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Chapter 2979 Injured

 Chapter 2979

Time passed quickly, and the next day came quietly. All the elders went out to the cliff, leaving the disciples in the cave and asking them not to act rashly.

Wang Teng and the others looked into the void, ready to go, waiting for the loud noise to appear.

A group of people looked grim, fearing that they had missed the best opportunity.

The breeze is blowing, and the land in the distance is wrapped in wind and sand. If it were not burdened by these troubles, I would still be in the mood to appreciate the unprecedented beauty in the town. ??

They only heard the roar of the wind and sand, and everything was quiet.

At this time, a loud sound was heard in the void, which was a formation that was not seen yesterday. The elders' eyes were full of joy. The more they thought about the sound, the more it proved that the outside world had figured out their location.

Yesterday, the loud noise was like exploring a path. Now we have determined the location and started to exert our strength.

Ennian said happily: "Everyone, it's time to show our special skills. People outside are working hard, so we shouldn't give up!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone flew into the void. The loud noise in the void continued, but no matter how loud the noise was, it still did not have much impact on the internal situation in the secret realm.

Everyone used the power of shadow to attack the location where the loud noise came from.

Several rays of light and shadow quickly headed toward that location.

However, the secret realm is indeed a secret realm. Under the influence of many elders, it only shook a few times and was not greatly affected.

However, these elders had some experience and did not panic too much. They were the same before entering the secret realm, so with the previous effect, they were frustrated for a while and then began to attack a location in an orderly manner.

If someone were to look at the void below, they would probably be shocked from ear to ear. After all, it was so spectacular, and there were so many gorgeous scenes that people could not see clearly the figures above.

Wang Teng held a sharp sword in his hand, twisted his eyebrows, threw the sharp sword, and used both hands to

Putting it on the chest, making a seal, the sharp sword hit the barrier of the secret realm with lightning speed.

When everyone saw this, they all used their own weapons to attack with sharp points, which was bound to tear a hole in the secret realm.


Countless collision sounds kept ringing out, the barrier was being attacked from both inside and outside, it was overwhelmed, and the earth was shaking.

Everyone under the cliff steadied themselves and looked above their heads curiously. They didn't know what the situation of the elders outside was like, but it seemed that the situation was not too bad.

"I really want to go out. When I go out, I will have to rest for a while to make up for all the worries I have suffered this year!"

"Who is not? We are already very lucky. I saw people around me die one by one. I don't want to experience the panic and fear at that time again!"


"But having said that, when I go out this time, I must tell my father that I must not let go of the Qijue Sect! If it weren't for them, why would we have suffered such heavy casualties! Their elders are all from that organization, and I don't know how many others there are.

People are also part of that organization!”

"Yes! I will tell my master everything about this when I get back! It was like the end of the world some time ago!"

"Fortunately, there are elders. If it were not for these elders, as usual, only us younger generations would be allowed in, I'm afraid we would all die!"


Everyone didn't know what was going on outside, so they all started chatting. The nerves that had been tense were now relaxed. They were all people who had experienced life and death together, so everyone had no idea and started to vomit about all the things that happened before.

When everyone was vomiting, someone had a sinister look in his eyes, turned his hand behind his back, and then moved to the front of the crowd expressionlessly, vomiting along with him...

After a long time, everyone has become accustomed to the rumbling sound. Wang Teng and others' attacks were directed at the barrier in the void, causing no damage to the ground.

However, due to the rapidity of the offensive, the wind brought up the sand and dust on the ground. Gradually, the sand and dust flew all over the sky, blurring the eyes.


The howling of the wind became louder and louder, gradually forming a tornado.

The elders were also affected when they were suspended in the void. Due to the interference of wind and sand, a yellow mist appeared in front of them, and the offensive in their hands was also affected by the wind speed.

The accuracy has been greatly reduced, and I keep hitting the wrong position.

Gradually, everyone could no longer see clearly the surroundings. The elders were far away and gradually disappeared into the yellow sand.

Wang Teng frowned, always feeling uneasy and irritable, but there was nothing he could do about the wind and sand. The harder you worked, the more blinding the wind and sand became.

Wang Teng opened his mouth, preparing to ask the elders to wait for the wind and sand to dissipate before continuing tomorrow, when he suddenly moved and quickly ducked sideways.

If he hadn't been more vigilant because of the rising yellow sand, he wouldn't have noticed this movement at all. This slight movement would have been hidden in the howling wind.

However, Wang Teng couldn't tell whether someone hit him by mistake or on purpose, but something was wrong when the wind and sand came.

Wang Teng immediately became alert, but he could see nothing but yellow sand around him and he had lost his bearings. He could only guess the basic positions of everyone.

But everyone was focused on attacking, and their positions were constantly changing. It was not clear who was attacking him just now.

In Wang Teng

While he was still recalling his position, another sharp attack hit Wang Teng's back. Wang Teng quickly dodged, but the wind and sand hindered his dodging speed, which was much slower and his arm was instantly scratched.

Wang Teng suddenly squinted his eyes unhappily. If the explanation was accidental the first time, then it was planned the second time.

I don’t know who has this ability and can still see in the yellow sand in the sky.

He immediately reminded everyone loudly and raised his voice to break through the wind: "Elders, there are people fishing in troubled waters, watch your back!"

After saying that, Wang Teng quickly became invisible and flew to a higher space.

Since the person attacking from behind can see, he is not exposed to that person.

"Ah! Someone really attacked!"

An elder's exclamation came from not far away, he must have been tricked.

One after another, people screamed from all directions, and the people behind him were as alert as Wang Teng had been before and were injured in varying degrees.

However, they couldn't see clearly who was who, and they didn't know who was behind these little tricks, and they were frustrated for a while.

"Everyone hide themselves away from their previous positions. Don't use the power of shadow. Let the wind and sand slowly subside!"

Wang Teng said quickly, and after speaking, he stood in another position, just to prevent the people behind the scenes from judging his position based on the voice.

Everyone quickly followed the instructions, and for a while, except for the whistling of the wind, there was no unnecessary sound around.

Wang Teng insisted on using his spiritual consciousness to identify objects, because everyone stopped in time and the sandstorm slowly stopped.

After waiting for a long time, the wind and sand began to deposit on the ground, and the surrounding area began to become clearer. Wang Teng quickly scanned the surrounding area.

Only then did he realize that his position was a long way away from before. He kept recalling it in his mind based on his previous position.

This chapter has been completed!
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