanxiao shook his head and said: "Sir, that's all."

Wang Teng nodded, his eyes fell on Fusheng Shengzi and others: "What about you?"

Holy Son Fusheng and others all looked at each other and said hesitantly: "Is the young master planning to take all the 108 main bloodlines of the Immortal Dynasty under his command?"

"Why, did you just react now?"

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows and looked at Fusheng Shengzi and others.

The Holy Son Fusheng immediately said: "Young Master, my subordinates feel that this move of the Young Master may cause a panic.

The snake caused the Immortal Dynasty to notice."

"The One Hundred and Eight Main Lines are the foundation of the Immortal Dynasty. If the Immortal Dynasty allows the One Hundred and Eight Main Lines to develop, it must be a way to contain them. Although the young master has subdued the top leaders of the eight main line families this time, although

They won't leak the secret, but with the methods of the Immortal Dynasty, they are still likely to notice it, and we may be in big trouble by then."

The Way of the Floating Saint Son.

Wang Teng sneered when he heard this and said: "Do you think I don't know this? In fact, even if I don't conquer the main lineage families like Xian Chao, do you think Xian Chao won't doubt me? It can't be covered by paper.

Huo, my identity, and the things I have done, the Immortal Dynasty may have already suspected. Now I want to take advantage of the Immortal Dynasty to completely react and make a complete decision, and try to dig out as much as possible.

The internal power will destroy the foundation of the Immortal Dynasty and make it riddled with holes. When the time comes, even if the Immortal Dynasty wants to attack me, I will not be afraid."

"Stop talking nonsense, time is running out. I must seize the time and conquer more of the main forces of the Immortal Dynasty! Take me there now!"

Wang Teng snorted coldly.

Hearing Wang Teng's words, Fusheng Shengzi was suddenly shocked. It turned out that Wang Teng had already thought of this. In this case, he naturally did not need to talk nonsense. He immediately spoke out the main forces of the Immortal Dynasty that originally supported him and led them.

I went to visit with Wang Teng.

Although these forces once supported him, in reality it was nothing more than a kind of cooperation and transaction. There was no friendship between them, so Fusheng Shengzi and others naturally had nothing to worry about.

Wang Teng visited them one by one. In two days, Wang Teng conquered a total of eighteen main forces of the Immortal Dynasty.

Among them, there is an ancestor of a force with a particularly strong temper. He would rather die than

In the end, Wang Teng invited him to the true world of reincarnation and took him for a good tour. Finally, he used the Buddhist forbidden method and the Mysterious Sutra of Savior to forcibly convert him and subdue him.

Wang Teng was wary of this Buddhist forbidden method, so he had limited its frequency as much as possible, but he didn't mind using it when necessary and unavoidable.

This ancestor of the main line can't be released, and can't be killed yet. No matter what he does, it will accelerate his exposure and cause trouble. Before being actively noticed by the Immortal Dynasty, Wan Rong naturally does not want to be exposed prematurely.

He hasn't even conquered half of the one hundred and eight main veins. How could he let the other party ruin his plan?

At night.

"It's been two days, and we have only conquered eighteen main line forces. It's too slow."

Wang Teng frowned. The bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger. At this moment, he felt a little dissatisfied with the progress of conquering the major families.

This made Holy Son Hanxiao and others speechless.

These are the main forces of the Immortal Dynasty, the foundation of the Immortal Dynasty, and each one of them is the top super power outside.

Now, in just two days, you have conquered a total of eighteen of them, and you still think the speed is too slow?

"No, we have to speed up the progress!"

"I won't go back at night. I will go to the next target location overnight. Who is the next main force? Is it the Duanmu Family?"

After leaving a mainline family, Wang Teng glanced into the distance and said.

"Sir, would it be inappropriate to visit so late?"

Holy Son Fusheng jumped out again and said.

Wang Teng turned his head and glanced at Holy Son Fusheng: "Oh, what's wrong?"

The Holy Son of Fusheng suddenly became angry again

Pulling up, she didn't notice Wang Teng's dark face, and secretly wondered in her heart, why didn't she notice before that Shengzi Fusheng was so hesitant in doing things?

What a load of bullshit.

Bury him and Tianshu together if you have the chance!

This is what Wang Teng thought in his mind.

He interrupted Holy Son Fusheng: "Do you really think we are here to visit?"

Holy Son Fusheng was stunned for a moment.

Wang Teng was too lazy to pay attention to the Fusheng Son, and turned into a sword light and flew away through the air.

Holy Son Hanxiao and others glanced at Holy Son Fusheng, and patted Holy Son Fusheng on the shoulder: "Brother, be more careful. Don't talk useless nonsense in the future, or you will be buried."

After saying that, Holy Son Hanxiao and others laughed, turned into a bolt of lightning, cut through the void, and followed Wang Teng.

Holy Son Fusheng opened his mouth and scratched his head in grievance: "Was what I just said useless nonsense? Didn't I remind you..."

"Master, wait for me!"

After scratching his head, Fusheng Shengzi quickly followed.

Lingxiao Temple.

"My lord, it is indeed Zhou Tianyi. It is obviously just an imitation, but it is still so troublesome. Lord He, I don't believe that I can't do anything to you!"

"Holy Son of Tianshu" stared at the Zhou Tianyi hidden in the void above his head, cursing.

He has been lurking outside the Lingxiao Temple for three days.

Because he was too close to the Immortal Lord Li Hongyu, he had to be careful.

Especially this Zhou Tianyi, which can penetrate the secrets of heaven and see through illusions, and there is a mysterious power surging within it. Even some of the bald-headed crane's methods have been restricted, so that it cannot be taken away easily and needs to be carefully arranged.

This chapter has been completed!
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